The pain in the kidney area is one of the most unbearable. Moreover, persistent kidney disease does not contribute to full-fledged vital activity and can even cause a person's disability. The modern choice of drugs, the presence of biologically active food additives and herbal complexes can not only prevent, but also successfully cure the most advanced pathologies of the organs of the excretory system. The editors of the site "" have prepared a rating of the best remedies for the treatment of kidneys for 2024.
Important! Before proceeding with the main part of the article and an overview of the best pills, we want to warn you about the dangers of self-medication. Pathologies of the excretory organs are very diverse. Wrongly chosen medications can not only be useless, but also cause serious harm to the body in the form of life-threatening complications.
Causes of kidney disease
The kidneys are a paired organ, designed to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body through filtration along with urine. This organ is involved not only in metabolic processes, but also regulates the level of blood pressure through the production of hormones. What are the contributing factors that can cause problems with the excretory system?
- Frequent hypothermia - exposure to low temperatures has a detrimental effect on the pelvic organs. Most often, doctors warn girls by encouraging them to dress warmly. However, men should also be afraid of the cold and take care of the kidneys.
- Lack of fluid - the less water passes through the excretory system, the worse it is filtered. And this leads to the deposition of sand, which over time will turn into stones, very painfully leaving the body. Often it comes to an emergency operation. Be sure to drink the rate of fluid per day
- Improper nutrition - excess salt and protein can also cause a number of pathologies.
- Obesity - disrupts filtration and the general condition of the kidneys in general.
- Bad habits - smoking and alcohol negatively affect metabolic processes. In particular, alcoholic beverages increase blood pressure, which is undesirable for organ health.
- Frequent use of medications - for example, analgesics disrupt the functioning of the excretory system. Also, drugs used in the treatment of mental pathologies have many side effects, one of which is a toxic effect on the kidneys.
Major pathologies
Kidney diseases have different origins, therefore, their treatment directly depends on the diagnosis. As mentioned above, we do not recommend diagnosing yourself and trying to cure yourself. Be sure to contact a specialist who will prescribe you a general blood and urine test, as well as an ultrasound scan. Only after carrying out these manipulations, it will be possible to determine the exact cause and name of the disease.
Main pathologies:
- Pyelonephritis - this name implies inflammation of the membrane of the kidneys and their calyx-pelvic system. As expressed Severe lower back pain, fever, weakness and chills.
- Cystitis is not exactly the kidneys, but is directly related to them.In this case, the bladder becomes inflamed, which is manifested by frequent and painful urination.
- Urolithiasis - a pathology characterized by the formation of stones in the ureters. This problem is caused by a lack of water in the diet, overeating salty foods and the use of low-quality calcined water. Renal colic is manifested by severe, unbearable back pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. Often, ICD leads to acute urinary retention, which is an emergency indication for surgery.
- Diabetic nephropathy - diabetes mellitus can disrupt metabolic processes, while kidney tissues, which do not receive nutrients, suffer. Such a violation causes severe dryness and itching of the skin, swelling of the legs, weakness and decreased performance.
- Hydronephrosis - kidney edema. In this case, urine and excess fluid are not excreted from the body. Pathology is manifested by increased pressure, edema and soreness in the lower back.
- Renal failure is the malfunctioning of an organ, in which it is simply unable to filter and excrete urine. It can have both acute and chronic course. It occurs against the background of severe concomitant diseases or in the case of poisoning with hazardous toxic substances. The condition can be stopped and full recovery achieved, but only in the early stages. The disease manifests itself with pronounced internal and external edema, impaired urination, general weakness and malaise.
- Nephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys as a result of an infection.
- Oncology is, in other words, a tumor. The neoplasm can be both benign and malignant. Symptoms vary, and diagnosis includes a complete examination, including MRI.
Treatment of the above pathologies is often an integrated approach that takes into account the complications and concomitant diseases of the patient.
Rating of the best drugs for the treatment of kidney for 2024
Our selection begins with a review of the best uroseptics - drugs prescribed for cystitis.
The most common and prescribed drug. You may have already come across these recognizable small pills of bright orange color. The composition of the product contains an antibiotic, but the active ingredients have an antifungal effect. That is why these tablets are prescribed to patients with impaired intestinal microflora and weakened immunity.
Nitroxoline has a wide spectrum of action, it is able to overcome most of the causative agents of urinary tract infections, but it cannot cope with staphylococcus, for example. For this reason, we advise you not to forget about a consultation with a nephrologist, therapist or urologist. Also, the remedy eliminates the infection not only in the bladder, but also in the kidneys.
- efficiency;
- does not affect the central nervous system.
- the course of treatment involves taking a large number of tablets at once;
- there are side effects and contraindications.
The average cost is 70 Russian rubles for 50 tablets.
Another name is Furazidin. The drug is also common in the treatment of cystitis. Most of the positive reviews and a small number of similar effects inspire confidence in patients. The drug can be used for a long course, including in children. The spectrum of action is wider than that of the above-described tablets, so the medicine can help with many pathologies of the kidneys, bladder and gynecological infections.
In addition, Furamag is often used for prophylactic purposes before urological procedures involving penetration into sterile cavities.
- a wide range of actions;
- can be used in childhood;
- almost does not cause addiction and resistance of microorganisms.
- it is forbidden to use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding;
- not prescribed for renal failure;
- high price;
- incompatible with some drugs.
The average cost is 600 Russian rubles for 30 capsules.
And another common and reliable drug for the treatment of kidney. Active substances destroy pathogenic flora in any concentration, but they are not sensitive to all pathogens. The agent is also prescribed for prophylaxis before urological manipulations. The disadvantages of tablets include their toxicity, the drug causes many side effects, among them there are quite severe manifestations.
- efficiency;
- relatively low price.
- many side effects;
- a number of contraindications;
- causes medicinal hepatitis;
- causes drowsiness, which affects driving and hazardous work.
The average cost is 180 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.
Review of the best drugs for the treatment of urolithiasis.
The tablets are somewhat reminiscent of everyone's favorite effervescent lemonade. The product contains active ingredients that can dissolve almost any stones (except for coral stones). The advantages of the product include the ability to dissolve it in any liquid, not just water. However, do not forget to constantly monitor the pH of urine, because the dissolution of stones and salts is possible only under certain parameters. That is why the course of treatment is not less than six months. Also, the tool can be used as a preventive measure.
- pleasant taste;
- suitable for most stones.
- constant monitoring of the acid-base balance of urine;
- high price;
- long course of treatment;
- the patient must independently calculate the dosage;
- there are contraindications.
The average cost is 1,300 Russian rubles for 80 tablets.
This remedy reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood, however, the active substances of the tablets are capable of destroying urates - stones consisting of the same uric acid. The advantages of the drug include the need to take it only once a day, unlike most renal drugs. Also, Allopurinol is often prescribed for a prophylactic purpose, aimed at preventing nephrolithiasis in conjunction with a diet.
- efficiency;
- prevents the development of new calculi.
- a narrow circle of action.
The average cost is 100 Russian rubles for 50 tablets.
Not really a drug, but rather a food supplement, but this remedy is able to alleviate renal colic during its acute period. The main principle of action is to relieve muscle spasm, reduce pain, dissolve calcium calculi. Since pills relieve spasm, respectively, they are able to expand the ureters and urinary canals. This feature greatly facilitates the patient's condition when passing sand or small stones. Another advantage of the supplement is its antimicrobial effect, which will be very beneficial because renal colic may be accompanied by infection.
- efficiency;
- analgesic effect;
- kills harmful microorganisms.
- not suitable for all stones;
- high price tag;
- there are contraindications.
The average cost is 1,400 Russian rubles for 50 capsules.
A multifunctional and most popular remedy that can dissolve not only kidney, but also gall stones. The composition of the drug includes many herbal ingredients, which ensures its mild effect. What ingredients are worth highlighting: mint and fir oil, hop extract, oregano, carrot. Also, the tablets are characterized by a pronounced antispasmodic effect, which has a positive effect on the removal of calculi from the urinary or gall bladders. The antimicrobial effect allows the use of Urolesan for the treatment of pyelonephritis.
With all the above advantages, the drug has a very reasonable cost.
- relatively low price;
- versatility;
- relieves spasm;
- can be used as part of complex therapy.
- little effectiveness in advanced cases.
The average cost is 260 Russian rubles for a 25 ml bottle.
Our rating ends with a selection of the best complete preparations for maintaining kidney health.
A herbal preparation is often prescribed to treat both bacterial and non-bacterial inflammation of the kidneys, and the remedy can also help in the presence of cystitis and to prevent the development of calculi. The most pronounced effects of the drug are diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory actions. Thus, pills are able to alleviate both acute conditions and chronic pathologies.
- vegetable composition;
- efficiency;
- versatility.
- absent.
The average cost is 320 Russian rubles for 60 tablets.
Biologically active food supplement prevents the formation of stones, sand and salts, and also has a mild diuretic effect, which allows you to painlessly remove excess fluid from the body. The special composition of the product not only accelerates and improves kidney function, but also relaxes the muscles of the excretory system, which contributes to the removal of small stones.
- versatility;
- acceptable price;
- good composition.
- will not help in acute cases.
The average cost is 200 Russian rubles per 100 tablets.
Evalar BIO herbal tea for kidneys
And finally, we present for you herbal tea to improve kidney function. The advantage of the remedy is the ability to use it as part of complex treatment and in preventive measures.
The natural composition of safe and environmentally friendly components has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. Also, buyers noted a pronounced antispasmodic effect, which facilitates the discharge of sand.
- natural composition;
- few contraindications and side effects.
- does not relieve acute pathologies.
The average cost is 110 Russian rubles for 20 filter bags.
Traditional methods of treatment
Home and traditional medicine is always very popular, which is understandable. Traditional methods are completely natural and are often not inferior in effectiveness to pharmaceutical drugs. Here are the most popular recipes.
Millet broth
An excellent method to cure pyelonephritis and cystitis.
- 1 glass of millet;
- 2.5 liters of hot water.
- Rinse the millet under running water.
- Pour millet into a large container and cover with hot water. Cover the container with a warm towel and leave until the suspension appears whiter.
- Strain the suspension and take it in any amount at the request of the patient.
This northern berry is able to remove microbes not only from the kidneys and excretory system, but from the body as a whole. How to use You can cook fruit drink, or you can simply grind cranberries with sugar. Take daily until general urinalysis improves.
Pharmacy chamomile
It also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
- 4 tbsp. l. dry raw materials;
- 1 cup boiling water
- Pour boiling water over dry chamomile.
- Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes.
- Strain and take 20 ml three times a day.
For the convenience of consumers, ready-made filter bags of chamomile broth are sold in pharmacies.
If you had experience using the tools described in the rating, write your feedback in the comments.