In the modern rhythm of life, it is sometimes necessary to stimulate mental ability. After a busy week, a blockage at work, or a lot of stress, you need to normalize good sleep, glycine can help with this. The editors of the site "" have prepared a rating for you best glycine producers for 2024.
What is the drug
Glycine is an aminoacetic acid that can be used to stimulate mental performance, normalize sleep, or help build muscle. It is also able to reduce the effects of alcohol on the body. In appearance, it is a white powder that has a sweetish taste.
This drug is considered potent and is suitable for many residents. The medicine has not so many contraindications, these include:
- Individual intolerance;
- Component sensitivity.
The substance has only one side effect - an allergic reaction.
When you may need to take glycine
In the human body, this substance takes part in the creation of compounds such as collagen, hemoglobin and glutathione. It is also an integral part of drugs that can normalize blood sugar, lower acidity and normalize sleep.
It can be taken by both adults and children with adolescents, as it can restore the normal functioning of the central nervous system and reduce mental stress. In general, it has a positive effect on the body as it helps to remove toxins from the body and strengthen the immune system.
Glycine binds to simple carbohydrates and helps you gain muscle faster, which is why athletes and bodybuilders love it. Also, the drug is involved in the formation of a protein of the body's connective tissues, with the help of which bones, muscles, ligaments and cartilage develop.
It has been proven that taking the substance increases creatine in the body and allows it to be better absorbed.
Indications for the use of the drug:
- Emotional instability;
- Chronic overwork;
- Vegeto-vascular dystonia;
- Nervous sleep;
- Neuroses;
- Deviant behavior of children.
In some cases, it can be prescribed to people who are acutely aware of the changing weather conditions.
The special effect of glycine on the body has been proven, for example, getting into the systemic circulation, it has an effect on the kidneys and the cardiopulmonary system. It is able to weaken the effect on the body of antidepressants and sleeping pills.
It can be used in the process of transurethral resection of the prostate.
Use for weight loss
Due to the fact that the problem of excess weight in the modern world is of great relevance, studies have been carried out on the effects of glycine on the body in this direction.
According to official data, every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from excess weight, which negatively affects not only his appearance, but also his health in general. And due to complexes, about appearance, many develop psychological problems and depression.
The use of the substance allows you to reduce nervousness and bring the nervous system to a state of rest, but at the same time, it helps to fight hunger. After all, the drug blocks the feeling of hunger that occurs in the brain, thus you do not have to run to the refrigerator for a new portion of food to satisfy your hunger. This method reduces the number of calories consumed and generally reduces the amount of food eaten.
Do not forget that the drug acts only as a food additive, so you should not give up food or completely replace it with the drug.
What problems arise from a lack of glycine
If the body stops receiving the element with food, or with the use of drugs, the body will begin to use its own reserves. This can lead to a marked decrease in the level of the substance in the blood, and this can cause a number of problems, for example:
- Exhaustion;
- Sleep disturbance;
- Insomnia;
- Increased nervousness;
- Decreased concentration of attention;
- A general decrease in the immune system;
- In children and adolescents, the processes of growth and development of the body slow down.
However, before you start taking the drug yourself, you should consult your doctor and take tests to confirm the lack of this particular substance. As such problems may not be related to the amount of glycine in the body. This is especially important if you want to administer the drug to a child.
The use of the drug for the treatment of children
Sometimes pediatricians prescribe glycine to even newborn babies because it helps them adapt more quickly to an ever-changing environment and also helps them cope with anxiety.
For older children, the drug can be prescribed when the child is hyperactive or absent-minded, this will help calm him down and allow him to concentrate more on certain things.
Teens can start taking glycine before preparing for exams to better absorb and absorb information. This helps to overcome the nervous state before passing an exam or passing a student. However, you should not be zealous with taking the drug, as it can negatively affect the body.
Methods for taking glycine and contraindications to its use
The tablet is most often placed under the tongue as a whole, or taken buccal as a powder. One tablet contains 100 mg of the substance.
The usual dose for adolescents and adults is one tablet 2-3 times a day. The course of admission lasts from two weeks to a month. This dosage is suitable for healthy people.
In the event that there are lesions of the central nervous system or increased excitability and sleep problems, children under 3 years of age are prescribed half a tablet 2 times a day for a week or two. For children over 3 years old, a whole tablet is used 2-3 times a day. The duration of admission is from one week to two, in some cases, the admission time can be increased to a month. If the need arises, a month later the course is prescribed again.
If there are problems with sleep, the drug is recommended to be taken 20 minutes before bedtime, 1 or 0.5 tablets, depending on the patient's age.
In the event of ischemic stroke, glycine is introduced into the body during the first 3-6 hours at a dosage of 1000 mg. After that, for 1000 mg per day, then the dosage is reduced to 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for a month.
Also, glycine is used in narcology in order to reduce psycho-emotional stress during remission. The dosage is 1 tablet 3 times a day for a minimum of 2 weeks, a maximum of a month. You can repeat the course 4-6 times a year.
In addition to the fact that glycine cannot be used in case of individual intolerance to the drug, it should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, for the reason that the effect on the body during this period has not been studied.
In case of hypotension in a patient, the drug should be monitored and taken with caution. Blood pressure should be monitored during admission.If a negative effect on the patient's condition is noticed, it is necessary either to reduce the dosage, or to exclude the intake of glycine.
For vehicle drivers, the same there are restrictions in the intake of glycine, since it affects the reaction rate, and this can adversely affect the roadway.
Manufacturing companies
There are currently 6 glycine producers on the market. These are both Russian and foreign companies. Among the Russian ones, the following can be distinguished:
- Biotics;
- Evalar;
- Ozone
- VIS.
The Biotics company was one of the first to start producing glycine. The brand was founded in 1991 and for the last 25 years has been producing drugs that affect human metabolism. The company has several awards in the medical field, which increases the credibility of its drugs.
Like Biotics, Evalar was founded in 1991 with only 12 employees. The first drug to be produced was the “golden mummy”. Since 1995, the company began to open its own pharmacies, and since 2002 the brand has entered the market of the CIS and Baltic countries. By 2008, the staff numbered 1000 people, and in 2012 a certificate of compliance with the international standard was received. The company is developing rapidly and successfully at the present time.
The pharmaceutical company "Ozone" was founded in 2001. Since 2003, she has launched the first series of her own drugs. In 2014, a European certificate was obtained and the production of sterile forms began.
Foreign ones include:
- Country Life;
- Thorne Research.
Country Life was founded in the 1980s in the USA and during its existence has established itself as a reliable manufacturer. It produces sports supplements, amino acids and vitamin complexes. Her products received good reviews on the Russian market. It produces glycine in the form of capsules, which also include vitamin B6.
The manufacturer "Thorne Research" is a representative of the United States, and produces herbal medicines. Release form - capsules. True, the instructions for taking medications are only in English. The brand was founded in 1984 and is currently an Official Partner of the US Olympic Team.
Manufacturer rating
Glycine from LLC "Ozone"
The fifth line in the rating of the drug is taken by the Russian manufacturer Ozone LLC. This medication can be taken from birth. Release form - tablets. One tablet contains 100 mg of pure substance. The package contains 50 tablets. Adults are recommended to take 100-200 mg of the substance 2-3 times a day. For children, the dose differs depending on age.
The average cost is 33 rubles per pack.
From the reviews, we can conclude that this drug does not help everyone, however, there is a benefit to improving memory from it. Some, after the withdrawal of glycine, began to experience anxious sleep. Of the positive qualities, it is noted that it is easy to take and has a pleasant taste.
The drug from MNPK "Biotics"
The fourth line is taken by glycine from MNPK "Biotics". It was from this brand that the drug first appeared on the Russian market. Available in the form of white tablets. Refers to metabolic agents. Contains 98 mg of the main substance glycine, as well as auxiliary substances such as magnesium stearate and water-soluble methylcellulose.
One package contains 100 tablets. The average cost is 65 rubles. A fairly cheap and affordable drug.
Reviews of the drug are quite different, from positive to negative. However, do not forget that this is aminoacetic acid, and if there is no lack of it in your body, this remedy simply will not help you. Many who took a course of medication showed changes, but by the second or third course, the effect either decreased or disappeared. This suggests that the body has received the required amount of the substance and its intake is no longer required.
Glycine "Evalar"
The third line is occupied by Glycine "Evalar". On the packaging of this substance, you can see the forte mark, which makes us understand that the composition is strengthened.In addition to the glycine itself, the composition contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12. It also contains lemon juice, thiamine hydrochloride and pyridoxine hydrochloride. Refers to the pharmacological group of dietary supplements.
Children from 14 years old can take 1 tablet 2 times a day, adults 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. Due to the enhanced composition, it is necessary to take only 2 pills, in contrast to analogues.
Sold without a doctor's prescription. The average cost is 242 rubles.
The package contains 60 tablets of 500 mg.
The reviews on glycine from this manufacturer are extremely positive. Patients note that nervous conditions or sleep disorders completely disappear after one course of administration. The tablets have a pleasant taste, which makes it easier to take. The first results are noticeable a few days after administration. Nervous tension and stress go away.
Country life
The second line of the rating is occupied by the American analogue of glycine from Country Life. It is produced in the form of capsules in a glass bottle made of dark glass. Each capsule contains 500 mg of glycine, and another 10 mg of vitamin B6.
Because of this form of release, it is not convenient for children to take the drug, since the daily dose for a child is 300 mg. This requires dividing the capsules. For adults, the dosage and form of release are quite convenient.
The average cost of the drug is 450 rubles, which is higher than that of Russian manufacturers. However, despite this cost, it is quite popular.
Reviews for the substance are positive. Patients note that the result is much faster and better than analogues from Russia. Perfectly improves memory and restores healthy sleep. The package contains 100 tablets, which is enough for the course.
Glycine from Thorne Research
In the first place in the ranking is the drug from Thorne Research. One package contains 250 capsules. In addition to the main component, the composition includes silicon dioxide and hypromellose.
The disadvantage of this manufacturer is that the instructions are only in English, this causes some difficulties in admission. Adults are recommended to take the substance 1 capsule 2 times a day.
Despite the fact that the company is the leader in the United States in the production of nutritional supplements, you should consult a doctor before use.
The average cost of a package is 1,500 rubles.
Reviews after taking the supplement are positive. An improvement in concentration and a decrease in nervous disorders are noted. Many patients experience improved sleep.
Our rating includes the most popular glycine manufacturers that have proven themselves well on the market. However, you should not blindly go and buy this supplement, you should always go to the doctor's consultation so that he more specifically studies your problem and prescribes the drug. It is worth remembering that not all manufacturers produce the substance in its pure form. Of course, there will be no harm from vitamins, but you should be careful about this.
The price category is different, so you should carefully study the product before buying.
For me, the most effective was Glycine D3. It is in a soluble form, made in the form of effervescent tablets. You need to take it only once a day. And the effect comes around the third day