A set of threading tools will always come in handy for a craftsman who makes a living by repairing automobiles and household appliances, as well as an ordinary man whose hands are "not sharpened under an ax." Correcting a damaged thread or making a suitable screw or nut with your own hands, instead of those lost, having a suitable tool in your hands, will not be difficult and will save you from having to rush around the shops in search of the right part. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" present a rating of the best sets of taps and dies for threading for 2024, based on customer reviews and expert recommendations.
A bit of history
Fasteners, analogs of modern screws, have been known to mankind since the beginning of our era. Ancient Roman jewelers used them to make jewelry, and artisans used them to make medical instruments. The manufacture of fasteners was highly valued in those days and was not widely used.
The 15th century has come. On the battlefields, warriors clashed in armor and armor, the parts of which were fastened with screws and studs. At the same time, watchmakers assembled their products with screws. But the nuts appeared later, after a hundred and fifty years. There were no generally accepted standards then. Each master made fasteners at his own discretion. In the 17th century, joints close to modern ones appeared, and the thread pitch was inch.
Metric thread was first used in France quite recently, in the 19th century.
Thread classification
- Metric. The most common fastening thread. The diameter of the parts is measured in mm.
- Pipe. It is used for the installation of pipelines and shut-off and control valves (mixers, taps, valves). Diameter is measured in inches and fractions of an inch, so it is also called an inch.
- Threads on the outer surface of parts: bolts, studs, pipes, are called external, and nuts, blind sockets and couplings are called internal.
- In the direction of rotation, left and right are distinguished.
- By the number of calls - one and multiple.
- The cross section is triangular, rectangular trapezoidal, etc.
- Can be straight (cylindrical) or conical.
By what parameters are threads distinguished
Consider the characteristics of metric and pipe threads.
- One of the main parameters of a thread is its pitch. It is designated by the letter P. In metric threads, this distance is in mm. between the same sides of two successive turns of it. In pipe and inch, this is the number of turns per inch.
- There are diameters: outer, middle and inner. Outside is the distance between the tops of the teeth on opposite sides of the part. It is denoted by D (d). Internal - the same distance between the troughs of the turns. It is designated by the letters D1 (d1). Average is measured at two opposite points of the middle part of the profile.
- A stroke is the distance that a point will move on a single-threaded screw, making a full turn over the surface of the part. In a single-pass it is equal to a step, in a multi-pass it is the product of step P by the number of passes.
We will not consider the remaining parameters, since they are needed mainly for calculations.The diameter of a metric thread can be measured with a vernier caliper. To determine the parameters of the pipe, the measurement results with a caliper are checked against the data of a special table. However, an experienced technician is able to determine by eye the diameter of a pipe thread in inches by eye. Anyway, in the 3/8 to 2 inches range, it's not difficult.
Metric thread
It is widely used in fasteners: screws, bolts and nuts, studs, etc. A large step is indicated by the letter M and the numerical value of the outer diameter, in the designation of the small one, the numerical value of the step is added to the letter M and the number of the diameter.
Metric threads can be tapered and cylindrical, depending on the shape (section) of the surface to be processed. In both cases, the profile (tooth) angle is 60 °. The taper is expressed as a ratio of 1:16. Designated by MK.
Pipe thread
Performed in accordance with the BSP (British Standard pipe thread) standard. The profile has an angle of 55 °. Pitch is measured by the number of turns per inch of length (25.4 mm). The P 11 mark means that eleven turns fit in one inch. P 14 - fourteen turns by 25.4 mm, etc. There are also P 19 and 28 (4 steps in total) Pipe threads are denoted by the letter G and a number denoting the size of the flow area of the pipe without taking into account the thickness of its walls. This value is called the nominal pipe bore. Measured in whole and fractional inches. The letter G may not be present on products. Left-hand threads are designated LH.
Accuracy classes A and B differ. Designation G 1/2-A LH means - 3/4 inch, accuracy class A, left. Items are often labeled simply, such as 3/4 "to three-quarters of an inch (or 20 mm). It must be remembered that in this case we mean the nominal diameter of the pipe connection. To obtain the outer diameter, double the thickness of the pipe wall must be added to the nominal bore.
How to make a thread
The following methods are used:
- Cutting with a die, tapping, cutters on lathes, milling cutters, special rifling heads, restoration of damaged screws with files.
- Rolling with special rollers or flat dies, chipless tap.
- Grinding with a single or multi-strand wheel. This method is used in the manufacture of lead screws.
- Extrusion with a press on parts of their plastics and non-ferrous metal.
- Casting. This method does not differ with particular accuracy and is used when processing plastic and polish products.
- Brittle and extremely hard materials: ceramics or carbide parts are electro-eroded.
This is a steel hardened nut with cutting edges. The part is cut by it in one pass. The chips are removed through the holes between the cutting edges. It is possible to work manually by fixing it in the tool / die holder, or on the machine. Usually dies are made with a thickness of 8 to 10 turns. The working part is a cone with two to three turns of the lead-in part. Alloyed or high-speed steels are used as material for the manufacture of dies: 9ХС, Р6М5, etc. Product marking indicates the degree of accuracy, diameter and steel grade of the product. If you have purchased a die that does not have a steel grade on its surface, know that it is 9XC steel.
The die can be split, sliding (for dies), round, hexagonal, etc.
The most accurate work is performed with solid dies. They are also the most wearing out.
Interesting! Once upon a time, only cut and sliding products were called dies. Lerki were continuous and they gave the most accurate result. Now the separation of concepts has been abolished. The name "lerka" became popular.
Special screw with cutting edges. It is screwed into the workpiece, rotates and cuts the surface of the part. The chips are removed through special grooves between the working edges. The tail part is clamped into the holder before the operation. The active part is divided into a leading cutting and a gauging one. The best quality result is obtained by driving the hole alternately with rough, medium and finish taps. They are easy to distinguish by their profile and shank marking rings.
Distinguish between machine-hand and hand tools for nuts and blind sockets. Their lead-in part has a different shape.
Rollers are used for rolling. They have no chip flutes.
The material for the manufacture of taps are hard alloys and high-speed steels. Before starting work, the workpiece is lubricated with any greasy grease. Running without lubrication is not recommended. A quality product will not work
Tool selection criteria
Before purchasing a kit, you should decide on the type and diameter of tools, which of them are most in demand, and what you should pay attention to:
- If you plan to install a water supply system in a country house, you need to buy a ratchet valve and pipe dies. The most suitable for this kind of work will be dies of diameters 1/2 '', 3/4 '', 1 '', 1 1/4 '', 1 1/5 '' and 2 ''. The ratchet clamp will make the job easier.
- To repair damaged parts or cut new parts, you will need various sizes of dies and hand taps. The most common diameters are considered from M3 to M12.
- It is better to select taps of each diameter in sets of two or three numbers, for roughing, medium and finishing. Different numbers are marked with annular grooves on the tail. The rough ones are marked with one ring, the middle ones - with two and the finishing ones - with three rings. The roughing profile is a truncated cone, the finishing one has a triangular profile.
- When buying kits, you should carefully examine them. They can slip two products with the same profile: both rough or two finishing.
- Lerki, as a rule, cut the part in one pass, so they are all fine. Manufactured from high carbon steel.
6. Taps are most often made from carbide materials. The surface of the dies is marked with the steel grade. It can be high speed steel or alloy steel. - It is better to buy a tool in convenient cases made of plastic or metal. It is more convenient to carry and store it than "loose".
- However, the purchase of the "placer" cannot be avoided. There are no 100% universal “cases”.
- The sets differ in the number of items. The more there are, the more expensive the purchase will be.
- They produce professional and household tools. Professional are of high quality, better wear resistance and higher price.
- To determine the profile and pitch, the case must have a thread gauge.
- When buying, you should carefully inspect the tool, especially the condition of the cutting edges. Even a beginner will be able to distinguish quality products from cheap fakes.
- It is better to purchase products from well-known brands. Czech and German sets are traditionally of good quality. When choosing manufacturers in the Asia-Pacific region, it is better to opt for products from Taiwan. Buying a Chinese kit is like a lottery. You can get quality, or you can get a one-time fake. A set from Taiwan is always of high quality.
Which company is better to buy a set
We offer you to get acquainted with some well-known manufacturers:
- Berger. Russian brand with production in Taiwan. High-quality, wear-resistant tapes and taps. The sets are completed with a convenient case, holders. The manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty for its products.
- Biber. The German brand is manufactured in China. Differs in good quality and good equipment. There are three numbers of taps of each diameter, which greatly facilitates the process of cutting the workpiece and guarantees good quality.
- Bovidix. The brand belongs to the USA. Production is deployed in Taiwan. Bovidix manufactures tools from the highest quality materials and constantly innovates.Consumers leave the best reviews for this brand.
- JTC. The homeland of the brand and the country of origin is Taiwan. For 33 years, the company has been producing professional tools that have gained popularity not only in their homeland, but also in Europe and the USA. Always excellent quality, durability, excellent ergonomics.
- Matrix. German brand with production in China. The company is very young. Produces products of good quality and excellent design and ergonomics.
- Rothenberger. The German company is a world leader in the production of equipment for the installation and maintenance of pipelines. Rothenberger kits are popular among professionals. If you are planning to build a country house with heating and plumbing, a tool from Rothenberger will be the best solution to problems when installing piping.
- Arsenal. Russian brand with production in Taiwan. On the market since 1998. Arsenal manufactures inexpensive high quality and durable kits.
- Mastak. Brand and country of origin - Taiwan. Products under the Mastak brand are developed specifically for delivery to the Russian market. The Mastak is a high quality professional locksmith kit featuring outstanding ergonomics, innovation, usability and durability.
- Bucovice. Czech brand and production. Leading manufacturer in the Czech Republic and Europe. Vucovice have always been famous for their high quality, durability and excellent equipment.
Not all the best manufacturers are represented here. However, the listed brands are in demand among professional craftsmen. Before making a purchase, decide on the diameters of fasteners necessary for your activity, find out how much a particular set costs, its functionality, and the popularity of models from different brands. If you don’t make a living doing it, it’s not worth spending money on a pro kit. For the home, you need to choose budget tools at an affordable price. It is advisable to listen to the advice and recommendations of experts. Professionals, on the other hand, shouldn't waste time on trifles. A good and expensive tool will soon pay off.
Rating of quality tool sets
Berger BG 21TDS
The tenth line of the rating is occupied by a case with a tool from the Russian brand Berger BG21TDS, manufactured in Taiwan, which in itself speaks of the high quality of the products. Convenient plastic case contains 7 single-pass taps and seven dies, with sizes from M3 to M12. In addition, the kit contains the following items necessary for the operation of the product:
- two quick-clamping T-shaped barbs M3 - M6 and M5-M12;
- two holders М3-М12;
- flat screwdriver;
- metal brush.
All components are made of 9XC steel. The kit has received very good reviews from buyers. Its average price is 1725 rubles. According to buyers, an excellent combination of price and quality.
- durable and comfortable holders;
- the presence of keyless chucks;
- affordable price.
- fixing the stick in the holder with one screw is not always reliable;
- lack of rough and medium taps.
Matrix Master 77337
In ninth place is a product from the German brand Matrix, made in China. The delivery set includes ten dies and twenty taps, two (# 1 and # 2) for each diameter, from M3 to M12, for preliminary and finishing holes. Lerki are made with one-way marked approach. This must be borne in mind when using them. Includes a plastic case with a comfortable grip and a combo holder with one fixing screw. The entire set, except for the combined holder, is made of 9XC steel. The average cost of a set is 1879 rubles.
- high-quality work result;
- small case;
- affordable price.
- the combined holder is unreliable;
- there is no screwdriver and thread gauge.
Biber 90221
The eighth place is taken by a set of Chinese production, from the German brand Biber. Package Included:
- Lerki from M3 to M12 - 7 pcs.;
- 21 taps, three of each size - rough, medium and fine;
- Holder with five fixing screws;
- Holder;
- Screwdriver.
All components are housed in a metal case. Three taps per diameter ensure the perfect end result. Five screws for fixing the stick in the holder ensure its immobility during work. The average cost is 2629 rubles.
- the presence of finishing, medium and rough taps in the kit;
- secure fit in holders;
- high-quality work result.
- not found.
Berger BG 31TDS
The seventh line of the rating is taken by the set of the Russian brand Berger BG 31TDS, made in Taiwan. The set includes twelve dies with one-sided approach, and the same number of single-pass taps, sizes from M3 to M12. In addition, the set contains:
- holder for dies;
- holder M3 to M12;
- two keyless chucks: M3 - M6 and M5 - M12;
- screwdriver;
- metal brush.
The tool is made of 9XC steel. A convenient case is provided for storage and transportation. The average cost of the kit is 2956 rubles.
- wear resistance;
- cuts easily and smoothly;
- reliable and versatile holders.
- single-pass dies.
JTC 3432
In sixth place is a set of tools from the Taiwanese brand JTS 3432. The material of the accessories is alloy steel. Kit contents:
- 16 dies from M3 to M12 inclusive, plus 1/8 ”dies;
- 6 taps, two each (roughing and finishing) М3 - М12, plus 1/8 ”tap;
- two holders;
- two keyless chucks with T-shaped handles;
- screwdriver/
The set is stored and carried in a plastic case. Its cost is 5040 rubles.
- excellent equipment;
- cuts easily enough;
- the quality of the work is good;
- the case is convenient for storage and carrying.
- not identified.
Bovidix 288204001
In fifth place is a set of the American brand Bovidix, made in Taiwan. Designed for cutting internal and external threads M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M10, M12. Two numbers of taps and dies are provided for each diameter, allowing you to perform rough and fine cuts with high quality. In addition, the set includes: holders, keyless chuck, screwdriver. Customers especially like the convenient metal case. The inner plastic insert for tool storage is marked with large letters and numbers for each pocket. Any detail is easy to find, even for people with impaired vision. The average cost of a set is 5292 rubles.
- excellent tool quality;
- increased wear resistance;
- ease of cutting without defects;
- convenient case.
- one-sided single-pass dies.
Rothenberger Super CUT 70781X
In fourth place we placed a set for cutting pipe threads, German brand Rothenberger Super CUT 70781X, Spanish production. The kit includes:
- conical pipe crowns 1/2 "", 3/4 "", 1 "", 1.1 / 4 "";
- ratchet screwdriver;
- lightweight and durable, non-separable handle;
- plastic case.
The cutting crowns are made of high quality heat-treated steel. Thanks to the improved geometry, the knives easily cut into the material and have excellent chip removal. The quality of the work meets the standards. An excellent German instrument, the purchase of which will cost the craftsmen 19,239 rubles.
- excellent equipment, there are all basic sizes of crowns;
- all crowns are compatible with Rothenberger power tools;
- wear resistance and durability of crowns and ratchets.
- high price.
Arsenal AS-40
In third place is a set from a Russian brand, Taiwan-made Arsenal AS-40. For each diameter, there are two dies and two taps, for the initial and finishing passes. The tools are made of chrome vanadium steel. The kit also includes holders, a keyless chuck, a knob and a screwdriver. All elements of the set are located in a plastic case. Buyers like the balance of packaging, quality and cost of the set. Its purchase will cost the buyer 3089 rubles.
- wear resistance and durability;
- good equipment;
- convenient case.
- the set does not include a thread gauge;
- the die in the holder is fixed with only one screw.
М3 - Hobby CS Bucovice
In second place is the set of the Czech brand M3 - Hobby CS Bucovice. The set includes three taps of each size, for primary medium and finishing holes. In addition, the manufacturer added metal drills to the set, with diameters from 2.5 to 10.2 mm. Such a complete set allows the craftsmen not to be distracted from their work to find the right drill. Holders, screwdriver, center punch and thread gauge complete the set. The entire tool is stored and carried in a plastic case. Its cost is 8134 rubles.
- excellent equipment;
- durability and wear resistance;
- convenient case.
- not identified.
Mastak 351 00040C
The leading position in the ranking is occupied by a set from Taiwan Mastak 351 00040C. The kit for professional use consists of 16 dies and 16 taps for cutting external and internal metric threads M3-M12. Each diameter has two dies and two taps for roughing and finishing. In addition, the set contains a die and a tap for cutting pipe threads with a nominal diameter of 1/8 ''. Of particular interest is the design of the combined ratchet holder. Keyless chucks have shanks adapted for installation in a ratchet holder. For a secure fit, no special effort is required.
The dies of the set, in contrast to the traditionally round shape, have the shape of a hexagon. To fix them in the ratchet holder, a special hex adapter with one fixing screw is provided. The hexagonal shape of the die does not allow it to rotate in the holder. Tap sockets are plastic clips that rotate on axles inserted into the sockets of a plastic case. This is very convenient both when removing the instrument and when returning it to its place in the case. The set is made of high speed steel HSS. The average price of a set is 10,100 rubles. The best ratio of price and quality.
- durability and wear resistance;
- excellent equipment;
- easy-to-use ratchet holder;
- very handy case.
- not identified.
Brand name / country of origin | Specifications and equipment | average price |
SK-5 Mastak 351-00040С Taiwan / Taiwan | Thread direction - right hand. Complete set: taps - 17 pcs .; dies 17 pcs. Metric thread M3-M12. Quick-clamping tap holders M3-M6 -1 pcs. ratchet ram holder, screwdriver, thread gauge, plastic case. Material - high-speed tool steel (SK5), Cr-V Min thread size M3. Quantity in a set, pcs. 40. | 10100 rubles |
M3 - Hobby CS Bucovice Czech Republic | In a set Hand taps, 3 pcs. (# 1, 2, 3): M3, M4, M5, M6, M8, M10, M12 Dies: M3, M4, M5, M6, M8, M10, M12 Tap holder, die holder Drill bits for metal: 2.5 - 3.3 - 4.2 - 5.0 - 6.8 - 8.5 - 10.2 mm Screwdriver, center punch, thread gauge, plastic case. | 8143 rubles |
Arsenal AS - 40 Russia / Taiwan | Thread direction - right hand. Complete set - taps and dies Metric thread М3-М12 High carbon steel Min thread size M3 Quantity in a set, pcs. - 40: 17 dies, 17 taps, tap holder, die holder, quick-release wrench with a tap wrench, screwdriver, thread gauge, plastic case. | 3089 rubles |
Rothenberger Super CUT 70781X Germany / Spain | Equipment: klupp (ratchet) with a non-separable handle. Tapered BSPT pipe thread, diameter: 1/2 "- 3/4" - 1 "- 1.1 / 4". Plastic case. Kit weight, kg - 5.1 | 1932 rubles |
Bovidix 288204001 USA / Taiwan | Thread direction - right hand. Complete set - taps 17 pcs., Dies 17 pcs. Die holder, tap holder, quick-release key for taps, screwdriver, thread gauge, metal case. Metric thread - M3-M12. Steel - high-speed. Min thread size - M3. Quantity in a set - 39 pcs. Dimensions, mm - 288x190x45. Weight - 1 kg. | 5292 rubles |
JTC 3432 A Taiwan / Taiwan | Thread direction - right Complete set - taps and dies Metric thread M3-M12 Material - high-strength alloy steel Min thread size M (taps / dies) - M3 Number in a set - 34 pcs., Including: dies and taps metric from M3 to M12, dies and tap 1/8 "NPT, ram holder, tap holder, screwdriver, thread gauge, plastic case. | 5040 rubles |
Berger BG 31TDS Russia / Taiwan | Thread direction - right Complete set: taps and dies Metric thread M3-M12 Steel 9ХС Min thread size M (taps / dies) - M3 Quantity in a set - pcs. - 31, including: 12 dies, 12 taps, tap holder, die holder, quick-clamping wrenches for taps - 2 pcs., Metal brush, template for measuring threads, plastic case. | 2956 rubles |
Biber 90221 Germany / China | Thread direction - right Complete set - taps and dies. Metric thread M3-M12. Min thread size M (taps and dies) M3. Quantity in a set, pcs. 32. Finish, medium and rough taps for each size. The set includes a screwdriver, a metal case, a tap holder and a die holder, a template for measuring threads. | 2629 rubles |
Matrix Master 77337 Germany / China | Complete set - taps and dies, die / tap holder and plastic case. Metric thread M3-M12 Alloy tool steel Min thread size M (taps) - M3 Quantity in a set, pcs. 31. Dimensions, mm 290x183x41 | 1879 rubles |
Berger BG21TDS Russia / Taiwan | Thread direction - right hand. Equipment: Metric thread M3-M12; single-pass taps - 7 pcs .; dies - 7 pcs. Quick-locking wrenches for taps 2 pcs. Die holder, tap holder, brush, screwdriver, thread gauge, plastic case. Tool material - steel 9XC. M Quantity in a set, pcs. - 21. | 1725 rubles |
Almost all of the threading kits presented in our rating are suitable for both professional and domestic use. When buying, you should carefully examine the taps and dies so as not to acquire a low-quality fake for well-known brands. Experts will determine by eye whether it is worth buying this or that kit. Those who are not very versed in this matter should ask the advice of the masters. We hope that our review will tell you how to choose a decent set at an affordable price and help you avoid mistakes when choosing threading tool sets.