Best video software for 2024


Before the invention of the first camera, man was immersed in an imaginary world. Books or magazines often came to the rescue. With the advent of cinema, life has changed dramatically, talented directors "revived" the novels and showed history in a new perspective. In the 21st century, people began to record videos themselves and put them on the Internet, but to make them exciting and engaging, you need a program. The editors of the site "" have prepared an overview of popular video editors for you.

Camera ... Motor!

This article will not talk about the purpose of video editors, because the name speaks for itself, but before studying the rating, it is important to understand what the program gives and how to improve the video.

Man is a creative person

Some are able to erect monuments in one word, others will draw nature in a way that no camera can transmit, and still others, using the camera, will create a new look at things. This creativity is subject to everyone, but a person does not devote time to his favorite pastime, burdening himself with unnecessary things. According to statistics, people who devote at least an hour of free time to a hobby feel more cheerful and are rarely depressed.

Video editors provide cosmic potential for conveying the mood and feelings of an editor. By adding a bluish tint, a sunny video takes on the opposite look. Overdoing it with gray, the eyes will see a pessimistic attitude. Films can both attract an inexperienced viewer and alienate them, so it is important to devote more time to editing than filming.

We strive for quality ...

Technical aspects are not the main thing in the work of an editor, on the contrary, more often a person understands the character of a character and takes into account the preferences of the audience. The professional must know the ways to surprise the viewer by creating an original vision of a situation or moment.

The plan depends on the task of the scene

Experienced editors, whose authority is undeniable, know over a dozen techniques that help in most projects. Some, on the contrary, try to follow patterns, as a result of which the video looks unnatural and devoid of "soul", so to speak.

A good example is low-budget comedies or action films. At the beginning, the viewer is shown a general shot, then the characters playing the main role are presented in the shot (transitions are applied if necessary), and then the general shot at the end. The template has found use in weak TV shows and films, but what is important, following this technique, the space for creativity is limited.

If you ask a professional about the general plan, the editor will say that the potential of the general plan is rarely revealed. Others, on the contrary, try to convey the mood using close-ups, so the viewer begins to feel the scene in a new way. This is the main thing when making films.

By the way, general plans can also help, for example, so that the comedic moment of a dramatic film does not look awkward. In general terms, the viewer will feel more like an observer than a participant, so a funny situation will preserve the atmosphere conveyed by the film.

You cannot apply different plans

Most camera operators from giants such as Columbia, Sony, Universal, etc. prefer to shoot dozens of takes from at least 5 angles. This became possible thanks to the use of digital filming, which allows you to shoot plan after plan, but you cannot use every captured moment, because this will negatively affect the perception of the film.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is better for the editor to choose a minimum of plans, which should be selected in advance. For example, in a moment less than a minute long, three or less angles are used, otherwise it will be difficult for the viewer to understand what the scene is and what role it plays.

Experienced people initially choose 4-5 frames that complement each other, and use the rest if necessary.

Slowly but surely

Novice editors are afraid to use one frame for more than two seconds, often this is a problem for inexperienced cinema. If a person builds his own montage in this way, the viewer will compare the film with a video clip. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, for example, use speed cuts for some scenes in order to achieve a unique style.

In the new cinema, the opposite approach is gaining popularity: keeping one plan throughout the scene. This method is more painstaking, but most professionals prefer to choose it, because if the actors played the role at the level, then the viewer will enjoy the professionalism to the fullest, which is impossible to achieve with a high-speed change of personnel.

This technique is not a panacea and is not suitable for every scene, but in 80% of cases it looks better and more pleasant.

The tips described above will help not only people who create short films for Youtube, but also people who edit as a hobby.

What to look for when choosing a program?

The main rule when choosing a video editor is to decide for what purpose it is needed. After answering the question, the person will understand what to look for. For easy photo editing or video cropping, the built-in editor on your computer or phone will help, in other cases - advanced programs.

There are other selection criteria:

  • What platform will be used for editing (Windows, Android, MacOS, etc.);
  • Functionality of the program;
  • Is it suitable for beginners;
  • What formats does the video editor support;
  • The main technical requirements for the device;
  • Is it possible to use for social networks;
  • Is there a native library.

Having answered these questions, a person will quickly find a program for himself that will become a guide to the magical world of editing.

Top 6 programs for creating a unique video editing


The program, released in 1989, gave the world some cult films, for example, "Pulp Fiction", "Brave Heart", "Renegades", "Cards, Money, Two Barrels", etc. It will be difficult for beginners to understand and get used to the interface, so how the emphasis is on professionals.

The video editor is designed to work with a non-linear storyline and allows you to create time-consuming projects. Editing is possible with the addition of thousands of effects and from multiple cameras. The person who masters Lightworks will eventually create dozens of cool, high-end films.

The program is equipped with hundreds of basic effects, color correction, and some users even create titles and unique transitions using the video editor. For amateurs and professionals - a great choice.

The program has limitations: in the free version, video output in 1080p (720p only) resolution is not possible, and you still cannot save the project in a readable format. Otherwise, the program meets the requirements by 100% and is being improved until 2024.

Lightworks runs on Windows from Vista to 10, supports Linux and MacOS. Minimum computer requirements:

  • Processor - Intel i7;
  • RAM - at least 3 GB;
  • Display resolution - 1920x1080px;
  • 1GB PCI-E graphics card;
  • Sound card.

The cost of the professional version of Lightworks 12 is $ 24.99 per month (1,700 rubles), $ 174.99 for a year (11,500 rubles), $ 284.99 forever (28,600 rubles).


  • Variety of effects;
  • Working with nonlinear editing;
  • Some features of the paid version are available in the free version;
  • Mask option;
  • 3D video processing.


  • Sophisticated interface and controls.

HitFilm Express

Free version of the popular HitFilm Pro program, with which editors create rich and original films. The main task of the editor is rearrangement, gluing of material, creating special effects, etc.

In HitFilm Express, the user edits movies with an endless number of audio and video tracks. For the convenience of switching, hot keys are used, which reduces time costs.

Although Express is a simplified version, unlike other programs, the product is equipped with popular functionalities for professional editing: noise reduction, color correction, etc.

The video editor is equipped with hundreds of unique effects, giving the user space for new and daring ideas. Focusing on video tutorials, the future editor will recreate most of the natural phenomena, effects of shots or explosions, scary elements for horror films and retro pictures.

A small drawback of the program interface is its cumbersomeness due to the presence of several additional windows, but in HitFilm Express the user can independently organize the workspace and adjust the editor to suit his own needs.

The video editor supports popular formats: MOV, AVI, MP4, H.264, JPG, PNG, etc., which gives an advantage over paid competitors.

Minimum PC requirements:

  • OS 64-bit;
  • Intel i3 processor;
  • 4 GB of RAM;
  • 512MB graphics memory and latest Open GL compatible adapter;
  • 650 MB of free space on the HDD.

The cost of HitFilm Express is free, Pro - 299 USD for 12 months (20,000 rubles).


  • Working with popular formats;
  • Dozens of free tools;
  • Educational materials;
  • Free software;
  • Advanced editing functionality;
  • Original interface design.


  • Video tutorials are not Russified;
  • For comfortable work you need a 25-inch monitor.


Lightweight and inexpensive program designed for home use. Suitable for novice users who want to learn the basics of editing video files. The functionality is greatly reduced and it will not work to create exciting special effects. A trial version is available for a period of 10 days, where a person will evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the program, which will help him to draw a conclusion.

With the help of "VIDEO MONTAGE", even a beginner will create an easy video clip or titles.

Everyone will understand the interface of the program. The video editor supports popular video and audio formats. There is no screen capture, which reduces the scope of the program. Cannot work with 4k resolution and 3D video files. In the editor, you cannot change the sound: make it better or adjust the effects. Transitions (regardless of version) 24, which limits the editor's creativity. Title presets - 10. There are video tutorials on working with the program.

After purchasing the paid version, there will be no global changes in the editing plan, but a person will be able to burn the file to DVD, which is not in the trial version and the "standard". In "Deluxe" the program is integrated with YouTube, which allows the user to upload videos to the hosting directly from the editor.

The program will run smoothly on all Windows computers, so there are no specific minimum requirements.

The cost of 690 rubles - "standard", "premium" - 990 rubles, "deluxe" - 1470 rubles (prices are subject to constant discounts).


  • Russian interface;
  • Automatic improvement of the source material;
  • Clear video tutorials.


  • Small trial period;
  • You cannot modify audio files;
  • The program logo on the video (when using the free option).

DaVinci Resolve by Blackmagic

The company revolutionized the video and film equipment market with the inexpensive Blackmagic Design Cinema Camera EF, which excelled in efficiency, but the main merit of the company was the release of color correction software DaVinci Resolve, which is used by the studio giants in 2024.

In addition to color correction, the program provides easy video editing.This was enough to gain popularity among people involved in original projects. At the initial stage, the editor could not fully compete with popular companies, but the developers did not stand still and with the release of DaVinci Resolve 14 they unleashed the potential of the video editor.

The program is released in two versions: free and paid, the difference of which is insignificant, because the free option allows you to create top short films or unique videos.

Finished projects are uploaded to your hard drive or immediately published on social networks. There is a co-editing function. The advantages of the program will be revealed not only by professionals, but also by beginners in the field of video editing. On the official website, the user has access to a free tutorial on the operation of the program.

Minimum requirements:

  • Operating system Windows 10 64x;
  • 8 GB of RAM;
  • Intel i7 processor;
  • Blackmagic Design Desktop Video latest version.

The paid version costs 385 USD (25,200 rubles).


  • Intuitive interface;
  • Fitting frames;
  • Choice of settings;
  • Automatic face recognition;
  • Support for popular platforms.


  • Until version 16, there is no Russian localization;
  • In the free version, you cannot work with 3D video.

Sony Vegas Pro

In 2011, this video editor won its own place on the desktop. Over time, improved programs have appeared, gradually eclipsing Sony Vegas, but improvement is constantly taking place, and if previously the functionality was not so diverse, then since 2017 thousands of people use the editor every day.

Sony Vegas Pro is designed for non-linear editing, has an extensive library of plugins, which allows amateurs to carry out complex tasks with interest. The completed project is saved to hard disk, burned to DVD or Blu-Ray. A video editor allows a person to edit videos from multiple cameras at the same time.

We work with popular formats and resolutions. The interface is easy to understand and easy to get used to.

Computer requirements:

  • Windows 7/8/10, Linux or MacOS;
  • 2 GHz processor;
  • HDD 200 - 500 MB;
  • 4 GB of RAM;
  • 512 MB video memory.

The cost of the professional version: from 20,000 rubles (depending on the version: the price is lower or higher)


  • Extensive library;
  • Support for popular formats;
  • Intuitive interface;
  • Audio editing.


  • There is no Russian version;
  • Having a productive computer.

Adobe Premiere Pro

The video editor is in high demand among the majority of users. The person using this program will create high quality videos without any problems. The editor is used in conjunction with Adobe After Effects (base effects) to achieve a new level of quality. It doesn't matter what the video is created for: YouTube or family viewing, the user will be satisfied with the completed project and spend a minimum of time on it.

The interface is simple, so even a person far from editing can figure it out. The working part consists of two panels: one for the tracks, the other for the project.

The free version is available for 30 days, the subscription costs 1600 rubles per month.

Computer requirements:

  • 6th generation Intel processor;
  • Windows 10, MacOS v10.12;
  • 8 GB of RAM;
  • Monitor 1280 × 800;
  • 2 GB of video memory.


  • Intuitive interface;
  • Export in a convenient format;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Easy to learn;
  • Stable work.


  • Some functions are incomprehensible to the common user;
  • There is no Russian version.


The rating contains popular video editors that are suitable both for creating original videos for YouTube and for full-length films. If you have experience in using programs for working with videos described in the rating, or more interesting, tell us about it in the comments.


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