Best hunting rifles for 2024


For some people, hunting is not just a hobby, hobby and active form of recreation, but also the call of the ancestors. Even the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy wrote "On the hunt the mind rests and the body works." Today, both men and women are fond of this type of active recreation. In addition, there are many different shooting and trophy competitions.

However, for a successful hunt, you need to choose the right weapon. After all, there are several types of such weapons, which differ in their functionality, design, and technical characteristics. By visiting a specialized hunting online and a regular store, both an amateur and an experienced hunter will be able to choose the most suitable version of a hunting rifle for themselves.

In modern specialized stores, both lovers of archaic classics, who prefer to use trigger breaks, and fans of military style will be able to choose the most acceptable option for themselves. Due to the availability of obtaining special permits for the possession of smooth-bore weapons, some people buy hunting rifles not so much for hunting, but just to shoot at targets. The editors of the site "", taking into account the reviews, advice and recommendations of buyers, have compiled for your attention a rating of the best popular models of hunting rifles as of 2024.

Separation of guns depending on the type of hunting

The type of hunting carried out is determined based on two criteria - the type of terrain on which the grounds are located, and also depending on the game being hunted. By terrain, the principle of separation is based on the conditions of the landscape of the territory (mountains, plains, reservoirs, and so on). For the hunted animal - birds and ungulates.

Depending on the conditions of the hunt, it is advisable for each hunter to acquire different types of rifles, as well as carbines. Thanks to this, it is possible to conduct aimed fire in different conditions and use certain types of shooting.

For example, when hunting ungulates, it is recommended to use long-range carbines. This is due to the fact that such animals do not allow a person to come closer than 500-900 meters. To catch a duck or a goose in water bodies, a conventional automatic or a breakthrough gun with a small radius of destruction (IZH, MC) will be quite enough.

How much does such a weapon cost? Depending on its value, weapons are conventionally divided into several qualifications and classes:

  • Category 1 includes inexpensive, low-cost domestic IZH or MC products, the average cost of which varies around $ 500;
  • The second category includes novelties of imported production, which are equipped with a variety of additional equipment (the cost is approximately $ 1000 to $ 1500);
  • The third category consists of expensive items that belong to the premium class (the price is over $ 5000);
  • The fourth category includes a list of limited samples, which are made from expensive and elite species of wood, as well as metal (the cost starts from 10 thousand US dollars).

As a rule, the vast majority of hunters use guns from category 1 as well as category 2. Indeed, for the average Russian consumer, the purchase of weapons, the cost of which exceeds 2 thousand US dollars, is a very great luxury. As a rule, Russian hunters use products with rifled (caliber 7.62x51), as well as combined barrels (7x7.57 or 8x7.57). Injectors are often found on imported samples, while there are practically none on domestic counterparts.

How to choose a weapon

When choosing a weapon for hunting, you need to know many subtleties and nuances, which, of course, unlike beginners, are known to most experienced hunters. In addition, when selecting a gun, it is necessary to be able to find hidden defects on it, which may be present not only on used (used), but also on new products. To correctly check the quality, as well as to make sure of the reliability of the weapons being purchased, there are only a few simple ways that will take no more than 5-10 minutes:

  1. Application check. It is from this parameter that the level of accuracy depends, as well as the balance of the purchased gun. If the weapon, after each shot, does not return to its starting point, then it is of little use for accurate shooting and, therefore, for conducting productive, full-fledged hunting. Indeed, with poor application, the bullets fired, regardless of where the shooter is aiming, will always fly in different directions.
  2. Weight. The ideal proportion is 1/22 of the total weight of the shooter. If the barrel is too heavy, then it will be difficult for a person to conduct continuous fire and move on foot for long distances. However, one should also take into account the fact that products with too light trunks do not imply the use of high-power cartridges, therefore they are of little use for catching large animals (wild boar, elk).
  3. Trigger. The power of the striker's impact depends on such parameters as speed and accuracy of shots. With a more powerful spring, the weapon will shoot much better. There should be a clear and loud sound when the trigger is cocked.
  4. Defects. There should be no cracks, various bends and other mechanical damage on the surface of the barrel and butt. Otherwise, in the presence of various types of damage, the quality and accuracy of fire will deteriorate significantly. In addition, it is very dangerous to use damaged weapons.

On a note! To check the reliability, as well as the serviceability of the trigger, you can put a sleeve on the cocked firing pin and make a blank shot. If the sleeve flew off by about 0.5 m, then this indicates that the trigger is in good condition.

Review of the most popular manufacturers

Which brand of hunting rifle is better, what are the selection criteria, which weapon is better to buy? All over the world, more than 200 companies are engaged in the production of hunting weapons, among which there are companies whose history goes back several centuries. The most popular, best manufacturers of hunting weapons are:

  • Franz Zodia, Steyer-Mannlicher are popular Austrian manufacturers known all over the world, who have been producing such weapons for over 100 years;
  • B8A, Vebley and Scott are traditional English companies with a history dating back over 100 years;
  • Beretta, Perazzi, Breda, Gamba are popular Italian firms that have been producing high-quality and reliable weapons since the Middle Ages;
  • Winchester, Marlene, Remington are popular and world famous gunsmiths from the USA;
  • Zbrojovka Brno is the largest factory for the production of inexpensive but high-quality hunting weapons, located in the Czech Republic.

Best hunting rifles for 2024

What guns are there, what to look for and what mistakes to avoid when choosing? According to their classification, guns are smooth-bore, rifled, and also combined. The rifled types include carbines and rifles. It should be noted that such weapons are most suitable for experienced hunters. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in order to obtain permission to purchase such a weapon, a person must learn how to use smooth-bore (shot) guns.

Combined shotguns are mixed weapons. Such weapons differ in the number of barrels (one - double-barreled, and so on). Single-barrel products are the least suitable for hunting. After all, if the shooter misses his chosen target, he needs to spend time reloading. Beginners are advised to purchase double-barreled models that allow you to alternately take two shots at the target.

In addition, the gun can be with a reclining barrel and vice versa - not reclining. It is worth noting that models with reclining barrels are easier and faster to reload. In addition, weapons should be selected depending on what kind of animal will be hunted.

For example, for mountainous terrain, for catching ungulates, it is best to use carbines. To catch a duck on a lake or in a field, it is preferable to use an ordinary breakaway gun. Experienced hunters believe that for a beginner, if he is going to hunt a duck or a small wild animal, simple Soviet second-hand models of hammer guns are suitable for the first time.

Where can you buy? Today, you can purchase firearms for hunting online in online stores, where a complete list of all products is presented with a full description of their operational parameters, as well as varieties. In the catalog of online stores, you can find weapons of both Russian and foreign production. In popular online stores, both military style fans and classic lovers will be able to choose the most acceptable option.

TOP inexpensive, budget critical models

Baikal MP 43E 12 × 70 1.0 / 0.5 750mm beech

Small arms produced under the Baikal trademark are popular among the majority of hunters who are lovers of the classics. Inexpensive, cheap Baikal MP 43E is perfect for both experienced hunters and beginners.

The weight of this product varies within 3300 gr. The caliber is 12x70, the number of barrels is 2, which are located horizontally, the principle of action is of a breaking type. The total length is 750 mm. The stock is made of beech. The country of origin of this model is Russia.


  • Affordability (the average cost is 21,900 rubles);
  • Quality of materials;
  • It has a simple design.


  • Build quality;
  • Not every user will fit a standard stock (may need to be changed).

CZ Mallard 12 × 76

A popular brand of hunting weapons, which has been known to many hunters since Soviet times. However, despite the fact that the country of origin of the CZ Mallard is the Czech Republic, in fact, this budget, inexpensive shotgun is made in Turkey.

The build quality of CZ Mallard is in no way inferior to Russian counterparts. Has a good weight distribution, as well as replaceable chokes. The total weight of the product is 3350 grams. Caliber - 12x76. Equipped with two barrels, the length of which is 760 mm. The stock is made of wood. It has good mechanics that work great even after prolonged use.

However, it should be noted that over time, after prolonged use, CZ Mallard will lose its attractive appearance and become covered with scratches. This is due to the fact that soft varnish is used in its manufacture. Also, this Turkish-made model has a fairly hard descent. Therefore, some owners nevertheless, after purchasing it, use a file to adjust the trigger on their own in order to ensure a softer response.


  • Low cost (41,599 rubles);
  • Decent build quality
  • Good fit of parts;
  • Good level of weight distribution, despite the great length;
  • The presence of interchangeable chokes.


  • The wood from which the stock is made and the forend are coated with a soft varnish due to which it quickly loses its attractive appearance even in case of careful handling;
  • Hard descent (in fact, for some users it may not be a significant drawback);
  • Finding spare parts and repairing it is problematic.

MR (IZH) 27M 12x76 walnut art. 725 mm

It is a popular, classic affordable shotgun that is sought after by both experienced hunters and beginners. Produced at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. Possesses good balance, stable and reliable fighting. In addition, this product is distinguished by a simple and, in turn, reliable design. According to its technical characteristics, it is practically in no way inferior to more expensive counterparts, which belong to the premium class.

It should be noted that the MP 27M is easy to handle and use. A high level of safety and a long service life is ensured due to the fact that:

  • High quality steel is used in the manufacture of barrels;
  • Channels and chambers are chromium-plated, which provides them with an increased level of resistance to corrosion;
  • The locking unit has a simple, reliable design;
  • There is a possibility of shockless descent.

The total weight of the product is 3.5 kg. The caliber is 12x76 mm. Equipped with two 725 mm long barrels. The stock is made of wood. The color of the butt is brown. The fuse has a design that allows you to block the sear and has additional interceptors.


  • Quality of materials;
  • Simplicity of construction;
  • Availability (price 24,999 rubles);
  • Several versions;
  • Channels and chambers are chrome-plated.


  • Mediocre level of ergonomics;
  • Average build quality.

An overview of the best and most reliable breakthrough models from the premium segment

Merkel 2001E Jaqd 12x76 MC 760mm

Perfect for both hunting and recreation, target shooting. Equipped with ejectors, a block with decorative engraving. Selected root nut was used in the manufacture of the box. On the Merkel 2001E, the barrels are vertical (total length 760 mm). The total weight of the product is 3100 grams. Caliber - 12x76. Country of origin - Germany.


  • Reliability;
  • Balancing;
  • The quality of components and assembly;
  • Design;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Resource.


  • Cost (416,990 rubles);
  • Requires constant and complex care.

Benelli 828 U Black 12 × 76 710mm

This model combines traditional solutions inherent in the classic hunting weapons of the past and modern technological innovations. Thanks to its comfortable use, this vertical rod is perfect for both hunting and shooting sports. Equipped with a special, reliable system of the so-called differential absorption of the arising recoil pulses. A special shock absorber is additionally placed in the cavity on the butt, which dampens the recoil that occurs during the shot.

The choice of the barrel for the first shot is made thanks to a special manual switch, which is located on the safety slider. It should be noted that in this model, during firing, switching is performed automatically due to the displacement of the inert masses of the impulses of the resulting recoil.

The approximate weight of the product is 3000 grams. Equipped with two vertical barrels. Caliber - 12x76. The total length is 710 mm. The stock is made of wood (walnut). L-shaped wedge gates, on which 4 attachment points are located, are responsible for locking.


  • High reliability;
  • Build quality;
  • The presence of a recoil impulse absorption system;
  • Excellent balancing.


  • High cost (223,200 rubles);
  • The stock is made of cheap wood for an Italian manufacturer.

Beretta 486 Parallelo 12 × 76 OCHP English 660mm

Beretta 486 Parallelo perfectly combines classic style and modern technological solutions.It has the restrained style and traditional quality that are known for the models of the popular all over the world weapons produced under the Beretta brand. Equipped with a cold forged block of barrels, which have a high level of rigidity at the joints and an easily removable trigger.

The fuse has a specially designed design that will prevent the weapon from firing in the event of a fall or when using it in a non-standard position (for example, if the trigger mechanism gets hooked during transportation). Equipped with interchangeable chokes, which are capable of working even with steel shot. Caliber 12x76. Equipped with two vertically arranged barrels, the length of which is 660 mm. Country of origin Italy.


  • Build quality;
  • Design;
  • Reliable chokes;
  • Possibility to use shot made of steel;
  • Good ergonomics.


  • High cost (363 632 rubles);
  • Difficult to repair, find spare parts.

Rating of the most reliable pump models

Benelli Supernova 12 × 89 610 mm

It is a sturdy, reliable, practical hunting rifle, thoughtfully designed for maximum comfort and instant kick-off. The stock, as well as the surface of the receiver, are made of high-quality polymer that perfectly tolerates high and low temperatures. The total weight of this product is 3600 grams. Caliber - 12x89. The magazine capacity is 3 + 1. It is a single-barreled pump-action weapon, the length of which is 610 mm.


  • Reliability;
  • Build quality;
  • High level of comfort.


  • Price (73,890 rubles);
  • In the manufacture of the box, plastic was used (this parameter has little effect on the quality and strength of the structure, however, the tree looks more aesthetically pleasing);
  • Weight (3.6 kg).

Stoeger P350 Camo Max - 4 12 × 89 550mm

It is a smooth-bore pump action hunting weapon, which is chambered for 89 mm. Equipped with a high-quality barrel, 550 mm long, as well as a special camouflage coating. Equipped with a reliable locking unit with a rotary shutter.

In addition, this model is equipped with a rubber recoil pad, extended forend and interchangeable chokes. The magazine capacity is 4 cartridges + 1. In the manufacture of the box, an aluminum alloy was used, on which a matte black coating was applied. The bore is chrome-plated. Caliber: 12x89.


  • Cost (15,999 rubles);
  • The channel is chrome-plated;
  • Simple and reliable device.


  • Build quality.

Rating of the highest quality bullet models

KK Sobol 141 22 LR

Reliable, relatively inexpensive model of a hunting rifle that is perfect for capturing a bird, as well as a small animal. The permissible ambient operating temperature range is -30 to +50 degrees Celsius. According to the majority of buyers, KK Sobol 141 is suitable for hunting sable, marmot, squirrel, and also marten. Simple and unpretentious to use small-caliber firearms, which are popular with novice and experienced hunters.

In addition, KK Sobol 141 can be used to catch such an animal as a hare, black grouse, wood grouse, fox. This model uses 5.6 mm rimfire cartridges. The crank (match) mechanism is responsible for locking the shutter. It is completed with 3 magazines, two of which can be located in the butt area (under the lid located on the lower edge).

The total weight of the product is 3 kg. The accuracy parameter is 3 MOA. The total length is 980 mm. It is completed with magazines with a capacity of 5 rounds. Caliber 22 LR. The stock is made of wood (birch).


  • Ease of use;
  • Equipment;
  • Good accuracy of fire;
  • The stock is made of wood;
  • The presence of a match locking mechanism.


  • Cost (34,057 rubles);
  • Not suitable for hunting big game.

Orsis Hunter SE SR 308 Win

According to experienced hunters, this rifle is suitable for almost any kind of hunting. Equipped with a manual recharge type. There are Orsis Hunter rifle models that are specially designed for both left-handed and right-handed use.Orsis Hunter metal parts are made from durable, high quality, non-corrosive steel.

The Orsis Hunter SE SR is made from stainless steel. The barrel is made using the single-pass cutting method. Its length is 22 inches (558 mm). The muzzle level is 16.5 mm. Caliber 308 Win. The total weight of the product is 3370 grams. The magazine capacity is 4 rounds. The stock is made of wood (walnut).


  • Good accuracy;
  • Build quality and components;
  • Ergonomics;
  • Acceptable operating parameters;
  • You can choose a model for left-handed or right-handed.


  • Cost (160,000 rubles).

Review of reliable hunting semi-automatic

Hatsan Escort H112

This model of a smooth-bore semi-automatic hunting weapon was specially designed for the Russian market. Thanks to the installed automation system, the Hatsan Escort H112 can work with different types of cartridges. Equipped with a reliable trigger. The caliber is 12x76 mm. In the manufacture of Hatsan Escort H112, a chromium-nickel-molybdenum alloy was used, which has good strength indicators and is designed for the use of cartridges with steel shot.

The box is covered with a protective anodized coating. Due to the presence of special notches directly on the forend and the buttstock, the level of control over the weapon during firing is significantly increased. Additionally equipped with a rubber recoil pad, which absorbs the recoil generated during the shot. Also, on this model, you can, if desired, install an optical or collimator sight. Complete with three interchangeable chokes and a key. The length is 710 mm.


  • Small recoil;
  • Cost (20,990 rubles);
  • The ability to use different types of cartridges;
  • Good accuracy of the battle;
  • Reliable automation.


  • Average quality of components.

Browning Fusion Evolve II Gold 12 × 76 760 mm

Reliable smooth-bore model of the semi-automatic type of the Belgian production. Possesses a beautiful modern look, gas engine with automatic regulation of the removal of powder gases. Works smoothly with any weight of shot. Equipped with an improved ventilated aiming bar, due to which the accuracy of fire is significantly improved.

Thanks to a system called Speed ​​Loading, the user can reload the weapon in a short period of time and start aimed fire again. The universal Cut Off system allows the user, if necessary, to recharge the weapon.

A specially installed cutter locks the magazine, thereby stopping the supply of cartridges. This allows you to move safely and take the most comfortable position for the shot.

The total weight of the product is 3 kg. Caliber - 12x76. The magazine capacity is 4 + 1. It is a single-barreled semi-automatic weapon, the length of which is 760 mm. The stock is made of wood.


  • Small recoil;
  • Reliability;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Accuracy of the battle;
  • Fast recharge.


  • Cost (112900 rubles).

Comparative characteristics of models of hunting rifles

Name, descriptionClassificationBarrel length (mm)Caliber (mm)Cost, rub.)
Baikal MP 43Ecritical75012x7021900
CZ Mallard 12x76critical76012x7641599
MR (IZH) 27Mcritical72512x7624999
Merkel 2001E Jaqdcritical76012x76416990
Benelli 828 U Blackcritical71012x76223200
Beretta 486 Parallelocritical66012x76363632
Benelli supernovapump-action61012x8973890
Stoeger P350 Camo Maxpump-action55012x8915999
KK Sobol 141 22 LRbullet55022 LR34057
Orsis Hunter SE SR 308 Winbullet558308 Win160000
Hatsan Escort H112semi-automatic71012x7620990
Browning Fusion Evolve II Goldsemi-automatic76012x76112900

In hunting stores, a huge number of the most diverse hunting weapons are presented, which differ in both design and functional features. When choosing a gun, you should take into account the peculiarities of the landscape on which you will have to hunt.

In addition, an important nuance when choosing a weapon is what kind of animal will be hunted. Small-caliber weapons can be used to catch small game (hares, ducks).If you use the gun presented in our rating in your daily life, or use other weapons, please share your opinion and experience with us in the comments.


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