Many of us have no idea how we can live without sweets. One small piece, and the mood immediately begins to rise, and the world becomes a little brighter. What if doctors strongly recommend giving up sugar? Of course, find something to replace it. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best sweeteners for 2024.
As a rule, sweeteners are understood to mean substances other than sugar (without a glucose group), but having a sweet taste. Many of them are not absorbed by the human body at all and are excreted unchanged, giving only a gustatory sensation. By origin, sweeteners are divided into two large groups: natural and artificial.
The former are obtained by fermentation or extraction from natural raw materials such as corn or stevia. Most members of this group have a caloric content similar to regular sugar or slightly less, although there are exceptions (for example, erythrol is only 20 kcal per 100 grams). More often the mouthfeel of a natural product is slightly lower or almost identical to the sweetness of sugar. But there are representatives that significantly exceed glucose in this indicator (stevioside, thaumatin).
Advantages of natural substitutes:
- sparing effect on carbohydrate metabolism;
- minimum of negative effects;
- safety;
- a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
- the risk of developing allergic reactions;
- if used incorrectly, they can have the opposite effect;
- specific taste;
- calorie content.
Synthetic sweeteners are produced chemically in the laboratory. Interestingly, many of them were discovered by accident, as by-products of other reactions. Each of the approved drugs undergoes mandatory safety tests, but there are practically no results of long-term clinical studies on the possible consequences of their use.
- zero calorie content;
- do not affect blood sugar levels;
- low cost;
- practically not absorbed by the body;
- most are hypoallergenic.
- an increase in concentration in a drink or dessert leads to the appearance of a bitter-metallic taste;
- individual intolerance is possible;
- there are no studies on the delayed effects of long-term drug use.
The most popular forms of sugar substitute release are water-soluble tablets. Powders are in second place, solutions are in third. The drugs are packed in plastic containers or bottles with dispensers, cardboard boxes, waterproof bags.
According to the level of sweetness, all substances are divided into voluminous and intense. The former give a taste sensation close to what a person gets by eating ordinary sugar. This group includes sorbitol, xylitol, erythrol. Some of them require additional heat absorption when dissolved. In this case, there is a feeling of "chill" in the mouth. The second group is many times higher than sugar in sweetness. Natural sweeteners include stevioside. Synthetic sweeteners are intense in almost complete composition. The leaders are substances of a new generation, for example, neotame, which exceeds sucrose by 8000 times.
Sweetener | Origin | Sweetness in relation to sugar | Calorie content (kcal per 1gr) |
Stevioside | natural bifolia sweet extract | 200 times sweeter than sugar | 0,18 |
Xylitol | natural extract of birch bark or corn | equal to sugar | 2,4 |
Erythrol | from natural starchy raw materials (corn, tapioca) | 60-70% of sugar sweetness | 0,2 |
Tagatose | obtained by fermentation from milk lactose | 92% of the sweetness of sugar | 1,5 |
Мonk fruit extract | Monk Dried Fruit Extract | 150-200 times sweeter than sugar | 0,15 |
Neotam | artificially synthesized | 8000 times sweeter than sugar | 0 |
Sucralose | artificially synthesized | 600 times sweeter than sugar | 2,6 |
Sodium cyclomate | artificially synthesized | 30-50 times sweeter than sugar | 0 |
Aspartame | artificially synthesized | 200 times sweeter than sugar | 0 |
Acesulfame K | artificially synthesized | 200 times sweeter than sugar | 0 |
5 of the best natural sweeteners
In recent years, naturalness has become a popular trend. When choosing a substitute for the usual sugar, pay attention to the options that nature itself offers.
Now Foods Better Stevia
The preparation contains the natural sweetener stevioside, obtained from the so-called honey herb (sweet bifolia). Stevia compares favorably with other natural sugar analogues with its combination of a well-defined sweet taste and zero calories. The drug does not increase glucose levels, is non-toxic, does not require the presence of insulin for absorption, and does not lose its properties during heat treatment. It has been observed that stevia improves the functioning of the digestive system, stimulates the production of enzymes in the pancreas and liver, and reduces the risk of developing cancer. At the same time, scientists note that in men who use stevia too actively in their diet, the activity of male sex hormones may decrease. The product is considered one of the safest for type 2 diabetics. It can also be used to reduce calorie intake while losing weight. Produced in the form of a powder (packaging 28 grams) Average price: 950 rubles. You can also choose an option in the form of a powder packaged in a sachet of 2 grams or water-soluble tablets (175 pieces per package, the average cost is about 1,500 rubles). If you want to personally make sure that the product is natural, choose dried stevia leaves (300 rubles per 100 grams).
- natural product without any artificial additives;
- a measuring spoon included;
- economical consumption;
- low glycemic index;
- convenient jar with a tight-fitting lid;
- the specific taste when adding the extract to tea or coffee is absolutely not perceptible;
- goes well with dairy products.
- poorly suited for baking;
- in a healthy person can cause a sharp drop in blood sugar.
Xylitol "Sweet World"
It is a natural product obtained from birch bark or the heart of a corn cob. Outwardly, it is very similar to ordinary sugar, has a mild sweet-sour taste with a slight cooling tint. Xylitol has a mild choleretic effect, stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, does not affect blood glucose. The drug is absolutely safe, it is a natural antibiotic. In case of type 2 diabetes mellitus, the daily dose should not be more than 50 g. It is produced in the form of powder (packaging 200 grams) or cubes (250 grams). Average price: 250 rubles.
- natural product, without any additives;
- has no smell;
- has medicinal properties;
- can be used for canning and baking;
- promotes better assimilation of B vitamins;
- affordable price.
- not very convenient packaging;
- excessive use leads to increased atherosclerotic changes in the vessels.
Erythrol Cereal
It is obtained by fermentation from natural raw materials containing starch, most often corn or tapioca is used. Erythrol is less sweet, on average 60-70% of the usual sucrose taste. Low calorie, practically not absorbed by the body.Does not affect blood sugar levels. Safe, when used correctly, there are no side effects. It is produced in the form of a powder in a darkened plastic jar with a well-screwed lid. Average price: 300 rubles for 300 grams.
- poorly absorbs moisture from the air, therefore it is well stored;
- without smell;
- has a classic taste with a slight chill aftertaste;
- can be used in baking;
- reduces appetite;
- promotes weight loss.
- when consumed excessively, causes nausea.
NuNaturals, Sweet Health Tagatose
This little known sweetener is made by fermenting the lactose of dairy products. It is a prebiotic, therefore it does not tolerate high temperatures. Tagatose is able to reduce the absorption of glucose in the intestine, has a low glycemic index. Produced in a soft bag with a moisture-proof coating, packing 454 grams. The average price is 1100 rubles per package.
- the product does not have foreign tastes;
- without smell;
- nice design;
- a rather large volume of packaging, on average it is enough for 2 months of use.
- when consumed in excess, it causes a laxative effect;
- after opening the package is very inconvenient to use, it is recommended to use a special clip for bags.
Monk fruit in the raw
For our country, this is one of the most exotic sweeteners. It is obtained by extraction from the Chinese fruit Luo Han Guo. It is also called the fruit of a monk. Used extensively in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Does not raise blood glucose levels. It has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. It has a pleasant sweet taste with a slight bitterness. It is produced in the form of a white powder packaged in sachets of 0.8 grams. One package contains 40 bright orange sachets. The average price for a 32 gram package is 350 rubles.
- convenient packaging;
- low calorie content;
- minimum carbohydrate content;
- the specific taste is practically not noticeable when the powder is added to coffee or black tea;
- can be used by celiac patients;
- shelf life 3 years.
- may cause an allergic reaction;
- in the final product, the fruit extract is mixed with corn dextrose.
The 5 best artificial sweeteners
Sometimes natural products are not suitable for everyday use due to the high cost or characteristics of the body. In this case, artificially synthesized analogs will come to the rescue. Introducing five of the best artificial sweeteners for 2024.
Neotam Newtame
This is a representative of a new generation of sweeteners. It is a modified analogue of aspartame. The certified product is manufactured in the USA. Outwardly, it is a powder of transparent crystals with a slight whitish-smoky shade. Safe for health, passed all the necessary tests in 2002 and received FDA approval. Available in the form of solutions in plastic opaque bottles with a convenient 118 ml dispenser. Average cost: 2,000 rubles per bottle.
- to obtain a sweet taste, you need to add a very small amount of neotame, one bottle is enough for about 4-5 months;
- without smell;
- does not have a pronounced additional taste, only in a very high concentration can a licorice taste appear;
- zero glycemic index;
- zero calorie content;
- can enhance the taste of other components of the dish;
- resistant to high temperatures, can be added to baked goods and hot drinks or desserts;
- can be used by patients with phenylketonuria;
- shelf life is 5 years.
- there are many neotam of lower quality, made in China;
- the original drug can only be purchased to order.
Milford sucralose
The well-known sweetener sucralose is synthesized from regular sugar, completely eliminating its disadvantages during processing.The body absorbs no more than 15% of the received amount of the drug. Sucralose has a low glycemic index and does not affect blood sugar concentration. Available in pill form. One package contains 370 pieces. Average cost: 200 rubles.
- has no odor and foreign taste;
- tolerates high temperatures well, is used in the preparation of pastries, desserts;
- in one tablet 0.1 kcal;
- convenient packaging;
- the product is enriched with inulin, vitamins, a complex of minerals, L-lecithin,
- sold in almost any pharmacy;
- affordable price.
- may cause an allergic reaction;
- the product must not be consumed by children under the age of 14.
This is one of the most budget-friendly options for a calorie-free sweetener. The preparation is based on a combination of two artificial sweeteners: sodium cyclomate (80%) and sodium saccharinate (20%). Additional components include tartaric acid and baking powder (soda). Available in the form of water-soluble tablets. Several packs are provided, from the smallest for 100 tablets (a rectangular container the size of a matchbox) to an impressive 1200 servings. The sweetener has a classic sweet taste with a slight bitterness. Does not affect blood glucose levels, it is recommended for use in type 2 diabetes. Average price for a tube of 1200 tablets: 90 rubles.
- compact packaging;
- zero calorie content;
- without smell;
- dissolves quickly in both hot and cold liquids;
- can be used in baking;
- low price.
- slight bitterness of the aftertaste significantly increases towards the end of the shelf life of the drug;
- not recommended for use during pregnancy;
- sometimes the dispenser sticks.
NovaSweet Aspartame
Aspartame is one of the most famous artificial sweeteners. Has a zero glycemic index. In addition to aspartame, the composition contains lactose, leucine and a stabilizer. Available in pill form. On sale you can find plastic tubes with packaging of 150, 350 and 1200 tablets. Average price for 350 servings: 120 rubles.
- convenient packaging;
- tablets dissolve quickly in hot liquids;
- without smell;
- economically spent;
- zero calorie content;
- affordable price.
- a small metallic taste appears when more than 2 tablets are dissolved in 200 ml of liquid;
- there are contraindications.
Acesulfame potassium
Acesulfame-K is one of the three most purchased sweeteners in Europe. Two hundred times sweeter than sugar, it also has the ability to further stimulate taste buds. It is excreted from the body unchanged. It tolerates heat well. It looks like sugar crystals. Available in powder form in bags or cardboard boxes of 0.25 kg. The average cost is 300 rubles.
- zero calorie content;
- without smell;
- safe for teeth;
- recommended for allergy sufferers;
- has a low glycemic index;
- harmless to the body of an adult.
- not recommended for children under 12;
- in high concentration, a bitter-metallic taste appears.
Before opting for any sweetener, do not forget to consult your doctor. A competent specialist will select several options, taking into account the characteristics of your health. Be sure to read the main characteristics and reviews before buying. Some substances give a soapy or metallic taste, bitter at a dosage equivalent to 3 teaspoons of sugar. Such options are not suitable for an avid sweet tooth. Consider possible side or medicinal effects such as choleretic, laxative. If you plan to use sweeteners in baked goods and hot desserts, make sure that the active substance tolerates temperatures above 100 degrees well.
If you have experience using the sweeteners presented in the review or other more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.