The best cottage cheese producers for 2024


Cottage cheese is a healthy, tasty, fermented milk product that is rich in protein, amino acids and calcium. It is obtained by fermenting milk and separating whey. It has a high energy and nutritional value with a minimum amount of calories, allows you to replenish the supply of trace elements in the human body. Many manufacturers offer their curd products, but not all of them are worthy of the attention of buyers. Manufacturers often resort to various tricks by adding various preservatives and chemicals to its mass. In some cases, such a fermented milk product, instead of good, can only bring harm. To understand this issue, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best producers of cottage cheese for 2024.

What properties should a good cottage cheese have?

When choosing fermented milk products, you must have an idea of ​​its main characteristics. These include:

  • Fat content;
  • Consistency;
  • Taste;
  • Smell;
  • Cost.

The fat content of the curd determines the usefulness parameter of this fermented milk product. The best option is a product with a fat content of 5-9%. Low-fat products are no less useful for the body, since the presence of fatty acids in large quantities can lead to the development of unpleasant diseases. People suffering from obesity, diabetes mellitus are not recommended to buy a fermented milk product with a fat content of more than 0.3%. Children take curd mass with an indicator not higher than 7%. 100 grams of this product will replenish the daily calcium intake in a child's body. It is better to refuse a fermented milk product with a fat content of 15-20%.

Nutritionists recommend giving preference to the classic cottage cheese with a dense, albeit visible texture. This product contains many minerals that are easily absorbed by the body.

Popular loose types of curd products contain a split protein, which is difficult for the body to absorb. They always contain cream, which adds fat content to a fermented milk product. Loose grains contain a lot of sodium, so such products are not recommended for people who are obese or diabetics.

Smell and taste can tell a lot about the composition and quality of curd products. Low-fat curd mass will have a bland taste or a complete lack of flavor characteristics. A slightly sour curd aroma will indicate a moderate fat content. When the wrong technology of preparation and storage was used for the manufacture of these products, the cottage cheese can taste bitter. Too sour smell will tell about the spoilage of the product. When curd products are odorless, you should suspect that the product is unnatural. The gray color in such products arises from the use of vegetable protein. Manufacturers are looking to increase shelf life and improve palatability by adding soy protein.When curd products are purchased in the summer, they may have some yellowness. The rest of the time, yellow color will be evidence of the addition of vegetable oil to the product.

What is cottage cheese?

This fermented milk product can be:

  • Low fat (0%);
  • Lean (1.8%);
  • Classic (up to 18%);
  • Bold (up to 23%);
  • Grained (up to 7%).

Storage period

The expiration date directly depends on the packaging. Considering the weighed version sold on the market, it can be argued that it can be stored for no more than 36 hours. If the product is offered in foil or paper packaging, it can be stored at the appropriate temperature for no more than 7 days. Vacuum packaging makes it possible to preserve the product for 30 days. The recommended temperature for storing the curd product is 2-6 degrees. In the freezer, curd products can be stored for 3 weeks, but their taste will be somewhat spoiled. The more contact with the environment the curd products have, the faster they will oxidize.

How to identify defective cottage cheese?

Not all manufacturers are honest with their customers. Sometimes they pass off a surrogate for a natural product, adding chalk, starch, moisture-containing components, vegetable fats and other components. You can check the quality of the purchased product by testing.

Iodine check

The presence of starch in products is checked using ordinary iodine. To do this, drip onto the curd with this remedy. A blue or purple spot will indicate the presence of additives in the product. The color of iodine does not change on natural products.

Vinegar check

The presence of chalk in the curd will help identify vinegar. Checking for its availability is quite simple. Curd products are diluted with warm water and vinegar dripped into the mixture. The hiss of the mixture will be a clear indication of the presence of additives.

Effervescence Testing

To carry out the test, you will need a dry hot pan or microwave. Place the cottage cheese on a plate and put it in the microwave or simply pour it into a pan and heat it up. If this fermented milk product decreases in size by half, foams or begins to fizzle, this will indicate the presence of moisture traps in it, which bind the whey and increase the weight of the product.

Rating of the best producers of cottage cheese

It is rather difficult to find natural, healthy cottage cheese for yourself and your family. To help you understand the range of these products presented on the shelves of various supermarkets, the editorial staff of "" prepared a short overview. It is based on professional opinion and consumer feedback.

Fat free

Ostankinskoe 400 g

A soft curd product from a Russian manufacturer is prepared by hand following the traditional method from farm milk. It has a pleasant taste of a homemade fermented milk product. Delicate aroma and homogeneous creamy consistency of the product made it popular and in demand among the Russian population. This product includes:

  • Skimmed milk;
  • Leaven;
  • Rennet extract;
  • Reconstituted milk from skimmed milk powder.

The energy value of the product is 46 kcal. The shelf life of cottage cheese is 14 days. There are 8 g of protein in the composition, 3.3 g of carbohydrates, 0.1 g of fat. The cost of the product is 125 rubles.

Ostankinskoe 400 g


  • Utility;
  • Taste qualities;
  • Low calorie content;
  • Not sour;
  • Consistency;
  • Aroma;
  • Cost;
  • Softness;
  • Protein amount;
  • Naturalness.


  • Packaging;
  • Lack of bright taste.

"Slavic traditions" 350 g

Delicate traditional cottage cheese of the Belarusian manufacturer is intended for direct consumption, preparation of confectionery, culinary products, semi-finished products. 100 g of the product contains 18 g of proteins, 1.2 g of carbohydrates. The energy value of this cottage cheese is 75 kcal. The product contains skim milk and bacterial starter culture.Vacuum packaging ensures long-term storage of products. Cottage cheese can be consumed for 30 days. The cost of the product is 114 rubles.

"Slavic traditions" 350 g


  • Taste;
  • Cost;
  • Naturalness;
  • Smell;
  • No added vegetable fats;
  • Quality;
  • Softness;
  • Consistency;
  • Utility;
  • Safety.


  • Packaging;
  • Storage period;
  • A bit sour.

Minsk brand "Myagky" 400 g

This product is a complete source of micro and macro elements necessary for the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates in the human body. Such a product is suitable for those people who seek to follow the figure. There is no liquid in the package, but the curd product is not dry. The product is packed in foil. The shelf life is 20 days. The energy value of cottage cheese is 55 kcal. Proteins in the product are 13 g, and carbohydrates - 1 g. Fat content - 0%. This product contains:

  • Skimmed milk;
  • Ferment of fermented milk microorganisms.

The cost of the product is 78 rubles.

Minsk brand "Myagky" 400 g


  • Naturalness;
  • Cost;
  • Taste;
  • Aroma;
  • Consistency;
  • Softness;
  • Utility;
  • Quality;
  • Lack of dyes and flavors.


  • Liquid for baking;
  • Packaging;
  • Low in protein
  • Availability;
  • Shelf life.



Domestic soft cottage cheese is a fermented milk product obtained as a result of milk fermentation and subsequent removal of whey. This product contains standardized milk and sourdough. The product is made according to the traditional technology from natural ingredients, it has a rich curd taste with a slight acidity, a pronounced milky hue. The energy value of cottage cheese is 157 kcal. It contains proteins - 16 g, carbohydrates - 3 g. Shelf life - 12 days. It goes well with honey, sweet syrups, jam and sour cream. Suitable for filling pancakes, pastries, dumplings or cream for cakes. The cost of the product is 84 rubles.



  • Cost;
  • Taste;
  • Composition;
  • Suitable for cheesecakes;
  • Satiety;
  • Soft consistency.


  • Not

Buttermilk Curd 9%, 220 g

This product of the Russian manufacturer Unimilk OJSC meets the standards in terms of proven physical, chemical and microbiological indicators. It has a faint fermented milk smell and taste, a slightly sweet aftertaste, and a yellowish tinge. Does not contain vegetable fats. Curd helps to normalize the intestinal microflora, has a positive effect on the overall health and increases the body's defenses. It can be used as a stand-alone dish, as well as for making sauces, baked goods and desserts. It contains normalized milk, ferment of lactic acid cultures. The product is distinguished by the presence of fats - 9 g, proteins - 16 g, carbohydrates - 3 g. Shelf life - 30 days. Energy value is 157 kcal. The cottage cheese is packed in a plastic container, the dimensions of which are 10.2x4x15 cm. The cost of the product is 131 rubles.

Buttermilk Curd 9%, 220 g


  • Taste;
  • Lack of preservatives, starch;
  • The optimal amount of protein and fat;
  • No vegetable fats;
  • Consistency;
  • Smell;
  • Nutritional value.


  • Cost;
  • Packaging;
  • The shelf life is too long.

Cream Nuvo Curd 5%, 200 g

Belarusian products are in great demand among the population of the Russian Federation. This fermented milk product turns breakfast, snack or light dinner into a special pleasure. It is ideal for making cheese cakes, dumplings, casseroles and other dishes. It contains normalized, pasteurized milk, bacterial starter culture of mesophilic cultures, milk-clotting enzyme preparation of microbial origin. Energy value is 111 kcal. Proteins in curd products - 15 g, fats - 5 g, carbohydrates - 1.5 g. The cost of the product is 88 rubles.

Cream Nuvo Curd 5%, 200 g


  • Taste;
  • Natural composition;
  • Packaging;
  • Creamy consistency;
  • Texture;
  • optimal fat content;
  • Cost.


  • Shelf life;
  • Availability;
  • Sourness is present.


"Village life" Plast curd 20%, 350 g

The products of the Russian manufacturer Novogurosky Dairy Plant LLC are very popular among consumers of all ages. Cottage cheese is made from whole cow's milk using sourdough culture. When it is fermented in baths, it is not stirred, as usual, but taken out in a large layer. The serum is not wrung out, but drips off by gravity. After that, the products are cut into pieces and placed in a container. Such a product is rare in stores, but it can be purchased online. Due to the use of whole milk, the fat content of these curd products can fluctuate. The shelf life is 7 days. Energy value is 121 kcal. Proteins in cottage cheese - 16 g, fats - 5 g, carbohydrates - 3 g. The cost of the product is 152 rubles.

"Village life" Plast curd 20%, 350 g


  • Naturalness;
  • Safe composition;
  • Storage period;
  • Utility;
  • Taste;
  • Smell;
  • Consistency.


  • Not

Blagoda "Traditional" 18%, 200 g

This pressed cottage cheese from a Russian manufacturer is a fermented milk product with a fat content of 18%. The energy value of the product is 216 kcal. It contains proteins - 12 g, carbohydrates - 1.5 g. The shelf life of such products is 14 days. It contains whole and skim milk, sourdough. Pleasant non-acidic taste and uniform consistency are the advantages of these products. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium and protein. Packaging is a parchment hermetically sealed in a bag. This product is suitable for the preparation of cheese cakes, casseroles, dumplings, pancakes and cheesecakes. The cost of the product is 104 rubles.

Blagoda "Traditional" 18%, 200 g


  • Quality;
  • Composition;
  • Taste;
  • Contains no preservatives or vegetable fats;
  • The consistency is homogeneous;
  • Softness.


  • Not suitable for obese people.

"Vireneya" Cottage cheese selected from goat milk 20% 180 g

The products of this company are very popular among people who value the naturalness and safety of the food they eat. It consists of whole goat milk, lactococcus starter culture, thermophilic lactic acid streptococci. The energy value of curd products is 240 kcal. There are 12 g of proteins in it, 20 g of fats, 2.8 g of carbohydrates. The container for such a fermented milk product is a plastic cup. The cost of the product is 192 rubles.

"Vireneya" Cottage cheese selected from goat milk 20% 180 g


  • Naturalness;
  • Taste;
  • Nutritional value;
  • Qualitative composition;
  • Lack of preservatives;
  • Smell;
  • Utility;
  • Uniformity.


  • Cost.

Having considered the products of the most popular manufacturers, having familiarized yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of each brand, it will be easy to make a choice. If you have experience of using cottage cheese from different manufacturers, you know how to choose a quality product and which company is better to buy, share your opinion in the comments.


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