Best ground cover roses of 2024


Rose is one of the most beautiful flower crops, a favorite of gardeners. The variety of this plant allows everyone to choose the variety that will not only delight with its aroma and elegance, but also turn the garden plot into an unusually beautiful corner. The editors of the site "" offers you an overview of the best varieties of ground cover roses, which are also called scrubs. They have become very popular due to their special quality - creating a floral carpet.

Features of ground cover roses

Ground cover roses appeared a long time ago, by crossing weaving varieties with other types. In 1919, the first variety "Max Graf" appeared. This ornamental ground cover shrub quickly gained popularity, gave rise to the development of new varieties. The ground cover rose owes its rapid spread to its unpretentiousness, splendor, abundance of flowering, and high decorative value. Even in the time of Peter I, such decorative bushes were used to decorate the area around palaces and estates. If you need to hide an unsightly corner of the garden, or plant a large landscaped area - this type of rose is just the perfect solution. It grows rapidly, has a huge variety of varieties, makes it possible to decorate not only garden areas, but also personal plots. A powerful root system makes the ornamental shrub hardy to the natural conditions of our territory.

A groundcover rose is more frost-resistant than a garden rose. But not all gardeners like that the bud doesn't have the shape of a glass. Despite this, continuous fragrant blooms, terry, varied colors and disease resistance have made this species very popular.

Ground cover roses spread like a carpet on the ground, rising half a meter, forming a gentle slope covered with flowers. These bushes look especially beautiful if on one side they have support and the ability to trudge up. Among them there are varieties with long, dense flexible branches. Ornamental bushes, which were brought out first, stand out for their primitiveness. With a wide range of colors, they quickly give way to the primacy of modern varieties, since they have small buds, they bloom once a summer. New types of scrubs delight with their flowering until autumn. At the same time, they are not inferior to the first varieties in color, they surprise with an abundance of double flowers, a choice of appearance and size.


  • an abundance of varieties;
  • long flowering;
  • unique carpet decoration;
  • do not need special care;
  • intensive growth during the growing season;
  • fast rooting;
  • strong immunity to diseases;
  • multiplies easily;
  • frost resistant;
  • inhibits the growth of weeds;
  • growing on rocky hills, slopes;
  • it is possible to grow on the balcony.


  • correct selection of fertilizers;
  • in regions with severe frosts, most varieties need additional shelter;
  • pruning is necessary after the first frost;
  • small buds;
  • petals can fade from sunlight;
  • fading flowers need to be cut;
  • when choosing a seedling, give preference to one with a powerful root system, it will take root faster.

The advantages of ground cover roses include the fact that they comfortably coexist with perennial plants.For example, with such medicinal as sage, lavender.

Varieties of varieties of scrubs

Depending on the size, the following varieties are distinguished among ground cover roses:

  • undersized creeping bush about 40 cm high, no more than 1.5 m wide; 4 seedlings can be located on 1 square meter;
  • a tall creeping bush grows up to 50 cm, occupies an area more than 1.5 m wide; a maximum of 2 seedlings can be planted on 1 square meter;
  • a small adherent bush grows up to 60 cm up, 1.5 m wide; 4 seedlings will fit on 1 square meter;
  • a large penetrating bush up to 1 m high, a little more than 1.5 m wide, but no more than 3 seedlings can be planted per 1 square meter.

In addition, the scrub varieties have the following differences:

  • color spectrum;
  • the number of buds in the inflorescence;
  • flower size;
  • terry petals;
  • flowering duration;
  • color, splendor of greenery;
  • saturation of the aroma.

According to these criteria, the buyer has the opportunity to select the desired type of seedlings for the intended purpose:

  • landscape design;
  • border decoration;
  • decorating an unsightly garden area;
  • flower bed decoration.

Basic landing rules

In order for ground cover roses to please with their beauty, the following rules must be taken into account when planting:

  1. You need to choose the right landing site. The area set aside for the bush should be well lit by the sun, especially in the morning. The lowlands will not be able to provide the seedlings with normal lighting.
  2. Make sure the soil is suitable for this flower crop. The rose will feel better on slightly sour chernozem soil. If the soil does not meet the required parameters, it must be adapted using special solutions.
  3. Make sure that the groundwater is far enough away. Excess moisture can be removed with drainage.
  4. Check if there is sufficient area for the variety. For normal plant growth, a spacious area is needed.

Correct care

Novice gardeners sometimes complain that the promised beauty of ground cover roses loses its decorative attractiveness, the bush does not correspond to the declared characteristics, and is disappointing in appearance. Professionals explain this phenomenon by improper care of the plant. Any decorative, especially flower culture, no matter how unpretentious it is, requires individual systematic attention and careful care. To get the desired result, you need to provide the seedlings with the following:

  • Before planting a flower, the soil must be fertilized, peat or humus added. Mulching will help to retain moisture, the seedling will take root faster.
  • Provide regular, abundant watering as the soil dries. Daily watering in small portions is unacceptable.
  • Carry out systematic weeding and loosening. Well mulched soil will help keep weeds from growing.
  • Provide top dressing. Rose seedlings need seven-time fertilization of the root system during the season. Correct feeding guarantees good plant growth, timely abundant, long-lasting flowering.

Thus, it can be seen that ground cover roses need simple care that does not require large expenditures of money and time.

Review of the best ground cover roses


A variety of small growth, up to 50 cm in height, grows up to 1 m in diameter. It is distinguished by external accuracy, doubled buds, saturated dark red, eventually turning into cherry. Medium-sized cups - about 7 cm, dense inflorescence, may have 15 flowers. The second name is "purple carpet". Average cost: 375 rubles.


  • lush long flowering;
  • frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • disease resistance;
  • bright greens;
  • beautiful buds;
  • acceptable price.


  • has no smell.


The rose bush is quite tall, reaching a height of 80 cm, wide in diameter - almost 2 meters. The foliage is small, shiny, retaining a bright green color for a long time. Inflorescences are large, include about 20 white buds.Distinctive features - long shoots, flowers of a high degree of doubleness, with a pale pink center, light refined aroma. Popular with novice gardeners. Average cost: 320 rubles.


  • abundant flowering;
  • the possibility of using it as a climbing rose;
  • high frost resistance;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • delicate smell;
  • perfectly decorates the garden;
  • affordable price.


  • loves slightly acidic soil.


The variety is tall, can reach one and a half meters. Long arched shoots. Large buds, more than 10 cm in diameter, white, terry, are collected in small inflorescences. The shrub is suitable for planting in one specimen or in a group, like a curb. A distinctive feature is the deep green color of the leaves, extremely abundant one-time flowering. Average cost: 250 rubles.


  • exquisite tenderness of buds;
  • cluster system capacity;
  • high decorativeness;
  • delicate aroma;
  • budget price.


  • the smell is very strong;
  • frost resistance is average.

Nadia meillandecor

This variety was bred recently, 13 years ago. The buds are colored milky, cream or yellow, but can be bicolor. Flowers are terry fur-bearing structure, they have many petals, therefore they keep their shape perfectly. The bush is low, about 50 cm, comes into force and takes root quickly, blooms profusely and for a long time. Average cost: 400 rubles.


  • dense buds;
  • strong, rapidly growing root system;
  • frost resistant;
  • ideal for border decoration;
  • unpretentious care;
  • average price.


  • according to customer reviews, this variety can take up much more space than indicated.

Les Quatre Saisons Meilland

The bush is low, reaches a maximum of 80 cm, two years old. Blooms profusely from June to September. The buds are large, colored deep pink, lush, resistant to fading. The variety is popular in countries with harsh climates. Average cost: 600 rubles.


  • flowers are densely double;
  • strong immunity to disease;
  • not afraid of pests:
  • fast growth;
  • high frost resistance;
  • weak delicate fragrance;
  • unpretentious;
  • keeps the bud even after rain.


  • the price is above average;
  • very prickly;
  • it is recommended to plant next to a small support so that the flowers do not get dirty on the ground.


A varietal plant is characterized by the presence of a large number of flowers, fragrant, long-flowering. The bush reaches 150 cm in height, 1.75 m wide. The buds are small, up to 3 cm, dark pink in color, gradually turning into light pink. The foliage is bright green. Average cost: 480 rubles.


  • not susceptible to powdery mildew;
  • easy to grow;
  • compact;
  • hardy;
  • blooms for a long time;
  • few thorns;
  • suitable for landscaping.


  • in the bright sun, the petals fade, turn pale;
  • flowers are not double.

Amber sun

Flowering shrub of medium height: from 70 to 100 cm, 150 cm wide. Buds are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, yellow. The foliage is dark green. The aroma is spicy, reminiscent of rose hips. Average cost: 420 rubles.


  • persistent immunity to disease;
  • spherical lush shape of flowers;
  • long flowering of each bud;
  • not afraid of frost;
  • keeps the shape of petals after rain;
  • few thorns.


  • petals fade slightly;
  • grows slowly.

The fairy

The bush is 60 cm high, about 1 m wide. It has fragrant double buds on strong flexible shoots. The variety blooms profusely from mid-summer to autumn cold. Used in the design of alpine slides. Loves a lot of light, as well as a light shadow. The flowers are small but lush, soft pink in color. Popular among flower growers due to its versatility. It can be used for curbs, as a ground cover, or as a shrub. Average cost: 590 rubles.


  • takes root quickly;
  • pleasant apple aroma;
  • can be grown in pots, containers;
  • frost-resistant;
  • strong immunity to disease.


  • in the northern regions it needs additional shelter for the winter;
  • the price is higher than the budget.


Blooming pink shrub of compact size, up to 65 cm in height, 1.3 m wide. Shoots are arched with small leaves. The buds are medium double, dense, bright in color, like strawberries. In inflorescences up to 10 flowers. It blooms magnificently from May days to the first autumn frosts. It makes small breaks between flowering. Average cost: 350 rubles.


  • bright colors;
  • blooms for a long time;
  • retains color in the sun;
  • tolerates winter frosts well;
  • affordable price.


  • to maintain immunity, it needs preventive treatment;
  • does not tolerate wet weather.


The rose bush is amazingly beautiful, because the buds are spherical, which they retain even when fully opened. The most abundantly flowering shrub of this species. It takes root well, it grows not only in light areas, but also in slightly shady areas. It reaches 40 cm in height. Long flexible shoots form beautiful arches, covered with waxy leaves of a dark green hue, completely covering the soil. The inflorescences bloom profusely, forming a floral carpet. Average cost: 560 rubles.


  • high decorative qualities;
  • strong immunity;
  • abundant long flowering;
  • bright shiny foliage;
  • no strong smell.


  • needs additional shelter in winter;
  • the price is slightly above average.


Ornamental shrub up to 50 cm in height with flexible shoots, smooth, matte leaves of a rich dark green color. The buds are white, lush. The bush is distinguished by its extreme vitality and rapid rooting. Abundant flowering, long-lasting, beginning in spring and ending in autumn. The rose decorates well a flower bed, an alpine slide, a lawn. Prefers bright areas of the garden. Average cost: 320 rubles.


  • has the most delicate aroma;
  • compact;
  • resistant to diseases, pests;
  • easily tolerates winter;
  • affordable price.


  • fertile soil is needed;
  • does not like excess moisture.

Brief characteristics of varieties

numberVariety Height, color of petals, number of buds in an inflorescence
1HelloHeight - 50 cm, petals are dark red, turning into cherry, in the inflorescence 6-10 buds.
2Swany Height - 80 cm, white petals, up to 20 buds per inflorescence.
3AhtiarHeight - 150 cm, white petals, 5-8 buds per inflorescence.
4Nadia meillandecor Height - 50 cm, petals are milky, cream or yellow, 3-5 buds in an inflorescence.
5Les Quatre Saisons MeillandHeight -80 cm, deep pink petals, 10-15 buds per inflorescence.
6BallerinaHeight - 150 cm, pink petals, in inflorescences from 15 to 100 buds.
7Amber sun Height - 100 cm, creamy yellow petals, 5-8 buds per inflorescence.
8The fairyHeight - 60 cm, pale pink petals, 10-30 buds per inflorescence.
9RodyHeight - 65 cm, in inflorescences 3-12 buds of red-strawberry color.
10HeidetraumHeight - 40 cm, deep pink petals, 10-20 buds per inflorescence.
11SnowfieldHeight - 50 cm, white petals, 3-5 buds in the inflorescence.

Beauty and benefits

The fact that roses are graceful garden flowers will be agreed not only by gardeners, but also by lovers of floral flora. The grace of buds, a variety of color shades, an unsurpassed aroma conquer with uniqueness. Another feature of this plant is its medicinal property. In medicine, as well as in cosmetology, the beneficial qualities of a flower are used. At home, you can independently prepare anti-aging and nourishing masks, use infusions for washing, toning the skin. In addition, the presence of B vitamins in the petals is considered valuable. The therapeutic effect helps to quickly heal abrasions, wounds, relieve inflammation, has a calming effect, and light anesthesia.

When choosing ground cover rose bushes, flower growers recommend taking into account the peculiarities of the garden plot, its area, and landscape design. And also think over the functional purpose of the plant. Then, giving preference to the best varieties of roses, you can quickly achieve the desired result: decorate the territory, delight the eye, enjoy the fragrant aroma, pamper yourself with natural cosmetics.

If you have experience in growing ground cover roses described in the rating, or a more interesting variety of this type, tell us about it in the comments.


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