No modern home can be imagined without electrical equipment. It surrounds a person everywhere and is in any room. Therefore, it is important to think about technical safety. Some people buy special difavtomats, while others prefer residual current devices.
An unambiguous answer to the question: "which is better?" no, for each situation it is necessary to select the appropriate device. And to make it easier to do, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best manufacturers of residual current devices (RCDs) for 2024.
Rating of the best RCD manufacturers
ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex)
The best company that supplies only quality products to the market. The products are distinguished by affordable cost and trouble-free operation for a long period. The company has been operating for over 120 years and during this time has experienced ups and downs. Today, it is a digital leader with hundreds of different devices that can help you simplify your daily routine or make your home safer. ABB does business in over 100 countries and employs over 140,000 people.
The company has its enterprises not only abroad, but also in Russia. There are 7 factories and 12 service centers in Russia. All sites are located in large areas. The staff employs 11,000 people. Production is carried out in accordance with world standards, which allows us to obtain quality products. Sales offices are located in 28 regions of the country, so almost every user can get a reliable product without waiting for a long delivery.
The RCD is also produced by this company, the most famous model is ABB 30mA AC FH202 type, which will impress the buyer with good technical characteristics and trouble-free operation. The body is made of durable material that can withstand over 15,000 cycles.
Sells at a price of RUR 1,900, making it an affordable solution for every user.
- 130 years of experience in the global market;
- Available products;
- The minimum percentage of rejects;
- Best quality;
- Responsive staff who will help you choose the best product;
- Safety;
- Leading manufacturer.
- Not found.
A brand that is primarily focused on the sale of goods in Russian stores. Hundreds of reliable equipment is produced under this brand, which is suitable for work in large and small enterprises.
The main distinguishing feature of products produced under this brand is low cost, which makes them an affordable solution for every user. Despite the minimum price, the manufacturer took care of the quality, so all factories where the production takes place operate in accordance with ISO9001, ISO14001, OHSMS18001.
The first equipment by this brand was released in 2007. At that time, the company set the bar for quality and keeps it to this day. Each released device will not go to store shelves if it does not meet all safety requirements. Therefore, the equipment is constantly undergoing independent technical tests in various centers located in Europe.Thanks to this solution, the return rate has decreased significantly, and the level of user confidence has increased. There are two largest warehouses in Russia, one located in Moscow and the other in Yekaterinburg.
A popular product of this brand is DEKraft 30mA type AC 6kA with 2 poles. The product has positively established itself on the Russian market and is trusted by thousands of citizens. The leakage current is 30 mA, however there are modifications where this value reaches 300 mA. Therefore, a person can easily choose an RCD for a spacious country house or a standard apartment.
The average cost is 890 rubles for 30 mA, 1,330 rubles. for 300 mA.
- Reliability;
- Low cost;
- Efficiency;
- Fast shipping;
- Long warranty;
- Safety.
- Not found.
The company was founded in a small town in 1905. The first product was a toggle switch. Production was carried out in two small hangars, but despite this, a couple of years after the opening, the range was replenished several times. In 1964 the plant received the name GIRA, which over time became associated with the guarantor of quality and reliability. However, this is not the only merit of production, the second important thing is the constant development and the proposal of new and unique ideas that simplify everyday affairs.
In addition, the company is distinguished by the best marketers who are always one step ahead of the competition. This allows us to produce quality goods at a time when the demand for it is just beginning to gain momentum.
Thanks to this policy, the company retained its leading position in the European market for wiring equipment. The company also has hundreds of different awards and won dozens of competitions. The main advantage of each product is its versatility and ease of installation.
A popular product is the RCD 30 mA machine Anthracite Gira. This is a unique invention, which is notable for its small size, unique appearance, and high-quality element base. The safety and reliability of the buyer is guaranteed. The leakage current is 30 mA.
The average cost of a product is 19,000 rubles.
- World leader;
- Best quality;
- Ease of installation;
- Interchangeability;
- Unique design.
- High price of goods.
Schneider Electric
One of the best companies that produces almost all electrical essentials: from dimmers and sockets, to differential circuit breakers and RCDs. Due to the observance of all European standards, a person receives a quality product, while at an average price, which is a positive moment and allows you to capture most of the market. Each product has passed all tests in international laboratories, so the buyer does not have to worry about the safety of the product.
The advantage of this company is the presence of six own enterprises on the territory of the Russian Federation, which makes it possible to produce over 60% of goods in Russia, and then sell them practically at cost. This is what distinguishes the company from most competitive firms, which, first of all, think about profit, and reliability is in last place. And to keep production from stopping, foreign investors have invested over $ 1 billion in the development of domestic production lines.
A well-known residual current device from this company is Schneider Electric 30mA type AC VD63. This RCD is distinguished by its quality and durability. The board is located behind a durable plastic case, which is made in an unusual shape and will look great in any interior.
Sold at a price of 1,860 rubles.
- Low cost;
- Good quality goods;
- Top manufacturer;
- Long-term reliability.
- Not found.
A German company that was one of the first to work on ensuring the protection of people and electrical equipment. The first thing that the company released was a special Schuko socket.However, this is not the only invention that has changed the concept of security. The assortment often includes a variety of low-voltage equipment that are designed for home use or for solving complex production problems. The organization never stops and always tries to introduce the latest developments in a wide variety of areas to improve safety.
Each product is built for quality and durability. The outer shells are made of PVC, thermoplastic or similar material. This makes it possible to operate products in various fields of activity and even in the open air. In addition, some products are IP68 rated, which makes them resistant to any wet environment and can be used underwater. Wear resistance, resistance to mechanical stress, reliability - these positive qualities are found in every equipment of the organization.
The popular product of the company is ABL RCD 2P 25 A 300 mA, type A FIP22.30 RP2230. The device is produced in a classic form and operates with voltages up to 220 V, while the leakage current is 30 mA. The housing is made of durable materials that are highly resistant to sunlight and extreme stress. This sets ABL apart from most manufacturers.
Sold at a price of 3 800 rubles.
- Premium quality;
- The durability of the equipment;
- Popular firm;
- Efficiency;
- The optimum ratio of price and quality.
- Not found.
Top 4 best Russian manufacturers
One of the most famous Russian brands, whose products are found in all stores in the country. The organization offers the best equipment at an affordable price. Most of the products are manufactured at domestic enterprises in compliance with the international quality standard.
The firm is popular not only in Russia, but also in a number of CIS countries. In 2014 and 2016, she won first place in the rating of popular confidence. This event made it possible to make import substitution real and of high quality.
To date, the catalog of companies contains over ten thousand names. Recently, the organization has begun to pave the way towards television communications and electric motors. This decision made it possible to significantly increase the income and turnover of enterprises.
In addition, the company understands the requirements of the Russian market and what customers expect from it. Knowing these two factors allows you to create a unique product that will be distinguished by durability and trouble-free operation.
IEK 10mA type AC VD1-63 is one of the most popular RCDs for home and summer cottages. The device is equipped with all the necessary functions to ensure reliable operation. The housing is made of plastic that meets fire safety standards, which will minimize the risk of fire in case of a short circuit.
Sold at a price of 1,120 rubles.
- The organization produces only quality products;
- Low price;
- Long service life;
- Long warranty;
- Good build quality.
- Not found.
A well-known Russian brand that will impress the buyer with quality and reliability. The firm offers customers thousands of different products at an affordable price. If a person wants to secure his home, then the products of this organization will help to do this easily and at a minimal cost.
High-quality materials used in the manufacture of the board and the case increase the performance of the device. The equipment produced by EKF is used not only to equip home lines, but it has also found active use in world manufacturing enterprises. This has a positive effect on quality and also increases the confidence of ordinary customers.
The company has been working on the Russian market for 18 years and during this period has gained enough experience, which showed that the high cost does not say anything about the quality of the product.The main thing is to make equipment with the expectation of a long service life and not forget about safety, then customers will return again.
In addition, on the positive side, the company tries to invest frequently in support of Russian business, including its own. As a result, most companies try to cooperate with EKF.
The popular product of this organization is EKF PROXIMA VD-100 UZO 2P 40A / 30MA. The product is distinguished by good technical performance, reliability and efficiency. The degree of protection is IP20. The case is made of plastic, which does not emit a strong odor upon first opening and does not have any backlashes or cracks.
The average price is 890 rubles.
- Efficiency;
- Reliability;
- High-quality assembly;
- Long service life;
- The warranty is 5 years.
- Not found.
A quality Russian brand that was created by the national electrical company. Today the brand is associated with the best quality and reliability. The goods are supplied to every region of the Russian Federation and are in great demand. The company produces thousands of different equipment that is used to ensure the comfort and safety of each user.
The production of products is carried out in Chinese factories, but this does not affect the quality of the goods. Everything is performed at the best level, which allows you to maintain the set bar for a long period. The assortment includes over 12,000 different products that will suit any home or business.
TDM VD1-63 2P 25A 30mA type A is the best residual current device that guarantees a person safety and durability of work. No fire or leakage of electric current will affect the performance of equipment or human life. Protection degree - IP20.
Sold at a price of 920 rubles.
- Products are made from quality materials;
- Durability;
- Low cost;
- Protects well.
- Not found.
This brand is familiar to every user. The popularity of this company is widespread on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. In addition, the company has a couple of contracts with the Ministry of Defense, and it also produces some goods for automotive technology. From fittings for self-supporting insulated wire to small bulbs, each element is produced under this brand. Thanks to this, ERA often takes first places in competitions and enjoys the confidence of buyers.
ERA Pro NO-902-25 VD1-63 30mA is a popular product of the company, which is distinguished by its reliability and build quality. Prevents a short circuit without any problems and disconnects all devices from the power circuit. For a small cost, a person receives not an ordinary product, but a guarantor of safety and durability.
The average price is 550 rubles.
- Efficiency;
- Reliability;
- Ease of installation;
- Low price.
- Not found.
An RCD is an essential system that must be installed in many modern homes. After all, thanks to him, a person will no longer worry about the safety of electrical appliances. If you have experience of cooperation with organizations described in the rating, or know more reliable manufacturers, tell us about it in the comments.