Best hand blenders for 2024


There are few housewives who do without a blender today. This very useful tool allows women (less often men) to spend less time in the kitchen and devote more time to their personal lives. The modern market is oversaturated with similar products of various capacities and configurations, from well-known and not so famous manufacturers. The right choice is difficult to make. The editorial staff of the site "" presents an overview of the best hand blenders for 2024 ", compiled from customer reviews and expert opinion.

What were the first blenders

This device settled in the kitchen almost a century ago. The device is experienced. Age second only to a meat grinder, ahead of him by a quarter of a century. Humanity owes its acquaintance with him to Stephen Poplavski. The enterprising American was looking for a way to automate the production of sweet soda. His apparatus was equipped with a knife shaped like a propeller, which allowed him to crush solid carbon dioxide and mix it with water and syrup. The product was called a soda fountain.

It is not known how much the invention made the children and their parents happy. But the American bartenders were delighted with him.

Interesting! It is to American bartenders that the blender owes its wild popularity. The device appeared in the harsh times of Prohibition. Then one of the most common forms of safe sale of alcohol was its addition to cocktails, and mixing a huge number of drinks with a shaker was difficult.

In this form, the device existed for fifteen years, until another American, Fred Osius, decided to expand its functionality. A new stationary apparatus, which was released in 1937, not only mixed drinks, but shredded, chopped and mashed vegetables and fruits.

The next round of development of the apparatus happened in 1950. The Swiss inventor Roger Peringhaca managed to get away from a somewhat cumbersome stationary device by offering the public a hand-held stick hand blender called Bamix (from the French Batter - to whip, and mixer - to mix).

The device won high praise at the exhibition in Hanover in 1955. From that moment on, the hand blender took its place in professional kitchens, along with knives, ladles, pots and boilers. After some time, the new inhabitant of the kitchen "overgrown" with replaceable attachments. This allowed it to compete with food processors, comparing favorably with the latter with its modest size and lower power, i.e. less power consumption.

The desire of inventors to bring home appliances to perfection is an endless process. Who knows what transformations await the hand blender in the near future.

Types of blenders

Let's figure out what blenders are, what they can, and what operations it is better not to trust to one or another device, so as not to immediately ditch a useful device. There are three types of devices:

  1. Stationary;
  2. Submersible;
  3. Vacuum.


This is a tabletop device, which includes:

  • motor housing and electronic control;
  • shredder - a removable bowl with knives fixed on a shaft mounted in its bottom;
  • grinder - a removable bowl for grinding coffee and other similar products.

The grinder and grinder are put on the motor shaft at the top of the device body. The shafts of the knives and the motor are engaged and the device is ready for use. The main purpose of stationary devices is the preparation of liquid mixtures, which include sauces, purees, cocktails, smoothies, etc. Some devices are equipped with several shredders with different volumes and knives. With them you can chop ice, grind nuts, grind vegetables.

The advantages of stationary devices are:

  • large chopper volume, up to 2 liters;
  • no need to hold it in your hands;
  • the self-cleaning function allows you to rinse food residues from the walls of the grinder and knives in a couple of minutes.

Of the shortcomings, they are most often called:

  • dimensions and weight (up to 10 kg), the need for a permanent place for it in the kitchen;
  • high noise level during operation.

There are also quite modest in size stationary units, with a travel bottle grinder. The prepared cocktail does not need to be poured into other dishes. It is enough to remove it from the base, close it with a special cover and take it with you on the road.


Developed in 2012. Outwardly indistinguishable from stationary and is such in essence. It is distinguished from the stationary one by the function of evacuating air from the bowl - grinder before processing the products. Fruits and vegetables, devoid of their peel, oxidize rather quickly, change color and taste, especially if some time passes between preparation (grinding) and consumption. An example is an apple that darkens quickly when cut. Puree, smoothie, and fresh, prepared in a vacuum device, retain their freshness and useful properties much longer, thanks to grinding in a vacuum. The device is useful but expensive.


In this device, the motor is built into the handle, to which the "leg" is attached - a replaceable attachment with knives, which, during operation, is immersed in a grinding container filled with product. Hence the name of the blender type. Their main advantage is their compactness and the ability to process products in any container. Some inconvenience is caused by the need to hold the dishes with one hand, and to operate the tool with the other. Thus, both hands are occupied during work. Stationary devices are devoid of this disadvantage.

What a hand blender can do

In fact, this is a universal apparatus with which you can quickly and efficiently perform many important culinary actions:

  • stir the drink and sauce;
  • beat egg white, cream, cocktail;
  • chop meat and fish, make mashed vegetables and fruits;
  • grind coffee, crackers, nuts, turn sugar into powder;
  • crumble ice cubes into pellets;
  • knead the pancake dough.

Devices with a large number of functions are expensive. Budget devices are completed with a “foot” and a measuring cup, without additional attachments.

Hand blender selection criteria

Before making the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the main parameters and equipment of the devices in order to know what you should pay attention to.

What power blender to choose

For mixing, whipping, making cream, sauce and puree from fruits and not too hard vegetables, a power of up to 600 watts will be enough. Such devices can even grind meat and fish to the state of minced meat.

To crush ice, crackers and nuts, you need more powerful devices, from 600 to 1000 watts. Such devices are more functional. This explains their increased popularity.

Heavy duty blenders with over 1000 watts of power handle any food with ease. With a special nozzle, you can even knead a thick dough with their help. When choosing a device, pay attention to the length of the power cable. The longer it is, the better.

Number of speeds of rotation of nozzles

Depending on the model, there can be from 2 to 24.For mixing a cocktail or making pancake dough, use reduced speeds. It is better to crush ice, nuts, grind coffee beans at medium speeds. In order to beat the egg white, you can turn on the higher speeds.

It remains unclear why some devices need almost three dozen speeds, when five or six are enough to perform most operations? After all, not everyone can see the difference when processing products at 14 or 15 speeds. Maybe for a culinary specialist - a super professional, it has some meaning. It's hard to judge. Apparently manufacturers are trying to saturate the market with products for every taste.

In addition to a set of speeds, there is a very important "turbo" button, which allows you to instantly switch from a reduced speed to an increased one and vice versa. Blenders with stepless speed control are preferred when working with pans without a lid. Less splashing.

Set of attachments

A hand blender with one leg can only chop. The versatility of this device is given by various attachments:

  1. Corolla. Without it, you will not be able to beat eggs, cream, make sauce and knead pancake dough. Don't try to use it to make dumplings or patties. He cannot master thick compositions, not that design.
  2. Dough mixer. A special device for kneading thick dough. Installed in a bowl - a chopper instead of knives. Has a spiral shape. Not intended for other work.
  3. Leg. This attachment is specific to the hand blender only. Outwardly, it resembles a small stand with a hemispherical base with rotating knives. It is intended for making puree - the main type of baby food. Hence the popularity of submersible models among young mothers. When buying, you should check how well the knives are sharpened. If they are dumb, the unit is useless, even if it is super powerful. The "leg" can be made of metal or plastic. The metal is made of stainless steel. It is more durable, does not darken from time or temperature of the product, does not store odors. A plastic nozzle is lighter and cheaper than a metal one. May darken over time. Can last as long as metal if handled with care.
  4. Miller. Small bowl equipped with a knife and a lid. Used to grind coffee, peas, rusks, etc.
  5. Beaker. A container into which vegetables and fruits are loaded for the subsequent preparation of mashed potatoes, sauce or smoothies using a "leg" with knives. There is a graduated scale on the wall of the glass showing the amount of product in ml. Some models are equipped with a measuring cup with a jug-shaped handle.
  6. A set of graters. Present in models of expensive submersible devices in the amount of up to 5 pieces, small, large, for slices, etc. Using them for chopping vegetables is safer than doing it with a hand tool. But there is also a small drawback. The distance between the lid of the chopping bowl and the disc with the attachment is large enough. This prevents, for example, carrots from being processed to the end. There are large enough fragments that the blender cannot handle. The remainder will have to be chopped up with a knife.
  7. Vacuum pump. Quite a rare attachment, which is not included in all models. It is used to evacuate air from vacuum containers. In a container with evacuated air, food is stored longer than in conventional containers.
  8. Chopper. Bowl with knives for chopping food. The knives are replaceable and different. Some grind vegetables, others grind meat, and others grind coffee beans, ice and nuts. The bowl lid prevents food from flying to the sides, regardless of the selected blade rotation speed. Glass or plastic can serve as the material for making the bowl - grinder.Glass does not absorb odors and is not subject to scratches. But such bowls are heavier than plastic ones and can break if dropped. Plastic bowls are cheaper, lighter and more durable than glass ones, but they absorb odors, fade over time, and scratches remain on the surface. Hand blenders are most often equipped with bowls with a maximum volume of 1 liter. It should be borne in mind that the useful volume is always less than the total by about 300 ml.

Important! Most manufacturers prohibit washing the chopper cover under running water in order to avoid damage to the knife drive. The instructions recommend wiping the lid with a damp sponge.

Wireless models

They differ from models powered by the mains in the presence of a built-in battery and greater mobility. The set of functions is the same. Power - ranging from 180 W (KtchenAid 5KHB 3583T, USA) to 600 W (Magnit RMB 2527, China), is sufficient for most operations. Take your cordless blender with you on a picnic to indulge your friends with a cocktail, or make freshly harvested wild berries. The battery charge will last for two to three dozen operations. If that's not enough, you can take a spare battery with you.

Which device to choose, stationary or submersible, you decide. It all depends on the tasks that you will begin to solve with this device.

Top manufacturers

Good equipment is produced by the world's best manufacturers. The popularity of their models is due to the high build quality, ergonomics, stylish design and wide functionality. Let's name some of them:

  1. Moulinex. A French company, one of the world leaders in the production of household appliances In 1980, the world's first microwave ovens were put on sale. Strives to constantly improve product quality. Uses the latest technology. The goal of the company is to fulfill the wishes of customers and to anticipate them. The company's products are distinguished by exquisite design, rich colors, ergonomics, and compactness.
  2. Oursson. Swiss brand. The company specializes in the production of kitchen and household appliances, dishes and appliances. Its goal is to improve living conditions and consumer comfort. Oursson products are distinguished by modern European design, which best suits the interior of the kitchen.
  3. Supra. Japanese company. It is famous for its tape recorders, players, TVs, consumer electronics. He sets himself simple and clear goals - to produce only quality things.
  4. Philips. Dutch brand. One of the world's largest manufacturers of high-quality electronics and household appliances for various purposes.
  5. Bosch. German manufacturer of high quality household appliances. Its products are deservedly popular and in demand all over the world. The company's motto since its inception has been the belief that it is better to lose money than the trust of the buyer. Bosch products do not need additional advertising.
  6. Polaris. Russian company. The copyright holder of the brand is the international holding Texton Corporation LLC. The concept is leadership in its field. Factories in China, Italy, Israel.
  7. Braun. German company. One of the world leaders in the production of household appliances. Her electric razors are the best in the world. In recent years, the production of new products of consistently high quality has increased.
  8. ESGE. Swiss company that has been producing Bamix hand blenders since 1954. In fact - the ancestor of this type of kitchen equipment. Its products are of the highest quality workmanship and assembly. Bamix devices are almost 100% efficient. Therefore, with low power, operations for grinding solid products are performed without breakdowns and stops. Their service life is calculated in decades.

The list of quality blender manufacturers goes on and on. Which company is the best device to buy is up to you. Before buying, it is important to find out what popular models are on sale, listen to the advice and recommendations of experienced users, read the operating instructions, study the description of the device. It is necessary to find out how much a particular model costs and navigate the price. It is advisable to clarify where to buy, so as not to overpay.All this will facilitate the task of choosing the right apparatus.

Rating of quality hand blenders

11.Supra YBS-1035

In tenth place is the model of the Japanese design Supra YBS-1035. High-power budget device. The presence of a whisk and a chopper bowl, very sharp knives, allow you to cut salads, easily chop soft and hard foods. Smooth speed control and turbo mode significantly expand the functionality of the device. The metal "leg" is durable, does not absorb odors and does not change color when processing hot products. The average cost of the model is 1900 rubles.

Supra YBS-1035


  • submersible part made of stainless steel;
  • powerful engine;
  • speed regulation;
  • sharp knives;
  • high-quality handle coating (soft-touch).


  • no measuring cup included;
  • tight buttons require deep drowning and are difficult to hold.

Model / birthplace of the brandSpecificationsaverage cost
Supra YBS-1035 / JapanPower -1000 W. Two speeds. The adjustment is smooth. There is a turbo mode. Immersion part made of metal. Plastic shredder for 0.5 liters. Nozzles: whisk.1900 rubles

10.BBK KBH0905

In ninth place is the Chinese design BBK KBH0905. Customers like this inexpensive model for its power, high number of speeds and various attachments. The kit contains everything you need for a wide range of operations with hard and soft products. Making mashed potatoes, sauces and cream, chopping ice, chopping nuts using this blender is quick and gives real pleasure to the hostesses. Powerful, stylish design. Excellent value for money and a wide range of functionality. Its average cost is only 2191 rubles.



  • drive power;
  • stylish design;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • a good set of nozzles;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

Model / birthplace of the brandSpecificationsaverage cost
BBK KBH0908 / China1000 W motor with ten speeds and modulating mode. Additionally: turbo modes, ice picks. The model is completed with a whisk, grinder, peace glass, comfortable stand. Submersible "leg" made of metal. Handle with LED illumination. 2191 rubles

9.Oberhof Wirbel E5

The Oberhof Wirbel E5 hand blender quickly grinds any ingredients, even hard ones such as ice or nuts. Works almost silently. Supplied in a rich set with several whipping attachments, sharp stainless steel chopping knives. Also included is a bowl with a volume of 860 ml and a measuring cup with a capacity of 600 ml. Works in two speed modes that switch smoothly. The body of the bowl is robust and resistant to dirt.

Model / birthplace of the brandSpecificationsaverage cost
Oberhof Wirbel E5 / GermanyPower -800 W. Two speeds. The adjustment is smooth. Food grade plastic grinder for 1.5 liters. Tips: single whisk, double whisk.2900 rubles


  • stainless steel components;
  • Can be washed in the dishwasher;
  • powerful 800 W motor;
  • rich equipment.


  • not.

8.Polaris PHB 1054 AL

In eighth place is the Russian-made product Polaris PHB 1054 AL. The device competes with the products of the world's best manufacturers of kitchen equipment. With a power of 1000 W and six speeds, it perfectly grinds solid products, instantly turns meat into minced meat, and ice cubes into small crumbs. Smooth speed control allows you to timely change the operating mode during the preparation of mashed potatoes, sauces. Quickly whips up egg white and kneads pancake dough. A quiet and inexpensive blender with decent functionality is deservedly popular with housewives. The average price is 2248 rubles.

Polaris PHB 1054 AL


  • power;
  • good equipment;
  • submersible part made of stainless steel;
  • affordable price.


  • at this price, there are no flaws.

Model / birthplace of the brandSpecificationsaverage cost
Polaris PHB 1054 AL / RussiaPower 1000 W. Six speeds + smooth adjustment mode. Optional: turbo mode. The model is equipped with a 0.8 l measuring glass, a 0.6 l chopper, and a whisk. Submersible "leg" made of metal.2248 rubles

7.Panasonic MX-SS1BTQ

In seventh place is the representative of the land of the rising sun, the Japanese model Panasonic MX-SS1BTQ. Traditionally high Japanese quality, thoughtful functionality, stylish design. The power is average, but this does not prevent the device from easily coping with chopping hard vegetables, ice, chopping meat to the state of minced meat. The device is able to replace a food processor, while it costs much less. The average price of the device is 3139 rubles.

Panasonic MX-SS1BTQ


  • stylish design;
  • high performance;
  • good equipment;
  • high-quality assembly.


  • the power cord is short.

Model / birthplace of the brandSpecificationsaverage cost
Panasonic MX-SS1BTQ / Japan600 W motor, smooth speed control. Management - mechanics. The model is equipped with a measuring cup, grinder, whisk. The immersion part of the "leg" is made of metal. Glass and chopper material - plastic.3139 rubles

6.Moulinex DD 655832

The sixth in the ranking is the submersible blender of the French company Moulinex DD 655832. The company is famous for its thoughtful design that perfectly matches the interior of modern kitchen. This model is a powerful ten-speed device. The set of nozzles is small, but there are all the necessary ones: a whisk, a chopper, a measuring cup, a "leg". Users note the high-quality assembly, durability and reliability of the product. It copes with all tasks perfectly. The average cost of the device is 2900 rubles. According to buyers, this is a good ratio of price and quality of the product.

Moulinex DD 655832


  • stylish design;
  • power;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • affordable price.


  • deeply recessed, uncomfortable buttons;
  • small chopper volume.

Model / birthplace of the brandSpecificationsaverage cost
Moulinex DD 655832 / FrancePower 1000W, ten speeds + smooth adjustment mode. Equipped with a grinder, a whisk and a 0.8 liter measuring cup. Submersible "leg" made of metal.2900 rubles

5.Scarlett HB-42F44

In fifth place is the product of the joint Russian-Chinese development Scarlett HB-42F44. A powerful and reliable device that you can use every day. Twelve speeds, 1500 W of power, smooth adjustment and a turbo button make it easy to chop meat into minced meat, ice into crumbs, chop hard vegetables, replace the mixer. Has a practical set of attachments and sharp knives. The design emphasizes the functionality of the model. No frills and purely decorative details. The average cost of the model is 3988 rubles. Quite good value for money.

Scarlett HB-42F44


  • power;
  • a set of necessary attachments;
  • discreet design;
  • affordable price.


  • the volumes of the chopper and the measuring cup are small.

Model / birthplace of the brandSpecificationsaverage cost
Scarlett HB-42F44 / Russia / China1500 W motor. Management - mechanics. Twelve speeds, + smooth regulation. Additionally - turbo button. The model is equipped with a 0.5 l grinder, a 0.6 l measuring glass, and a whisk. The material of the "leg" is metal. The body is plastic.3988 rubles

4.Philips HR 2635

The fourth line of the rating is occupied by the Dutch model Philips HR 2635. The products of this company are distinguished by high build quality, economy, and stylish design. This model is no exception. Equipped with a medium power drive, it can easily chop up the toughest foods in seconds. The immersion leg does not splash. Housewives like the large volume of the chopper. Cocktails can be mixed in liters! In addition to the usual set of attachments, there is a 0.3 l grinder where you can grind coffee beans, peas and other solid products to a flour condition. The design of the model can be a decoration for any kitchen.The average price is 4480 rubles, it is quite affordable for such a functional device.

Philips HR 2635


  • power;
  • excellent set of attachments;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • stylish design.


  • there is not enough measuring glass.

Model / birthplace of the brand Specificationsaverage cost
Philips HR 2635 / NetherlandsPower 700 W, 25 speeds with mechanical control with smooth adjustment. Optional: turbo mode. The model is equipped with a 1.0 l grinder, a 0.3 l mill, and a whisk. The submersible "leg" is made of metal. The body, grinder and mill are plastic.4480 rubles

3.Bosch MSM 881 × 1

The three leaders are opened by the model of the German brand Bosch MSM 881 × 1. A powerful enough device with a large number of nozzle rotation speeds, smooth regulation and a turbo button. In addition to the whisk, grinder and submersible "leg", the device is equipped with:

  • mill;
  • measuring glass;
  • grater;
  • nozzles for cutting cubes and slices;
  • a nozzle - a dough mixer.

All attachments are easy to change and clean. Knives of excellent sharpness. The grinder bowls are large enough. A simple rule should be observed during operation: do not load the bowl "with a slide", it is better to repeat the operation several times, but without overloading and with a tightly closed lid. Used properly, the Bosch MSM 881 × 1 will give you years of service. Its average price is 7431 rubles. The model is worth the money.

Bosch MSM 881 × 1


  • power;
  • performance;
  • extended set of nozzles;
  • build quality.


  • the price is high.

Model / birthplace of the brand Specificationsaverage cost
Bosch MSM 881x1 / GermanyPower 800 W, 12 speeds + smooth adjustment, mechanical control. Optional: turbo mode button. The model is equipped with a whisk, grinder, grinder, measuring cup, discs for cutting slices and cubes, grater, kneader. Submersible "leg" metal. 7431 rubles

2.Braun MQ 9087X MultiQuick

In second place is another model of German design - Braun MQ 9087X MultiQuick. A powerful and multifunctional machine from one of the world leaders in the design and manufacture of household appliances. The 1000 W drive and ten adjustable speeds allow you to knead, chop, whisk and grind products of any hardness, including ice and crackers. Thanks to the large selection of attachments, the Braun MQ 9087X MultiQuick can slice meat, fish and sausages in minutes. The model is equipped with a 1.5 liter grinder. With such a volume, you can quickly feed a large family or a solid company with salads and mashed potatoes. The mill, with a volume of 0.35 liters, also exceeds the average for nozzles of this type. The measuring cup is too small, only 0.6 l. The design of the immersion part is such that it does not splash during the preparation of smoothies and juices. An excellent device for the money. Its average cost is 10,400 rubles.

Braun MQ 9087X MultiQuick


  • power;
  • high performance;
  • solid volume of the grinder;
  • a large set of nozzles;
  • high-quality assembly.


  • small measuring cup;
  • there is not enough dice cutter.

Model / birthplace of the brand Specificationsaverage cost
Braun MQ 9087X MultiQuick 9 / Germany1000 W machine with ten speeds. Management - mechanics with smooth speed control + turbo mode. The model is equipped with a grater, a whisk, nozzles for cutting slices, making mashed potatoes, a bowl for grinding 1.5 liters, a grinder 0.35 liters, a measuring glass of 0.6 liters. The leg is metal. The body is plastic. Power cord 120 cm.10400 rubles

1.Bamix Swissline Superbox

The first place and the best reviews goes to the model of the founder of Bamix Swissline Superbox hand blenders, made in Switzerland. Looking at its technical characteristics, it is not clear how an apparatus with a power of only 200 W can mix cocktails and crush ice with equal ease, grind nuts and coffee beans. The sinking leg design allows you to puree the soup right in the pot without removing it from the heat.Using the special nozzle with milk foam function, you can add it to your coffee and enjoy a great cappuccino. Grinder bowls and grinders made of polycarbonate for increased durability. Their volume is enough to quickly feed a small family of three to four people. The model has a stylish design and a comfortable stand. Bamix Swissline Superbox - premium appliances. Its average cost is 19,900 rubles.

Bamix Swissline Superbox


  • economical;
  • high-performance;
  • the highest efficiency;
  • stylish design;
  • excellent set of attachments.


  • high price.

Model / birthplace of the brand Specificationsaverage cost
Bamix Swissline Superbox / SwitzerlandPower 200W, at 17000rpm. Two speeds mechanically controlled. The model is equipped with attachments for grinding ice, a grater, various replaceable knives, a whisk, a bowl for grinding food and a grinder, a measuring glass, a table stand. The body and the leg are metal, the bowls of the grinders are polycarbonate.19,900 rubles

How to Choose a Good Model of Hand Blender for Your Home? First of all, you need to determine what you need it for. For the preparation of baby food, a budget model with a minimum set of functions is suitable. Those who like to pamper their family with delicious and varied concoctions will need an apparatus with a wide range of functions. The premium device replaces the best food processor and will last for many years in the most demanding use. Which device to buy is up to you. We hope that our review will help you not to make mistakes when choosing.


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