💊Best non-hormonal psoriasis ointments for 2024


Psoriasis is defined as a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the skin. This is not a contagious ailment, but the symptoms are well expressed, therefore, it significantly affects the quality of life of sick people. The treatment is varied, depending on the form of the disease, stage, place of localization, personal characteristics. Ointments and creams are presented in such a wide range that it is easy to get confused.

The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared a rating of the best non-hormonal ointments for psoriasis for 2024, collecting information and feedback on effective remedies. We emphasize that the final decision of your situation is with the doctors.

What is psoriasis

The process underlying the pathology is characterized by excessive proliferation of keratinocytes and is associated with inflammation of the epidermis and dermis. This reaction is responsible for well-defined skin lesions (plaques) that are erythematous (reddish) and covered with silvery gray scales.

The causes of psoriasis are not yet fully understood. However, it is known that it appears as a result of the interaction of several predisposing factors. It is impossible to isolate a single cause of origin. Although it has been established that immunity and genetics play an important role.

What are the symptoms

The disease is characterized not only by the formation of spots with scales. They are associated with troubles such as:

  • Redness;
  • Itching;
  • Peeling;
  • Burning;
  • Feeling of skin tension.

The plaques usually appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lumbar region of the back, but can also spread to the entire body.

Along with skin changes, internal changes occur. For example, most patients (75%) suffer from joints and connective tissues. Psoriatic arthritis occurs.

What medicines are used

At the moment, although scientific research has made great strides, there are no drugs that can completely cure psoriasis. Pharmacological treatment is useful only to prevent exacerbation of the pathology, as well as to control symptoms.

Added to this is the factor of individual variability. Each patient responds subjectively to treatment. Therapy should be chosen by the doctor not only in accordance with the form of psoriasis and its severity, but also taking into account the personal reaction of the body.

Treatment includes emollients, topical preparations (hormonal and non-hormonal), selective phototherapy, quartz and UV irradiation, salt and turpentine baths, special diets, measures to cleanse the body, vitamin therapy, an active lifestyle. In severe cases, systemic drugs.

Hormonal or non-hormonal ointments

The hormones in creams or ointments do help, but should be used for a short period of time and should be ruled out immediately if side effects occur.

Fortunately, in addition to hormonal ingredients, there are many others: tar, solid oil, zinc, salicylic acid, sulfur, retinoids, vitamin D analogs, etc. Questions such as how to choose an active ingredient, which company's drugs are better, must be entrusted to a doctor. Choosing mistakes will harm your health.

It is worth noting that the rating cannot cover dozens of components, only a small part is included. Naftalan oil was selected for its unique properties, it is the only such ingredient in the world. Solidol has long and firmly earned itself a reputation for positive treatment results. And ointments with an active form of vitamin D are relatively new products that show great promise.

The best non-hormonal psoriasis ointments for 2024

With oil


Cosmetic complex cream of Russian production. List of components: naphthalan, urea, salicylic acid, D-panthenol or provitamin B5, Japanese sophora extract, sweet almond oil.

It treats not only psoriasis, but many dermatological pathologies: eczema, various types of dermatitis, lichen and others. Softens and moisturizes. Reduces itching, irritation, flaking, redness, dryness. Disinfects. Gradually removes plaque. Improves regeneration and protective skin barrier.

Used alone or in combination with hormonal agents. The softest, more like an emulsion. It is applied up to three times a day. According to the instructions, a noticeable effect should be expected in 7-10 days.

A 75 ml tube is consumed in about a couple of weeks. It costs more than 600 rubles. No recipe required.

The assortment includes other targeted drugs "Losterin": for psoriasis on the head (shampoo), on the body (shower gel, lotion), on the hands (cream soap), legs (cream) and tablets for treatment from the inside.



  • Wide functionality, coverage of many diseases;
  • Wealth of composition;
  • Lack of fragrances, dyes;
  • Pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, restorative effect;
  • Lightness of texture, fast absorption without traces;
  • Persistence, duration of remission;
  • Pregnancy safety.


  • A specific smell, but not so bright as to irritate others;
  • Burning sensation immediately after application. It passes quickly.


Medicine for psoriasis, trophic ulcers, wounds, abscesses, bedsores, eczema, seborrhea, erysipelas, neurodermatitis.

Liniment based on refined Naftalan oil, wax, ethanol and water. Anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, disinfectant. Stimulates wound healing.

Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, anemia, renal failure.

Application features: apply 2 times a day without rubbing. The course is individual, 3-4 weeks.

The manufacturer warns about dry skin with prolonged use, recommending to practice a break for a couple of days and intensify the moisturizing cosmetic care. Disadvantages such as odor and marks are easy to eliminate. User tips: apply cling film on top of the ointment, so the skin does not dry out, the clothes do not get dirty, the smell is not felt.

In general, the reviews are positive, stains on clothes are not given importance, since the effectiveness of the product is high. Volume - 35 g. Average price - 427 rubles.

Shampoo "Naftaderm" saves from psoriasis of the scalp.



  • A wide range of diseases;
  • Optimal composition;
  • Instant relief of itching;
  • Elimination of inflammation, rapid tightening of wounds;
  • Grateful skin reaction;
  • Lack of addiction;
  • Stability of the result.


  • Smells specifically;
  • Dirty clothes.

Super psori cream

Russian product showing the best results in the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis and neurodermatitis. The content of Naftalan oil is small, but the composition contains a lot of other useful, purposefully acting substances. List of elements: grease, lanolin, petroleum jelly, tar, sea buckthorn oil, mint, plant extracts (sage, eucalyptus, burlap, licorice, milk thistle).

Manufacturer's recommendations for application: wash the affected areas or take a shower, dry thoroughly, lubricate, cover with waxed paper, secure it with a plaster or tubular bandage. You can treat all areas of the body, avoiding contact with mucous membranes.

The disease recedes quickly, users observe the effectiveness from the first application.Redness is removed, wounds heal, discomfort disappears. Moisturizes at the same time, no additional funds required.

The ointment is dark, thick, the aroma is not the most pleasant. The age of application is from 5 years. Volume: 100 ml. How much: 449 rubles.

Super psori cream


  • An abundance of natural ingredients;
  • Efficiency, instant results;
  • With intensive moisturizing function;
  • Can be applied to any part of the body
  • Thick consistency, does not flow, does not spread;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Compatibility with other medical treatments.


  • Pronounced smell of tar;
  • Difficult way to use.

With grease

Antipsoriasis (classic)

Targeted phyto cream with only one indication: psoriasis. The main substance is solid oil. And also beeswax, petroleum jelly, linseed oil, camphor. Plant material: string, birch, celandine, dried cress, calendula.

The series of creams includes the classic composition (green top of the package), concentrated (red), and luxury (blue). Which one is better to buy? In a red tube, a high concentration of substances, necessary for exacerbations. The blue format has pleasant characteristics: light color and “non-medical” smell. He is the most popular. However, most consumers need a classic formula and it works best in a standard situation.

The manufacturer has developed detailed instructions for use. The description includes several methods, emphasizes the importance of correct rubbing on the affected areas and on the area of ​​the lymph nodes, the gradual increase in the area of ​​influence. Recommends wearing clothes made from natural fabrics, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding stress. Do not apply to open wounds.

At the very beginning, a rejection effect is possible. The manufacturer indicates that this is how the skin is protected and gets used, recommends continuing to use the product, but not using it on the face for psychological reasons.

You should not expect rapid results. The symptoms of the disease disappear gradually, the skin regains its healthy natural appearance in 2-3 months. But a definite plus that the result will last for a long time, even chromatic spots, usually remaining in place of plaques, disappear for some users.

Average price of a classic composition: 529 rubles.

Antipsoriasis (classic)


  • Purposefulness;
  • Preventive action;
  • Anti-inflammatory, softening, regenerating effect;
  • Lack of addiction;
  • Stability, long-term result;
  • Large volume, lasts for a long time;
  • Shelf life 4 years.


  • Complex terms of use.

Rybakov's ointment

Pharmacy remedy called Unguentum Solidoli Ribacovi. Ingredients: solid oil, petroleum jelly, menthol, boric acid. The action is keratolytic and antiseptic. Softens and repels the outer surface of the skin. The symptoms of psoriasis disappear: inflammation, itching, peeling are eliminated.

Apply a thin layer, rubbing in the direction of hair growth. An occlusive dressing is acceptable. Parchment is fixed on the elbows and knees. During treatment, a bath or shower with soap is taken 1 time in 3 days. For inflammation of the hair follicles, a week break is recommended.

Contraindications and side reactions are the same as for boric acid. In particular, use with caution in children, pregnant women, lactating women, as well as people with impaired renal function. Individual intolerance is possible.

Release form: in tubes of 40 g and in cans of 100 and 250 g. A large can is sold at a price of 1300 rubles. Where to buy: order online. There are not many advertisements on the Internet, the attending physician will tell you more about the ointment.

Rybakov's ointment


  • "Strong" mineral formula specially designed for psoriasis;
  • Not addictive;
  • The possibility of long-term use, up to remission.


  • Difficult to find on sale;
  • Prohibition to apply to extensive body surfaces.


Vegetable and mineral ointment of Ukrainian production.The formula is made taking into account the folk traditions of psoriasis treatment, made using innovative technologies.

Solid oil, plant extracts (sea buckthorn, flax, tea tree), mineral components, salts have a positive effect on the skin condition at any stage of the disease. The ointment regenerates, relieves pain, disinfects, soothes.

Apply 1-2 times a day with a thin layer on the lesions. In the early days, irritation and itching are possible. The disease will recede faster if you exclude alcoholic beverages, do not eat the products listed in the instructions, get enough sleep. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and even vitamins negatively affect the course of treatment.

Contraindications for pregnant women, nursing women and children under 14 years of age. A 200 g jar is sold for 2,100 rubles. You cannot find a medicine in a pharmacy, you need to order it from an online store with the same name.



  • The uniqueness of the composition;
  • Qualitative action against psoriasis symptoms;
  • Ease of application;
  • Increased efficiency in combination with tar soap;
  • An obvious result, sometimes complete remission occurs;
  • Economical consumption.


  • The full composition of the components is carefully hidden;
  • Irritating scent and appearance;
  • Grease stains the laundry.

With vitamins


Dermatoprotectant with retinol saves from many problems, including psoriasis. The presence of specific retinol-binding receptors on the epithelial cells contributes to an effective and broad action.

It contains vitamins A and E, wax, petroleum jelly, glycerin, ethanol, purified water.

Apply to the affected areas in a thin layer in the morning and evening. Duration: 4 to 12 weeks. Treatment is carried out from the age of 18. Mostly well tolerated. If itching and irritation intensifies, the manufacturer recommends taking a break.

A combination with other products containing vitamin A and its derivatives is dangerous, as there is a risk of hypervitaminosis.

According to buyers, it is comfortable to use the ointment: it is white, delicate, not oily; quickly absorbed, leaves no residue, light alcoholic aroma instantly evaporates. Helps out from such troubles as sunburn and insect bites, therefore a worthy candidate for a family medicine cabinet.

Average price: 318 rubles for 35 grams.



  • Wide functionality;
  • Noticeable effectiveness;
  • Increased regeneration;
  • Ease of penetration into the skin layers;
  • Good portability;
  • Ease of use;
  • No smell.


  • Does not combine with antibiotics and other drugs with retinoids.


Calcipotriol- and calcitriol-containing preparations normalize calcium metabolism, saturate the body with an active form of vitamin D, which affects cell division. As a result, the symptoms of psoriasis disappear.

Daivonex contains calcipotriol. Treats this type of psoriasis as vulgar. Release form: ointment (from 6 years old) or cream (from 18 years old). Recommendations of doctors not to use by pregnant and lactating women are associated with the risk of skin irritation.

Apply the ointment 1-2 times during the day, strictly observing the precautions regarding the proportions. Not more than 30% of the skin. Avoiding the face. The maximum daily dose for an adult patient should not exceed 15 g, and the weekly dose should not exceed 100 g. For children, the values ​​are lower. Otherwise, there is an increase in the concentration of calcium in the blood.

Sun exposure should be avoided. Cannot be used in conjunction with products containing salicylic acid. At the same time, glucocorticosteroids are combined with ointment perfectly. Possible scheme ointment in the morning, hormones in the evenings. Phototherapy as well as UV light do not interfere with the healing effect.

The cost is 1100 rubles for 30 g of the product.



  • Modern way of treatment;
  • Good perception by the body, a minimum of side effects;
  • A tangible result in a week;
  • Total stability;
  • The possibility of combining with hormonal treatment;
  • Pleasant characteristics (color, consistency, smell).


  • Application on the face is excluded;
  • Control of the amount of calcium in the body is necessary;
  • Contraindications for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children under 6 years old, people over 65 years old.


Generic of Ukrainian origin. The Latin name for the main substance is Calcitriol. The principle of action is the same as in the previous ointment, saturation with active vitamin D. Indications: psoriasis of mild to moderate severity.

Apply a thin layer to damaged skin areas in the morning and evening, not exceeding 35% of the body surface. Daily use is limited to 30 grams of the product. Covering with a bandage or film is not required.

Duration of treatment is 6 weeks, but a longer period is possible.

Contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, impaired renal function, hypercalcemia, early childhood. The substance increases sensitivity to ultraviolet light; excessive exposure should be avoided. Incompatible with salicylic acid and peeling cosmetics. At the same time, the combination with betamethasone enhances the effectiveness.

In Russia, the ointment is more difficult to find than capsules with the same name, but you can place an order from a Ukrainian pharmacy.



  • A modern drug for psoriasis;
  • Good tolerance, rare side effects;
  • Long-term result;
  • Compatibility with other treatments.


  • Danger of application on the face, contact with mucous membranes;
  • The need to monitor calcium levels;
  • Contraindications for women during pregnancy and lactation, for children under 12 years of age.


Pharmacological research, which is in constant development, leads to the creation of specific drugs for the treatment of all forms of psoriasis, while limiting side effects as much as possible. The trends are such that today, hormones have been replaced by modern effective non-hormonal ointments, which are gaining increasing popularity among patients and doctors.


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