There is no such person who would not take care of his health. Almost everyone already knows how to deal with a cold or a cut. But the doctor is engaged in decoding the blood test and such a diagnosis as anemia can be frightening. This means that hemoglobin is low in the body, as a result of which chronic fatigue and frequent colds appear.
The editors of the site "" will help to understand the causes of anemia, give advice on how to avoid this, and provide a rating of the best drugs to increase hemoglobin.
What is hemoglobin
To ensure natural processes in the body, oxygen plays an important role. Its transfer to cells is provided by a protein in the blood - hemoglobin. It is formed in erythrocytes - red blood cells. With them, oxygen enters the tissue cells, while carbon dioxide is removed. If this function is impaired, doctors diagnose anemia. It is observed with a lack of iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid. It can also occur with a large loss of blood, with the destruction of red blood cells due to a disease. The disease is also called anemia, but this does not mean a decrease in the amount of blood itself, but in the level of erythrocytes. To find out, it is enough to pass a general blood test. It is taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach.
The tests will help find out the level of hemoglobin and ferritin in the blood. Ferritin is a protein complex where iron stores are stored. With a lack of it in the tissues, the body takes this reserve, and timely diagnosis will show a reduced level of ferritin. This allows anemia to be diagnosed earlier.
Men, women and children have their own hemoglobin rate in the blood. So, for the strong half it is 130-170 grams per liter of blood, for women and adolescents 12-14 years old - 120-150 g / l. For children, the indicator fluctuates, changing from birth to one year. In newborns who are 1-3 days old, the indicator reaches a maximum value of 160-235 g / l, between 3-6 months, on the contrary, the minimum is 95-130 g / l, and after a year it normalizes and gradually increases to a normal level with growing up.
The hemoglobin index in the blood is influenced not only by the sex of a person, but also by age. It depends on working conditions, lifestyle, living. For example, for pilots, residents of highlands, people who smoke for a long time, the indicators are increased, and if the person is a vegetarian or a permanent donor, then they are lowered. For women, the indicator changes slightly depending on her condition (pregnancy, menstrual cycle).
A deviation from the norm in the level of hemoglobin indicates a disease, is its consequence. Increased values are rare. Depends on the type of activity (skier, climber, weightlifter), or is associated with an illness (for example, heart failure, polycystic kidney disease). If the values are lowered, then the cells lack oxygen.
Causes and symptoms of low hemoglobin
With insufficient intake of iron in the body, a violation of its assimilation, anemia appears.A deficiency of vitamins B12, C, folic acid, which are involved in the formation of hemoglobin, also lowers the protein in the blood, which contributes to the disease. The reasons for this may be:
- Insufficient intake of iron from food. For example, vegetarianism, in which iron from plant foods is absorbed worse than animal sources. On diets, during prolonged fasting, the process of entering the body of necessary microelements is also disrupted, and their deficiency occurs.
- Blood loss. It can be injuries, surgery, menstruation, donation, bleeding during childbirth, abortion. In case of gastrointestinal tract disease, blood loss may pass internally (stomach ulcer). The indicator is influenced by the presence of diseases such as varicose veins, hemorrhoids, cyst of the female genital organs, bleeding gums.
- Violation in the body, due to which iron is poorly absorbed (dysbiosis, colitis).
- Long-term infections and taking certain medications.
- Hereditary reasons.
- With oncology (cancer of the lungs, kidneys, ovaries, and others), leukemia.
- Prolonged stress, depression.
During pregnancy, hemoglobin values are lower, since iron is consumed by the placenta, the fetus. During gestation, it is necessary to take vitamins and monitor a proper diet with iron-containing foods.
A decrease in hemoglobin leads to a lower supply of oxygen to the tissues of the body. There are a number of common symptoms that can lead to the suspicion of low hemoglobin in the blood.
Manifestations of a lack of hemoglobin:
- Rapid fatigue and feeling of weakness;
- Often sleepy;
- Headaches, possible dizziness, fainting;
- The heartbeat becomes frequent, and the pressure decreases;
- The lack of iron on the nails is reflected. They become brittle, exfoliate;
- Pallor of the skin, their dryness, peeling;
- Immunity decreases, as a result of which infectious diseases arise;
- Dull hair color, hair loss;
- Temperature rise to 37.5 ° C for no apparent reason.
Due to the lack of trace elements in the body, irritability, inattention appears, the mood changes for no reason.
If you suspect a decrease in hemoglobin, you should consult a hematologist.
With symptoms of iron deficiency, the first step is to adjust the diet. However, you need to pay attention to the assimilation of certain products, their combination. Vitamin C, B folic acid help iron to be absorbed, but calcium, phosphates, tannin content, on the contrary, interfere. During the treatment of anemia, you need to give up a large amount of coffee and tea, limit the use of muffins, chocolate. Dairy products slow down the absorption of iron, they simply need to be consumed separately from those containing iron.
So, foods that will help increase hemoglobin:
- Beef liver, tongue, rabbit, turkey, goose. Cereals and vegetables will help the absorption of iron, choosing them as a side dish.
- Seafood, sea fish.
- Citrus fruits, berries and vegetables containing vitamin C. There is a large amount: apples, pineapple, lemon, bell peppers, cabbage (also sauerkraut), tomatoes, beets (juice from it).
- Broccoli, spinach, legumes (peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans) contain folic acid, which helps to increase the number of red blood cells.
- Whole grain cereals (wheat, buckwheat, rolled oats).
- Dried fruits (dates, dried apricots), also dried mushrooms.
- Nuts.
- Honey.
- Pomegranate (juice) - rich in vitamin and mineral composition (calcium, iron, carbohydrates, fiber).
To prevent anemia, the body must receive sufficient oxygen. Therefore, walks in the fresh air will be useful. You shouldn't give up light physical activity: fitness, aerobics. They will improve blood circulation and keep the body in good shape.
Using folk methods
An alternative to medicines are folk recipes that will help increase hemoglobin.
Herbs are irreplaceable helpers, their correct use will help with anemia. They make such infusions and decoctions:
- Rosehip infusion with honey. 4 tablespoons of berries pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for about an hour. 1 teaspoon of honey is added to the cooled broth for 1 glass. One dose per day is enough.
- Rosehip + mountain ash. This combination is taken 100 grams before meals 3 times a day. It is done like this: 3 tablespoons of berries are poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes.
- A decoction of crushed blackberry leaves, St. John's wort, clover. Add 1 tablespoon to each plant and add 200 grams of boiling water, leave for 30-60 minutes. The amount of admission per day is 50 ml, the duration of the course is a month.
In the morning on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink juices from vegetables and fruits.
- Equal proportions of beet juice, carrot, apple, lemon.
- Beet juice + carrot.
- Mix the same amount of 50 ml of apple and cranberry juice, add 100 ml of beet juice.
Take a mixture of nuts and honey. For 2 glasses of peeled, chopped kernels, add 1 liter jar of honey. Stir well, store in a cool place for 30 days. Take before meals 3 times a day.
With anemia, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, based on tests. Anemia can be mild to severe. The first is treated with a diet with possible iron supplements. In severe cases, a blood transfusion or special medications are required. Excessive accumulation of iron negatively affects the body, therefore, medications should be prescribed by a doctor.
Hemoglobin is an iron-containing protein in the blood, so drugs to increase it are synthetic compounds containing iron. Divalent, it is absorbed in the blood faster. For more active absorption of the substance, medication with ascorbic acid is prescribed.
Drugs for the treatment of anemia exist in the form of tablets, syrups, capsules, drops, and injections.
Taking into account age, gender, health status, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medicine, indicating the dosage and duration of therapy. They cannot be taken in conjunction with antibiotics. Side effects can manifest themselves in the form of bloating, diarrhea. If microelements are poorly absorbed, then not only will the intestines malfunction, but allergies may appear, the tooth enamel will darken, the heart rhythm will be disturbed. Therefore, it is important that a doctor supervises the course of treatment.
Rating of the best drugs to increase hemoglobin
Iron chelate, tablets No. 60
The drug belongs to biologically active additives (BAA), which are not drugs. Producer company "Evalar", Russia.
A chelated complex means that a mineral is combined with an acid for maximum absorption. Metal ions are located in the shell of the amino acid, are ready to use immediately and are absorbed by 90-97%. The drug is well tolerated, without side effects on the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Allowed during pregnancy.
An additional source of iron is prescribed for adults and children from the age of 14. It maintains normal hemoglobin levels, prevents anemia from developing, and increases efficiency. Frequency rate of taking 1 tablet 1 time per day with meals. The course of therapy is at least 60 days. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.
- chelating complex for maximum absorption of microelements;
- there are practically no contraindications;
- allowed for pregnant and lactating women;
- does not affect the digestive tract;
- inexpensive.
- not detected.
Maltofer foul No. 30
The tool is presented in the form of chewable tablets that can be chewed, swallowed. They taste good. The company also produces other forms: capsules, solution, syrup.
The composition includes trivalent iron, the structure of the compound is similar to ferritin. It is actively absorbed into the blood from the stomach. Folic acid comes to the rescue, which is contained in the drug. In the course of treatment, the erythrocyte count is normalized, iron deficiency is replenished.
Dispensed by prescription. Can be taken during pregnancy and lactation, for children over 12 years old. Take 1 tablet 1 time per day.The duration of treatment should be at least 2 months. It has some contraindications and side effects.
- fast assimilation;
- several forms of release;
- folic acid in the composition;
- average price.
- has a number of contraindications;
- prescription purchase;
- long course of therapy.
Ferlatum Foul solution
Spanish medicine in the form of a ready-made solution. The composition contains ferric iron, folic acid, calcium folinate. The latter compensates for the lack of folate in the body.
The absorption of iron can be increased while taking it with ascorbic acid. From the intestines it quickly enters the bloodstream, which contributes to the low likelihood of overdose, poisoning.
The prescription drug is approved for newborns and pregnant women. The bottle contains 15 ml of solution. Method of application: adults 2 times a day, 1 bottle, children are calculated based on body weight.
Prohibited for cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis. Possible manifestations of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used to treat and prevent iron deficiency anemia. After the hemoglobin has returned to normal, the medicine is used to maintain it.
- quickly normalizes iron in the body;
- can be used by children from birth;
- overdose is unlikely.
- expensive;
- has side effects.
Likferr 100
The antianemic agent is administered intravenously. It is prescribed for intolerance to other medications for oral administration. Quickly replenishes the iron content in the body. The dosage is calculated individually for each patient.
Not allowed in the first trimester of pregnancy and children under 18 years of age.
Very rarely, there may be undesirable consequences in the form of dizziness, tachycardia, shortness of breath, nausea, edema at the injection site.
Consultation with a hematologist is required, and the agent should be injected gently in a hospital under medical supervision.
- quickly normalizes hemoglobin;
- suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems.
- it is inconvenient to open the glass ampoule;
- it is advisable to do the procedure under the supervision of a doctor.
A medication containing iron and vitamin supplements is suitable for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency. The composition includes vitamins of group B, ascorbic, pantothenic acids.
It is produced in the form of capsules, which are drunk 1-3 times a day, 1 piece. The duration of admission is at least 1 month.
It is prescribed for abundant constant blood loss, increased consumption in the gland. Improvements are observed for 2-3 days, symptoms such as dizziness, drowsiness disappear. But side effects are also possible in the form of constipation, allergic reactions.
- inexpensive;
- contain a complex of vitamins;
- convenient form.
- not identified.
Sorbifer durules
This drug contains ascorbic acid, which helps the gland to be absorbed better. It is available in the form of tablets, which are not recommended to be chewed while taking. Adults and older schoolchildren take 1 tablet 1-2 times a day with plenty of water.
Side effects can occur from the esophagus and intestines. To avoid an overdose, medical supervision is necessary.
Dispensed by prescription. Allowed during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindicated in diabetics.
- average price;
- allowed for pregnant and lactating women;
- in the composition of ascorbic acid.
- you need to swallow the pill whole;
- there are contraindications and side effects.
Combined French-made drug for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency anemia. It contains trace elements of copper and manganese. Do not take in conjunction with other preparations containing iron.
Allowed for pregnant women and children from 3 months. The dosage is calculated individually. The course of admission is 3-5 months.
It is produced in the form of a solution, which is shaken before use. The contents of the ampoule are diluted in water.
From side effects, there is a darkening of the tooth enamel, staining of feces in black.
- allowed for children from 3 months;
- assigned to pregnant and lactating women;
- effectively combats anemia;
- average price.
- the taste is not pleasant to everyone;
- there are contraindications and side effects.
Venofer solution
Release form - injections for intravenous administration. Prescribed for diseases of the stomach and intestines, when other drugs are contraindicated.
Replenishes iron deficiency well. Before the introduction, it is necessary to do a test to determine the negative phenomena for the body. Doses are prescribed individually, depending on the iron deficiency. Prescription medication, recommended from 3 years old, is not allowed in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Ampoules must not be frozen. Use immediately after opening.
- quickly restores the level of iron in the blood;
- suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases;
- allowed from 3 years.
- expensive.
Floradix Liquid Iron Formula
German natural preparation based on herbs and vitamins. Dietary supplement compensates for micronutrient deficiencies. The composition contains vitamins of group B, ascorbic acid, plant extracts of spinach, fennel, carrot, nettle, concentrated juices of pears, grapes, currants, cherries, beets.
The natural remedy is sold without a doctor's prescription. Allowed for pregnant women, schoolchildren during the period of active growth, as it strengthens the immune system, replenishes the body with vitamins and minerals.
From a negative impact, an allergic reaction to the components of the medication may occur.
- natural preparation;
- allowed for pregnant women;
- pleasant taste;
- safe for children;
- there are practically no side effects.
- not detected.
Austrian anti-anemic prescription drug. Active ingredients: ferrous fumarate, folic acid. They help in the synthesis of hemoglobin, amino acids. The simultaneous intake of ascorbic acid increases the absorption of iron.
Signs of anemia in the form of rapid fatigue, dizziness are gradually eliminated, the skin ceases to be dry. Can be consumed during gestation and lactation.
The medication is well tolerated in most cases. In rare cases, allergies, constipation, and nausea are possible. There are some contraindications.
Available in capsule form. Take them on an empty stomach 1 time per day for at least 30 days.
- allowed for pregnant women;
- fatigue, headache will go away;
- restores iron and folic acid deficiencies.
- there are contraindications;
- when buying, you need a doctor's prescription.
Do not self-medicate and choose on your own which one is better to buy the drug. Consultation with a hematologist after testing is required.
Have you paid attention to the state of health with low hemoglobin? What means did you use? Write about it in the comments.