The best pain relieving ointments and gels for 2024


It is very difficult to live with constant pain. People who suffer from chronic joint disease or muscle pain after grueling exercise are looking for ways to combat these discomfort. The most popular solution to the problem is considered to be ointments with an analgesic effect. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best pain relieving ointments and gels for 2024.

Types and principle of action

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers over 100 different ointments, creams and gels with analgesic effects. In order to choose the best option, you must definitely get the advice of a specialist and try several remedies, since everyone has different sensitivity to various components. Depending on the characteristics of the main active substance, five subgroups of funds are distinguished:

  • ointments containing chondroprotectors improve the nutrition of the articular cartilage, start the restoration of microdamage, and prevent the enzymatic destruction of chondrocytes. The active ingredient is mucopolysaccharide chondroitin sulfate. The substance not only improves metabolic processes in the joints, but also has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. Most often, such creams additionally include a component with more pronounced analgesic properties.
  • formulations based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is the largest group. NSAIDs not only relieve pain, but also act as drugs with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect. The most popular active ingredients are diclofenac, ibuprofen, piroxicam, ketoprofen. Formulations based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help to quickly reduce pain, relieve swelling and increase range of motion.

NSAIDs are intended for symptomatic treatment; they do not eliminate the cause of the disease.

  • warming ointments. The effect is achieved through the action of capsaicin (a capsicum alkaloid). When applied, a burning sensation occurs, so such products cannot be used by people with very sensitive skin. Capsaicin has a good distracting and analgesic effect, increases blood flow in damaged tissues, and helps to quickly relieve swelling and inflammation. Most often it is prescribed for the treatment of neuritis, myositis, some joint diseases. It is important to apply capsaicin formulations correctly. You just need to apply them to the skin with light, touching movements and wait until the ointment is absorbed. It is not necessary to rub it in, as this can damage the skin.

Warming ointments should not be applied immediately after an injury; this will only increase the pain.

  • cooling compositions. These products can be used immediately after injury to relieve pain. Combinations of essential oils of medicinal plants, menthol, eucalyptus are used as an active basis. Most often, coolants come in gel form.
  • combined ointments. Today, preference is given to this particular group of funds. By combining several effects, you can achieve better results in a shorter time.Components are selected in such a way that each of them not only complements, but also enhances the action of others. In addition to pain relief, the agents can be used as a resorbant, stimulating blood flow, preventing the formation of blood clots. Combined ointments and gels are used to relieve inflammatory processes in the muscles, in the treatment of neuralgia, sprains, bruises, varicose veins. The main disadvantage is the large number of contraindications.

Ointment or gel what is the difference

Pain relievers for external use are most often available in the form of an ointment or gel. What to prefer, and is there a difference? Both options are applied to the skin and consist of an active substance (or a combination thereof) and a base. The main difference lies precisely in the basis. For the ointment, choose a fat base. This can be the well-known petroleum jelly, mineral oils, a combination of vegetable oils, or even specially processed and refined lard. In this case, the active substance does not completely dissolve in the base. Fats adhere well to the surface, allowing the product to be distributed in a fairly thin layer, and slow down the absorption of active molecules. Ointments moisturize and soften the skin well.

The gel is always created on a water basis, which on average makes up about 70% of the total volume. The active substance in it completely dissolves in the base, due to which it is absorbed faster, easily passing through the stratum corneum. When applied to a surface, the composition forms a thin film. The gel is easily washed off, and also washed off if accidentally spilled on clothes. This form is considered more physiologically adapted, since it has a pH close to the acidity values ​​of the skin. When applied, the product will not clog pores. Gels often have a drying effect.

Thus, the ointment works well for dry, flaky, irritated skin. It is better to choose the gel for weeping wounds, delivery of active substances to the joints.

Top best pain relievers

Today, doctors, when prescribing treatment, should indicate only the active substance, and the final choice of the drug remains with the patient, depending on financial capabilities and personal preferences. In this situation, many seek help from pharmacists. They ask for advice on the ointment that they buy more often than others or look at reviews on the Internet. Here are ten pain relievers with the most positive recommendations.

NameRelease formActive substanceIndications
Salvisarointmentcamphor, gum turpentine, salicylic acid, viper venom
removal of pain in trauma; diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the peripheral nervous system, accompanied by pain syndrome: arthritis of various etiologies, arthralgia, neuralgia, myalgia.
Butadionointmentphenylbutazone 5% to relieve pain and reduce swelling resulting from injuries, diseases of muscles and joints.
Bystrumgelgelketoprofen 2.5% to relieve pain and reduce swelling resulting from injuries, diseases of muscles and joints.
Teraflex hondrocrem fortecreamchondroitin sodium sulfate and meloxicamtreatment of osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis and other joint diseases
Venitangelescin (horse chestnut extract)treatment of pain and swelling associated with venous insufficiency
Nurofen Express gelgelibuprofen 5%to relieve muscle pain after physical exertion,
to relieve pain and reduce swelling resulting from injuries, diseases of muscles and joints.
Trombless plusgelsodium heparin (anticoagulant), dexpanthenol (provitamin B5), troxerutin (angioprotective agent), benzocaine (local anesthetic)eliminates pain associated with venous insufficiency, hematomas, injuries and bruises.
Dentinox gelgellidocaine, chamomile flower extract, lauromacrogolrelieves pain during teething, stomatitis.
Fastum gelgelketoprofen 2.5% to relieve pain and reduce swelling resulting from injuries, diseases of muscles and joints.
Ketoprofengelketoprofen 5%to relieve symptoms in joint diseases, sports injuries, dislocations, sprains or ruptures of ligaments and tendons, bruises.
Voltaren emulgel fortegeldiclofenac 2%to relieve symptoms of joint diseases, sports injuries, dislocations, sprains or ruptures of ligaments, tendons, bruises.


Our rating is represented by Salvisar ointment of the Russian manufacturer Biochemist OJSC. This drug is a local irritating drug based on viper venom for external use. It is positioned as a highly warming ointment.

Active ingredients:

  • viper venom;
  • camphor;
  • salicylic acid;
  • turpentine gum.

The pharmacological property of this drug has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, dilates blood vessels, improves trophism in the tissues of joints and muscles, while maintaining their mobility.

The form of release is a tube of 15, 25, 40, 50, 75 or 100 g. The ointment itself is thick, from white to yellowish tint, has a specific smell of turpentine and camphor.

Sarvisar is suitable for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the peripheral nervous system, accompanied by pain syndrome: arthralgia, arthritis of various etiologies (including age-related changes in the joints), myalgia, neuralgia, as well as in rehabilitation after injuries.

Available without a prescription. Average price 160 rubles.

Contraindications to the drug:

  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • skin diseases (including allergic and pustular diseases, violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application of the drug);
  • active pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • feverish conditions;
  • general exhaustion;
  • severe insufficiency of cerebral and coronary circulation;
  • tendency to angiospasm;
  • severe hepatic or renal impairment;
  • pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding;
  • intolerance to salicylates;
  • children under 6 years of age.


  • strongly warms;
  • instantly anesthetizes;
  • good natural composition;
  • attractive price.


  • burning at the site of application;
  • cannot be used for skin diseases and sensitive skin;
  • small volume;
  • hard to wash off hands.


On the tenth line is an ointment from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from the company Gedeon Richter (Hungary). The active substance is phenylbutazone 5%. Available in 20 gram aluminum tube. The ointment is white, thick, dense. It is used to relieve pain and reduce swelling resulting from injuries, diseases of muscles and joints. Not recommended for children under 14 years of age. Average cost: 198 rubles.



  • reduces swelling and stiffness of movements in the morning;
  • according to user reviews, it significantly reduces pain;
  • accelerates the resorption of hematomas;
  • easy to apply, you can easily adjust the layer thickness;
  • affordable price;
  • not a pungent smell;
  • a small number of side effects (most often photosensitivity and allergic reactions).


  • not very convenient tube, at the end of use, packaging defects may form, through which the ointment will flow;
  • storage temperature from +8 to +15 degrees.


The ninth line is occupied by a gel based on ketoprofen 2.5%. Available in tubes of 30,50,100 grams. Colorless gel with a specific odor. In addition to the main active ingredient and base, it contains lavender oil and neroli oil. It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect. Not recommended for children under 6 years of age. Average cost: 250 rubles.



  • well absorbed, does not stain clothes;
  • there is no pungent smell;
  • when applied, there is a slight pleasant chill without burning;
  • does not tighten or dry the skin at the site of application;
  • does not adversely affect the condition of the articular cartilage;
  • rarely causes side effects (most often an allergic reaction occurs).


  • the analgesic effect appears on average only 30-60 minutes after application;
  • during and after treatment (within 2 weeks) it is required to protect skin areas from UV rays, do not sunbathe, do not visit a solarium.

Teraflex hondrocrem forte

In eighth place is a cream with a combined effect. The combination of two active substances (chondroitin sodium sulfate and meloxicam) allows achieving not only an analgesic effect, but also increasing joint mobility due to partial restoration of cartilage tissue. It is produced in aluminum tubes with a volume of 20 to 100 grams. Recommended for the treatment of osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis and other joint diseases. Average price: 370 rubles per 30 grams.

Teraflex hondrocrem forte


  • a wide range of volumes, you can take a small tube for a sample;
  • combined drug;
  • well into the joint;
  • not a pungent, although specific smell;
  • according to users, it significantly reduces pain in the joints, works better in combination with capsules or chondroprotective tablets.


  • weak cover;
  • the large tube breaks easily at the end of use.


In seventh place is the venotonic gel from the German manufacturer Salutas Pharma. The active ingredient is escin (horse chestnut extract). It is produced in 50 gram aluminum tubes. Has analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Strengthens the walls of capillaries and venules, reduces edema, accelerates the resorption of hematomas. Average cost: 270 rubles.



  • does not enter the systemic circulation;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • well relieves pain in the legs associated with venous insufficiency, edema;
  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • minimum of side effects and contraindications (mainly individual intolerance to escin);
  • not picky about storage conditions;
  • an analogue is produced, venitan forte combined with heparin.


  • quickly consumed;
  • breaks and tears are easily formed on the side walls of the tube.

Nurofen Express gel

In sixth place - a gel based on ibuprofen 5%. Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It has worked well for relieving muscle pain after physical exertion. It is produced in aluminum tubes with a volume of 30 to 200 grams. Average cost: 320 rubles per 100 grams.

Nurofen Express gel


  • a wide range of volumes, you can purchase a small sample tube;
  • easy to apply;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • convenient tube;
  • the analgesic effect begins to appear within 10-15 minutes after application



  • specific smell;
  • not recommended for children under 14 years of age and in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Trombless plus

The fifth line of the rating is occupied by a combination drug from Nizhpharm. As part of sodium heparin (anticoagulant), dexpanthenol (provitamin B5), troxerutin (angioprotector), benzocaine (local anesthetic). It is produced in aluminum and polyethylene tubes with a volume of 10 to 100 grams. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, analgesic effects. Strengthens the vascular wall, improves microcirculation, prevents the formation of blood clots. Eliminates pain associated with venous insufficiency, hematomas, injuries and bruises. Average price: 483 rubles per 50 grams.

Trombless plus


  • a wide range of volumes, you can purchase a very small tube (10 grams) for a sample;
  • easy to apply;
  • absorbed in 1-2 minutes;
  • colorless, leaves no residue;
  • no pungent smell;
  • pleasantly cools;
  • well eliminates puffiness and pain.


  • contraindicated in children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating;
  • with prolonged use, side effects appear in the form of hyperemia and a decrease in the sensitivity of the treated area.

Dentinox gel

The fourth place is given to the dental anesthetic gel. The composition contains lidocaine, chamomile flower extract, lauromacrogol.Reduces pain during inflammation and damage to the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums. Effective for teething in babies, stomatitis. Available in a 10 gram aluminum tube. Average cost: 300 rubles.

Dentinox gel


  • safe, minimum of contraindications and side effects (only individual intolerance to the components);
  • can be applied 2-3 times a day;
  • absorbs quickly and relieves pain;
  • convenient tube.


  • specific smell.

Fastum gel

In third place is a gel from the well-known company Berlin-Chemie. The active ingredient is ketoprofen 2.5%. It has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect. Prevents blood clots. Available in tubes of 30, 50 or 100 grams. Average cost: 350 rubles per 50 grams.

Fastum gel


  • easy to apply;
  • quickly absorbed, slightly dries the skin;
  • does not leave marks on clothes;
  • not a pungent smell;
  • according to user reviews, it relieves pain in case of bruises and joint diseases.


  • not a convenient tube, a lot of money flows out even with a slight pressure;
  • can not be applied under the bandage;
  • causes photosensitivity.

Ketoprofen gel

The second place was given to a gel with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component and lavender oil. Reduces pain, has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. It penetrates well into the joint, accumulates in the joint fluid. It is effective for relieving symptoms of joint diseases, sports injuries, dislocations, sprains or ruptures of ligaments and tendons, bruises. Contraindicated in weeping dermatoses, eczema, infected abrasions, wounds, during pregnancy. Average cost: 124 rubles per 30 grams.

Ketoprofen gel


  • an almost imperceptible odor quickly disappears;
  • pleasant texture;
  • absorbs quickly, does not leave a sticky feeling;
  • light warming effect;
  • users note a good analgesic and decongestant effect.


  • with prolonged use it causes skin itching and irritation.

Voltaren emulgel forte

Gel from Novartis becomes the leader of the rating. Emulgel is white, creamy. The main active ingredient is diclofenac 2%. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, swelling. When applied, a calming and cooling effect appears. Not recommended for use during pregnancy, lactation and children under 12 years of age. Available in laminated tubes of 50 and 100 grams. Average price: 565 rubles per 50 grams.

Voltaren emulgel forte


  • tubes with a triangular lid are provided, which is convenient for limited joint mobility;
  • easy to apply;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • pleasant cooling effect;
  • not a pungent smell, reminiscent of menthol;
  • according to user reviews, it quickly relieves pain and swelling during muscle stretching, reduces pain in the back, joints;
  • the manufacturer promises an analgesic effect for 12 hours.


  • high price;
  • a large number of contraindications.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing a remedy, rely on the recommendations of your doctor. Be sure to read the list of contraindications and conduct a test for individual intolerance to the components. Look at the expiration date, preferably at least 12 months at the time of purchase. Check the integrity of the package, ointment or gel should not leak. After purchase, read the storage conditions, some drugs need to be stored in the refrigerator.

If you have experience in acquiring and using the tools presented in the rating or more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.


  1. Pauline

    By the way, it doesn't have to be a cream or ointment, there is a Frost spray, a convenient format and helps to instantly relieve pain in case of injury, pleasantly cools the skin. So the market does not stand still)

  2. Julia

    Salvisar ointment has a good analgesic effect. I like that, unlike other products, the skin does not irritate or bake ??

  3. Asya

    I agree that Salvisar ointment is very effective and also inexpensive. I used it when stretching the ligaments of the hand, it helps a lot.

  4. Barbara

    What a great selection of pain relieving ointments. I am glad that there is something here that I have been using for more than a year with pain in joints or muscles ... this is Salvisar ointment. It suits me in many ways, but most importantly, it is budgetary and effective.

  5. Watan

    Why not Viprosal ... I have been using it for a long time, it really helps. Although everything is individual.

  6. Nika

    I tried Salvisar ointment, it turned out to be good. Joint pain quickly disappeared. I will always use it now.


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