At the moment, there are many different types of cheese, among which processed ones take pride of place. They are used as an ingredient in salads, soups, sandwiches and other delicious dishes. It is a dairy product produced through the thermomechanical processing of dairy products and the manufacture of cheese. Sometimes cottage cheese is used to make such products. In the production of such cheeses, additives can be used in the form of sodium, phosphoric, citric or tartaric acids, structure-forming agents. Some brands contain acceptable or conditionally acceptable flavoring, bioactive additives.
The processed cheese product is made using the same technology using non-dairy fat or protein. Cheese sauce may contain food additives, flavorings, vegetables and fruits, and their processed products. To understand this issue in more detail, to determine the best products offered on the food market, the editors of the site “” reviewed the best processed cheeses for 2024.
Types of processed cheese
Traditionally, this product was subdivided into the following species groups:
- Sweet;
- Pasteurized;
- Lumpy;
- Pasty;
- Dry;
- Smoked.
A slice group of such products can be cut into slices, which is confirmed in the name. Characterized by a plastic, smear-like consistency that resembles a paste, the products are classified as pasty. Sweetener is added to sweet processed products - sugar, which gives the product a sweetish taste and required consistency. Pasteurized, sterilized and dry cheeses have a long shelf life. Sometimes they are called "canned food". Products packaged in the form of cold cuts are often referred to as “sausage. There is also a subgroup of processed cheeses "for dinner". They are used to prepare 1-course dishes, as well as a seasoning for 2-course dishes or for sandwiches. Smoked cheese is smoked.
The mass fraction of fat contained in the product makes it possible to subdivide processed cheeses into the following types:
- Low-fat (less than 10%);
- Low fat (10-25%);
- Bold (25-45%);
- Bold (45-60%);
- High fat (over 60%).
Processed cheese production technology
The manufacture of such products will include several stages. Among them stand out:
- Correct selection of quality raw materials;
- Material handling;
- Grinding of components;
- Mixing preparation;
- Melting process;
- Creation of a homogeneous mixture from the molten cheese mass;
- Packing;
- Cooling;
- Marking of finished dairy product;
- Storage.
The cooling procedure can take from half an hour to 16 hours. The packaging of this dairy product is made in foil, blocks or polymer containers. Cheese is packed in boxes at a temperature not exceeding 15 degrees. The marking process is fast. It is often produced automatically. The label on such products must contain the following data:
- Trademark;
- Fat percentage;
- Mass;
- Composition;
- Used food additives, flavorings;
- Energy value of the product;
- Storage conditions;
- Date of manufacture and packaging;
- Shelf life;
- Method of use;
- Information on the confirmation of conformity.
Criterias of choice
In order not to buy a “processed product” instead of “processed cheese, you should heed the recommendations of Roskachestvo. When choosing these products, special attention should be paid to the following aspects:
- Product safety;
- The presence of phosphates;
- Colour;
- Taste;
- The presence of vegetable fats;
- The presence of thickeners or sweeteners;
- Filler;
- Fat content;
- Storage period;
- Manufacturer;
- Cost.
The composition of such a dairy product must include only fatty components of dairy origin. The concepts "semi-hard" and "processed" mean different brands of cheese, therefore, when the container has an indicator "semi-hard", this will mean that the cheese itself is not more than 70% of the total mass. Components for the manufacture of processed cheese should be the following dairy products:
- Butter;
- Cottage cheese;
- Serum;
- Milk.
GOST allows the presence of sweeteners, thickeners, some food additives that enhance the taste in such products. In the presence of fillers, it is worth giving preference to a product with one type of additive. This indicates a greater indicator of the naturalness of the dairy product. When it is indicated on the packaging that the processed cheese contains a meat product, you should make sure that the additive is made in the form of the component itself, and not a flavoring. The fat content of such dairy products can be different. In this case, the consumer selects the most optimal option for himself.
The consistency of such a product should be uniform. There are no voids or non-melted cheese particles in a quality product. Color matching can range from white to yellow. Various additives can influence this parameter.
The safety of a dairy product, according to the recommendations of Roskachestvo, is determined by the content of antibiotics, toxins, pesticides, heavy metals in the product. Should be normal nitrites, nitrates, and aflatoxin M1. The presence of palm oil and other non-dairy fats in the composition will indicate a processed product, not processed cheese. The amount of phosphates or sodium citrates should not exceed the norm.
Selection errors
You can avoid mistakes when buying processed cheeses if you listen to some of the recommendations of experts. If the product has a weak taste, then an insufficient amount of mature raw materials was used in its manufacture. Plastic packaging of products must be PP-marked. Most manufacturers place dairy products in polystyrene containers that are not intended for food storage.
The color scheme of the cheese should be uniform. The presence of a too yellow tint will indicate the use of dyes. The dairy product should not crumble or break. When cheese tastes bitter, rancid, or sour, it should not be eaten. In its manufacture, poor-quality raw materials were used.
Rating of quality processed cheeses in 2024
To understand the question of the producers and brands of processed cheeses, it is worth reading the opinion of experts and studying the reviews of consumers of this product. The editors of "" have prepared a short review that will allow you to get the most information about the types of these dairy products.
In the form of a paste
President creamy 45%
These products of the Russian manufacturer are very popular among our population. This manufacturer does not seek to reduce the price of their products by adding vegetable oil. The content of starch and carrageenan in the product is within acceptable limits. Among the components present in the composition are:
- Cream;
- Cheese;
- Low-fat dairy product;
- Water;
- Emulsifier E452, E339;
- Butter;
- Cottage cheese;
- Thickeners E407a, E1442;
- Lemon acid;
- Skimmed milk;
- Natural flavor.
The energy value of this product is 230 kcal. The products contain proteins - 8.5 g, carbohydrates - 8.5 g, fats - 18 g. Products are high-calorie, you can't eat a lot. The color of the product is distinguished by a light yellow tint, and the consistency of the dairy product is not plastic enough, but slightly smeared.
It is packed in a container made in the form of a bath made of polymers. It is hermetically sealed with a heat-sealable foil layer and equipped with a removable lid.
Cost - 121 rubles.
- Packaging;
- Consistency;
- Texture;
- Taste;
- Volume;
- Utility;
- Availability;
- Without GMO;
- Smell;
- No soy;
- The content of preservatives is within acceptable limits;
- Not found in vegetable fats.
- Cost;
- Excess moisture;
- Calorie content;
- Smack;
- Emulsifiers and thickeners in the composition;
- The acidity level is higher than the standards set by Roskachestvo;
- The lactose content is above the standard.
Hochland creamy 55%
Today the Hochland company is the largest supplier of cheese products in European countries. Delicate creamy aroma, piquant taste and quality of the product allowed it to take a leading place among manufacturers of similar goods. Hochland processed cheese is rich in vitamins A, D, B2, B12 and zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, cobalt. Such a product can be given to children in school, made sandwiches for snacks, added to first and second courses. The energy value of the product is 292 kcal.
- Semi-hard cheese;
- Butter;
- Lemon acid;
- Skimmed milk powder;
- Salt;
- Emulsifier E450, E452, E331;
- Water;
- Lowland preservative.
Protein in the product - 9.7 g, carbohydrates - 4.6 g, fat - 26 g. The cost of the product is 238 rubles.
- Taste;
- Packaging;
- Consistency;
- Availability;
- Compliance with safety requirements;
- Volume;
- Smell;
- Utility;
- Lack of vegetable fats;
- Satiety;
- Organoleptic properties;
- An assortment of flavors.
- Cost;
- Composition containing emulsifiers and preservatives;
- Protein content is 16% lower than stated by the manufacturer;
- The taste depends on the batch.
Carat "Friendship"
The Karat factory located in Moscow is engaged in the production of processed, soft and other cheeses. Products of the Druzhba brand are distinguished by a light yellow shade and dense texture. The smell of cheese is weak and expressionless. This is a classic sandwich product, but it can be added as an additional component to various dishes. It is a rich source of easily assimilable calcium, phosphorus, organic compounds and vitamins. Mass fraction of fat is 55%. The energy value of the product is 287.3 kcal. It includes:
- Cheese;
- Whole milk;
- Salt;
- Cream;
- Potassium salt of sorbic acid (E202);
- Cottage cheese;
- Butter;
- Emulsifier E452, E339;
- Water.
Proteins in "Friendship" - 15 g, carbohydrates - 2.5 g, fats - 24.2 g. Packing is made in portioned form. The cost of the product is 172 rubles.
- Availability;
- Texture;
- Smell;
- Taste;
- Cost;
- Consistency;
- Utility;
- Satiety;
- Suitable for consumption as a stand-alone product or for preparing other dishes.
- Composition;
- Savings on foil;
- Using palm oil.
Viola creamy 60%
The Russian manufacturer offers excellent processed Viola lump cheese. Russians loved him for its unique taste and smell. Processed cheese consists of the following components:
- Hard and semi-hard cheese;
- Emulsifier E339, E452, E450;
- Water;
- Preservative E200, E234;
- Powdered milk whey;
- Butter;
- Milk protein.
Energy value is 308 kcal. The composition contains proteins - 11 g, carbohydrates - 3 g, fats - 28 g. Storage duration is 240 days. Products are packed in a plastic container. The cost of the product is 166 rubles.
- Taste;
- Volume;
- Complies with safety requirements;
- Consistency;
- Lack of vegetable fats and flavors in the composition;
- Smell;
- Does not crumble;
- Without GMO;
- Cost;
- Satiety;
- Utility;
- Availability;
- Packaging;
- The composition is free of starch and carrageenan;
- Plastic.
- Composition;
- Emulsifiers;
- Salty;
- Calorie content.
GrowthAgroExport "Yantar" 60%
One of the leading suppliers of dairy products to the Russian and foreign markets is the company "RostAgroExport". The factories of this manufacturer process up to 800 tons of milk products daily. Among the most demanded products are processed cheese "Yantar", the energy value of which is 252.5 kcal. The processed products include:
- Cottage cheese;
- Water;
- Salt;
- Skimmed milk;
- Lowland preservative;
- Butter;
- Ascorbit;
- Semi-hard cheese;
- Stabilizer E415, E1412, E407, E410, E412;
- Sodium polyphosphate;
- Skimmed milk powder;
- Fragrance;
- Powdered milk whey;
- Sodium orthophosphate.
The index of proteins in the product is 9.5 g, carbohydrates - 3 g, fats - 22.5 g. The product is packed in a plastic container. Storage duration - 180 days at temperatures up to 6 degrees. The cost of the product is 192 rubles.
- Taste;
- Consistency;
- Smell;
- Cost;
- Packaging;
- Utility;
- Availability;
- Without GMO.
- Calorie content;
- Phosphates;
- Volume;
- Composition;
- Shelf life.
Lact "Chuisky creamy, spicy" 59%
These products are made according to the ancient recipes of Altai cheese makers. The Russian manufacturer "Lact", using new technologies, has improved the taste and characteristics of dairy products. Due to the creamy consistency, processed cheeses are easily spread on bread and melted in the microwave, in a frying pan. The product has a salty taste. It contains:
- Cottage cheese;
- Serum;
- Butter;
- Water;
- Food salt;
- Sugar;
- Skimmed milk;
- Food additives permitted.
Nutritional value - 273 kcal. The content of carbohydrates in this processed cheese is 3 g. It contains 25 g of fat, and 9.1 g of proteins. Storage duration is 6 months, but after opening the package, the product must be consumed within 3 days. You can buy this product for 99 rubles.
- Taste;
- Satiety;
- Cost;
- Packaging;
- Consistency;
- Calorie content;
- Naturalness;
- The content of preservatives does not exceed the permissible limits;
- No soy, dyes or palm oil;
- Without GMO.
- Availability;
- Low protein content;
- The acidity is higher than the specified parameters.
Joy of Taste "Lion Heart" 41%
These products are made using natural products. The unique aroma is achieved by double simmering at the Semikarakorsk SK. After taking, there is a pleasant aftertaste of baked milk. The homogeneous plastic consistency ensures the ease of use of these products. It contains:
- Goat cheese;
- Cottage cheese;
- Sugar;
- Butter;
- Water;
- Lowlands;
- Salt;
- Emulsifier E452, E339;
- Serum.
Energy value - 259 kcal. The composition contains proteins - 14 g, carbohydrates - 5.5 g, fats - 21.4 g. The package is made of foil. Storage duration is 120 days. The cost of the product is 38 rubles.
- Packaging;
- Shelf life;
- Neatly sliced;
- Cost;
- Smell;
- Fusibility;
- Easy to cut;
- The presence of holes;
- There is no palm oil;
- Piquancy of taste;
- Consistency;
- Calorie content.
- The composition is not perfect:
- Not available everywhere.
Jastro "Omichka" chocolate
The manufacturer of this delicate, tasty product is Alexander Bokov. This dairy product is perfect for sandwiches. The sweet thick consistency will make any morning good. Includes:
- Butter;
- Cocoa powder;
- Young cheese;
- Bitter chocolate;
- Sugar;
- Soda;
- Salt;
- Walnut;
- Lemon acid.
The energy value is 310.8 kcal. The composition includes proteins - 20.5 g, carbohydrates - 2.5 g, fats - 23 g.Mass fraction of fat in products is 50%. The shelf life is 14 days. The product is produced packed in a PET can. The cost of the product is 160 rubles.
- Taste;
- Lack of cloying;
- Quality;
- Volume;
- Packaging;
- Consistency.
- Calorie content;
- Not always available for sale.
We have reviewed the processed cheeses most popular and popular among Russian consumers. The overview will allow you to choose the most suitable product for yourself. If you have experience in eating processed cheese presented in the rating, or you know other equally tasty and high-quality products, share your opinion in the comments.