The life of a modern person, filled with stress and stress, does not always take place in an ecologically clean environment, with the ability to eat only high-quality natural products. Regardless of age and gender, everyone needs extra care of their body. To fill the deficiency of nutrients, the best manufacturers produce biologically active additives that improve the quality of life of consumers. The editors of the site "" have prepared a rating of high-quality multivitamin preparations that are not a medicine.
What are multivitamins for?
What it is These are medicinal preparations specially synthesized and consisting of several vitamins and microelements. Taking into account the characteristics of all components, the manufacturer creates a composition formula in order to select the correct ratio for good absorption and effective impact.
Criterias of choice
Complexes of supplements contain useful components in different proportions. What you need to pay attention to when choosing the right model The main thing is who will be the consumer of this drug.
For example, the needs of the male and female bodies are different. The female needs additional iron, the male needs vitamin C.
In addition, there are certain potential health problems at different ages. In women after 40 years - the approach of menopause, from 20 to 30 years - childbearing age, after 50 - active age-related changes, aging processes. Accordingly, in each of these periods, you need to choose the right multivitamins aimed at solving specific problems.
During pregnancy, the female body undergoes enormous stress - it shares useful elements with the child. External support is necessary and important, but it should be borne in mind that, for example, in the 1st and 2nd trimester, different systems and organs of the fetus are laid, therefore, trace elements and minerals are required different.
Children's drugs are also very different in composition - the child's body grows and changes rapidly. During the period of adaptation to school or kindergarten, it is important to support the child's nervous system, in adolescence - to prevent hormonal disruptions and disorders.
Adults choose the drug, taking into account the goal to be achieved: to restore the condition of the skin and hair, to compensate for the calcium deficiency, to improve vision, to support the immune system or the nervous system. To avoid mistakes when choosing, it is advisable to consult a doctor and choose the product that will not harm, but will effectively help to cope with the problems that have arisen.
What are the dietary supplements:
- Children;
- female;
- male;
- for the elderly.
For kids
A growing body requires good nutrition and additional useful elements.It is during this period that those things are laid that will play an important role in the future - the formation of immunity, the structure of the skin, hair, teeth occurs. Even when receiving a complete food, the body may lack certain additives, which is associated with the quality of the food or the lack of appetite in children. Doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes in courses 2 times a year, choosing them in accordance with the age and needs of the body during this period. According to the form of release, supplements for children are in the form of simple or chewable tablets, syrups, effervescent tablets, drops. For very young children, syrups or drops are suitable, for older children - any form of release.
The best children's multivitamins that meet the requirements for safety, effectiveness and availability:
- Multi-Tabs Baby;
- Alphabet Our baby;
- Vitamishki Immuno + lozenges;
- Alphabet Kindergarten;
- Vitrum Kids;
- Pikovit Plus;
- Doppelherz Kinder;
- Univit Kids Chewable Lozenges;
- Supradine Kids;
- Complivit Calcium D3;
- Kinder biovital gel;
- Complivit Asset;
- Vetoron tablets.
Women's multivitamins
They can be conditionally divided into groups:
- Universal complexes;
- Up to 30 years old;
- Vitamins for women over 30;
- After 40 years;
- After 50 years;
- For pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Regardless of age, sometimes it is required to solve some acute problem associated with a lack of a certain group of vitamins. These can be problems with hair and skin, deterioration of vision or teeth or general health, increased nervousness or brittle bones. After consulting with a doctor, it is worth purchasing a universal complex, where the main composition is aimed at eliminating the identified failures in the woman's body:
- Doppelgerts Active;
- ArtLife Formula of a woman;
- Duovit For Women;
- Lady's formula: More than a multivitamin;
- Supradin;
- Alphabet Cosmetics;
- Vitrum Beauty;
- Complies the Shining;
- Undevit.
Up to 30 years
Until the age of 30, the body needs elementary support, because it is still doing an excellent job with the main functions. Support in the form of dietary supplements is needed to maintain strength and immunity, to preserve energy. Folic acid is considered one of the important supplements, given the fact that this is the most appropriate age for having children. Good drugs for this group:
- Duovit;
- Supradin;
- Revit.
After 30 years
After 30 years, the first signs of aging begin to appear in women: fine, shallow wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, excess weight. A properly selected complex will help to suspend these processes, as well as adherence to the daily regimen, proper nutrition, adequate sleep and exercise. According to buyers, the following drugs perfectly cope with the task of preserving youth:
- Revidox;
- Imedeen is the time of perfection;
- Laura Evalar;
- Lady's formula Woman plus.
After 40 years
The main changes are associated with the extinction of the reproductive system, a decrease in the production of estrogen, a woman enters the climacteric period with all the ensuing unpleasant consequences - the condition of the skin, hair, nails worsens, there is a frequent change in mood, sleep may be disturbed, rapid fatigue and loss of strength are observed, chronic diseases appear ... These are all natural processes, so you need to take care of the effective support of the body. According to customer reviews, they do the best job with the task:
- Complivit calcium D3;
- Evalar Tsi-klim;
- Besins Healthcare Famital;
- Duovit for women;
- Vitrum Beauty Elite;
- Lady's formula 40 plus.
After 50 years
Natural physiological processes, which are associated with the onset of cessation of estrogen production, adversely affect the health and appearance of women. Thinning skin becomes deeply wrinkled, hair and nails become thin and brittle. Problems with the absorption of nutrients cause malfunctions in the work of various organs. In addition, there is increased fatigue and loss of energy.To support your health, you need to seek outside help, namely, to purchase a complex of supplements with a high-quality composition. Among the best are noted:
- Hexavite;
- Undevit;
- Berocca plus;
- Alphabet 50;
- Vitrum Centuri;
- Ladyvita 50;
- Centrum silver women 50+.
For pregnant and nursing
During such important events in the life of every woman, such as bearing, giving birth and feeding a child, her body becomes especially vulnerable, as it experiences enormous stress on almost all organs and systems. To maintain the health of the mother and bear a healthy baby, it is necessary to take care of the selection of the right complexes in order to compensate for the lack of minerals and trace elements. During pregnancy, folic acid is essential for the health of both the mother and the baby, preventing developmental abnormalities and abortion. During feeding, in order to avoid various negative reactions in the infant, the mother is forced to limit herself in some products, which can lead to deterioration of the condition of the teeth, hair loss, and a depressed mood. To support yourself and your body, it is recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes, the best of which are:
- The alphabet “Mom's health;
- Elevit Feeding;
- Multi-tabs Perinatal;
- Fairhaven health nursing postnatal;
- Vitrum "Prenatal" Forte;
- Complies Mom;
- Vitrum Prenatal;
- Elevit Pronatal.
Representatives of the stronger sex also need additional support of minerals and vitamins, but they should especially pay attention to L-carnitine, which affects the potency and the ability to conceive a healthy child. In addition, vitamins of group B are important, the lack of which, especially in old age, can cause baldness, insomnia, and a sharp change in mood. The male body needs vitamin C more than the female body, and iron, on the contrary, does not bring much benefit. Smokers are advised to pay attention to preparations containing lipoic acid, which will play the role of an antioxidant. According to customer reviews, the best men's complexes:
- Solgar Multi Male;
- Maxler VitaMen;
- AlfaVit for men;
- Mans Formula Potential Forte;
- Duovit for men;
- Vitrum Life;
- Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men.
For seniors
Natural and inevitable aging processes in one way or another affect all functions and systems of the body. The work of the digestive tract slows down, so nutrients from food are not absorbed properly. In addition, due to age-related exacerbations of various diseases, people are forced to take a large amount of drugs, which have side effects and impair the intake of vitamins and minerals with food intake. Therefore, you need to take care of vitamin complexes that can compensate for the deficiency of all elements. The most essential for this age group are vitamin C, which improves metabolism, B vitamins, which help the normal functioning of the heart and circulatory system. Vitamin A is necessary to preserve vision, E - normalizes blood pressure and slows down the processes of skin aging, D - to strengthen bones and assimilate minerals in them. The best multivitamins for seniors include:
- Alphabet 50+;
- Vitrum Centuri;
- Doppelherz asset with magnesium and B vitamins;
- Centrum Silver;
- Gerovital.
We will tell you more about some of the above drugs in more detail.
Best Multivitamins for Women
KRKA Duovit
The Slovenian complex preparation contains vitamins and minerals, including ascorbic acid, calcium, zinc, retinol, which are necessary to support the health and beauty of women of any age. The use of dietary supplements prevents the development of osteoporosis and has a beneficial effect on metabolic systems. It is beneficial for the reproductive system, eye and bone health, improves regeneration and protects the nervous system. It is indicated in cases of excessive sweating, heavy menstruation and diarrhea. 30 coated tablets cost 400 rubles.
- contains 12 vitamins and 5 minerals;
- quick results;
- for any age;
- improves skin, hair, nails;
- enhances immunity;
- replenishes the loss of minerals;
- availability;
- there are no contraindications for pregnant and lactating women.
- there are allergic reactions;
- there are contraindications.
Art life "Formula of a woman"
The complex of Russian production contains a huge number of components, taking into account almost all the needs of a woman's body. The visible result is already after a few tricks. Increasing activity and efficiency, getting rid of pain on critical days - this is not a complete list of the effect of the drug on the body. 180 tablets, designed for 90 doses, cost from 760 rubles.
- unique multicomponent composition;
- beauty of skin and hair;
- strengthening nails and bones;
- improvement of the nervous system.
- not always found in stores.
- relatively expensive drug.
Evalar Laura
Russian-made tablets for women over 30. One of the components of the unique formula - hyaluronic acid - plays an important role in preserving youthful skin. Vitamins B, C, E, F in the composition have a complex rejuvenating effect, strengthen immunity, improve hormonal balance, improve skin condition and complexion, and alleviate the condition before the menstrual cycle. A pack containing 36 tablets costs about 400 rubles.
- natural ingredients;
- increases skin elasticity;
- rejuvenation;
- balanced composition.
- there are contraindications for problems with blood clotting.
Pharma Med Lady's formula Woman 30 Plus
A multicomponent drug made in the USA is able to prevent female diseases associated with hormonal disorders (mastopathy and endometriosis), maintains youthful skin, helps in maintaining optimal body weight, increases overall tone, libido, and collagen production. In addition, buyers note a reduction in the "orange peel" effect and relief from pain during critical days. A multicomponent composition, in which elements such as iodine and vitamins A, E play an active role, increases resistance to colds, resistance to stress.
- has a certificate according to the Eurasian conformity standard;
- many elements in the composition;
- prevents female diseases;
- gets rid of cellulite;
- natural healthy composition;
- active influence on the work of female organs;
- disease prevention;
- improvement of well-being.
- expensive;
- to any component in the composition there may be an individual intolerance.
Doppelgerz Active
Vitamin and mineral complex in the form of effervescent tablets with lemon flavor produced in Germany. It not only supports and restores the functions of the body, but also has a therapeutic effect on the veins and blood vessels, the thyroid gland. The result is very noticeable on the condition of the skin and hair. The drug has won recognition among women of different ages for its effectiveness. The average price is from 400 rubles.
- fights varicose veins;
- for strong immunity;
- therapeutic effect;
- universal;
- preserves beauty;
- prolongs youth;
- convenient packaging - tube.
- the course is not cheap.
A unique drug from Spain, containing the amount of resveratrol, which practically stops cell aging, in one capsule, as much as 45 kg. grapes! In addition, it contains pomegranate and selenium extract. This dietary supplement moisturizes the skin, reduces wrinkles, normalizes metabolism and controls body weight. For 1 course - 840 rubles.
- produced under license;
- fights aging;
- unique composition and effective formula;
- effectively reduces oxidative stress.
- expensive;
- long course;
- quite high price.
Imedeen Time of Perfection
The product (Denmark, Italy, Romania) is based on Biomarine Complex, a protein-rich seafood extract.It also contains grape seed extract and tomato squeeze - lycopene. The complex of substances keeps collagen and elastin fibers from destruction, maintains water balance, protects against UV radiation, removes pigmentation and prevents the aging process. Does not contain GMOs, sugar, preservatives - absolutely natural composition. The cost of a pack of 30 tablets is from 1000 rubles.
- moisturizing effect;
- protects against aggressive environmental influences;
- makes the skin soft and smooth;
- reduces wrinkles;
- does not contain dyes;
- natural ingredients.
- expensive;
- there are contraindications - seafood allergy.
Vitrum Beauty Elite
The product of the American company Unipharm, due to its composition, helps to maintain health and youthfulness for women over 45. It contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, horsetail, which stimulates the production of collagen, beta-carotene, which protects against environmental influences. All components of the dietary supplement, acting in concert, have a beneficial effect on all functions of the body, restore the lack of minerals and increase the strength of the body during exercise. The cost is from 1500 rubles.
- balanced complex;
- reputable manufacturer;
- has an antioxidant effect;
- strengthens capillaries and blood vessels;
- helps the intestines;
- recommended for recovery after medical operations;
- helps to maintain youthfulness of skin, hair;
- fills the body with energy;
- improves metabolism.
- there are contraindications - arterial hypotension, thrombophlebitis;
- expensive drug.
Evalar Tsi-klim
The Russian complex based on herbal ingredients is recommended at the first signs of menopause. Vitamins and minerals help reduce the body's negative reactions to changes that occur, such as increased sweating, frequent heartbeats, sleep disruptions and irritability. The average price is 460 rubles for 60 tablets.
- 100% natural composition;
- motherwort in the composition has a calming effect;
- relieves menopause;
- without hormones;
- helps the absorption of calcium;
- affordable price.
- not found.
The Russian drug for women over 50 contains 13 vitamins and 9 minerals that strengthen health, slow down the aging process and maintain the health of the heart, blood vessels and joints. The average price for a pack of 60 tablets is 270 rubles.
- contains many elements;
- prevention of osteoporosis;
- helps to maintain vision;
- inexpensive;
- has a positive effect on immunity.
- absent.
Vitrum Prenatal
The American complex, recommended for women during and after pregnancy, helps the body to recover and fill in the missing nutrients. The components necessary for the health of mother and child, acting together, enhance the effect. The baby receives all the important elements for proper development through breast milk. The cost of 30 tablets is from 650 rubles.
- enriched with elements for the normal development of a newborn child;
- strengthens vision and immunity;
- normalizes the thyroid gland;
- balanced composition;
- restores teeth, hair and nails.
- large capsules;
- expensive.
Best Multivitamins for Kids for 2024
Pikovit for children
The Russian manufacturer produces the drug for different age groups, selecting the components necessary for a specific age. The dietary supplement does not contain preservatives or dyes. Release form - chewable tablets for older age, syrup - for infants. Average price - from 300 rubles.
- reduces stress and fatigue;
- can be matched by age;
- improves immunity;
- suitable for admission during adaptation periods;
- convenience of reception;
- natural composition;
- necessary elements for the development of the child;
- pleasant taste.
- absent.
The Russian manufacturer produces supplements for children of different ages. For example, the line includes products Alphabet Kindergarten and Alphabet Schoolboy. The components and their proportions are selected taking into account the age needs and characteristics of the given period and provide a full set of necessary elements. Children love the taste of gummies - apple, orange, strawberry. The drug is indicated for hypovitaminosis, decreased activity, fatigue, poor appetite in a child, stimulates mental activity. Cost - from 300 rubles for a monthly course.
- the ability to pick up by age;
- natural ingredients;
- not addictive;
- provides the required amount of nutrients;
- pleasant taste.
- absent.
Quite an interesting line of vitamin and mineral complexes for children from two years old. All complexes have a general strengthening effect and compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the child's body. However, there are plenty to choose from:
- Multi + will serve as an excellent base for the development of the immune and nervous system, as well as the metabolic system of the baby;
- Bio + with fennel extract and prebiotics will help to improve the functioning of the digestive system, relieving the child of flatulence and constipation;
- Calcium +, in addition to calcium, contains phosphorus, which will help the proper formation and strengthening of bone tissue and tooth enamel;
- Focus + with blueberry extract will protect your child's eyesight during school hours;
- Immuno +, which contains sea buckthorn juice, will serve as an ambulance in the cold season.
- Large selection of drugs with multidirectional action;
- An interesting form of release in the form of bears from marmalade based on natural juice;
- Four flavors: peach, lemon, grape and orange. Even for a very picky baby, you can choose a drug that he will take with pleasure;
- Natural composition and no artificial colors or preservatives;
- The dietary supplement not only reduces the risk of acute respiratory diseases, but also significantly speeds up recovery, preventing complications.
- Ease of administration - 1 time per day.
- The drug is still designed for children under 7 years old. After this age, the dosage should be doubled.
The best vitamin complexes for men
Man's Formula
The product is declared by the manufacturer as a means for men to increase potency, which is necessary for the conception of a child. In addition, the composition contains the elements necessary to improve the general condition and well-being - 20 vitamins, 11 minerals, 4 additional components. The balanced complex promotes testosterone production, strengthens the immune system and improves mood. The peculiarity of using the drug is one tablet twice a day. Average price - from 700 rubles. for a month course.
- herbal ingredients;
- large amounts of L-arginine and zinc;
- increases libido;
- without side effects;
- restoration of the body as a whole;
- normalization of sleep;
- inexpensive.
- absent.
Wellman tricologic
A product aimed at strengthening hair and avoiding hair loss. A complete complex contains an increased amount of elements that prevent baldness in men and improve the condition of hair follicles, slowing down the appearance of gray hair. In addition, the product contains all the essential vitamins for men - group B, ascorbic acid, E and D3, beta-carotene. The price of a monthly course is from 1100 rubles.
- excellent composition;
- restores the scalp;
- protects against hair loss;
- improves blood circulation;
- recommended by trichologists;
- noticeable result.
- not always available in pharmacies.
The company Dr. Theiss has developed a useful product in the form of an elixir, which is not a medicine, but provides the body of an elderly person with the components necessary for normal functioning. It is indicated for admission to people with problems of the cardiovascular system. The drug normalizes metabolic processes and the functioning of the nervous system. Features of the reception - 1 tablespoon per day. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. 200 ml of elixir can be bought for an amount of 300 rubles.
- improves the condition;
- increases the level of hemoglobin;
- beneficial effect on the nervous system;
- recommended for diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- inexpensive.
- not found.
The editors of the site "" presented an overview of the best multivitamins to help in choosing the right product. All the drugs presented are sold only in pharmacies, but they can also be ordered online. Please leave your feedback on the results of using the product you have chosen.
Taking vitamins is very important at any age. A person cannot consume the amount of vitamins and minerals that he needs per day with food. That's what multivitamins are for. I have been taking Duovit for a long time, starting from the period of pregnancy. They contain a daily dose of vitamins and minerals. One capsule per day. And the price is reasonable.