The best vermicelli producers for 2024


Pasta is easy to cook and inexpensive, which is why it is very popular with consumers. Pasta can be made from wheat, corn, rice, and even chocolate. The editors of "" figured out what useful properties the vermicelli has, what type of folds will appear on the sides, and which will not bring extra pounds. We present to your attention an overview of the best vermicelli producers for 2024.

History of creation

The invention of vermicelli belongs to the Italians, they began to cook it back in those distant times, when flour was invented. Translated from Italian, "vermicelli" means worms.

The first method of making vermicelli was very simple: on the basis of water and flour, the dough was kneaded, rolled out, cut into thin sticks and dried in the sun. Such a budget and hearty side dish was very popular with Italians. It is interesting that in different cities the dish was called differently: orati, minuteelli, fermentini, pancardelle. The modern name was fixed only in the XIV century. Russian consumers learned about vermicelli only at the end of the 19th century, thanks to artists and travelers who visited Italy.

Vermicelli is similar to spaghetti, but more miniature: thin, short. In its manufacture, use wheat flour, water, eggs or egg powder. The addition of natural dyes is acceptable: carrots, spinach or tomato. There are 3 common types: common, amateur and cobweb, the differences are length and thickness.

What determines the quality of vermicelli

Which pasta company to choose, what varieties are there, how to determine the best ones?

The quality of pasta directly depends on the characteristics of the flour from which it is made. Products with a good reputation are made from flour of grades A and B. Products from flour of the highest grades are classified as pasta made from solid types of flour. Vermicelli of the highest class should be of a solid color with a yellowish tint.

It should not contain any inclusions and pieces of bran. The structure should be even and smooth, without chips or dark spots. A slight roughness is acceptable, in a fracture the appearance should be glassy, ​​all sticks should be the same size. The taste and color are pleasant, without acid or bitterness, the material from which the raw materials are produced must meet the quality requirements established in Russia.

The condition of the vermicelli after cooking is of particular importance. Manufacturers who are confident in the quality of the goods must indicate the exact cooking time in the description (8-15 minutes). If the packaging says: "cook until tender", you can doubt the quality.

The water in which the pasta was cooked must be clear. If a mistake was made in the selection, the water after boiling will become cloudy. This will indicate that the pasta is not of the highest quality and all the nutrients have been washed out.The noodles should be elastic, soft, without lumps, and not sticky.

The benefits of pasta

According to modern nutritionists, high-quality pasta does not contribute to weight gain, since it does not contain fat. You can get better because of the sauces and sausages with which this dish is used. Crystalline starch is present in the composition of durum wheat vermicelli. This species does not break down during cooking and retains valuable protein compounds in the body. Carbohydrates, which are about 70% in the composition, are slowly absorbed and give a long feeling of fullness. If you eat meals, keeping within the calories in the daily diet, there will be more benefits than harm.

Beneficial features

Item nameBenefit
Cellulosestimulates intestinal motility, prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamin Enatural antioxidant, increases vascular elasticity.
Amino acidspromote the assimilation of trace elements and vitamins found in food.
B vitaminshave a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system, contribute to an increase in resistance to stress.
Tryptophanimproves mood and promotes healthy, restorative sleep.
Vitamins E, PP, iron, phosphorus and manganesehelp fight migraines, heart disease and bad cholesterol.

The harm of vermicelli

The product is rich in carbohydrates, which should not be more than 60% in the daily diet of an adult. Nutritionists give advice to eat the dish in the morning, as this pasta is considered difficult for the digestive system. For people inclined to be overweight, it is better to eat the dish without fatty gravies, sauces and oils, ideally with low-calorie stewed vegetables, then the disadvantages will be minimized.


If carbohydrates are supplied in excess, insulin will increase, the imbalance of which leads to obesity.

  • Spider web is contraindicated for people suffering from pancreatitis, since dishes from the solid category of flour put a load on the pancreas and provoke the secretion of bile.
  • Due to the fiber content, people with intestinal problems may experience unpleasant sensations, flatulence, and stool disorders. In exceptional cases, people with gastrointestinal problems and pancreatitis can use vermicelli, but it is better to digest it in order to remove excess starch.

Calorie content of vermicelli

The calorie content depends on the type of wheat from which the raw materials are made. In dry form, the energy value is 350 kcal per 100 grams of product (the exact calorie content, you need to look at the package, it may vary). There are colored varieties of vermicelli with the addition of tomatoes, spinach, carrots and even lentils, in such cases the calorie content will increase.

In a boiled form, the calorie content of Russian-made vermicelli decreases and is approximately equal to 120 kcal per 100 grams. It should be borne in mind that pasta is rarely consumed in its pure form. The addition of cheese, meat gravies, and other sauces significantly increases the calorie content. Weight watchers need to control the use of vermicelli.

Calorie content of vermicelli per 100 grams:

Content per serving% of the norm
Calories 344 kcal21.95%
Proteins 10.4 g11.06%
Fat 1.1 g1.59%
Carbohydrates 71.5 g0.5

How to cook vermicelli

The classic way


  • vermicelli 100 grams;
  • water 1 liter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil.

Cooking method:

Add salt to the water and bring to a boil. Add main product and oil, mix. As soon as it boils, reduce heat. Cooking time depends on the thickness of the product. The thinner the vermicelli, the less it cooks, generally 12-15 minutes. It is ideal to cook according to the times indicated on the package. The finished vermicelli will be soft on the outside and slightly hard on the inside. Drain the water over time, but not completely. It is important to leave some liquid so that the noodles are not fresh and dry. Cooked noodles are served with various sauces, gravies, grated cheese or feta cheese.


Do not rinse pasta, useful components are washed off with water, which affects the taste.

Dairy vermicelli


  • 2 tablespoons of vermicelli;
  • 200 grams of milk;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 10-15 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, bring to a boil. Add noodles and sugar, salt. Stir, cook over medium heat for 4-5 minutes. Pour the finished vermicelli into a plate, add oil.

Fried vermicelli


      • vermicelli 150 grams;
      • vegetable oil 40 grams;
      • water 300 ml;
      • salt to taste.
      Cooking method:

Add oil to the pan, fry the noodles until golden brown. Add water, stir, add salt, cover and simmer over medium heat. When the water has evaporated, turn off the heat. Vermicelli is served not only as a side dish, salads, casseroles, soups, lasagna are made from it.

How to choose which variety is better to buy?

  • Shelf life

The classic composition of vermicelli is flour and water, but some manufacturers add eggs or egg powder. This product is not suitable for lean meals, and the shelf life is reduced from 24 months to 12.

  • Variety

To buy a quality product, choose a well-known brand. Consider the packaging, check out the composition. Sometimes manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of production, mix different classes of flour, indicating only that it is made from durum wheat. Choose raw flour type A or B.

  • Colour

A quality product should not be gray. High-quality pasta is slightly transparent in appearance, the color varies from golden to light yellow, without inclusions in the form of white dots, the structure should be uniform and smooth. In the cut, the color of the vermicelli should not be white - this is a sign that the company producing the product did not make it according to GOST. Ignoring the even distribution of heat, I dried the raw materials at a high temperature.

  • Protein content

When reading the label, you need to pay attention to the amount of protein. According to Roskontrol data, in high-quality durum wheat products, the protein composition will be from 12 to 15 grams per 100 grams. As part of vermicelli with the addition of baking flour, the protein will be no more than 10 grams. The higher the protein content, the greater the benefit.

How much does a quality product cost?

If the packaging is cheap, the pasta is most likely made from mixed types of flour. According to buyers, in order to enjoy real pasta, it is better to choose manufacturers of the premium segment. Such pasta will not stick together after cooking, will be smooth and even, without lumps.

Rating of quality vermicelli producers

Whole-grain wheat vermicelli Divinka

It is made from wallpaper flour using a special technology - without drying using microwave waves, without adding dyes and flavor enhancers.

Whole-grain wheat vermicelli Divinka


  • high content of dietary fiber;
  • contains a large number of micro- and macroelements, minerals;
  • rich in vitamins;
  • recommended for intestinal dysbiosis;
  • allowed for diabetics.


  • Not always on sale.

The price of 350 packs of 350 grams is from 52 to 75 rubles.

Vermicelli Gallina Blanca

Prepared exclusively from durum wheat. The composition contains no dyes and GMOs. Stored for 24 months, convenient packaging with a wide bottom and a lock-valve, allowing you to repeatedly open and close the started pack.

Vermicelli Gallina Blanca


  • the elastic shape is preserved;
  • do not boil over;
  • ideal for Al dente dishes;
  • convenient package for storage.


  • Due to the high fiber content, it is not recommended for people with stomach diseases.

The average price for a 450 g package is 55 rubles, depending on the supplier.

Vasteco spelled vermicelli

Made from a special type of wheat - spelled, which, thanks to its hard shell, is resistant to nitrate absorption.

Vasteco spelled vermicelli


  • low gluten levels;
  • improves digestion;
  • a large amount of dietary fiber;
  • gives long-term saturation;
  • shelf life 24 months.


  • high price.

Cost (400 g) - 118 rubles.

Vermicelli WHEYMichelle Fito Forma

A quality low-carb product with added protein, no empty calories and no starch. Ideal for weight watchers.

Vermicelli WHEYMichelle Fito Forma


  • minimum carbohydrate content;
  • as part of 57.2 g of protein per 100 grams;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • dietary fiber, swelling in the stomach, suppresses appetite.


  • small all packages - 160 grams;
  • high price.

Price (160 g) - 250-290 rubles.

Vermicelli spider web Macfa

Products are manufactured in the Chelyabinsk region. Reviews of Russian buyers about this type of pasta are mostly positive. The dish is ready in 8 minutes, no lumps are formed.

Vermicelli spider web Macfa


  • as part of class A flour;
  • do not swell when finished;
  • good reputation.


  • some buyers are confused by the high price.

Cost (450 g) - from 60 rubles.

Vermicelli Rollton

The popularity of products in Russia has been won due to the quality-price ratio. The company often wins competitions related to production technology. The ease of preparation of dishes from this company attracts new customers every day.

Vermicelli Rollton


  • sold almost everywhere;
  • prepared from durum wheat;
  • affordable price.


  • it contains a small amount of egg powder, which makes it impossible for people who are fasting to eat the dish.

The cost of a package weighing 400 g - from 55 rubles.

Rice Vermicelli Bun Kho

Overseas product. Produced in Vietnam using Japanese technology from rice raw materials. It is widely used in salads, soups and side dishes.

Rice Vermicelli Bun Kho


  • diversifies daily food;
  • suitable for fasting.


  • high price;
  • not always on sale;
  • better consumed hot.

Packing price of 500 grams - from 155 rubles.

Shchebekinskie vermicelli light

A domestic company located in Tula produces vermicelli from durum wheat flour. The company has practically no competitors, customers appreciate popular models of pasta for democratic prices and quality. These advantages ensure good product demand.

Shchebekinskie vermicelli light


  • affordable price;
  • prepare quickly - 5 minutes;
  • as part of class A flour;
  • available in many cities of the Russian Federation;
  • shelf life is 24 months.


  • protein content - 13 grams (good, but not the highest).

The cost of a 450 g package is from 49 rubles.

Ameria Vermicelli No. 96

Ameria's spider web is made of high-class wheat flour, type M55-23, does not contain eggs.

Ameria Vermicelli No. 96


  • inexpensive cost price;
  • sold in many stores;
  • can be used in fasting.


  • made from grade B flour;
  • loses its elasticity during cooking.

The price for a package of 400 grams is 26 rubles.

Endaxi Vermicelli

Made according to a classic recipe from durum flour. There are no eggs in the composition, suitable for vegetarians and diabetics.

Endaxi Vermicelli


  • functional cardboard packaging;
  • does not lose its appearance during cooking;
  • does not stick together;
  • good shelf life - 24 months;
  • inexpensive for the price.


  • not available in all stores.

The price for a package of 500 grams is 66 rubles.

Vermicelli Barilla (owl)

Made from fine threads, they are ideal for making soups. The popularity of the models of the Italian company vermicelli is due to the ratio of quality and price.

Vermicelli Barilla (owl)


  • classic composition: water and flour;
  • prepare quickly;
  • shelf life - 36 months;
  • convenient cardboard box for storage.


  • not everyone can afford it.

Package price of 500 grams - from 89 rubles.

Correctly selected pasta will not only not harm the figure, but also benefit the body. When choosing vermicelli, be guided by the price; a quality product cannot be too cheap. If in doubt, you can conduct an experiment, cook pasta for 20 rubles and 150 rubles, the difference in taste and quality will be obvious. The editorial staff of "" gave recommendations for choosing a product, published the most popular brands, focusing on product quality and consumer reviews, do you agree with our rating?

And which vermicelli do you like, which manufacturer deserves attention, what selection criteria do you adhere to?


  1. Tatyana

    I buy products from Makfa and Shebekinsky home. It is very tasty and does not really hit the consumer's pocket.


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