Calcium is an essential element for the body. Many metabolic processes do not take place without it, it participates in the elimination of harmful substances, is a building material for the formation of bones and teeth. Its deficiency can cause muscle cramps, hormonal disruption, and fragility of bones. Most of Ca is obtained from food. You can make up for the lack of an element by taking special dietary supplements or medications.
Why is calcium useful?
Calcium is not only the main building block of the body. Without it, beautiful and smooth skin, thick hair, strong nails are impossible.
Ca is necessary for the body at any age:
- In childhood, it is needed for the normal formation of the skeleton. The deficiency can cause rickets.
- In adulthood, it helps the body function normally and also removes dangerous strontium.
- After 40 years, the human body begins to lose bone tissue. This is a natural aging process. A diet rich in calcium-containing foods or taking calcium supplements will help you avoid the consequences of osteoporosis.
Ca combined with vitamin D3:
- normalize the digestion process;
- reduce the risk of rectal cancer;
- increase blood clotting;
- speed up the work of the brain;
- normalize the formation of bone tissue;
- needed for muscle contraction.
A lot of calcium is found in dairy products, especially cheeses, milk powder and cottage cheese. There is a lot of it in basil, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, caraway seeds. Sardines and pike perch are rich in Ca. You can also replenish stocks by eating soy protein or soy cheese.
Why is calcium deficiency in the body dangerous?
Let's list the most frequent symptoms accompanying Ca deficiency.
- Spasms, as well as muscle cramps, are one of the first signals of a lack of an element in the body. Most often, the calf muscles are affected. A few minutes in an uncomfortable position, such as squatting or curling a leg, and hello, a cramp!
- Bruises - Ca affects blood clotting as well as vascular strength. If the element is washed out of the body, small capillaries become too fragile and brittle, and at the slightest injury they break and bleed.
- Thin, brittle nails are another indicator of the amount of an element in the body.
- Painful menstruation - without Ca, the blood clothes poorly, leading to cramps and heavy bleeding. If the situation is familiar, it may be worth adjusting the diet, or visiting a gynecologist.
- Decreased memory, inability to concentrate on anything is a characteristic sign of Ca deficiency. Ions of this element are needed for the normal transmission of nerve impulses in the brain.
- Decreased bone density (osteoporosis) is one of the most dangerous signs of a calcium deficiency. In its advanced form, osteoporosis leads to frequent fractures.The density of bones decreases due to the fact that the body takes an element from them for its needs for vital processes.
- Deterioration of teeth - bone density decreases throughout the body, including teeth. At the same time, sensitivity to cold or hot, to the weather, caries or cracks may appear.
The level of Ca in the blood can be found by taking a test in the laboratory. But the numbers do not always reflect the real picture of what is happening. And all because for the normal functioning of all systems, the body must always maintain a certain level of calcium. If the required amount of an element is not supplied with food, then the deficiency comes from the reserve - bone tissue.
Bones and teeth last for a long time, but then a person gets a whole range of problems - osteoporosis, tooth loss, tendency to fracture.
How to choose a calcium supplement
Let's figure out what to look for when choosing a drug. Which characteristics of the drug are considered important and which are not.
We have identified the following selection criteria - the main substance, auxiliary and the form of release.
Basic substance
Let's list the most popular forms of Ca that can be found on sale.
- Hydroxyapatite - is obtained from bovine bone meal. Usually comes in a complex with phosphorus and collagen. This mixture of 3 elements is very similar to the composition of human tooth enamel. Absorbed almost completely.
- Carbonate is the most popular and cheapest. Prepared from eggshell, chalk or coral. Absorbed by only 20%. It has many side effects - forms kidney stones, badly affects blood vessels, reduces stomach acidity.
- Phosphate is absorbed faster than other forms. Does not cause constipation.
- Chelate is a Ca + amino acid. Few side effects, recommended for children, pregnant women, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. Preparations with this form of the element restore the hormonal background well, eliminate convulsions, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.
- Citrate is a compound of Ca with citric acid. Dissolves quickly in water. Absorbed up to 40%. Can be taken by patients with gastrointestinal diseases, recommended for people over 60 years old. The disadvantage is that drugs with it are somewhat more expensive than similar ones.
In order for calcium to be absorbed, and not come out in the same form in which it was eaten, the human body needs an impressive complex of minerals and vitamins.
- Vitamin D - increases bioavailability, accelerates the absorption of Ca by bone tissue. The presence of a vitamin is not always necessary as part of a dietary supplement or drug. In summer, the body itself forms D3 under the influence of sunlight. But in the winter, taking such products is already justified.
- Vitamin K - affects the distribution of calcium throughout the body.
- Magnesium - prevents the leaching of calcium from the body.
- Phosphorus - strengthens bones by retaining Ca in them.
- Zinc - triggers the formation of new bone tissue.
Release form
The drug can be bought in the form of tablets, chewable lozenges, powder, or injection solution. Depending on the age of the patient, as well as his state of health, it is recommended to choose the form of the drug.
For young children, chewable lozenges or powders in various flavors are a good solution. The main thing is to make sure that the supplement does not have a lot of sugar or that the child does not develop an allergy to dye or flavor.
Injections are used when the patient cannot take the pills himself or a quick result is needed.
We hope our tips will help you avoid mistakes when choosing a drug.
Top manufacturers
You do not know which company is better to take a dietary supplement or medicine. We have compiled a list of pharmaceutical brands, the safety of whose products you can be sure. We relied on the opinions of doctors and the reviews of ordinary buyers. The list includes the following 9 domestic and foreign companies.
- Evalar is a Russian manufacturer of natural medicines, dietary supplements and homeopathy.
- Pharmstandard is the largest drug manufacturer in Western Siberia, the leader of the Russian pharmacological market. The company is engaged not only in the production of drugs, but also develops new ones.The products comply with GMP and ISO standards.
- Farmak is a Ukrainian pharmaceutical company. The products are manufactured on modern European equipment and exported to the EU and Russia.
- Comfort Complex is a Russian manufacturer of dietary supplements for the health of hair, skin, nerves and the whole body.
- Solgar is the oldest American manufacturer of premium dietary supplements. Leader in this industry. The company's products are sold only in pharmacies, and are represented by natural vitamins, minerals, probiotics, amino acids.
- Pfizer (Pfizer) - the world's largest pharmaceutical company with headquarters in the United States. The manufacturer of such well-known drugs as Prevenar, Lyrica, Viagra, Pristik, Zyvox, Premarin.
- Now Foods is an American dietary supplement company. All the company's products are made according to the international quality standard GMP.
- Nycomed Pharma is a Swiss pharmaceutical company owned by the Japanese Takeda Pharmaceuticals LLC since 2011. There is a plant in Yaroslavl.
- Contract Pharmacal Corporation is an American firm owned by the German pharmaceutical company Bayer (Bayer).
Rating of quality calcium supplements for 2024
The editorial staff of the site "" offers you an overview of the most popular models of calcium preparations. The list is split into two separate ratings - for adults and children.
For adults
According to WHO, an adult 16-25 years old needs to consume about 1000 mg of Ca per day. At the age of 25-50, the need for Ca increases to 1200 mg. In pregnant and lactating women, the need for the element is even higher - from 1500 mg to 2000 mg. With menopause, hormones change in women, which makes bones fragile. During this period, the daily calcium intake rises to 1400 mg. From the age of 50, both women and men need 1500 mg of Ca daily.
Solgar calcium-magnesium-vit d3 tab. No. 150
The drug is recommended for the prevention of Ca deficiency in the body.
Average price: 1236 rub.
- improves appearance;
- normalizes the state of the nervous system;
- improves the condition of the cardiovascular system;
- recommended for osteoporosis, menopause, fractures;
- contains bioavailable calcium citrate;
- balanced composition - Ca, D3, Mg.
- cost;
- may cause an allergic reaction.
Calcemin Advance Tab. item # 120
The combined preparation will compensate for the lack of calcium and trace elements. Recommended for adolescents during periods of intensive growth, women during menopause, and patients with osteoporosis. Accelerates bone healing in the field of fractures.
Average price: 845 rubles.
- balanced composition - contains calcium in the form of citrate tetrahydrate and carbonate, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron, vitamin D3.
- cost;
- you can not drink if you are allergic to peanuts and soy;
- not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding;
- contraindicated in kidney disease;
- not for children under 12 years old;
- contraindicated in patients with active tuberculosis.
Calcium-d3 mountain tab. 0.84g No. 80
The product from Evalar contains Ca in the form of carbonate. Prophylactic use of the drug accelerates the rate of recovery of muscle and bone tissue in trauma, and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The course of mountain calcium restores the healthy appearance of nails, hair after stress or pregnancy, strengthens teeth and bones in adolescence and during menopause in women.
Average price: 185 rubles.
- inexpensive;
- according to buyers, accelerates bone healing after fractures.
- not suitable for pregnant or lactating women;
- can only be taken from 12 years old;
- unpleasant odor;
- may cause an allergic reaction - it contains orange oil.
Calcium d3 nikomed forte tab. chewing No. 120 (lemon)
Chewable tablets normalize the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Improves the condition of nails and hair. Strengthens muscles and bones. Indicated for Ca, D3 deficiency.
Average price: 559 rubles.
- different tastes;
- can be given to children from 3 years of age.
- should not be taken by patients with active tuberculosis;
- contraindicated in hypervitaminosis, hypercalcemia;
- may cause allergies, contains soy, peanuts;
- contraindicated in pregnancy, kidney disease.
Complivit Calcium D3 Forte tab. 500mg + 400IU No. 100 mint
Chewable tablets containing calcium carbonate and vitamin D3. They are prescribed for the prevention, therapy of osteoporosis of various origins, deficiency of Ca or vitamin D.
Average price: 378 rubles.
- pleasant taste, smell;
- can be given to children from 3 years old;
- variety of tastes;
- strengthens nails, improves the appearance and condition of hair;
- improves the condition of tooth enamel.
- cannot be combined with barbiturates;
- should not be taken by patients with active tuberculosis;
- contraindicated in hypervitaminosis, hypercalcemia;
- may cause an allergic reaction;
- contraindicated in kidney disease.
Calcid + magnesium tab. 500mg No. 100
The Russian-made dietary supplement from Comfort Complex is recommended as a general tonic, as well as a source of minerals and vitamins.
Take 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals.
Average price: 145 rubles.
- budgetary;
- can be given to children;
- not addictive;
- does not interact with drugs;
- calcium source - eggshell;
- vitamins C, D3, group B;
- magnesium.
- not recommended for allergies to components of the product, for example, eggshells;
- characteristic "egg" smell.
For kids
According to WHO standards, children under 1 year old should receive 400 mg of Ca daily. From 1-3 years old, the need is higher - 600 mg. For 3-10 years, the norm is 800 mg. Teenagers 10-16 years old need even more calcium - up to 1000 mg per day.
According to one medical study in the United States, only 11% of schoolgirls and 31% of schoolchildren eat a balanced diet, getting the full amount of calcium.
But when deciding to give your child Ca, you should remember that part of the daily requirement will still be obtained from food. Therefore, it is better to entrust the calculation of the daily dose of an element to a specialist.
Complivit Calcium D3 for babies. d / inv. suspension d / int. reception 200mg + 50ME / 5ml fl. 43g
Suspension from Pharmstandard is intended for children 1-3 years old. Contains calcium carbonate and vitamin D3. Recommended for the prevention of Ca, D3 deficiency in children.
Average price: 269 rubles.
- dissolves quickly;
- with a measuring spoon.
- cost;
- should not be given to a child with active tuberculosis;
- contraindicated in hypervitaminosis, hypercalcemia;
- may cause allergies;
- short shelf life.
Calcium gluconate, stabilized solution i / v and i / m 100mg / ml 5ml No. 10
The drug from Farmak is indicated for liver diseases, skin diseases, hypocalcemia, allergies of various origins, internal bleeding. It is used as an antidote for poisoning with oxalic acid or magnesium salts.
Dispensed by prescription.
Average price: 102 rubles.
- inexpensive;
- can be used from birth. [/ advantages]
- can provoke hypercalcemia;
- it is undesirable to use the drug in case of kidney disease, thrombosis;
- contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to calcium gluconate.
Kid Cal chewable tab. No. 100
Now Foods chewable pastilles are intended for children from 1 year old. The additive contains easily digestible calcium citrate, vitamins A, D, magnesium. The tablets have a pleasant taste and smell and are easy to chew.
Also suitable for vegetarians, vegans.
Take one lozenge daily.
Average price: 998 rubles.
- natural composition;
- high bioavailability of ingredients;
- sugarless.
- expensive.
Multi-tabs Kid Calcium Plus tab. chewing No. 30 (raspberry-strawberry)
Biological supplement for children from 3 years old by the American company Pfizer. Sold in the form of chewable lozenges. Calcium is presented in two forms - hydrogen phosphate, carbonate.The tablets also contain folic acid, biotin, niacin, vitamins A, E, D, K, C, as well as the entire group of B vitamins.
Recommended to be taken with food, morning and evening, for a month.
Average price: 449 rubles.
- many interesting tastes;
- convenient form of release - children take dietary supplements for sweets;
- balanced composition.
- may cause allergies.
We hope that our recommendations and advice will help you choose a calcium supplement with a high-quality composition and minimal side effects. But we remind you that any self-medication can be dangerous and you need to purchase medicines and dietary supplements only after consulting a specialist.
If you have previously taken one of the drugs described in this article, or can recommend a similar or more effective one, share your experience in the comments.