Research on brain development shows that in the 21st century, the average person is hundreds of times smarter than their ancestors who lived a hundred years ago. Every day, a person passes gigabytes of information through his brain, and it is important to analyze it in order not to miss the details. It is even harder for office workers. Throughout their lives, they learn so many nuances that the geniuses of the Middle Ages could not have imagined.
In such a cycle, it is difficult to lead a healthy lifestyle, and sometimes it is difficult to focus attention on one detail, because thoughts fly to another area. To nullify this phenomenon, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best nootropic drugs for 2024.
Piracetam - the first representative of nootropics
In 1963, Belgian pharmacists and scientists created a drug that can increase brain activity, improve mood and improve concentration. The tool has been tested on dozens of people who have worked as accountants in large companies. They were prescribed Piracetam and began to observe their mental abilities.
After several months of research, scientists have proven that the drug has increased the concentration, compared to those who did not take Piracetam. It was found that people not only increased this indicator, they also learned and memorized new information 2-4 times faster.
Based on the results obtained, in 1972, researchers adopted the term "nootropics". He designated a category of medicinal substances that can increase the mental activity of the brain. Even after half a century, these drugs have not lost their value and are used in neurology in the treatment of mental disorders in children, adults and the elderly.
Did you know Every year Russians spend more than 10 billion rubles on nootropic drugs. At the same time, the cost of these funds increased by 18% over the past 4 years.
Effect on the body
To better understand how nootropics work, it is important to know their effect on the body. A person will understand which substances are given attention in the first place, and which ones are ignored. This will increase the safety of using these drugs.
Influence on the metabolism of the brain
The main purpose of these drugs is to restore metabolism, therefore, before taking such substances, a consultation with a neurologist is a mandatory step.
Due to the stabilization of metabolism, the efficiency of energy metabolism increases, which reduces the occurrence of nerve tissue injuries after suffering a stroke. Recovery takes place without side effects, harm to health and brain tissue.
Nootropics are prohibited for use by people with a tumor, because they will accelerate its development, which will entail an irreversible process. It is this factor that indicates that self-medication is prohibited.
Memory development
Taking medications increases mental actions, so the patient begins to memorize 2 times more and learn faster.At the same time, having discovered new information, it is assimilated in long-term memory.
Such treatment is necessary for people susceptible to vascular dementia (a person is not able to navigate the world around him) and encephalopathy (occurs with drug addiction, diabetes, alcoholism and oxygen starvation of the brain). Because of these diseases, a person ceases to perceive information and is depressed, which is accompanied by acute headaches. Taking nootropic pills restores working capacity.
Clarity of consciousness
Taking pills speeds up metabolic processes, which increases the activity of the brain, reduces drowsiness and increases productivity, and therefore a person solves complex problems many times faster.
The phenomena are seen as part of a nootropic effect that has been proven by several studies.
It is important to understand that taking medications is ineffective if the person does not correct the emotional state and does not work on himself. Pills that instantly increase mental capacity and raise IQ to 250 or more do not exist in nature and cannot be. This is a beautiful myth that advertisers and manufacturers paint.
Speed adaptation
Stress, subsequent depression and apathy are a thing of the past after a short course of treatment. The nervous system is strengthened, so the drugs can be used for prophylactic purposes, which will prevent the recurrence of pathological processes.
Although nootropics can help reduce depression, they are not recommended as the main treatment for this disease. They are used only as a preventive treatment for a short course. So a person will not make his body worse, because if depression is in a late stage, then no one except a doctor will solve the problem.
Some antidepressants can work in parallel with nootropic medications. This technique normalizes the mood by keeping it for a long period. But this does not mean that a person will walk with a constant smile like a robot. He will simply become less susceptible to sudden mood swings.
Nootropics as sedatives
Some manufacturers produce drugs with a higher proportion of sedatives. However, in terms of their effectiveness, they cannot be compared with specialized means. Taking such pills causes only partial relief.
Used without a doctor's prescription for preventive purposes.
It is possible to combine nootropics with a sedative to increase the duration of the effect.
Suppress vegetative symptoms
This item means that medicines are suitable for people with meteosensitivity. Taking the drug suppresses dizziness, signs of nausea, muscle spasms, a feeling of lack of oxygen, etc.
Most doctors prescribe nootropics to correct CNS dysfunction. Treatment with such substances shows good results, so patients feel better.
Prevents Parkinsonism
Parkinsonism refers to symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease (tremor, slow movement, muscle tension, inability to maintain balance, etc.), but caused by another disease, such as a head injury or stroke. Taking nootropics eliminates these symptoms, returning the person to their normal life.
Improves energy metabolism
Due to this feature, the drug is used by people who not only work in the office, but also by athletes who experience constant and intense stress. Taking medications stabilizes the whole body.
The drug helps to strengthen the immune system, controls blood sugar levels, etc. But, one cannot think that buying such a tool will solve all problems. Nootropics are used either together with stronger substances or for prophylactic purposes. It is prohibited to use pills as the main treatment for mental and neurological diseases.
Types of nootropics
In total, there are two popular categories of these substances, which differ in the mechanism of action and the effectiveness of treatment:
- Mnestic. Such drugs are aimed primarily at improving mental abilities. For example, they develop memory, concentration, logic, etc.
- Neuroprotective agents. Designed to protect the central nervous system from the progression of psychoneurotic diseases: Alzheimer's disease, stroke, brain injury, etc.
Most often, people buy tablets from the first category, so it is important to know what should be included in such substances:
- Racetam group. It includes such substances: piracetam, phazoracetam, nebracetam, levetiracetam, etc.
- Betanechol, rivastigmine, etc. The elements help to improve blood circulation and dilate blood vessels.
- Neural peptides. This representative controls the physiological functions that occur in the human body.
- It is impossible to imagine nootropics without glycine, biotredin and other amino acids, which serve as building blocks for every protein found in the body.
Rating of the best nootropic drugs for children and adults
A nootropic agent that has a positive effect on metabolism, as well as improves blood circulation. Provides a protective effect against brain damage. The drug is not psychostimulant, therefore it is dispensed without a doctor's prescription if a person decides to use it as a prophylactic agent.
Piracetam helps people with memory impairment, emotional instability, frequent dizziness, nausea, and Alzheimer's disease. Some doctors prescribe it as an aid for a child's learning disabilities.
Method of administration - by mouth, 30 mg per kg twice a day. The course of treatment is up to 2 months. Children 3 doses of 30-50 mg per kg for 24 hours, while the duration of the drug is 3 weeks.
Side effects are rare, but they include: abdominal pain, nervousness, anxiety, headache, tremors, drowsiness.
Contraindications: not recommended for people with hypersensitivity to piracetam.
Sold at a price of 60-100 rubles.
- effectiveness has been proven by more than a dozen years;
- low cost;
- suitable for adults and children from 1 year old.
- side effects are present.
The drug shows high efficiency, it is prescribed by doctors for adults for the treatment of neurological and psychological diseases. It is recommended as the main tool for enhancing the intelligence of children of all ages. The mechanism of action is due to the direct effect of the drug on special receptors. Thanks to this solution, substances are absorbed faster in the body.
The use of the drug increases the resistance to the effects of toxic substances on the brain. It reduces motor excitability and activates mental processes, which makes a person feel better even when solving difficult problems.
Doctors prescribe "Pantogam":
- with mental impairment associated with brain injury;
- with symptoms of schizophrenia;
- for prophylaxis after the use of antipsychotics. For example, "Eglonil", "Truxal", "Klopiksol", etc .;
- with epilepsy;
- with psycho-emotional overload;
- are prescribed for children who have a developmental delay;
- with various forms of cerebral palsy.
Method of application - inside after eating (after 15-30 minutes). For children from 3 years old - a tablet form of use, for one-year-olds - syrup. The daily rate is 0.75 g. The course of treatment is 4 months.
The average cost is 390 rubles.
- recommended for children of all ages;
- quality product;
- convenient form of release;
- does not cause severe side effects.
- consultation with a specialist is required.
Nootropic is taken by people with high agitation, increased feelings of fear and anxiety. Its use ensures restful and healthy sleep and also reduces stress.
It is used by some people to relieve headaches and feelings of heaviness. Due to the fact that it is a nootropic drug, mental alertness, concentration and response improve.
Its effectiveness does not come after a month of active use. The person feels better from the first days of use. Prolonged depression and mood swings recede into the background. The person is motivated for new actions.
The drug is used by adults and the elderly. The latter do not experience workload and severe fatigue, on the contrary, they become more mobile.
It is not recommended for people who have an individual intolerance to "Phenibut" or liver failure. Contraindicated for use by nursing mothers and pregnant women. The dosage and method of administration are indicated in the corresponding instructions.
Sold at a price: from 60 rubles.
- effectiveness from the first days of use;
- small price;
- convenient packaging;
- dispensed without a prescription;
- no side effects were found.
- not identified.
It is used to improve cerebral circulation, therefore, it reduces headache, eliminates tinnitus, reduces excessive excitability, etc. The medicines of the Bulgarian manufacturer have proven themselves on the positive side for several years. The drug is recommended for use by most doctors as a prophylactic agent or an auxiliary treatment.
Contraindicated in hypersensitive people and lactating women. Not recommended for pregnant women and patients with Parkinson's disease. The use of this substance rarely causes side effects, but still they are: drowsiness, lethargy, dry mouth, allergies, tremors, etc.
The average cost is 90 rubles.
- effective for adults;
- low price;
- reduces headaches;
- dispensed without a prescription.
- side effects.
An excellent preparation for students. The product is widely popular due to its effective nootropic actions and the ability to maintain an excellent mood for a long period. Unlike some analogues, this product does not cause “aggressive” stimulation. After application, the person feels calm and cheerful. The composition is completely safe for the human body, and the drug is approved in Russia.
It is important to know that FROG TECH, HYDRAFINIL-X is not a drug, therefore it is best to get a full consultation with a physician before using it.
It is sold at a price of 1,700 rubles for 60 capsules.
- increases mental alertness;
- cheers up;
- promotes effective metabolism;
- invigorates;
- increases concentration.
- is not a medicinal product.
Nootropic for adults who are constantly faced with mental activity, which makes concentration and attention disappear. In its composition, the substance contains only natural ingredients. The drug helps to increase mental alertness and invigorates the whole day.
Some doctors recommend it for use when:
- chronic alcoholism, as a result of which the integrity of the brain tissue is destroyed;
- mental disorders;
- vegetative dystonia;
- depression and frequent stress;
- increased agitation;
- intoxication.
Sold at a price of 3,000 rubles.
- one of the best nootropic drugs, which has no analogues in Russia;
- only natural composition;
- helps with various diseases;
- does not cause allergies.
- high price.
It is impossible to be smart and memorize information at the speed of light. No substances will help with this, even with a price tag of 10,000 rubles and reviews from "doctors" about their effectiveness. The presented nootropics are for people who are stressed and unable to concentrate on one subject, but they will not make a genius out of a person.If you have experience using the drugs described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.