Magnesium is a mineral found in the body that is needed for important biological processes such as energy production, muscle function, and the maintenance of nerve health. The internationally accepted designation is Mg. There are many supplements and prescription drugs that contain magnesium in pharmacies.
What are they for What periods of life What drugs are the best in composition, bioavailability and cost To understand this, the editorial staff of the site "" has prepared a rating of the best magnesium preparations for 2024. The review does not call for self-treatment or advertise any remedy, but only summarizes information.
Deficiency of element Mg
The body of an adult contains 22–26 g of magnesium. This amount is involved in the action of more than 300 enzymes or proteins that control the basic biological mechanisms of the body. For example, in order to produce energy, the mineral interacts with ATP, participates in the synthesis of DNA and RNA. To regulate heart rate, muscle contraction and nerve signaling, magnesium transports calcium and potassium across cell membranes.
Low levels of the mineral are found in 2-15% of the world's population. The shortage is asymptomatic but can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high blood pressure, muscle cramps, heart failure, confusion, tremors, weakness, personality changes, anxiety, and loss of coordination.
Deficiency reasons:
- shortage is associated with heredity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and other diseases;
- a growing body consumes a lot of mineral, that is, in childhood and adolescence;
- large spending is typical for athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor;
- in the elderly, a micronutrient deficiency turns into a dangerous chronic process that leads to the formation of blood clots;
- a lack of magnesium occurs during pregnancy and age-related hormonal changes in the female body;
- alcohol also flushes out the mineral.
Replenishment methods
Mg is found in many foods: cereals, walnuts (160 mg per 100 g), almonds (200 mg), millet and buckwheat (120 and 140, respectively), cocoa (400 mg), lentils, green vegetables (especially spinach), and also meat and dairy products.
There are mineral magnesium waters, in which the properties of magnesium salts are maximally manifested: "Batalinskaya", "Lysogorskaya", "Donat Mg", "Crimean Narzan".
The body effectively regulates the absorption of magnesium. If the mineral is low, the intestine absorbs a larger percentage from food, and the kidneys limit its loss, and conversely, when the intake is high, the excess is eliminated through the stool.
Magnesium preparations
Numerous Mg formulations and dietary supplements are available. How to choose You need to know what types of magnesium compounds are. Mistakes in the choice are due to the fact that not all compounds eliminate the micronutrient deficiency.
Most oral nutritional supplements and mineral supplementation include:
- magnesium glycinate (chelate);
- malate (magnesium plus malic acid);
- orotate (orotic acid);
- lactate (lactic acid);
- aspartate (aspartic acid);
- aspartate (amino succinic acid);
- citrate (citric acid).
Note: Not all connections are created equal. Digestibility characteristics vary greatly. Physicians prefer citrate, aspartate and lactate in terms of bioavailability. Controversy remains regarding chelates, which are touted as the most bioavailable.
Combinations of Mg with vitamin B6 or potassium are considered useful common combinations. In the complex, substances enhance the mutual action.
Other selection criteria are dosage and form of release.
Supplements come in a variety of forms:
- pills;
- capsules;
- granular powders in sachets;
- ampoules with liquid.
According to doctors, the way magnesium is absorbed into the body affects the timing and quality of absorption. A powdered microelement dissolved in water is absorbed faster and begins to be absorbed already by the oral mucosa, immediately entering the bloodstream.
The daily dose recommendations are as follows:
- 400-420 mg for men.
- 310-320 mg for women. During pregnancy, women's needs for magnesium increase to 450 mg.
The most important thing to determine is whether a prescription medication is required or whether you can limit yourself to dietary supplements. Your doctor will give advice. He will also prescribe the type of magnesium needed, the form and the dose.
The benefits and harms of magnesium preparations
The functionality of Mg as an additive is impressive:
- helps to relax the muscles of the airways in asthma and other breathing disorders;
- regulating the contraction of large coronary arteries, reduces the risk of heart attack;
- controls the work of all muscles and nerves, normalizes heart rate, promotes the regularity of impulse transmission;
- neutralizes the acidic effect of certain foods, soothing in cases of excess stomach acid;
- stimulates the absorption of vitamins and minerals;
- plays a central role in the secretion and action of insulin, therefore, improves blood sugar levels;
- effective for combating premenstrual syndrome, significantly reduces pain and swelling;
- eliminates annoying female conditions associated with menopause (hot flashes, depression, sleep disturbances).
The harm is manifested in overdose and side effects.
Overdose is unlikely, because excess Mg is quickly self-regulating by the body, filtered in the kidneys and, if excess occurs, then it is most often associated with impaired renal function. Side effects due to an overdose are the same that occur with a micronutrient deficiency, but are more severe.
A common contraindication for all magnesium supplements is kidney failure, because the body cannot get rid of excess mineral salt and builds up deposits. The description of each tool contains other restrictions. Precautions also concern adherence to dosing instructions to avoid nutrient imbalances in the body.
Best magnesium supplements for 2024
Most inexpensive
A cheap analogue of Panangin. The indications, contraindications and reception features are the same. Composition: magnesium and potassium asparaginate in equal proportions (175 mg each). Perceived a little worse than "Panangin". Immediately after administration, many patients experience a heaviness in the abdomen. Prescription medicine. Price from 42 to 87 rubles. Which company is better Any, budget drugs do not require special efforts from manufacturers. They are not faked because there is no economic sense in doing so.
- proven by years of medical practice;
- demand for fatigue, fatigue and dizziness;
- an element of complex therapy for dysfunction of the heart;
- ease of penetration into cells.
- with high sensitivity, discomfort occurs immediately after taking.
Magnesium B6 "Pharmgroup"
The drug is sold without a prescription at any pharmacy. Can be ordered online. Composition:
- magnesium aspartate;
- sucrose;
- beeswax;
- talc;
- titanium dioxide;
- vitamin B6.
This combination of components enhances the absorption of potassium and calcium, stabilizes biological protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes liver function and controls the formation of acid in the stomach. Accepted by courses.
Reviews show that there is a quick effect. After a couple of days, a complacent mood is established, fatigue disappears and energy appears. A box containing 50 tablets costs less than a hundred rubles.
- harmonious combination of substances;
- visible performance;
- sedation;
- good acceptance by the body.
- prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.
For adults
The drug is exclusively for adults, under 18 years of age is contraindicated. The complex is designed for the heart. The main substance is magnesium orotate. Orotic acid, together with magnesium, improves myocardial contraction and metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the liver, lowers blood cholesterol, relieves muscle pain, leg cramps and increases resistance to stress.
But the most important help is to fix magnesium in cells and maximize its effects. Average price: 606 rubles for 50 tablets.
- preventive effect;
- complex treatment of the heart and blood vessels;
- long periods of use are allowed;
- if there is evidence, it is possible to take it during pregnancy and feeding;
- increased digestibility.
- not suitable for people with lactose intolerance.
Doctor`s Best Magnesium
The American manufacturer has patented a highly absorbent organic chelated form of Mg. The drug returns to normal the level of the mineral, which decreases with age. Suitable for older women and men, helps maintain healthy bones, heart, nerves and muscles. For women, it is useful during pregnancy, as it regulates hormonal surges.
Method of production: powder or tablets. A package containing 120 tablets costs about 1,000 rubles. 2 tablets cover the daily requirement.
- high quality composition;
- variety of formats;
- chelating composition to increase bioavailability;
- prolongation of active years of life;
- not prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
- not detected.
Magnesium Diasporal
Powdered magnesium citrate made in Germany. Acts on the musculoskeletal system, digestion and nervous system. Received a lot of positive feedback from athletes who quickly got rid of muscle cramps and fatigue. One sachet contains 300 mg of Mg, which replenishes a woman's daily dose. During pregnancy, reception is possible on the recommendation of a doctor, and when breastfeeding is prohibited, as it passes into milk.
Children can take granules from the age of 12. You can dissolve the contents in juice, tea or water, the effectiveness does not change. The course of treatment lasts 1 month. The average price for 20 bags is 740 rubles.
A couple of years ago, a prescription was required, now the product is available commercially.
- high quality;
- safe;
- soluble form;
- convenience of taking once a day;
- help in a short time;
- high bioavailability;
- pleasant taste with sourness.
- a ban on breastfeeding.
The most popular drug in cardiology. The combination of magnesium and potassium is primarily necessary for older people for active longevity. The mechanisms for replenishing the deficiency of both minerals are identical. Together, in one tablet, they enhance each other's action. Pregnant women are prescribed with caution, since excess potassium harms the unborn child. Refers to prescription drugs.
Panangin contains magnesium asparaginate (140 mg) and potassium aspartate (158 mg). It costs about 150 rubles for 50 tablets. Panangin forte includes the same substances in double quantities, the cost is also 2 times higher. A version with vitamin B6 and a solution for intravenous administration are available.
- proven and common in practice medicine;
- good tolerance, rare side effects;
- an effective combination of trace elements;
- positive reviews from both doctors and patients.
- not detected.
For kids
Magne-B6 Sanofi Aventis
Magnesium preparations of the French brand are familiar to many mothers. Tablet forms are prescribed for children from 6 years old, and ampoules with a solution for dilution in water and ingestion from 1 year old. The combination of magnesium lactate and pidolate with vitamin B6 speeds up metabolism, facilitates perception and quickly eliminates the deficiency of the element in the body in both adults and children.
The dose is calculated based on body weight. Irritability, sleep disturbances, fatigue and muscle spasms disappear after a few days. How much does the drug cost: 10 ampoules - 500 rubles, 60 tablets are the same. The tablets look more budgetary. It will not be possible to save on the smallest patients, since only ampoules are recommended for them.
During pregnancy, a liquid form is possible, and tablets are contraindicated.
- prevalence in the country (available at any nearest pharmacy);
- versatility (suitable for children and adults);
- suitable for women while waiting for a child;
- fast correction of Mg deficiency;
- ease of assimilation;
- caramel flavor.
- not detected.
Animal Parade Mag Kidz Children’s Magnesium
This remedy will not cure a serious micronutrient deficiency, but is aimed at prevention. It is formulated to ensure that your child is getting the Mg they need for normal growth, muscle, bone health and general well-being as they grow. The chewable tablets of the American brand Natures Plus are made in the form of funny animals, so they attract children and they take the drug with pleasure.
The result comes quickly: hyperactivity, mood swings pass, concentration, attention and energy appear. Magnesium in bioavailable form, no preservatives or unnecessary additives. 2 lozenges are taken per day. The price for 90 tablets is from 1000 to 1200 rubles. There is a powder form for a similar price.
- certified vegetarian products;
- obtaining a useful mineral through entertainment;
- no added sugar (with xylitol);
- cherry flavor;
- good assimilation.
- according to buyers, the smallest children chew the lozenges with difficulty.
Magnesium B6 Mirrolla
Magnesium lactate with vitamin B6 and ascorbic acid is suitable for both adults and children from the age of three. The powder is dissolved in 200 ml of water and taken with meals. The orange flavor, the effervescence of the drink and the orange color remind a child of a phantom. The minimum admission is a month, but repeated courses are possible. The positive effect is directed to the nervous system, heart and blood vessels.
Removes irritability, spasms, sleep disturbances and normalizes heart contractions. A box with 10 sachets is sold at a price of 113 rubles.
- balance of components;
- the possibility of repeating courses;
- easily digestible water-soluble powder;
- increased bioavailability;
- orange flavor.
- use during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited.
Be-be-bears vitamin and mineral complex from A to Zn
The drug was developed for young children, taking into account the diet of an average Russian family. This is what children need for growth and development from 3 to 7 years old to form a strong nervous system, strengthen immunity and improve memory. In total, the complex included 13 vitamins and 9 minerals. Magnesium in oxide form. Chewable tablets are taken 1-2 times a day for a month with meals. The package contains 30 pieces. Sold at a price of 77 rubles. Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma.
- composition safety;
- comprehensive support for the child's body;
- pear flavor.
- the magnesium content is low, does not prevail over other substances, therefore, in case of a serious lack of the mineral, another targeted agent is required.
Magnesium supplements are useful support in a stressful daily life. They are essential for the well-being of the body at any age and the elasticity of muscles, as well as the quality of sleep, heart and nervous system.
If you had to use medicines or dietary supplements based on a valuable mineral, then share your experience in the comments, which one is better to buy.
Magnesium Diasporal 300 is available in a convenient powder format for dissolving. It is taken only once a day, which is more convenient than tablet forms. The taste is pleasant and most importantly, it is magnesium citrate, it has a quick effect