Olive oil has long been known as the healthiest product. It is actively used in practice by doctors, nutritionists, and cosmetologists.
The product is rich in vitamins, very useful for children and the elderly, as it contributes to the development and strengthening of the skeletal system. In ancient times, he was also credited with miraculous properties for healing mental illness.
The editorial staff of the website "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you an overview of the best olive oils for 2024.
A bit of history about olives and olives
The history of olive oil and olive trees has long roots. Scientists assume that their homeland is Egypt, and the Phoenician merchants spread it in different countries, brought it to Greece, Spain and Italy, where it became widespread.
The legendary ancient poet Homer called the substance "liquid gold". The ancient Greeks and Egyptians valued it for its healing properties and attributed it to divine origin.
Olive trees reflect the centuries-old history of Greece and its traditions. Ancient Greek myths tell of the goddess Athena, who presented a gift to the Hellenes - an olive tree, a source of wisdom and wealth.
The facts about olive trees have been known since prehistoric times - the remains of liquid were found in pottery corresponding to these times. The Greeks have always associated the olive tree with art, poetry, rituals, traditions, they considered trees sacred, protected and guarded them. Ancient athletes were awarded with branches of a wild olive tree - kotino.
Greece follows these traditions today - at the Olympic Stadium in Athens in 2004, the olive tree became the symbol of the Olympics along with the doves of Peace.
The olive substance is made from the fruit of an evergreen tree that grows mainly in the Mediterranean. Its taste, quality and color are determined by the type of wood, climatic conditions and soil properties. Also, their properties can be influenced by the time of harvest - early harvest gives the oil a pungent smell and green color, late ripe olives delight with golden yellow color and mild taste.
The benefits and harms of liquid gold
Health product
Many unique properties are attributed to olives. They are the basic components of Mediterranean cuisine, which has a positive effect on the digestive tract with the presence of many monounsaturated fats and is included in the UNESCO list as the intangible heritage of all mankind. The substance is well absorbed by the body, reduces appetite, accelerates metabolic processes and has a positive effect on the stomach. With regular use, blood vessels strengthen and become elastic, which is an excellent prevention of heart and vascular diseases.
olive oil is freshly squeezed olive juice
Olive oils, according to gourmets, give the most common dishes a noble shade, saturate a person with the necessary vitamins and minerals, without leaving extra pounds and centimeters on the thighs.
Many medicines that help relieve blood pressure are based on olive leaves. Olive prevents a decrease in calcium in the body, which makes it especially valuable for a child's body.
Linoleic acid actively affects the speed of healing of lacerations and burns, tones the muscles and the whole body. It has been noted for its beneficial effect on the organs of vision and coordination of movement, assistance in psychological disorders.
However, the most amazing healing property is the reduction in the risk of developing cancer tumors: oleic acid with vitamins and antioxidants, which are in the composition of the healing agent, is considered the basis for suppressing the development of changes in the cell. The acid removes toxins that affect cell degeneration.
The benefits of this healing substance are adequately appreciated by pharmacology and medicine.
Substance for beauty and an effective component of cosmetology
Olive has been used since ancient times as an anti-inflammatory and cosmetic agent to cleanse and moisturize the epidermis of the body and face. A mask made from olive products was considered rejuvenating. Its unique substances (squalene, squalane) helped to reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles around the eyes and on the face. Phenols slow down the aging process, make the epidermis smooth and silky, and protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Curls also feel a miraculous effect on themselves. Many people know the simplest recipe for strengthening and shining hair, which can be prepared at home:
- We mix olive and sunflower fatty product in equal proportions.
- Add one teaspoon of honey to the mixture (you can replace it with one egg yolk).
- Apply the mixture to the scalp and keep it for 1 hour.
The simplest mask will promote beauty, strength and shine.
Cosmetologists actively include a valuable product in the formulations of creams, masks, balms for the epidermis and scalp
In the process of using such masks, one should not forget about the inclusion of a valuable product in food. Vitamins A and E present in the composition will help to prolong the beauty and health of a person.
Masseurs actively use olive oil - the oily liquid helps to moisturize the epidermis, accelerate the elimination of toxins and improve liver function.
Eating and using olive oil strengthens hair, nails, bones and teeth
Olive oils are regarded as the most healing foods, but when consumed excessively, there are some negative sides.
Great care should be taken when using people who have an inflamed gallbladder, since the choleretic effect can exacerbate the disease.
When consumed during a diet, you need to use no more than 2 tbsp. spoons per day, because it has a lot of calories. 100 grams of butter contains about 900 calories.
In the process of cooking with olive oil, when heated, valuable substances are destroyed, and the product itself can become harmful, therefore, to preserve its usefulness, it is recommended to use oil that has not been processed by high temperatures.
Selection of useful and quality products
Olive oil is a product that has been used for a long time. It is widely used in cooking even now, therefore, in order to increase demand, manufacturers are misleading consumers by inventing various myths about it. Let's take a look at the most common ones that you can't always trust:
- Quality is determined by the color of the oil. This is not true, because the fruits of trees in the same grove can give both yellow and green color.
- Unfiltered products are better than filtered products. This position is considered incorrect. After cooking, the oils are passed through filters and poured into containers. Unfiltered products are allowed to stand up to 2 months, after which the precipitates are left below, and the risen product is poured into glass containers.
- Only oils obtained by cold pressing are very good, however, almost all brands of products are prepared by cold pressing, hot ones are used for the production of industrial oils, biodiesel.
To be able to benefit from olive oils, you need to buy the right foods. For a good choice, you need to know the basic rules:
- Olive products are made both refined and unrefined. Useful substances can only be stored at low temperatures. This means that it is better to purchase unrefined products.
- The preference is given to the brand with the inscription on the label virgin (natural).
- The presence of the word mix means that it is produced by mixing several varieties, and this can adversely affect the properties.
- The usefulness of the product lasts for 5 months, so the date of production is very important.
- The acidity gives the oil its softness. For varieties of high quality, this indicator does not exceed 0.8%.
- Quality products must be grown and manufactured in the same area.
- The glass container best retains value and quality.
- Store the oil in a dark and cool place.
Manufacturing process
To have an idea of the best brands of oil, you need to be able to understand the technological processes of its manufacture. There are no particular difficulties in this - as in Ancient Egypt olives were pressed using presses, and now the same technology exists.
However, modern devices are able to squeeze out much more substance, and the processed cake is sent for re-processing. On these grounds, it is divided into the following types:
- In the first, the primary substance is obtained, "virgin" Virgin Oil.
- In the second, chemicals are heated and passed through the cake. The result is Pomace Oil, refined pomat.
These cooking technologies explain the value and healthiness of the substance. However, if you want to buy the highest quality, medicinal products, you need to pay attention to the area where they grew and how they ripen.
Greece, Italy, Spain, Tunisia are considered the most important producing countries. About 80% of Virgin Oil comes from Greek Hellas to the world sale. Olives from Greece are purchased as raw materials by world importers. Then further products are made from them.
Main features of Extra Virgin
It doesn't matter in which country the Extra Virgin is made. He is considered the best of all possible types. The word "extra" refers to the exceptional quality of the raw materials. The collection of olives is done by hand, then they are sorted and processed.
Olives are chosen fully ripe, large, without damage. They are sent to the press, where processing takes place without any thermal or chemical effects. This processing method is called cold pressing. When used, the substance retains all its valuable qualities.
The products have a greenish color, rich odor and non-specific, rancid taste. It indicates the high quality of the product.
The best brands of liquid gold
Olive trees grow on European, Asian and African continents, where there is a lot of warmth and sun, however, the main suppliers of liquid gold, occupying leading positions in the world market, are located in Greece, Spain, Italy, Tunisia.
Modern breeders have developed many varieties of valuable plants. More than 40 types are produced in Italy alone, so Italian manufacturers produce different types: both mono-varietal oil and refined mixed cocktails with extraordinary taste.
Spain adheres to ancient recipes, known since ancient times, so the country does not have a large variety of olive oils. The products are packed in glass containers with a label written in Spanish. That is why Aceite de Oliva is considered the primary product. Secondary processing - a substance from cake, created using high temperatures - Aceite de Orujo.
Greek olives are grown in all climatic regions of the country. Oil "Terroir" has different tastes. It is produced by cold pressing.
Products from African Tunisia are extremely rare in Russian supermarkets, although the oils of this country have a special taste and aroma.
Turkish olive products are widely known in Russia. The most valuable and useful are liquid gold of primary extraction Extra-virgin olive oil. It contains all the valuable substances and vitamins. It is used for dressing salads and consumed in its pure form. Other types - Rivera olive oil and Pomace are used for cooking on fire.
Olive oil is not produced in Russia. On the shelves of supermarkets you can find products imported from other countries, but spilled in the Russian Federation.
The best Italian olive oils
In southern Mediterranean Italy, food has a special relationship. The cuisine of this country is considered the best European, and the products are standard. Oil producers Azienda Agricola Giorgio, Oliveto di Contessé Gertrude and Fattorie Greco have repeatedly won prestigious competitions.
The founder of the food industry, Zefferino Monini, created a food company back in the 1920s. His brand has been honored with a worldwide reputation. A highlight is the production of specialized lines of aromatization of a liquid product with natural grass, dry spice additives, vegetables, mushrooms and nuts.
Liquid gold PESTO is produced as unrefined primary cold-pressed oil. It contains juice from selected high quality olives, ground basil and cedar nuts. These additions gave a unique taste and allowed it to be used in the preparation of pesto - a classic sauce in traditional Italian cuisine.
- energy value: 900 kcal;
- fats: 100 gr;
- composition: extra virgin;
- shelf life: 18 months;
- volume: 250 ml;
- packed in a glass bottle.
Cost: 326 rubles.
- naturalness;
- great taste;
- high quality;
- rich smell of herbs;
- slightly almond bitter and memorable taste;
- refined seasoning;
- the right base for pesto sauce.
- small volume;
- expensive.
Filippo Berio Extra Virgin
Classic unrefined olive oil with a pleasant balanced taste. The products are made according to ancient recipes and technologies that have been passed down through generations so that people can enjoy the perfect natural tastes and aromas of olive trees.
The oil is obtained by the method of the first cold pressing. The product is ideal as a dressing, sauce, marinade and as a flavorful accompaniment to your favorite meat dishes.
- energy value: 822 kcal;
- fat: 91.3 g;
- composition: unrefined;
- shelf life: 20 months;
- volume: 250 ml;
- packed in a glass bottle.
Cost: 185 rubles.
- tasty and high quality;
- aromatic, without bitterness;
- contains the necessary set of valuable organic acids;
- high quality glass packaging;
- inexpensive.
- crystallizes in the cold.
The best Spanish flavored foods
Spain is one of the leaders in the production and export of Extra Virgin olive products. The country has up to 30 regions, where for many centuries high-quality products have been produced under the strict control of the state.
The taste quality of Spanish products is as close to natural as possible, it has richness, spice, and a bright aftertaste.
Borges original
The products are made from selected fruits of olive trees, according to the high quality and unshakable traditions of Borges.
Borges brand occupies up to 60% of the liquid gold market in Russia.
Products with impeccable taste and rich aroma are great for dressing salads and already prepared dishes, as they have reserves of vitamins and omega fatty acids.
- calorie content: 900 kcal;
- fats: 100 gr;
- composition: unrefined;
- shelf life: 20 months;
- volume: 1000 ml;
- packed in a tin container.
Cost: 852 rubles.
- first cold spin;
- delicate aroma;
- taste and benefits;
- convenient packaging;
- large volume;
- price-quality ratio.
- no astringency;
- thickens in the refrigerator.
The manufacturer IBERIC produces products that have no analogue in Russia. The assortment is huge, it includes products from budget products to premium products, although the price difference does not affect their quality and taste.
Iberica Pomace is an inexpensive product. Its composition contains 85% refined and 15% Extra Virgin. The product is obtained from the combination of unrefined Extra Virgen and recycled product using high temperature technology.
These products are ideal for use in large quantities in deep fryers for roasting vegetables.
- calorie content: 900 kcal;
- fats: 100 gr;
- composition: extract of refined and unrefined olive substances of the first extraction;
- shelf life: 24 months;
- volume: 500 ml;
- packing material: glass bottle.
Cost: 852 rubles.
- soft taste;
- useful;
- does not foam;
- does not burn;
- fragrant;
- natural.
- slight bitterness;
- refined.
Best Greek Liquid Gold
The Greeks were the first to appreciate the taste, quality and health benefits as well as the beauty of the olive tree in ancient times. Many countries of the world buy Greek aromatic products with pleasure, because they are considered very valuable, containing the maximum amount of useful substances, having a unique taste and peculiar aromas.
CRETEL P.D.O. estate Messara
A unique Greek product made in the Messara region of Crete. The fruits are grown and processed in the same area. The production process takes place at the olive collection point. The substance is pure, made from one type of olives. The main indicator is acidity, it does not exceed 0.6%.
The presence of a light bitterness indicates high quality and the absence of any chemicals in its preparation. This oil is considered the best product in Greece, with a rich taste and honey-fruit flavor.
- calorie content: 828 kcal;
- fat: 92 gr;
- composition: Extra Virgin olive substance;
- shelf life: 18 months;
- Volume: 500 ml;
- packing material: tin.
Cost: 524 rubles.
- unrefined;
- cold pressed;
- high quality;
- very delicious;
- environmentally friendly.
- not found.
Maestro de oliva
"Maestro di Oliva Extra Virgin" belongs to the class of the highest quality and natural products. It is produced by pressing a freshly picked selected crop without the use of chemicals for cleaning it.
Science has proven that the special composition and ratio of nutrients makes Maestro liquid gold nutritious and healing.
- energy value: 900 kcal;
- fats: 100 gr;
- composition: refined 80% and unrefined 20% of the first cold pressing;
- shelf life: 24 months;
- volume: 250 ml;
- packed in a tin box.
Cost: 179 rubles.
- delicious;
- useful;
- suitable for a healthy diet;
- lack of smell;
- low (0.4%) acidity;
- inexpensive.
- not found.
We've provided an overview of the best olive oil brands. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" will be grateful for your feedback and comments on those types of liquid gold that you use for culinary or cosmetic purposes.