Best Apps to Increase Volume on Smartphone for 2024


Using a standard player, the user will not be able to fully reveal the full potential of sound. Quite often the opposite picture happens, when the sound, on the contrary, becomes worse, various noises and distortions appear. Using third-party programs, the owner opens up previously unseen opportunities, he can create whatever he wants with the audio track.

Now, to add treble or bass, just press a couple of buttons, and noise can be eliminated automatically. However, some applications have default settings that are very limited in variety. Therefore, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best programs for increasing the volume on a smartphone.

Rating of quality programs for Android

Volume Booster by KUCAPP - Free Music & Video Apps

A handy application that will reveal the potential of your favorite songs by 100%. The utility will allow you to create a unique sound for each melody, add surround sound, eliminate distortion, and more. It is enough to have a little knowledge of setting up or get it in the process.

Pure and perfect sound comes true when you use this app. Even if you turn on the music at full volume, in a couple of clicks it will be possible to eliminate wheezing and unnecessary noise. In addition, the utility is suitable for use with headphones and supports any version of android, which is also a big plus.


  • Bass enhancement effect;
  • 15 different topics;
  • Stereo sound;
  • 10 built-in presets;
  • The effect of increasing the volume.


  • Not found.

Equalizer Pro & Bass Booster by HowarJran

A new application from a novice developer that will allow you to customize any composition to your own preferences. It has a number of auxiliary features that can change the standard sound for the better. The colorful interface will let you enjoy customization every second.

The control is simple and understandable for all users, to understand it, it is enough to spend an hour or two of free time and the user will learn a lot. Available for download on all versions of android and compatible with all phones, as it does not require any special characteristics.


  • Boosts low frequencies;
  • The workspace can be customized for the user;
  • Nice interface;
  • Works with premium headphones;
  • Reminds of a subwoofer;
  • Beautiful visuals;
  • A dozen standard presets.


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Bass by Coocent

The best equalizer that has a simple and intuitive interface. To start adjusting the sound, you just need to play your favorite song. Next, proceed with the settings, which will instantly appear on the working screen. The application has a wide functionality that allows you to adjust the sound to your own preferences, adding uniqueness and originality to each melody.

Users immediately have access to 8 professional settings, a bass amplifier, a special decoding technology, 12 different themes, etc. Supported work with Android 4.2 and higher. The installation requires a minimum of free memory. The app is completely free and has high positive ratings on Google Play.


  • Simple equalizer;
  • High quality visualization;
  • Uninterrupted work;
  • Compatible with many phones;
  • No additional utilities required.


  • Not found.

Bass Booster by Coocent

One of the best programs that will improve the sound at times. Suitable for installation on most Android devices. A five-band equalizer is available for editing, which can improve each frequency.

Due to the fact that a person can tune each element separately, it will not be difficult to find your own ideal sound. After downloading, users have access to a dozen popular presets that will improve individual compositions. In addition, if you do not like the theme of the interface, then you can change it to a more interesting and bright one.

To work with the application, a minimum of steps are required: just download the program and install it. After that, open and turn on a special tool that will allow you to work with sound and frequency.


  • Simple operation;
  • 16 topics;
  • Better visualization;
  • Dozens of effects;
  • Free.


  • Not found.

Volume amplifier by metal-cam

This utility is designed for those who like to listen to heavy music. Adjusting the desired value so that the drums and guitar can be heard is easy, just move the corresponding slider. If the volume is not enough, then this is also easy to fix, with this program you can re-listen to Oomph !, Ost Front, Metallica, Slipknot or Rammstein.

The instrument will reveal all compositions from a new side, regardless of how a person prefers to listen to music: through headphones or speakers. Surround sound and bright guitar riffs will accompany the metal fan for a long time. The main feature of the program is the presence of Volume EQ. The main advantage of the equalizer is the best bass setting, which makes it stand out from other programs.

Professional decoding will provide the owner with the best quality for a long time and make the sound in studio. To quickly enter the application, a special widget is available, which is located on the main screen. The utility works in conjunction with many players and smartphones.


  • Uninterrupted work;
  • Compatibility;
  • Best bass;
  • There is a possibility to create a widget;
  • Counter for stereo signals.


  • Not found.

Equalizer FX by devdnua

A quality program that can work with all audio files. Has a memorable bright design. Installation requires a minimum of free memory and at least 512 MB of RAM. Therefore, the utility is suitable for installation in many smartphones.

The product has a dozen different filters that can make the sound even better by eliminating unnecessary noise and interference. For greater user comfort, dozens of presets are available that open after installation. In addition, the volume boost function is a big advantage.

Supports Android OS 4 and above. If a person has a downloaded player, then to work with it, you need to uninstall it, download Equalizer FX, and then install the audio player. The application will not work otherwise.


  • Simple interface;
  • Quality settings;
  • Efficiency;
  • Free access.


  • Conflicts with a previously installed player.

Volume Booster - Sound Booster by SoulApps Studio

The best option, which has been rated by over 100,000 users. Designed for those who cannot imagine listening to music without speakers. First of all, the program is aimed at such people. The application allows you to achieve the best sounding of any track. Adjustment, mixing, amplification and processing will become much easier if the person uses this application.

The customization options are so great that this player can be used not only by beginners, but also by professionals. The bass amplifier is different in that it makes the sound quality, but there is a little distortion. The application works with all versions of android, in addition, it does not take up much space in the phone's memory, as it weighs only 8.5 MB.


  • Hundreds of positive ratings;
  • Sound;
  • Efficiency;
  • It weighs little;
  • Gain 200%.


  • Not found.

Top 6 best iOS apps

The main distinguishing feature of Apple is high-quality music reproduction. This is one of the main priorities, the best confirmation is the iPod line, which at one time turned the whole idea of ​​the world of music upside down. Despite this, the sound quality of the iPhone is poor, so unique applications are available to users that can improve the sound performance of the smartphone.

Vox Music Player

One of the best programs for improving and enhancing sound on smartphones and tablets running on the iOS operating system. To work with the player, you need to use special gestures, which is a convenient solution and will suit most.

Start and stop is carried out by pressing anywhere on the screen. If the person swipes left or right, the audio track will change. Swiping up will open the list of tracks, in contrast, moving down will close the window and take the person to the main menu or the previous tab.

To adjust the sound, the built-in equalizer is used, which has a dozen useful presets. In addition, a person is able to independently create settings that will be relevant only for his taste.

In addition to playing local files that are located on the phone, a person can synchronize their own account of a popular service with the application. This opens up the opportunity to enjoy your favorite songs in a convenient format.


  • Synchronization security;
  • A dozen presets;
  • Convenient management;
  • Visualization.


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Radsone Hi-Res Player

One of the best applications that has analog sound quality. Some auxiliary settings are used to increase the volume, which are different from other iPhone applications.

The main positive point is the presence of a unique technology that optimizes the sound in accordance with certain values. This allows you to play music with a minimum percentage of extraneous noise and distortion. This technology is called Clear Technology (DCT) and is used in professional programs.

The presets are changed at the discretion of the user, so there are separate parameters for the headphones, others for external speakers. Thanks to this, the user will enjoy first-class sound in a minimum of time. Also, the advantage of this software is support for gestures and an intuitive interface.


  • Nice appearance;
  • Easy customization;
  • Several presets;
  • Free software.


  • Supports iTunes only.


A universal program that is suitable for all versions of iOS. With this utility, the user will be able to play any music without syncing with iTunes, which is a great advantage for most. Each music file opens directly.

The program supports dozens of different formats: from FLAC to WAV. This allows you to listen to music that is located in Google Drive, Dropbox or Yandex.Disk, which is a great advantage, since not all utilities can support this.

Also, the user can play audio files from a computer using a special DLNA protocol.

The interface is simple and clear to anyone, in addition, it is multifunctional and provides easy control. This app is geared towards new iPhone users as it gives a little of the freedom that Android owners are used to.


  • Works with a wide variety of formats;
  • Simple controls;
  • Great customization options;
  • Intuitive interface.


  • Not found.


An application of a top developer that will give the owner the necessary functions to improve and amplify sound. 80% of the options are available on the home screen, which is a suitable solution, since the person does not have to constantly search for settings. A specific value is activated by clicking on the icon.

For convenient control, the manufacturer has equipped the product with support for popular gestures, which greatly simplify operation. For example, a double click stops or starts a composition, a single click opens the cover, a triple click is used to switch playback modes.

To improve the music, the built-in equalizer is used, but besides it there is a bass sound amplifier, depth and tone shift, which opens up many times more possibilities.

The app is available for free download, but it costs $ 4 to remove ads and unlock useful options.


  • Low price;
  • Support for various settings;
  • High quality sound amplifier.


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Onkyo HF Player

The utility is designed for users who are tired of monotonous sound and want more. The player guarantees quality and useful settings for the entire period of operation. Works with branded headphones, and even with Chinese counterfeits.

The interface is clear to every user. The developer did not add anything supernatural. A 10-band equalizer is used to adjust the sound, which allows you to make all the manipulations with the sound.

If a person likes this application and wants more, then paying $ 10 will add support for 24-bit files, work with popular formats, and remove ads.


  • Excellent sound quality;
  • Simple setup;
  • 10-band equalizer;
  • Suitable for beginners.


  • Not found.


This is a suitable application that will bring lightness and usefulness to the user. The external menu of the program is pleasant and does not raise additional questions, why even an adult who is far from understanding technologies can use such a device.

It connects to iTunes automatically. The user listens to his favorite tracks on his own site. In addition, the person will add their favorite music file formats to the library, including the popular MP3, MP4, AIFF, WAV, etc.

If a person needs a music player with dozens of settings to improve the sound, then this is the right option. Presets and a variety of settings will make your sound studio sound.


  • One of the best manufacturers;
  • Easy customization;
  • Intuitive interface;
  • Support for popular formats;
  • Available for free download.


  • Not found.


The presented programs are perfect for improving the sound volume on all popular smartphones and tablets. If you have experience using the applications described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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