A private pool in the country or in a country house is an effective health complex, a place for active recreation and a dream of every summer resident. This corner of health requires regular care, treatment, purification and timely water changes. Otherwise, it easily turns into a breeding ground for infection and a source of infectious diseases. Modern technologies make it possible to maintain the state of artificial reservoirs at the proper level. Almost all methods of their sanitization are associated with serious material and labor costs. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" invite you to get acquainted with a relatively new method of purifying and disinfecting water - ozonation. Visitors are invited to review "The best ozonizers for the pool", compiled according to the opinion of the buyers and the opinion of experts.
Swimming pool water treatment methods
Any pool, even a small one, has a common area that requires regular sanitation. Until recently, the most common ways to care for artificial reservoirs were:
- Chlorination. Chlorine is added to the bath in granules or tablets. There is a strong belief that chlorine in water is the cause of eye and skin irritation and unpleasant odor. In fact, all this is the action of chlorine decomposition products, the so-called. chloramines. Fresh chlorine in sufficient quantity is odorless and non-irritating. At the same time, the normal acidity of the water should be maintained (pH within 7.2-7.4). An increase in this indicator to 7.8 sharply reduces the efficiency of chlorination.
- Ultraviolet irradiation. Another way to disinfect. Special UV lamps are immersed in the bath. The whole infection dies. But first it is necessary to restore the transparency of the environment, otherwise the effectiveness of the method is sharply reduced.
- Ionization. Disease-causing microbes and bacteria are treated with copper and silver ions.
Recently, in addition to the listed sanitation methods, ozone treatment or ozonation has been added.
How ozone works
On a note! Ozone is called triatomic oxygen O3. Concentrated in the stratosphere, it protects the earth and all life on it from the lethal effects of sunlight, the so-called. solar wind.
Everyone knows the oxidative potential of oxygen. So, according to this characteristic, triatomic oxygen significantly exceeds the parameters of its diatomic analogue. As a result of object processing, the following results are achieved:
- All germs and bacteria are destroyed.
- Unpleasant odors are eliminated, the water becomes transparent.
- All organic particles left by bathers are oxidized: sweat and other secretions, particles of the skin. After processing, all this is knocked down into larger fragments that are deposited on the filters.
- Grease and mold on walls and in overflow gutters are destroyed.
- The water is saturated with oxygen, while the pH level remains unchanged.
Ozonation is the most effective way of sanitizing today. However, when combined with the three traditional methods, it becomes even more effective. The fact is that the triatomic oxygen molecule does not differ in vitality and decays quickly. Therefore, it cannot affect the microflora for a long time. To increase the duration of the operating time of the health complex between two treatments, it is supplemented with chlorination, ionization or UV irradiation.
What are the ozonizers
A super powerful oxidizer is obtained from atmospheric oxygen in two ways:
- In installations of the first type, air or oxygen is passed through the gap between the grounded and high-voltage electrodes. An inhomogeneous electric field generates discharges that divide oxygen molecules into atoms, which then combine to form a triatomic O3 molecule. Such devices are more productive and durable and cost more. They are usually used for the treatment of large pools.
- The second type includes generators in which O3 is produced by irradiating the air in the working chamber with hard ultraviolet radiation from a powerful lamp. In much the same way, ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere when exposed to sunlight. The productivity of UV installations is noticeably lower. It is enough for disinfecting baths in spas, fitness centers, small private containers.
The device consists of a reactor, where the process of converting diatomic oxygen into triatomic oxygen takes place, and a system for injecting the finished product into water. Usually this is the so-called. Venturi injector operating on the principle of differential pressure in the bath and the reactor. The equipment is housed in a housing. With it are added flow and pressure sensors, a pH indicator, a power button. Some models are equipped with compressors for air supply to the reactor chamber, booster pumps, degassers.
New types of devices have been developed and successfully applied - highly efficient models of two-stage type:
- O3 generator + chlorine generator in one housing. Together with the O3 generator already known to us, a device that produces chlorine by electrolysis of ordinary table salt works. Such a chemical is more harmless than its chemically derived counterpart. Double treatment gives a longer lasting effect. At the same time, the only consumable material - table salt, is sold in every grocery store at a ridiculous price. In addition, after such treatment, the amount of chlorine added to the water is reduced significantly.
- O3 generator + ionizer. In this case, the water is simultaneously processed with copper or silver ions generated by the device itself, by electrolysis of these metals. In addition, the optimal pH level is restored in the ionized water. The user receives a structured or so-called. "Living" water, the very one we learned about from children's fairy tales.
- UV + ozonizer. Ultraviolet irradiation of waters, in addition to treatment with a superoxidant, enhances the disinfection effect, increasing its duration after the decomposition of O3. Installations of this type use powerful UV lamps to generate ozone and irradiate water.
How to choose the right model
Possessing a mass of useful properties, triatomic oxygen in high concentrations becomes harmful and deadly for humans. Before you buy an O3 generator, you should carefully study all of its description and technical characteristics. Then you need to compare the information received with the volume and location of your building (outdoor or indoor). And finally, determine for yourself the main selection criteria.
This parameter determines how efficient the device will work. A low-power device will take a long time to disinfect large baths.If for home reservoirs it does not really matter, then for owners of swimming and SPA pools, beauty salons and fitness centers it is important. Long breaks are not profitable.
Do not think that the high performance model is suitable for any bath. First, such devices are much more expensive than low-power ones and consume more electricity. Ultimately, this is simply not beneficial for the individual user, nor for the business. In addition, excessive production can cause ozone concentrations to rise to levels that are harmful to health.
Important! The presence of ozone in the air in an amount exceeding 0.1 mg / m3. can cause burns to mucous membranes and respiratory organs.
Electric power
The amount of operating costs depends on it. It is clear that for large volumes, more powerful units are chosen that consume a significant amount of electricity, and vice versa.
Do not think that all high-performance generators are "gluttonous". Much depends on the manufacturer. The best of them, taking into account the wishes of buyers, produce energy-saving equipment using innovative technical solutions and modern materials. Their products will cost more, but will save the buyer significant funds during operation. When choosing your model, compare the power consumption of equally productive products from different companies and choose the best one.
Ambient temperature
When studying the description of the model, pay special attention to this parameter. Most devices are designed to operate only at positive air temperatures. If its installation is carried out in an unheated room, it is better to dismantle it for the winter. If this is not possible, you will have to look for devices designed to work in low temperatures. The same applies to the upper temperature limit. You should not place a product designed for a maximum air temperature of up to +35 degrees near the stove, or put a brazier near it.
Dimensions and weight
Equipment for large baths is located in special service rooms, the dimensions of which are designed for this, and during construction and installation problems with its location do not arise. Nevertheless, when choosing a device, evaluate in advance whether it will fit in the designated place or look for a smaller installation.
Two-stage installations
Ozonation of baths is a reagent-free treatment. This is their main advantage - the absence of costs for the purchase of chemical cleaning agents, and a radical reduction in the time for sanitizing. However, the gas decomposes quickly and no longer affects the water quality, and the process of accumulation of contaminants in the bath is continuous. Pay attention to the popular Clear Water models from the USA, British Triogen, Russian Xenozone. The O3 generators in these devices are paired with UV lamps, chlorine generators or ionizers. This allows you to prolong the disinfecting effect of this type of device on the bath contents and significantly reduce your costs. Such models are not cheap, but they will pay for themselves pretty soon, especially if this is not just a summer cottage, but a paid health center.
What to look for
- Choose plug-and-forget models. working in automatic mode. The set of such a device includes many sensors and an adjustable controller. The display shows an error message: insufficient pressure, small flow, high O3 concentration, increasing pH. Owners of such units can be absolutely calm about the quality of water and health, their own and their customers.
- Low-performance models, represent a generator in a housing with sockets for connecting hoses at the inlet and outlet and buttons on the control panel. This option will suit any summer resident. Owners of sports and recreation centers should pay attention to installations with a built-in compressor and booster pump.
- Each device comes with a step-by-step user guide and installation guidelines. Read it carefully. Some manufacturers may withdraw the warranty for the repair of their model if it was not installed by the service center specialists.
- Pay attention to the appearance of the product. It does not always have a purely decorative function. A good layout, carefully selected materials and an intuitive control panel ultimately determine what is called ergonomics. Attractive appearance indicates the high quality of the product.
- Cost is not the last parameter that influences the choice of the buyer. Depends on the size of the bath and its purpose. The owners of health-improving complexes should not save on the level of automation, the presence of pumps and compressors, generators of double disinfecting effect in the set. The main thing is that it is a quality product from a well-known manufacturer, the popularity of the models of which has long been deserved and is beyond doubt. No matter how much it costs, the costs will quickly pay off.
- For country pools or small baths for home spa treatments, complex and expensive models are not needed. There are enough budget units of decent quality and suitable performance on the market.
Top manufacturers
Italian company. On the market since 1982. Today it is a developed production of high-quality disinfecting devices and pumping equipment for various purposes. The work of its specialists is always distinguished by the desire to use innovative technologies and quick response to constantly updated customer requests.
The brand belongs to the German company Apel Ozon und Wassertechnik. The main activity is the development and production of devices that purify water and air. Its products are in high demand and are supplied to all countries of the world.
Prozone Water Products
American firm. Its founder, Ron Barnes, worked for a long time as a physicist at NASA. The company's products are O3 generators of the Prozone brand for air and water. A separate line is produced by devices for pools, the development of which Barnes was personally involved.
The products of this international corporation are known all over the world. Fifteen thousand of its specialists in many countries of the world create goods for recreation on the water: from inflatable boats to swimming pools, filter pumps and devices for purifying and disinfecting water. The high quality of the goods is confirmed by the manufacturer's guarantees. Issuing a warranty card upon purchase is the only way to make sure that the purchased item is not a fake.
Clear water
Trademark of the California company Clearwater Technologies Inc., the largest manufacturer of water ionizers. To enhance the effect of disinfection, the company produces double-acting devices, installing ionizers in one housing with ozonizers. The company's products are purchased by Nasa for installation on spacecraft.
Scottish manufacturer of pool decontamination systems. One of the largest in the world. Its double cleaning devices - ozonizer + ultraviolet radiation - are in high demand.
Trademark of the Engineering and Technical Center "Comprehensive Research". Production address Novotroitsk, New Moscow. The company is one of the three largest developers and manufacturers of equipment for swimming pools in the country.
Which company the equipment is better to buy is up to the buyer. Having determined the best manufacturers, you should carefully read the assortment, carefully study the description, characteristics of several samples from different manufacturers. Then you need to compare the data obtained, find out how much the model you are interested in costs and make a decision. By the way, inexpensive devices do not mean bad ones. It doesn't hurt to listen to tips and tricks from experienced users and advice from sellers.
Many home craftsmen are interested in how to make a device with their own hands. It is not so difficult for those who have their hands sharpened correctly. The required scheme can be easily found in the Russian Internet.There you can also find a set of necessary parts, assemblies and materials. But I would like to remind you that ozone is a dangerous gas. In order not to harm health, it is required not to allow an increase in its concentration beyond dangerous limits. In branded devices, there is always a gas concentration control function. In a homemade device, it is not.
Important! Using a homemade ozonizer is hazardous to health! Even the installation of branded products is not recommended to be done by yourself. It is better to entrust this to specialists.
Where can I buy
It is best to do this in specialized stores. There you can get comprehensive advice, see and touch the product, and issue a warranty card. If such outlets are not available, it is convenient to order the product online in the online store or visit the manufacturers' official websites.
Rating of quality ozonizers for the pool
Single stage generators
5. Hydro Forse Bestway 58202
A Chinese company that produces budget models for small home baths. Works with filter units capable of removing impurities from 2 cubic meters. water per hour. Ozone productivity - 350 mg / hour. In addition to the usual O3 generator, the unit is equipped with a nano-bubble generator. This is a novelty among disinfection technologies.
The sizes of nano-bubbles are extremely small, only 1/10 of the section of a human hair. If ordinary gas bubbles (in our case, triatomic oxygen) tend to the surface, their nano-analogs remain in the water column for an hour, significantly increasing the disinfecting effect of the oxidizer. The nano-bubble generator requires silica gel to operate. You will have to buy it separately. This compact device will cope with the disinfection of artificial reservoirs with a volume of up to 40 cubic meters. The average cost is 20,430 rubles. Not a bad option for a small frame and even an inflatable pool.
- compact size;
- ease of connection and operation;
- effective cleaning without chemicals;
- affordable price.
- the need for periodic purchases of silica gel.
4. Faraday A1G
Installations of this brand are produced in India. Its purpose is to clean artificial reservoirs with a volume of up to 30 cubic meters. 1 gram of a heavy-duty oxidizer is produced per hour. The apparatus is equipped with a built-in compressor that pumps air into the reactor chamber where the corona discharge electrode is installed. The compact body of the device, 210x270x420 mm, is made of durable fiberglass. Weight without packaging is 9.02 kg. You can buy the device at a price of 76009 rubles.
- compact;
- easy;
- with built-in compressor.
- not cheap.
3.Prozone PZ2 1
Lightweight, compact and low-noise device manufactured by an American company. The ozone capacity is 0.5 g per hour. This is enough for cleaning from bacteria and dirt in baths with a volume of up to 90 cubic meters. The device has dimensions of 230x530x150 mm. Weight without packaging - 8.4 kg. The installation is made of materials that absorb sounds, which makes it work practically without noise. The circuit is assembled using modern semiconductor devices. The manufacturer guarantees its trouble-free operation for 20,000 hours. The average price is 207346 rubles.
- compact;
- productive;
- low noise.
- expensive.
Italian ozonizer with degasser. With each cycle, about 10% of the total volume of water enters the reactor. Under the influence of a corona discharge, water is saturated with ozone and disinfected, after which it passes through a degasser, where the oxidizing gas is destroyed. Then the disinfected water is injected into the pool, with a volume of up to 50 cubic meters, by means of a Venturi injector operating on the pressure difference in the bath and the destructor. The generator produces 2 grams of triatomic oxygen in one hour. Water productivity - 3 cubic meters / hour. The electric power of the installation does not exceed 900 W. The dimensions of the device are rather modest: 1000x600x450 mm. Powered by 220V. The average cost is 380,000 rubles.
- high performance;
- reduction of chlorine use by 90%;
- high degree of purification;
- built-in degasser.
- high price.
1. Ozomat SB
German installation for swimming pools up to 80 cubic meters. Cleans and disinfects 10 tons of water per hour. Dimensions: 400x1350x500 mm. The set of the device includes:
- protective cover;
- regeneration indicator;
- power regulator;
- vacuum gauge;
- pressure meter.
Once in the reactor, atmospheric oxygen is exposed to a corona discharge and is converted into ozone. A powerful oxidizer is then injected into the water. The whole process is fully automated. The acidity of the bath water does not change. Despite 100% purification and disinfection, the use of chlorine against water bloom cannot be avoided. However, this treatment method allows for the reduction of chlorination to a minimum. The water becomes crystal clear. There are no unpleasant odors, the bathers' skin does not suffer. The model is successfully used in almost all artificial reservoirs and receives the best reviews from users. Its average cost will be 486,805 rubles.
- high-quality assembly;
- full automation of the process;
- extended functionality;
- excellent result.
- very high price.
Two-stage installations
5.Intex 26666
Double-acting wastewater treatment plant from a major international company. Consists of two generators. One produces ozone from oxygen in the air, the other - chlorine from table salt. Thus, O3 disinfects water by oxidizing all harmful substances in the water, and chlorine obtained by electrolysis of table salt complements disinfection, bringing water closer to sea in composition.
Important! The use of iodized salt for chlorine production is prohibited!
The installation is equipped with a pH level sensor, and in case of deviations from the norm, it will signal the owner about it. However, the device cannot restore normal acidity automatically. We'll have to buy chemicals.
Productivity of the apparatus for chlorine - 11 g / h, for O3 - 150 mg / h. The device is quite energy-consuming, with a power of 1.25 kW, powered by a 220 V. It is equipped with a touch control panel with a built-in cyclic timer, a mode indicator with an error message function, a flow and pressure sensor. Designed for pools with a volume of 56800 liters. The device is quite compact, 360x410x350 mm. Weight - 10.9 kg. Average cost: 18,170 rubles.
- treatment with chlorine from salt is safer than conventional chlorination;
- stocking up on table salt for a chlorine generator is easy and inexpensive;
- acidity level is controlled;
- inexpensive.
- it is necessary to buy reagents to restore the pH balance.
4. Clear Water OZ - 50
One of the world leaders in the manufacture of installations for water purification in swimming pools is presented in the review with a double-acting apparatus. The device generates ozone, which oxidizes all possible harmful substances in the water, eliminates unpleasant odors. In addition to it, a powerful ultraviolet lamp is built into the device, the bactericidal radiation of which "finishes" the harmfulness that survived during ozonation, eliminates mold and fungus. An excellent option for processing large stationary pools with a volume of up to 190 cubic meters, the purity does not differ from the spring. And no chemistry. The average cost of the device is 78,000 rubles.
- reagent-free cleaning technology;
- environmental friendliness;
- high-quality assembly;
- stylish design.
- not identified.
3.Triogen UV500 (OZ SX 500)
UV / ozone generator from a British company. The ozone capacity is 0.5 g / h. Powered by a mains voltage of 220 V. Power is low, only 35 kW. The dimensions of the station are very compact: 115х110х440 mm, weight - 3.8 kg. The principle of operation is the same as in the previous review model. The generator converts oxygen in the air into its triatomic version, which oxidizes all harmful impurities and bacteria in the water. The radiation from the ultraviolet lamp enhances the disinfection result and prevents the formation of mold and mildew. The device is installed in the water treatment system after the filters.The average cost is 77,541 rubles.
- compactness;
- light weight;
- high degree of purification;
- reagent-free processing;
- reasonable price.
- not identified.
2.Aqua Elite 50 Clear Water Tech
Another interesting two-stage purification system from the American brand is an ozonizer - ionizer. The device has an impressive performance, about 13.6 cubic meters per hour. It is used for cleaning artificial reservoirs with a volume of up to 190 cubic meters. In addition to the oxidation of harmful substances, the installation processes water with copper ions, producing them in an amount of 179 - 287 mg / hour, depending on the strength of the current supplied to the copper electrode.
The complex effect of the installation is expressed in water purification from harmful impurities and bacteria by oxidation and restoration of its pH balance with copper ions. As a result, the user receives crystal clear and real "living water" in his reservoir, without spending money on the purchase of reagents. The process technology was developed by NASA engineers / The average cost of the device is 151,200 rubles.
- environmentally friendly option;
- crystal clear water;
- assembly in the USA.
- high price.
1.Xenozone Scout Duo
Russian development of an automatic installation for double reagentless purification and disinfection of water in swimming pools, by oxidizing O3 and UV irradiation. Organic impurities are removed, water gets rid of unpleasant odor.
The installation consists of two independent circuits, air and water. The air one is equipped with an electrode for generating ozone, the water one is equipped with an ultraviolet lamp, by means of which the water is treated with bactericidal radiation. Installed in the bypass line of the cleaning system.
On a note! Bypass is called a bypass line on pipelines of various media, designed for the installation of filters, metering devices, etc.
It cuts into the main line with the obligatory installation of shut-off equipment on the tie-ins before and after the built-in equipment, for its prevention, repair or replacement without stopping the circuit.
The device is used to service baths with a volume of up to 50 cubic meters, consumes 1.39 kW from a 220V network. In one hour, the device will process 4 cubic meters. water. In addition to the O3 generator and an ultraviolet sterilizer, the unit is equipped with:
- booster pump;
- flow sensor;
- static mixer;
- a residual gas destructor.
The electrical part of the device is wired in the control cabinet. There are control buttons on the front panel. Dimensions of the device: 130x40x50cm. Weight does not exceed 50 kg. Average cost: 315,500 rubles.
- double water treatment;
- fully automated system;
- compact size;
- light weight.
- high price.
The presence of a pool in the country or in a country house is not uncommon today. The market is saturated with equipment for water purification of domestic reservoirs, of various operating principles, sizes, costs and performance. The editors of the site hope that the presented review will help users understand the variety of devices and not make mistakes when choosing the appropriate option. Take care of your health. Buy a swimming pool for a summer residence, a ready-made spa, an inflatable or an outdoor jacuzzi, add an ozonizer to it, and enjoy your wellness at home.