Best weapon sets for kids for 2024


Many parents argue: to give or not to give toy weapons to children. Some are categorically against, not wanting to encourage the child to aggression. Others retort that if the child wants, he will shoot with his finger. Child psychologists say that buying toy weapons is not only possible, but also necessary. The main thing is to teach children how to use it correctly and form positive playing skills. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best sets of weapons for children for 2024.

What are

Today, manufacturers offer a wide selection of a wide variety of weapons, ammunition for children and many additional accessories. Experts distinguish seven main types:

  • pneumatic - almost like real or absolutely fantastic-looking guns, rifles, bazookas, cannons, machine guns. The shot is fired using compressed air. As ammunition, rubber rockets, balls, caps can act. Designed for children over 8 years old.
  • pump action - this category includes guns, rifles, pistols that shoot soft bullets or suction cups. Suitable for children over 7 years old. It is relatively safe, but if the charge gets in your face, you can get serious injury.
  • cold - a wide variety of swords, swords, sabers, katanas, knives. Made of wood or plastic. Often come complete with protective ammunition (shields, armor, helmets).
  • throwing - slingshots, discs, shurikens, bows, crossbows. They allow you to develop an eye, accuracy, dexterity, arm and back muscles. The ammunition can be soft or balloons, rubber water cylinders, magnetic arrows, suction cups, nets.

  • light and noise - can look just like the real one or be fantasy. Shoots infrared or light beams, or just sound simulates a shot and reloading. Safely.
  • mock-up - this type of children's weapon is not at all capable of firing shots. Made of wood, plastic or metal.

  • water - shoots water jets, so ammunition is always at hand. Special compartments can be filled directly from the tap. Designed for summer time or bathroom play. Safely. Like both boys and girls of any age.

12 best sets of toy weapons

Among the thousand and one cars in the arsenal of any boy there is always a place for children's weapons. This gift is especially in demand at the age of 7 years. Blaster, submachine gun, Jedi sword or collectible model completely repeating the "adult" sample - the range allows you to satisfy the most exotic request. We present the rating of the sets of weapons for children that have received the most positive reviews.

ZURU BOB Z5636 Bunch O Balloons

A toy that combines the features of water and throwing weapons opens the rating. Suitable for fun outdoors in hot summer or in a splash pool in winter. In the process, it is supposed to throw bright rubber bombs filled with water at the enemy or target. Includes 100 pieces, hose adapter, pump gun.Each Bunch O Balloons is attached to a thin, plastic tube and is tightly bundled with a special tip. The tip is equipped with many small holes and a sleeve for attaching to the tap. The filling process takes only 60 seconds, after which you just need to shake the bundle and the balls will detach. The shotgun can be used to fill projectiles from a container. Average cost: 2200 rubles.

ZURU BOB Z5636 Bunch O Balloons


  • fast filling of shells with water;
  • safety;
  • bright design;
  • natural rubber cylinders;
  • there is no need to tie each ball;
  • shells can be purchased separately in sets of 30, 60 or 100 pieces;
  • a water gun shoots a jet at a distance of up to 9 meters;
  • there is an additional starter on sale.


  • you need to use the balls within three hours after filling;
  • disposable shells.

Nerf Rebelle Power Pair (A4807)

The eleventh line is occupied by mini-blasters for girls. Made in white and pink colors with Winx style drawings. The trigger is displaced into the handle, resembling a drop in shape. They shoot soft bullets, the flight range is about 4-6 meters. Average cost: 500 rubles.

Nerf Rebelle Power Pair (A4807)


  • small size and weight;
  • nice design;
  • wear-resistant plastic;
  • the coating is resistant to abrasion and fading;
  • easy recharge;
  • without smell;
  • soft, safe bullets.


  • few bullets;
  • charges are easily lost and quickly burst.

Gonher Cowboy Wild West (498/0)

The tenth line of the rating is occupied by the thematic cowboy set from the Spanish company Gonher. Includes a rifle, revolver, stylish holster, handcuffs and a sheriff's star. Users note the high realism of the performance. The rifle and revolver are made of metal and high-quality plastic, which successfully imitates wood. They are charged with special pistons, drum-type magazines. Average cost: 2800 rubles.

Gonher Cowboy Wild West (498/0)


  • high quality materials and workmanship;
  • carving decoration;
  • comfortable shoulder strap;
  • the holster is attached to the belt, does not interfere with quickly getting the revolver;
  • safe metal handcuffs;
  • Sheriff Texas badge has a convenient clip.


  • caps are purchased separately;
  • tight trigger.

We build a happy childhood together. Viking weapon

The ninth place is given to the arsenal of a young Viking from a Russian manufacturer. The set includes an ax 59 cm long, a sword (57 cm), scabbard. Everything is made of good plastic. The items are fixed with plastic clamps on a cardboard backing depicting the Northern War. Designed for children from 3 years old. Average cost: 350 rubles.

We build a happy childhood together. Viking weapon


  • high quality materials;
  • without smell;
  • does not stain the palms;
  • safely;
  • the hatchet imitates wood;
  • handles fit comfortably in a child's hand;
  • plastic is resistant to mechanical stress.


  • not a comfortable scabbard;
  • no attachment.

Bow and Windpipe ABtoys (S-00059)

Eighth place is given to a set that will appeal to both a young archer who decided to play Indians or Robin Hood, and a girl who dreams of joining the Green Guard of the elven people. The set includes a bow, a quiver with three arrows on suction cups, a target, a wind pipe, four shells for it. Made of well sanded plastic. Allowed for children from five years old (under adult supervision). Average cost: 1900 rubles.

Bow and Windpipe ABtoys (S-00059)


  • without smell;
  • ergonomic bow shape;
  • quality materials;
  • brightly colored shells;
  • convenient stand for the target;
  • large sectors.


  • the wind pipe is rather fragile.

Pirate Chest 8897T-5K

The seventh place is given to the set from the Russian brand Our toy. Manufactured in China. Includes a skull mask, bandana, telescope, hook, purse with coins, pistol, dagger, map, small decorative flask. Everything is packed in a cardboard box styled like a chest. Suitable for 5-6 years old children. Average cost: 800 rubles.

Pirate Chest 8897T-5K Our Toy


  • many accessories;
  • a prototype pistol made of good plastic;
  • without smell;
  • safely.


  • coins and wallet wear out quickly;
  • one size bandana (small).

Playmates TOYS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

On the sixth line is the ammunition of famous cartoon characters: ninja turtles. Kits for each hero have been developed, which include a mask, a throwing disc, specific weapons (can be katana, tonfa, techno-staff, kusari-fundo). Average cost: 1200 rubles.

Playmates TOYS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


  • you can choose a set of your favorite hero or collect a collection;
  • quality materials;
  • without smell;
  • the fabric does not fade;
  • detailed elaboration of the design corresponds to the famous cartoon;
  • safe.


  • under the mask, the face sweats a lot;
  • the throwing star is quite fragile.

Hasbro Star Wars Jedi Lightsaber (B2949)

The fifth line of the rating is occupied by Hasbro's Young Jedi Construction Set. The kit includes a laser sword, two daggers, adapters (sword handle with extension, two elbow connectors, a cross connector and a double connector). The luminous blade consists of several cones that collect one into another. A variety of adapters allow you to design your own sword, the instructions indicate more than 100 options (using additional equipment). Powered by 9 AAA batteries. Average cost: 4500 rubles.

Hasbro Star Wars Jedi Lightsaber (B2949)


  • high-quality performance;
  • several assembly options;
  • the blade glows, you can choose one of three options (blue, green, red);
  • realistic soundtrack of the battle;
  • compatible with other swords in the series;
  • resistant to mechanical stress, mounts can withstand drops from a height of 1-1.2 meters.


  • the light of the main sword is not very bright, poorly visible in daylight;
  • at first it is difficult to fold the blade correctly, sometimes the mechanism jams;
  • Batteries run out quickly, there are no batteries for daggers included.

Fotorama Johnny the Skull 3D (3053-2)

The fourth place goes to a set of two laser blasters and a 3D projector stylized as the famous video game hero Johnny the shard. When the trigger is pulled, the LED display with a beat counter is activated. The speaker is located on the side of the blaster. Above - an oval reload button (performed every 10 shots). Before starting the game, you need to direct the blasters at the projector eye before the sound signal. Johnny rolls his head and projects green ghosts and red bats (vampires) onto the surfaces. The ghost freezes in one place, for a hit 1 point. Vampires move, each one needs 2 hits, gives 3 points. Shot range 2.5 meters. The game takes 1.5 minutes. The projector requires 4 AA batteries, 3 AAA batteries for each blaster. Average cost: 4000 rubles.

Fotorama Johnny the Skull 3D (3053-2)


  • funny design;
  • three difficulty modes;
  • soundtrack for the game;
  • can be played with or without glasses.


  • fragile cardboard glasses quickly fail;
  • weak fastening of decorative parts of the projector.

Police Rapid Response Unit 1710Y003-R

The third place is taken by a set of 8 items for a young police officer from the Russian brand We Play Together. The beautifully designed box contains an assault rifle, a revolver, a portable radio, handcuffs, a set of 2 keys, a whistle, and a police badge. Light and noise type firearms. Batteries are required for operation. All parts are made of high quality plastic. Average cost: 1500 rubles.

Police Rapid Response Squad 1710Y003-R Play Together


  • uniform design style;
  • safe materials;
  • good build quality;
  • realistic sound of a shot;
  • the coating is resistant to abrasion.


  • handcuffs quickly fail.

Hasbro Spider-Man Spider Wings

The second place goes to Spiderman's Web Blaster for fans. The toy is based on the movie "Spider-Man: Homecoming". All details are in blue and red shades typical for a superhero.The set includes spiderweb wings (attached to the arms with the help of adjustable elastic straps), a blaster on the forearm, 2 shells imitating a compressed web, a red belt with the hero's emblem. The shot is made by pressing the button at the top of the shooter. The recommended age is 4-8 years. Average cost: 2500 rubles.

Hasbro Spider-Man Spider Wings


  • interesting, stylized design;
  • high quality, safe materials;
  • comfortable, adjustable mounts;
  • wings unfold with levers.


  • low charge;
  • shells are easily lost.

Nerf Laser Ops Alphapoint (E2281)

First place goes to Hasbro's Laser Blaster for a Real Space Marine. The set includes two super blasters in white and orange tones with black stylized inserts and rubber bands for attaching the smartphone to the hand. They shoot with infrared rays, the range of destruction is 68 m. The process is accompanied by sound and light indication. The number of hits is recorded by built-in sensors. For a more fun game, you can install the Nerf Laser Ops mobile app. Here, participants can access real-time combat information, track the performance of their shots, receive bonuses, use GPS to locate and track opponents. Operates on eight AA batteries. Average cost: 3800 rubles.

Nerf Laser Ops Alphapoint (E2281)


  • safe;
  • unlimited virtual ammunition;
  • the sound level is regulated;
  • durable body, easily withstands drops from a height of 1.5 m;
  • comfortable ergonomic handle;
  • recharge quickly;
  • reliable sound simulation of a shot and reloading.


  • battery power is consumed quickly;
  • an adapter is required for single play.

NameA typeEquipmentFeatures:
ZURU BOB Z5636 Bunch O Balloons waterpump gun,
100 cylinders,
100 projectiles fill up in 60 seconds
Nerf Rebelle Power Pair (A4807)
pump-action2 mini blasters,
soft bullets
design for girls
Gonher Cowboy Wild West (498/0)pump-actionrifle, revolver,
holster, handcuffs, sheriff star
stylish design
We build a happy childhood together. Viking weaponcoldax, sword, scabbardhigh quality plastic
Bow and Windpipe ABtoys (S-00059)
throwingbow, quiver with three arrows on suction cups,
target, blowpipe, four shells
convenient target,
fragile blowpipe
Pirate Chest 8897T-5Kmodelskull mask, bandana, spyglass,
hook, coin purse, pistol, dagger,
card, small decorative flask
small bandana
Playmates TOYS Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
mask, throwing star,
hero specific weapon
for each character its own set
Hasbro Star Wars Jedi Lightsaber (B2949)
two daggers, adapters
light and sound accompaniment,
the ability to simulate a sword
Fotorama Johnny the Skull 3D (3053-2)
light and noiseprojector,
2 blasters,
projections of ghosts and vampires,
hit counter
Police Rapid Response Unit 1710Y003-Rlight and noisemachine gun, revolver,
walkie talkie, handcuffs,
set of 2 keys, whistle, police badge
handcuffs break quickly
Hasbro Spider-Man Spider Wings
pump-actionspiderweb wings,
blaster on the forearm,
2 shells, belt
wings have an opening mechanism
Nerf Laser Ops Alphapoint (E2281)light and noise2 blasters,
shoots infrared rays,
synchronizes with mobile app

Terms of reference

Everyone knows how useful role-playing games are. If for girls, first of all, mothers and daughters come to mind, then for boys it is, of course, "war". Despite the external aggressiveness, such games allow the child to feel strong and courageous, develop imagination, creative thinking, and dexterity. They help to throw out energy, negativity and at the same time, they teach to comply with certain requirements, discipline. At first, it is important to teach the kid the rules of safe handling of weapons and strictly monitor their implementation. First of all, you cannot:

  • direct the muzzle in the face of yourself or the enemy;
  • deliberately harm health;
  • shoot at animals;
  • look into the trunk;
  • keep your finger on the trigger while moving;
  • leave a loaded weapon unattended.

It is pointless to prohibit playing with children's weapons. The best tactic will be the active participation of an adult in the game process. This is the easiest way to control, gently guide and teach the child, and prevent possible injury. If you have experience using the sets listed in the rating or more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.


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