Best cement manufacturers for 2024


Finding inexpensive cement is easy. Building material is sold in every hypermarket, in the market and at neighbors, if a person lives in a country house. Availability is the main advantage and disadvantage of a product, because quality depends on the price. If cracking and flowability are allowed after 3-4 months of operation, then think about finding a trusted company and ask the question: "which company is better?" not worth it, any manufacturer will do. It is important to understand that when quality and durability come to the fore, the savings shift downward.

The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of quality cement manufacturers for 2024.

Modern cement: how not to buy a fake?

Every year, manufacturers release dozens of new building materials. Keeping up with everyone is not always possible. An experienced builder selects 5-6 proven firms and tries to buy cement only from them. Newcomers cannot distinguish themselves with a wide list of quality companies and ask themselves the question: "how to choose a product?" To exclude deception, they pay attention to weight, shelf life, labeling, percentage of impurities, but the risk of acquiring fakes remains. It is not enough to know the selection criteria, it is important to navigate the technical indicators, try by touch and request certificates.

Friendly neighbor and unscrupulous builders

Any cement will do for repairing a barn or a structure where shovels, rakes, brooms, and unnecessary materials are stored. Color, packing method and material quality play the last role here. It is important that the product meets only one function - connection with other products. Some of the buyers think so, so they are looking for budget options. It should be understood that technical indicators cannot be neglected. A person will receive his goods, but will not provide himself with a reliable design.

Such builders are able to resort to any means, just to find what is cheaper. If a neighbor has an extra bag, then it can be redeemed or received for free for a small gift. This option is harmless if:

  • The seller bought the product from a reliable manufacturer;
  • The expiration date is not violated;
  • The product was stored sealed under normal conditions.

When all the points are completed, then you can save money. But such a case is rare, and no one will give good material, especially at half price or even less. But the chance of buying expired or spoiled cement is several times higher.

There is another situation - the purchase of material from construction workers. The method is dangerous, because most of these sellers sell low-quality goods. Cement contains a high percentage of impurities, and some release toxic substances after drying. The latter rarely happens, but there were precedents. Such offers are ignored, and it is even better not to save on construction, but to save money and buy proven material.

Impact of additives

The characteristics of the cement are important, without knowing the basics it is impossible to purchase a reliable product. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing, it is worth knowing about the permissible amount of impurities and their role in building materials.

There are 5 types, which differ in the number of additives:

  • CEM I;
  • CEM II;
  • CEM III;
  • CEM IV;
  • CEM V.

CEM I - Portland cement, there should be no impurities in such a product. The composition contains only burnt clinker and technological additives, the proportion of which does not exceed 5%. This option is the "cleanest" and is suitable for creating solid concrete foundations, curbs and sidewalk tiles. The peculiarity of such models is early strength, durability, stability of characteristics, resistance to chemical influences.

CEM II already includes in its composition mineral components, their percentage - from 6% to 35%. Suitable for use in monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures and for thin-walled structures. Made from environmentally friendly components and is waterproof.

CEM III - in this product, the proportion of additional impurities ranges from 36% to 65%. Contains slag ground into dust. The cost of goods is 50% lower compared to Portland cement. This is due to the low resistance to frost, which makes it impossible to use in the construction of residential structures. There are also positive aspects, for example, high resistance in contact with mineralized waters.

CEM IV contains volcanic impurities. Therefore, the product is mined in certain places. The building material is suitable for the construction of structures under water or ground. Use on the surface is not recommended because the cement has low resistance to frost and air.

CEM V. This option includes several impurities - ash, slag and limestone. Each is crushed to a powdery state. The product has a low cost.

Home check

Most of the top manufacturers give cement to independent research laboratories for verification. At the same time, they do it on their own, no centers cooperate with specific firms. At the end of the tests, a certificate is issued, which indicates the quality of the sold product. Each customer can request it in the store to ensure the integrity of the company and the seller.

When a person doubts the quality of the building material, then there are two ways out: checking the house or delivering a sample to a special laboratory. The latter method is not popular, since the waiting period is 1-2 months, and the cost of such a service is high. But in return, the person will receive a reliable result. Checking at home does not guarantee a 100% result, but you can still find a bad product.

To carry out the test, you will need only one product - mineral water. It is advisable to select an option that contains a large amount of mineral salts, since the quality of the result depends on this. Next, the cement is mixed with mineral water. Before starting the process, it is important to wear gloves and a mask, since the resulting mixture is very caustic and can harm a person. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, a disc is created. The edges should be thinner than the middle.

If a high-quality building material is used, then the setting will occur in 5-10 minutes, while the disc will begin to generate heat. When the product has frozen a little, then it is placed in a plastic bag and left for 3-4 days. At the end of this period, the workpiece is removed and the appearance looks. Minor cracks are acceptable, and if they are large and deep, then the quality of the cement is low. The use of such a product is not recommended.

Rating of the best manufacturers of cement grade M400

OJSC Magnitogorsk cement and refractory plant

A reliable company that sells cement for the construction of residential buildings and industrial facilities. Thanks to a well-organized transportation system, delivery will not take long. The main advantage is low product prices and quality.In addition, it provides a factory guarantee, which increases customer confidence. Each product is manufactured in accordance with GOST, if a person doubts, then the company will provide a certificate that confirms this.

The cost will be specified after leaving the application.

cement М400 Magnitogorsk cement and refractory plant


  • Reliable manufacturer;
  • Quality;
  • A wide range of;
  • Fast shipping.


  • Not found.

PJSC "Gornozavodskcement"

A quality Russian cement manufacturer that is used in various industries. The company was founded in 1992. The main feature of the building material is a high strength gain, which is more than 60% in three days. This allows you to reduce energy costs and carry out construction quickly and efficiently.

At the request of the buyer, the company can release a material with special properties. Delivery is carried out throughout Russia.

The average cost of a product is 4,600 rubles per ton. The price is indicated excluding transportation costs and services.

cement М400 PJSC "Gornozavodskcement


  • High quality;
  • Possibility to order a product with special properties;
  • Optimal price.


  • Not found.


A popular Russian company that was the official partner in the construction of facilities in Sochi, stadiums for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, high-rise buildings in Moscow City and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The holding unites 19 cement plants in Russia, which expands the choice of materials for construction. The reserves of nonmetallic elements exceed 5.5 billion tons, while 60 million tons of cement are stored. This makes it possible to deliver quickly to every region.

The average cost is 300 rubles per 50 kg.

cement М400 EUROCEMENT group


  • High quality production;
  • A well-known company with a client base of 300 million people;
  • Fast shipping.


  • Not found.

TOP companies producing cement grade M500


One of the best Russian companies that produce high-quality cement mix. No extra charges or long deliveries. If desired, a person can order self-pickup and deliver the product on his own. In addition, the firm provides some of the best conditions for dealers.

Production started in May 2012. At first, due to unsuccessful advertising and a crowded market, the company could not provide itself with constant demand. After a while the situation has changed, now the organization cooperates not only with ordinary buyers, but also with construction companies. The material is in great demand, and you can find it in any hypermarket or online store. Product quality is always at a premium level, because the long way up has shown how important reputation is.

In order to increase the reliability of cement, only modern technologies and machines are used in production. The organization has only qualified employees, over 60% have a higher technical education. Thanks to such people and their ideas, the company managed to establish efficient production and provide jobs for hundreds of Russian citizens.

The average cost is 330 rubles per 50 kg.

cement М500 NOVAMIX


  • Reliability;
  • Cement can be used for external and internal works;
  • Durability of the cured material;
  • After drying, it is not afraid of moisture.


  • Not found.


One of the oldest Russian companies, which was founded in 1953. The plant was built in the Volgograd region, and its main task was to ensure uninterrupted production of cement to restore the appearance of St. Petersburg. By the end of 1954, more than 600 thousand tons of cement mixture had been produced. After a couple of years, the factory expanded to include another rotary kiln. This decision made it possible to increase the volume of material supplies by 55%.

Today Sebryakovcement OJSC is the largest Russian manufacturer and is in demand not only from ordinary buyers, but also from foreign construction companies.

The average cost is 350 rubles.

cement М500 Sebryakovcement


  • Good price for dealers;
  • Quality;
  • A wide range of.


  • Not found.

Titan Cement Company S.A.

Greek company that specializes in the production and sale of cement mixtures and building materials. The organization was founded in 1902, after 10 years the shares appeared on the stock exchange. The firm's assets include 13 manufacturing plants, 64 quarries, 25 distribution terminals, 125 ready-mix factories and 9 concrete block factories. Each product is certified, so the quality remains at the highest level.

The average price is 300 rubles per 50 kg.

cement М500 Titan Cement Company S.A.


  • Durability;
  • European production;
  • Strict control;
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality.


  • Not found.

Rating of quality manufacturers of cement grade M600


A global company that is present in 80 countries and offers quality products for the construction of any facility. There are 7 production sites in Russia, which made it possible to reduce the cost of goods and not lose quality. The management system operates according to the international standard ISO 9001-2011. All products are manufactured under strict control, which excludes the fall of defects on store shelves.

The main feature of the company is the use of modern technologies in production, which makes it possible to automate some complex processes. And so that the material always satisfies quality and reliability, the research laboratory studies new substances and components that improve quality and increase durability.

The average cost is 900 rubles per 50 kg.

cement М600 LafargeHolcim


  • Drying speed;
  • Durability;
  • Resistant to low temperatures;
  • A small percentage of additives.


  • Not found.

Adana cimento

Turkish company, which is the second largest cement producer in Turkey. The organization is in demand among the construction organizations of the Mediterranean. The color of ordinary cement is gray, M600 is white. For the production of the material, high-quality mineral additives are used, in which there is no iron oxide, which has a beneficial effect on the appearance.

The average cost is 950 rubles per 50 kg.

cement М600 Adana Cimento


  • Building materials are manufactured according to the latest developments;
  • It contains only the best components;
  • Compliance with international standard.


  • Not found.


A company that produces most of the building materials for Russia and some foreign countries. Cement mixes of this brand are in great demand in the construction of various objects and residential buildings. In manufacturing, a minimum of impurities is used, and no more than 5% of mineral components, everything else is burnt clinker. This decision made it possible to finish off high indicators of frost resistance and durability.

The average price is 1 100 rubles per 50 kg.

cement М600 Rusean


  • Best quality;
  • Manufacturing according to modern technologies and standards;
  • Durability;
  • Suitable for household and professional use.


  • Price.


It is impossible to imagine modern life without cement. The discovery of this material made it possible to increase the construction of apartment buildings and country houses. If you have experience working with organizations described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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