Butter is a concentrated substance obtained by whipping milk. It contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other trace minerals needed to maintain health. But do all the products presented on store shelves meet the quality standard and are not harmful to humans ?! This article will help you understand the types of butter and how to choose a real and nutritious product. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you review of the best butter makers in 2024.
- 1 Product Description
- 2 History of origin
- 3 What are the types of butter
- 4 How to choose
- 5 How much and where to buy
- 6 Rating of the best butter producers
- 7 Rating of high-quality classic butter
- 8 Quality traditional butter rating
- 9 Rating of quality amateur butter
- 10 Rating of quality peasant butter
- 11 Rating of quality sandwich butter
- 12 Output
Product Description
Butter is a high-calorie substance made on the basis of milk fat. The consistency is predominantly plastic and depends on the storage temperature. The taste is creamy. The color is creamy or light yellow, depending on the fat content. The dairy product does not contain gluten, which is contraindicated for people with special diseases.
The product has a lot of useful properties. It contains vitamins A, D, E, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, manganese, potassium, tocopherols. The fatty substance can be consumed in its pure form, as an additional source of trace elements, as well as added to various dishes.
It should be noted that the oily consistency, unlike other products, can be stored for a longer period. This is due to the fact that it contains a very small percentage of moisture. However, if not properly transported or stored, the substance may deteriorate. In this case, it carries with it dangerous properties and can cause irreparable harm to health. If the substance has acquired a rancid taste and aroma, it must be disposed of immediately. Only fresh products are usable.
History of origin
The production of raw materials began in ancient India, 1500-2000 years BC. Dairy products appeared in Russia in the 9th century. Due to the complex preparation technology, oil was intended exclusively for noble people. Raw materials were made from fresh cream or from sour sour cream and milk. The process in large-scale production began only in the 19th. The recipe for "Vologda" butter, proposed by the great public figure N.V. Vereshchagin. The product has become popular with many consumers because of its unusual taste and aroma.
Today, a popular method of producing fat concentrate from cream is using the separation method. It consists in continuous churning of pasteurized cream in specialized butter makers. The resulting substance is subjected to sorting, heat treatment, normalization, cooling and serving.
What are the types of butter
There are a lot of proposals on the choice of food products.But do not forget that representatives of fat, spreads and margarine can be sold under the name "butter". Before buying, you should carefully read the composition of the goods.
There are several types of milk mass:
- sour cream, made on the basis of pre-fermented cream;
- sweet and creamy, made from fresh milk cream;
- with added salt.
Also, the consistency may differ in the percentage of fat content. Processed foods with less than 50% fat are not butter.
- "Traditional" - sweet cream, sour cream or salty product with a fat mass fraction of 82.5% and a moisture content of not more than 16%;
- "Krestyanskoe" is a sweet cream or sour cream product with a fat mass fraction of 72.5 percent and a moisture content of not more than 16%.
- "Amateur" is a sweet cream or sour cream product with a fat mass fraction of at least 77% and a moisture content of no more than 20%, and with salt. The composition may include various additives.
- "Sandwich" - food with a special function: it can be included in diet food. The fat percentage is relatively low - only 61.5%. It is produced exclusively from natural, fat-free cream and does not contain lactose.
Despite the gastronomic abundance, it is better to select the product that has already been tasted and it meets the needs of the family. High-fat dairy products can be added to cereals, sandwiches and other products. For gourmets, you can try the “amateur” type of food. For those who follow a diet and keep fit, the "sandwich" product is suitable.
How to choose
On store shelves you can find a fairly wide range of butter. On the one hand, this is good: you can buy yourself whatever you want. On the other hand, you can stumble upon counterfeit products, which not only undermine the attitude towards the true manufacturer, but can also leave unpleasant impressions.
What to look for and how to eliminate mistakes when choosing, the following selection criteria will help:
- It is necessary to see the main quality mark “made according to GOST” on the label. If a counterfeit is found, the consumer should report the incident to Rospotrebnadzor, in order to identify the violation and bring the trade enterprise to justice.
- The food item should contain only natural ingredients: cream, milk, leaven, sometimes salt. There should be no additives such as palm, peanut, coconut oil, or milk fat substitute.
- Butter may have names: "classic", "traditional", "peasant", "amateur" and "sandwich". The natural fat content should not be less than 61.5 percent. The recipe may contain buttermilk, which is non-fat cream. It is included in the "sandwich" oil, which is beneficial for people on a diet. But the spread or margarine are no longer real dairy representatives, even if the manufacturer claims otherwise.
- The briquette should be wrapped in foil paper. The fact is that plain parchment does not protect the fatty substance from ultraviolet radiation and direct sunlight. The product quickly deteriorates and loses its useful properties. But the foil consists of dense layers. It perfectly insulates, protects against the effects of an unfavorable environment and retains all vitamins.
- When buying, you should pay attention to the production date and expiration dates. Standard recommendations: 35 days - at a temperature of + 1 - + 3 degrees (in the refrigerator); 60 days - at a temperature of -9 - -3 degrees (in the freezer). During storage, it is recommended to monitor the appearance of the product. If a yellow crust has formed on the surface, this does not mean that the whole mass has been damaged. It is enough to cut off the part that is no longer suitable for food with a knife and discard it.
The above tips are recommendations only. The consumer decides which product is better to buy on his own, based on his own preferences.The main condition is that the food must be natural and not contain substances that cause allergies.
How much and where to buy
The cost of the product depends on the following categories:
- Country and brand of the manufacturer;
- Type;
- Weights;
- Release forms;
- Packaging;
- Functionality.
Comparing the overview of prices for butter, presented in online stores, we can draw the following conclusions:
- You can buy inexpensive food for picnics weighing 10 grams from Rostagroexport at a price of 11 rubles. A freeze-dried product weighing 100 g called "Gala-Gala" is presented on the site for only 61 rubles.
- On the sites, you can also find budget options for butter. For example, Krestyanskoe, 72.5% fat, called "Prosto" is sold for only 90 rubles. A 62% fat manufactured product from the Derevenskoe Podvorie manufacturer, weighing 180 g, can be purchased at a price of 99 rubles.
- Ghee from VASTECO company weighing 200 g in a glass jar can be bought for only 449 rubles.
- The maximum price was fixed for a representative from the U Palycha brand. Food raw materials weighing 2160 g are sold at a price of 3208 rubles. This company produces its own exclusive range. For example, oils with fresh parsley and garlic, with dill and garlic, with herbs of Provence, with seaweed, with sea salt. The cost for the listed food items is from 2139 rubles.
To buy high-quality, natural food, you need to familiarize yourself with its labeling, composition, production date and expiration dates. Palm and herbal supplements should not be present. Only proven products will give you real pleasure from food and will keep your loved ones and relatives healthy.
You can buy products based on animal cream at any grocery store located near your home, or in hypermarkets. In addition, popular models can be ordered online in the following online stores: Arla Natura, Valio, Brest-Litovsk, VASTEGO, House in the village, Iz Vologda, Minskaya Marka, Prostokvashino, Joy of Vkusa, Rogachev Dairy Plant, Thousand Lakes, Ekomilk and many others.
On Internet sites, you can get acquainted with various goods, including the first to try new items. In addition, the sites for the products have reviews left by previous buyers. Their opinion gives an objective idea of the characteristics of different brands of cream products.
Rating of the best butter producers
The best butter is produced by the following manufacturers:
- Ekomilk;
- Brest-Litovsk;
- Vkusnoteevo;
- Rogachev;
- From Vologda;
- At Palych;
- The joy of taste;
- Minsk Mark;
- Izbenka;
- Yanta.
According to buyers, the above companies produce the most delicious and healthy products. The popularity of the models is due to the production technology, in which all norms and traditions are observed. Cream products are made in accordance with GOST and have good organoleptic properties. Many consumers note that the products have a rich, creamy taste, like from “childhood”. But the ratings below will help you figure out which company to buy oil.
Rating of high-quality classic butter
Parameters | Specifications |
Fatness | 82,5% |
Weight | 180 g |
Packing material | From paper |
Standards | GOST R 52253-2004 |
Energy value per 100 g | 748 kcal |
One of the most recognizable Russian-made products is from the Ekomilk brand. Thanks to modern technologies, the butter is made from environmentally friendly raw materials - high-fat pasteurized cream. It contains all the energetically valuable elements necessary to maintain good health. The Ecomilk sample has successfully passed the organoleptic analysis, which indicates the high quality of the product. According to Roskachestvo, the product complies with the mass fraction of fat indicated in the labeling, does not contain non-dairy protein and is safe for health. The dairy substance is sold in blue paper packaging in the form of a classic rectangular briquette weighing 100 g, 180 g, 450 g. You can buy the product at a price of 120 to 460 rubles.
- Delicious;
- Colour;
- Environmentally friendly.
- Not found.
Brest - Litovsk
Parameters | Specifications |
Fatness | 82, 5% |
Ingredients | Pasteurized cream |
Energy value per 100 g | 747.7 kcal |
Packing material | Paper |
Country of origin: Republic of Belarus. The representative of the highest grade, made only from natural ingredients, without the use of preservatives. The plastic consistency hardens when frozen and does not lose useful properties. The taste is predominantly sweet-creamy, yellow in color. The product is packed in a yellowish paper wrapper, which makes it possible to distinguish it from the rest of the assortment on store shelves. The average cost of 450 grams reaches 420 rubles.
- Taste;
- Ingredient range;
- Environmentally friendly;
- Good for your health.
- The wrapper does not fit snugly against the product;
- Cost.
Quality traditional butter rating
Parameters | Specifications |
Type of raw material | Creamy |
Fatness | 82.5% |
TU / GOST | GOST 32261-2013 |
Country of origin: Russia. Produced from pasteurized cow's cream, it tastes sweet and creamy. The consistency of raw materials is soft, plastic: it can be added to ready-made dishes, and also used as a base for pastry creams. The food product is made in the form of a small loaf, which allows it to be used for making sandwiches. And environmentally friendly packaging material, which is ideal for creamy representatives, will retain all the beneficial properties of the butter and its original fresh look for a long time. The product can be purchased weighing 200 and 400 g. Average cost: in the range from 195 to 335 rubles.
- Delicious;
- Natural;
- Melts in the mouth;
- Package design.
- Many buyers note that there is no pronounced taste and aroma of cream.
Rogachev Dairy Plant
Parameters | Specifications |
Fatness | 82,5 % |
View | Traditional |
Packing material | Foil |
Energy value per 100 g | 748 kcal |
Country of origin: Republic of Belarus. Traditional representative, which is produced according to GOST: cream taste, yellow color, and moderate consistency. The product is plastic, easily separated with a knife, without foreign smells and impurities. Can be applied to bread and biscuits, as well as added to cereals. The raw material is packed in foil, which allows it to be stored for up to 60 days. Average cost: 195 rubles.
- Rich taste;
- Freeze bet is kept for a long time;
- Colour;
- Consistency.
- Not found.
Rating of quality amateur butter
From Vologda Amateur Salty
Parameters | Specifications |
Fatness | 80% |
Standards | GOST 32261-2013 |
Energy value per 100 g | 730 kcal |
Packing material | Paper |
Country of origin: Russia. The product contains vitamins of groups B and E, C, A, D, which is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the included salt, a natural preservative, enhances the flavor of the oil and prolongs the shelf life. Due to the high content of animal cream, the raw material has a dense texture and a noble beige color. The cost of one package weighing 180 g is 238 rubles.
- Taste;
- Long shelf life if frozen;
- Consistency.
- Price.
"Plus" at Palych
Parameters | Specifications |
Fat content | 72,5% |
Calorie content | 2363 kJ / 564 kcal |
Packaging | Eco-friendly material and cardboard |
Country of origin: Russia. The original oil in an unusual package is presented in several flavors at once:
- With the addition of parsley and garlic;
- With herbs of Provence;
- With sea salt;
- With seaweed;
- With dill and garlic.
Products "U Palycha" are made without GMOs and without the use of preservatives. They can be used to create original sandwiches, added to boiled potatoes and added to various dishes.The food item is released in the form of a bar and packaged in a beautiful cardboard box, which depicts dancing cows. You can buy goods weighing 1440 g at the price of 2139 rubles.
- Exclusive menu;
- Original;
- Beautiful wrapper.
- Cost;
- The additives overpower the taste of the cream.
Rating of quality peasant butter
The Joy of Taste
Parameters | Specifications |
Fat content | 72,5% |
Energy value | 662 kcal |
Packed | In foil |
Russian-made product made on the basis of pasteurized cream with a fat content of 72.5%. The oil has passed laboratory tests. As a result, it was revealed that the products of the Volgograd region are made from natural cream, without the addition of antibiotics and preservatives. The substance is ideal for making baked goods and making pastry creams. The consistency is homogeneous, creamy. The average cost is 116 rubles.
- Natural ingredient range;
- No harmful additives;
- No preservatives;
- Taste.
- Not identified.
Minsk Mark
Parameters | Specifications |
Fatness | 72,5% |
Energy value per 100 g | 660 kcal |
Wrapper | Foil |
Country of origin: Republic of Belarus. Sweet and creamy, not salty product made from 100% natural dairy raw materials. Perfect for baking, making sandwiches, and can be added to cereals. The dairy product is packed in foil, which ensures proper storage: all nutrients and vitamins are preserved. The average cost is 168 rubles.
- Natural;
- Taste;
- Cost.
- Not found.
Rating of quality sandwich butter
Parameters | Specifications |
Fatness | 61,5% |
Manufacturing standards | GOST R 52969-2008 |
Energy value per 100 g | 566.3 kcal |
Shelf life | 25 days |
Country of origin: Russia. A manufactured product with a low calorie level, which is suitable for people who are on a diet. The product has a beneficial effect on the vascular and digestive systems. The fatty substance can be used for making sandwiches, baking, and it is also allowed to fry on it. Freezing for long-term storage. The oil substance is packed in foil paper, which retains its beneficial properties. Average cost - 133 rubles.
- Taste;
- Colour;
- Aroma.
- When frozen, the product is poorly cut with a knife and crumbles.
Parameters | Specifications |
Fatness | 61,5% |
View | Unsalted |
Packing material | Foil |
The ideal low-calorie product for maintaining a slim figure is sandwich butter with a low content of milk fat. Its uniqueness is achieved by its high moisture content and dietary supplements necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The representative from Yant has high organoleptic abilities: pleasant taste, soft texture, color and exquisite aroma. Average price - 130 rubles.
- Environmentally friendly;
- Nutritious;
- Lung;
- Consistency.
- Not found.
Purchasing food products is a rather difficult and problematic business, despite the abundance of goods on store shelves. Dairy representatives must undergo laboratory tests, have the State Control label and simply be liked by their consumers. Before choosing a product, you should understand for what purposes the oil will be used. In addition, it will not hurt to get acquainted with the opinion of buyers, read reviews, as well as carefully study the composition of the product presented on the label. Only a careful and deliberate approach will allow you to purchase a truly valuable and nutritious product.
If you have experience of using the butter described in the rating, or more tasty and healthy options, tell us about it in the comments.