🧯 The best fire-fighting cloths (felt) for 2024


In some cases, a special material is used to extinguish initial fires, which shows high resistance to fire. They began to use fire-fighting cloth even before sand and earth. When Rome was just being built, people already knew about a protective screen that would prevent the spread of fire, so the effectiveness of this product has been proven for centuries.

The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you a rating of the best fire-fighting cloths for 2024.


Today, the mat is in production facilities, summer cottages and apartments. If there is a danger of fire, then it is immediately used. The canvas copes well with primary ignition and makes it possible to quickly extinguish the fire. The product instantly blocks access to oxygen, which stops the ignition.

Even if it is not a specific area that catches fire, but human clothing, the product will still cope with the main task and prevent the spread of the flames in seconds. The main point is to leave the victim's head open so that he can breathe. Koshma makes it possible to prevent the spread of fire in offices, dachas, research laboratories, at a military base, in the forest, etc. Moreover, the product will not take up much space in the luggage.

Where is it used most often

Koshma (fire blanket) is a safe and high-quality material that will protect a person from fire. When buying this product, the main thing is to make sure that the product is certified according to fire regulations.

Then the person will buy a reliable product that will stop the spread of the fire and not ignite itself.

However, it is important to understand that this material is not recommended for use in extinguishing large fires. The canvas plays a significant role in the elimination of small fires. In total, there are 5 classes of ignition, it is necessary to choose a canvas in accordance with them:

  • Class A - it includes the ignition of solid elements;
  • Class B - ignition of flammable liquids;
  • Class C - combustion of gas particles;
  • Class D - melting of metal products;
  • Class E - fire of electrical installations that are under high voltage impact;
  • Class F - combustion of radioactive substances or nuclear elements.

It is important to understand that the canvas is not a disposable product; if it is successfully disposed of, it can be reused, while it will not lose its positive characteristics. The product has a small size and light weight, which makes it easy to transport it. Sale is carried out in special bags.

What does it consist of

Thanks to new technologies, scientists have managed to improve this material. Now in the manufacture of special elements are used, and not sheep skin, as it was before. Fireproof fabrics are made from basalt fabrics, which are many times superior to their predecessors; asbestos, fiberglass, etc. are also used. materials.

This product does not have GOST, since the manufacturer manufactures the product according to its own specifications.However, in order to obtain permission for production, it is first important to agree on these technical specifications and obtain certificates of fire safety. Without this certificate, the canvas will be an ordinary piece of fabric, which is useful for insulating a gate or garden bed.


To find out the requirements that are put forward for a fire-fighting cloth, it is enough to open the "Rules of fire-prevention regime in the Russian Federation", there, in paragraph 485, there are storage conditions, operating procedures, materials used, etc.

The minimum dimensions are 1x1 meter. However, there are exceptions, so for rooms where storage or operation of flammable and flammable liquids occurs, the recommended size is 2x1.5 m, less is prohibited by the rules. Also, this material is included in the fire shield, without fail.

The following product models exist:

  • PP 300. Product dimensions - 1.5x2 meters. This species is most commonly kept in office buildings and homes. The maximum temperature that it can withstand is 300 degrees. The weight of the product (including the supplied case) is 1.15 kg. Deployment speed for the average person is 5 seconds.
  • Fire-fighting product PP 600. Almost the same product that is suitable for office and suburban use. Most of the parameters and materials used in production are the same as the previous model. The only difference is that it can withstand temperatures up to 650 degrees, and the final weight is 1.45 kg.
  • PP 1000. This is a perfect product that is used in large enterprises. Despite the fact that the canvas has the same dimensions, it is able to withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees for 4 minutes or 1200 for 5 seconds, which is an excellent result.

The main difference between the two lies in the thickness of the fabric used to make the felt. This provides a high resistance to fire and affects the final weight of the product. The cheapest and, as a rule, less resistant material is fiberglass; this option is intended for home use and hiking, so that you can quickly put out the fire. A higher quality product is made from asbestos fabric. The technical characteristics of almost all products are different, because the manufacture is carried out according to our own technical developments.

What to look for when choosing

In order not to be mistaken in choosing a canvas, it is important to know a few simple rules. The first is where it will be used, since the type of product depends on this. The parameter is indicated in the certificate or technical passport. For home use, PP 300/600 models are suitable, for rooms where flammable liquids and materials are stored - PP 1000/1200.

The purchase of such a product is beneficial in that it requires a minimum of effort to operate, and it does not need to be recharged, water supply, etc. A person only needs to cover the fire site and that's it. Even if it is not used for a long period, the material will not lose its positive properties and will be able to cope with fire at any given time.

Material advantages:

Like any fire-fighting product, this product has a number of advantages:

  • Shows excellent resistance to high temperatures, up to 1200 degrees;
  • The materials used in the production are completely safe for the human body;
  • Technical parameters do not decrease, even when in an aggressive environment;
  • Does not conduct electric current;
  • Shows excellent impact on strong vibrations;
  • Long service life, while the positive properties remain at the initial level and do not change;
  • Doesn't need additional power supply, recharge, etc. In the event of an emergency, it is enough to remove the product from the packaging and it is ready for use. This saves time.

Key features and rules for the operation of a fire blanket

To use this material, no special knowledge is required, so even an unprepared person can cope with this task:

  • The first thing to do is to remove the product from the case and unfold it. This is done using special pens that stand out from the general background.
  • Cover the seat of ignition. Since the fabric does not allow air to pass through, the fire stops spreading, and the phlegmatizer, which impregnates the product, acts as an extinguishing agent.
  • The material remains on the object until the fire is completely extinguished.
  • In the event of a fire in an open area, it is important to spread the canvas from the side where the air flow comes from.
  • There are times when it is not possible to cover the hearth, then it is worth bringing it down.
  • After the successful completion of the extinguishing process, the fabric is inspected for integrity before packing.
  • If burned spots or damage, ruptures are found, then the product must be disposed of, repair and further operation is prohibited.

When using the product in large enterprises, it is important to inspect it at least once every 6 months. It is not allowed to use the canvas for purposes other than those specified in the instruction manual. The product is transported in a convenient way to any distance; this parameter has no restrictions.

The canvas is placed in an accessible place; it is best to install it on a fire shield or stand. When transporting a flammable liquid, the driver must have a felt mat. Even a person without special training can use the material. Therefore, they buy it for a summer residence and a country house.

Rating of the best models

Volikos PP300

An excellent agent designed to extinguish the initial fires. Suitable for use in office buildings and private houses. Handles fire on clothing or equipment without any problems. The maximum temperature is 300 degrees. Due to its light weight and standard dimensions, everyone can unfold the canvas. The composition contains high-quality substances, the fabric is dense and does not allow air to pass through.

The average cost is 320 rubles.

koshma Volikos PP300


  • Low price;
  • Qualitative composition;
  • Good performance;
  • Safety.


  • Not found.


The product has excellent fire-fighting characteristics and is intended for use in residential premises. Koshma has been certified by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is confirmed by the relevant documents. In addition, the material fully meets the European fire safety requirements.

Also, the canvas is used for public and commercial premises. Fits on the ceiling and can withstand up to 300 degrees. The material is made of polyvinyl chloride, does not emit toxic fumes and is completely safe for humans.

Sold at a price of 200 rubles



  • Efficiency;
  • Complies with European requirements;
  • Safety;
  • Does not melt or burn.


  • Not found.

StroyPozhNadzor PP 600

Excellent product sold individually wrapped. Prevents the spread of fire in household and industrial premises. It has a small weight - 1.5 kg, so every person can handle it. The size of the product is 2x1.5 m. Fiberglass was used for the manufacture. The maximum temperature that the fabric can withstand is 600 degrees.

The average cost is 800 rubles.

nightmare BuildPozhNadzor PP 600


  • Convenient transportation;
  • Quality material;
  • Sold individually packed;
  • Withstands high temperatures.


  • Not found.


Reliable asbestos cloth. It is used in many production areas. Prevents the spread of fire. The product is completely airtight. The material used in the manufacture is highly durable and does not emit toxic substances during combustion. After use, the product can be reused if, after visual inspection, no burnt spots were found.In addition, it can be purchased for thermal insulation, as it will provide an ideal microclimate throughout the room.

Sold at a price of 1,200 rubles.

nightmare PromResourceService


  • Quality material;
  • Safety;
  • Reliability;
  • Durability;
  • Does not emit toxic substances.


  • Not found.

SPN PP1000

A quality product that is suitable for use in large enterprises. Meets all requirements. The product is made of fiberglass, which is impregnated with a special element. The material is lightweight and has excellent density, which makes it possible to extinguish a fire in seconds. Storage is carried out in individual packaging. The advantage of this option is that it can be used at a temperature of 1000 degrees.

The average price is 2,700 rubles.

koshma SPN PP1000


  • Good strength indicators;
  • Reliable and safe material;
  • Low weight;
  • Convenient storage.


  • Not found.

PozhSnab PP1200

The product is intended for extinguishing fires of class - A, B, E. Meets all fire safety requirements. It is made of high-quality material that is highly resistant to fire (up to 1200 degrees), while being lightweight, which allows any adult to use it alone. It is sold in a special case, thanks to which transportation and storage is facilitated several times.

Produced in accordance with TU 4854-001-63453197-2009, which was agreed with the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation. This is confirmed by the documents that come with the kit. To control the external condition, it is necessary to lay the canvas on a matte table with bottom lighting. It is produced commercially, so you can buy it in different stores.

The average cost is 2,370 rubles.

koshma PozhSnab PP1200


  • High-quality manufacturing, according to TU;
  • Reliability;
  • Durability;
  • The packaging is a water-repellent cover;
  • Suitable for eliminating class A, B, E fires;
  • Low cost.


  • Not found.


An excellent option that is suitable for office use. In serious enterprises where flammable liquids are used, it is better to buy more dense models. Sale is carried out in a convenient bag that does not absorb moisture and protects the product from an aggressive environment. The dimensions are standard - 1.5x2 meters, while the weight is 1.4 kg.

To eliminate the fire of the initial stage, you just need to cover the fire with this cloth and do not raise it until the burning stops. The model has passed the certification of the Ministry of Emergencies. The product does not require special storage conditions; it is enough to put it in an accessible place and check it every six months.

The average cost is 831 rubles.

night mat PRESTIGE PP-600


  • High-quality performance;
  • Possesses all safety certificates;
  • Affordable cost;
  • Does not melt;
  • Safe for the body.


  • Not found.


A fire always comes unexpectedly, but this does not mean that it cannot be prevented. Having at hand the primary fire extinguishing means, a person can easily eliminate the source of fire. If you have experience in using the fire protection products described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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