The best sausage producers in Russia for 2024


Adults and children love sausage. Eaten with bread, as a snack or added to baked goods, salads, omelets. The production method and the mix of additives and seasonings distinguish different types of sausages. But all of them are appetizing, alluring, fragrant. The editors of the site "" have prepared a rating of the best sausage manufacturers in Russia for 2024, having analyzed the publications of regulatory organizations, various ratings, manufacturers' websites, and customer opinions.

How to choose

The composition of sausages is a hot topic. It is believed that this product contains anything but meat. This is an antiquated bias. Experts of Roskachestvo and Roskontrol regularly check sausages. The results can be found in the public domain. Every year more and more copies are successfully tested. The best producers eliminate frowned upon additives, increase the percentage of pure meat. Compared to sausages made ten years ago, today more attention is paid to the amount of salt and fat. Calorie intake decreased. The products adapt to the fashion for healthy eating. The quality is improving.

Composition is the main selection criterion. It differs depending on the manufacturing technology and recipe. Some types are standardized by GOST. Studying the label should be the rule. There is no sausage without additives. Even common spices are bactericidal. It is good if the description does not contain soy, starch, carrageenan, sodium nitrite (dye), monosodium glutamate (flavor enhancer). If the composition includes natural meat, then the grade must be indicated (for example, the first).

What to look for: When a product is of high quality, the manufacturer proudly provides as much information as possible on the label. In addition, the official website talks about the origin of animals, feeding, place of slaughter, meat processing, recipes.

Traditionally, the assessment of organoleptic characteristics is important during inspections. According to Roskachestvo, “not always the tastiest sausage is the most natural” (research on Doktorskaya sausage for 2018). Taste is a very subjective factor. But there are other selection criteria common to all sausages.

Signs of a good sausage:

  • Meat, uniform in color, not too bright, with a grayish undertone;
  • Fat with a white tint, evenly distributed. Yellowness indicates staleness;
  • The shell should separate from the meat without difficulty;
  • The cut is seemingly compact, without cavities;
  • The aroma is intense, the spices present should stand out.

What are the classifications of sausages:

  • By grades: superior, first, non-graded type, second. The lowest is the second.
  • By meat content: meat, meat-containing, and also meat-vegetable. The first consists of minced meat. Meat-containing and meat-vegetable products differ in a small percentage of meat; cereals or soy are added to the latter type.
  • By production technology: boiled, boiled-smoked, semi-smoked, dry-cured, uncooked smoked, liverworm.

Energy value: The number of calories is influenced by the type of meat, the number of accompanying components, the method of production, and even the shell. In general, pork is fatter than the rest. And the product made from minced chicken is less caloric. Boiled sausages are the least fatty. Since the meat for their production is cooked for a long time, it gives off some of the fat to the broth. After this treatment, an average of 170 kcal per hundred grams remains. The addition of starch or milk increases the energy value up to 250 kcal. This is not much compared to others. The recommendations of nutritionists to boil smoked sausages before eating are not meaningless.

The best sausage producers in Russia for 2024


Miratorg. Doctoral

Largest brand. In terms of beef production in the first place in the country, pork production covers a significant part of the Russian market. Constant growth in volumes is achieved thanks to qualified personnel, an innovative approach, and well-built organizational chains. The priority is to take care of the environment, ecological safety, natural products.

According to customers, Miratorg's products are tasty, look delicious, well packaged, varied, homemade semi-finished products are easy to prepare. Available at any supermarket near you, often with discounts.

Sausage "Doktorskaya" has been inspected by regulatory authorities many times. Physicochemical and microbiological analyzes have shown a high percentage of safety. The composition is not the most ideal, for example, there are phosphates, but the description of the ingredients on the package is honest, no unspecified components have been identified. Pork and beef are balanced. No preservatives added. Fat is too much, at the upper limit of the norm established by GOST (20%). But it also provides excellent organoleptic characteristics (taste, color, smell). The average price without shares for the weight of 480 g is 216 rubles.

sausage Miratorg. Doctoral


  • Manufactured in accordance with GOST;
  • The accuracy of the marking;
  • Safe quality composition;
  • Fleshiness, consistency density;
  • Availability throughout the country.


  • Not detected.

Borodin's meat house. Veal in blue

The sausages of the Borodin Meat House are made only from premium meat and spices. There are no flavor enhancers, monosodium glutamate, carrageenan and soy. The result is products that are good for health. The company pays special attention to packaging. In particular, they were the first in the country to use innovative ecological packaging methods.

The assortment is constantly expanding, among the cooked sausages there are traditional pork and beef, mixed, as well as from turkey or veal. "Veal in blue" has passed the Roskontrol test. Recognized as safe, without preservatives, with optimal moisture content. Disadvantages revealed: made of minced meat, not mixed enough, there are large pieces of bacon.

Buyers like the products of the Borodin Meat House for their composition. Some note tastelessness, freshness in comparison with competitors, despite the abundance of spices. At the same time, it is understood that this is due to the lack of flavoring enhancers.

sausage Borodin's Meat House. Veal in blue


  • Composition without harmful additives, antibiotics and GMOs;
  • Meaty smell, beautiful color, appetizing appearance;
  • Tenderness, juiciness;
  • Modern vacuum packaging.


  • Not detected.


Welcom. Home Smoked Sausage

The manufacturer of meat products has been operating since 2004 in the Istra district of the Moscow region, in an ecologically clean area. From the very beginning, the company refused to use substitutes for meat, soy, and genetically modified components. This approach was appreciated by buyers, tasters and experts. The official website has an impressive list of awards photos.

Home-smoked sausage composition: pork, garlic, salt, ground black pepper. The texture is coarse. The taste is moderately spicy.The short shelf life is not a disadvantage, the meat product "without additives" cannot be stored for a long time. Average price: 290 rubles.

sausage by Welkom. Home Smoked Sausage


  • Non-GMO and soy-free;
  • Pleasant organoleptic characteristics;
  • Value for money.


  • Not detected.

Near slides. Balykovaya

A dynamically developing brand with a closed production cycle, producing natural sausages, delicacies and homemade practical semi-finished meat products. The farm includes fields for growing feed, feed mills, modern pig farms, a meat processing plant in the Tver region, as well as cafes and shops in the center of Moscow. Some types of sausages are cooked by hand, including boiled and smoked ones.

Boiled-smoked balykovaya is made from pork and bacon of the highest quality, with the addition of spices. The composition is not the most ideal. There is carrageenan and starch. But the result is a product with decent organoleptic properties. Loved by many buyers for the ham taste, appetizing appearance on the cut, pleasant aroma. A stick in an artificial shell costs 350 rubles.

sausage Near slides. Balykovaya


  • Selected farm meat raw materials;
  • Manual cooking;
  • Successful spice combination;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Lots of positive reviews.


  • Not detected.


Mikoyan. Ham

The Mikoyan meat-packing plant was founded more than two centuries ago, in 1798. It is included in the TOP of the largest manufacturers in Russia. "Doktorskaya" according to GOST was first produced in 1936 at this very enterprise. The recipes for many other sausages were also tried here for the first time. Today the assortment includes a myriad of positions. New items are constantly appearing. Roskontrol made comments on labeling on a number of items. The manufacturer corrected the error.

At the end of 2019, the Meat Oscar competition awarded boiled and smoked species: Mikoyanovsky cervelat, Italian dried, Stolichnaya. In addition, all products regularly receive positive customer reviews. For example, semi-smoked ham is popular for its taste familiar from childhood, fleshy consistency, and pleasant aroma. Contains a number of questionable additives such as carrageenan, starch, konjac gum. However, according to Roskachestvo, when a meat product is produced according to TU, this is not a violation. Other biological and chemical parameters are normal. There are no preservatives. The result is a completely safe product.

sausage Mikoyan. Ham


  • Long-term experience, quality of meat processing;
  • Traditional taste, color, appearance, smell;
  • Low salt content;
  • Lack of preservatives;
  • Availability at any nearby supermarket.


  • Not detected.

Dymov. Vienna

The Dymov company produces healthy, tasty, inexpensive, original meat products for every day and for a festive feast. The company is constantly expanding its assortment by releasing new items. For example, meat chips, strips, "Picolini" and "Kobanosi" snacks have become popular with many people, but once they did not exist. I also liked the line of 100% natural products “Dymov. Farm ”without preservatives and hand-made flavor enhancers. The Haute Cuisine series is distinguished by the addition of unusual ingredients (nuts, rare herbs, dried fruits). The manufacturer has been awarded numerous times. Some products are marked with special quality marks ("Dairy" sausages, dumplings).

Salami "Vienna" is made from beef and pork meat according to an exclusive recipe, using a natural smoking method. The structure is fine-grained. Added unwanted ingredients: flavor enhancer, color fixer. However, their content is minimal and not dangerous. The mixture of spices and spices, the amount of lemon juice are well chosen, giving the product a sophistication. Sausage in an artificial casing. Weight: 330 g. Average price: 270 rubles.

sausage Dymov. Vienna


  • Top grade meat material;
  • Traditional spice for salami;
  • A pleasant blend of spices;
  • Low price for the offered quality;
  • Attractiveness of packaging.


  • Not detected.


Rublevsky. Bravo Maestro

The Rublevsky holding produces premium meat products for Moscow and the region. On modern European equipment that preserves the natural content of proteins, vitamins, mineral salts. Only chilled meat and natural spices are processed.

The assortment of dry-cured sausages includes: Salami Contadino, Salami del Norcino, Salami del Borgo, Bottega Milano and Bravo Maestro. In all the composition is decent, pork shoulder and brisket are used. Consumers are confused by only a couple of additives: potassium nitrate and silicon dioxide. But the taste is excellent. A review of reviews on the Internet shows that it is advisable to eat sausage fresh and without bread in order to fully enjoy the product. The main disadvantage is that it ends quickly. Volume: 150 g. Sold at a price of 290 rubles.

sausage Rublevsky. Bravo Maestro


  • Sausage of Russian production, but of European quality;
  • Good composition, taste and smell of meat, appetizing appearance;
  • Beautiful packaging design.


  • Not detected.

Okhotny Ryad. Austrian

The Okhotny Ryad trademark was created by the Mikoyan meat processing plant to produce exquisite delicacies of the highest quality. For this, a special workshop was opened using manual labor. Only chilled raw materials, natural spices are used. Old proven recipes are used.

The manufacturer offers the following dry-cured types: "Swiss" and "Austrian". The second is made from beef and pork, with the addition of mustard and pepper. The consistency is medium-grained, well-mixed. In an artificial casing. It is sold at a price higher than the average, in the opinion of buyers it corresponds to quality

sausage Okhotny Ryad. Austrian


  • Chilled meat of the highest category;
  • Non-GMO composition;
  • Manual production method;
  • Refined taste, meaty aroma.


  • Not detected.

Uncooked smoked

Klinsky. Braunschweig semi-dry

The oldest meat processing plant in the Moscow Region produces more than two hundred types of meat products. There is something to be proud of: technological production; employees working for generations; prestigious awards. Many products have received diplomas of the Russian Quality program.

Customer reviews are the best, despite some comments from Roskontrol and Roskachestvo, many people like the taste of the product. Recipes play a role, which the manufacturer carefully selects, tests, improves, striving to find a balance between tradition and modernity.

Sausage "Braunschweig semi-dry" from beef, pork and bacon meat is recognized as safe, high-quality, tasty. The consistency is slightly harder than required. There are occasional large pieces of bacon. There are no other disadvantages. No preservatives. In a natural casing. Nice smell, color, smack. Suitable for a festive table and for every day.

sausage Klinsky. Braunschweig semi-dry


  • Strict adherence to GOST;
  • Quality, safety;
  • The accuracy of the information on the packaging;
  • Decent organoleptic characteristics;
  • Prevalence across the country, in many supermarkets.


  • Not detected.

Cherkizovo. Sausage Salchichon

The Agroinvestor edition selects the best meat producers every year. For the last time, in 2019, Cherkizovo was declared the winner (in second place is Miratorg, which starts the rating). Success stems from attention to consumer needs. The manufacturer has been known since 1974. Last year, the brand made fundamental changes: improvement of pork recipes, change of packaging, reduction of assortment. Removed products that do not meet customer expectations. At the same time, new items appeared. For example, in the category of raw smoked products the following are recommended for testing: "Modern", "Salyamini", "Astoria".

Among raw smoked sausages, Salchichon has been selling well for many years. Pork, bacon, milk powder, spices and other ingredients create a special taste with sourness. Buyers get the impression that it is really made of meat, so it is not a shame to put it on the festive table. Moderate hardness. The texture is medium-grained. For those who cannot cut hard types of sausages on their own, ready-made cuts are offered. How much does the bestseller "Salchichon" cost: a loaf of about 300 rubles, a package of slices - a little more than a hundred.

sausage Cherkizovo. Sausage Salchichon


  • Popular premium product;
  • Composition without soy, GMO, nothing more;
  • Balanced refined taste;
  • A lot of positive reviews on the Internet.


  • Not detected.


It is difficult to discuss the taste and aroma of sausages. Much subjective. You must try. The main thing to pay attention to is the composition. If you like top producers, tell us which types of sausages you liked more than others.


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