💊The best antiviral drugs and their cheap counterparts


Antiviral drugs are a huge group of drugs. It includes powerful medicines for the treatment of viral infections of various origins, hepatitis, AIDS, homeopathic products, as well as remedies for the treatment of colds and flu. On the eve of the winter season, many are interested in them. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you an overview of the best antiviral drugs for 2024.

What to look for: do not consider this article as a guide to treatment, recommendations can only be made by a doctor, we are only summarizing information about the available options.

Clinical use of antiviral agents

Some antiviral drugs are specific for certain infections, such as medicines to fight the flu or herpes virus, others have a wide spectrum of action, effective against many viruses at the same time.

Regardless, all antiviral drugs work in the same way, blocking the vital phase of the virus' reproduction cycle, thereby preventing its development and spread.

It is important to note that viruses are not microorganisms endowed with autonomous life, but cellular parasites that use the survival mechanisms of the cell in which they are located for reproduction.

Viral infections are widespread. Some cause mild disturbances such as the common cold; others cause serious illnesses, such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In healthy people, that is, those whose immune systems are functioning normally, most viral infections go away spontaneously, without needing treatment. Common examples are the common cold and viral gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus. However, some infections hide in cells, causing long-term chronic infection that is dangerous to health. This applies to the hepatitis C virus and HIV infection.

The first rule of virus protection is prevention. Its most effective form is vaccination. But for some diseases, a vaccine has not yet been discovered.

Therefore, it is important to have useful medicines, antiviral drugs available, to counteract the progression of viral infections after they have developed in the body.

Viruses use different mechanisms to enter cells, duplicate their genetics, form new viral particles, and infect other cells. In addition, viruses develop measures to protect against attacks by the immune system against them.

All of these phases represent potential targets for targeted antiviral drugs.

For example, some influenza-specific drugs inhibit neuraminidase, a molecule on the surface of the influenza virus that releases new viral particles and infects other cells.Other drugs inhibit viral nucleic acid replication and are effective against infections of the herpes family, chickenpox, and herpes zoster. Ribavirin is an antiviral drug that can interfere with the synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) of viruses and is used in the treatment of hepatitis C in combination with a type of pegylated interferon. The latter is synthesized in the laboratory, but comes from a family of substances produced by the body, namely interferons. They are a natural protective material that is activated by the body when an infection occurs. The action of interferon against viruses is direct, interfering with viral synthesis in infected cells, and stimulating immunity. These characteristics of interferon have long been used in medicine.

However, finding new effective medicines for infections is critical. There are still no effective methods against many viruses. The big problem that scientists face is the ability of viruses to change, become resistant to drugs, and create an unbearable burden on the immune system. For this reason, ways to fight infections are constantly being studied and new antiviral drugs are being introduced.

The best antiviral drugs and their cheap counterparts

Antiviral drugs can be divided into the following types:

  • Vaccines;
  • Interferon products;
  • Immunostimulants;
  • Etiotropic or direct action.

Flu and Cold Vaccines

There are no vaccines against ARVI. Vaccines are available for most influenza viruses and are effective. For some groups of people, vaccination is advisable, for example, after 65 years, for children, pregnant women, people with respiratory diseases or diabetes. The procedure is recommended before the start of the autumn-winter season.

Interferon-based antiviral drugs

Interferon is a protein that attaches to cells and thus prevents viruses from becoming infected. Interferon is produced by the body as a natural protective measure. Some viruses are capable of blocking its work and entering cellular systems. Medicinal interferon, synthesized in the laboratory, helps to compensate for the lack of natural.

The advice of doctors comes down to the importance of early admission: in the first 48 hours from the onset of the disease.


Contains interferon alpha, fortified with ascorbic acid. Antiviral, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, immunostimulating effect.

Release form: rectal suppositories, ointment, gel. First for flu and colds, creamy textures are comfortable for cold sores. Also acts against hepatitis viruses, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, urogenital infections.

The dosage for children and adults differs significantly. Can be used from birth, carefully following the instructions.

An extensive list of contraindications: cannot be used for thyroid diseases, allergies, lactose intolerance, etc.

The cost varies depending on the dosage, form and manufacturer.



  • Broad spectrum of action against many viruses;
  • Suitable for newborns;
  • Various forms of release;
  • Side effects are few;
  • Positive feedback from mothers about candles, convenient for the smallest children.


  • Prescription drug.


A drug with interferon alpha, active in ARVI and influenza, immunostimulating, antiviral, anti-inflammatory.

What are the forms of release: bottles, nasal drops, ointment, spray. The spray is especially popular, although its cost is more expensive than others, about 300 rubles. The aerosol product can be carried with you to use outside the home: comfortable for a child, understandable for a teenager, convenient for an adult.

Contraindications for pregnant and lactating women, for other categories.

How to apply: nasally.



  • From various infections, broad action;
  • Medical and preventive agent;
  • Children's medicine, including for newborns;
  • Quick relief of symptoms without irritation.


  • Allergies are possible.


From flu and colds, viral eye diseases.

How to take: start at an early stage of the disease, inhalation or instillation in the eyes, nose, the duration of administration is individual.

For prophylaxis, they are used as soon as there is a threat of infection.

Average price: 80 rubles. This is a budget analogue of other drugs based on interferon, including the ones mentioned above, viferon, influenza.



  • Not only for treatment, but also for prevention;
  • Safe for health, no contraindications for pregnant women and newborns;
  • Inexpensive medicine.


  • Inconvenient powder form of release, the need to dilute with water.

Antiviral immunostimulating drugs

Stimulates immunity to the independent synthesis of natural interferon. Thus, they act indirectly, they do not attack viruses directly. But the impact is quite effective. Side effects and allergies are rare, this is their indisputable plus.

Patient reviews about immunomodulators are mostly positive, since these drugs allow you to quickly get rid of the flu and colds, return to normal daily life.

Modern medical recommendations call for avoiding regular stimulation of the immune system, not interfering with natural functioning often, otherwise, according to doctors, addiction occurs, the body ceases to independently defeat infection.


Antiviral immunostimulant. Helps the body produce interferon. Effective against flu and colds, herpes.

Extensive contraindications: not for pregnant women, lactating women, children under three years old.

The manufacturer recommends starting treatment no later than the fourth day after the onset of the infection. For prevention at any time.

The description for the drug contains a detailed dosage regimen, it is quite complicated, since it depends on the day of illness and age.

The average price is 200 rubles for 10 tablets of 12 mg.



  • Suitable for prevention;
  • Can be taken from 3 years old;
  • Non-toxic, non-accumulating in the body, non-addictive;
  • Combines with other drugs, including antibiotics;
  • Application does not depend on food intake;
  • Reviews of buyers and doctors are the best.


  • A pack of 10 tablets is not enough for the course, it is better to buy more at once;
  • Complex reception scheme;
  • Allergic reactions are possible.


Homeopathic medicine. This article does not address the problematic points of homeopathy. Those who are not her opponents boldly use the product of the famous Austrian brand Bittner. Reviews about him are positive: it quickly lowers the temperature, destroys viruses, relieves joint pain, activates the immune system.

It contains gentian, aconite, bryony, lactic acid, iron phosphate.

Release form: nose drops, spray, sublingual tablets.



  • Unique composition with herbal ingredients;
  • Suitable for newborns;
  • Can be taken by pregnant and lactating women (with the permission of a doctor);
  • Safe remedy, no contraindications.


  • Individual intolerance;
  • An expensive medicine.


Antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating medicine. Indicated for ARVI and influenza.

Tablet preparation of 60 or 90 mg. Which is the best to buy The dosage of 90 mg is more effective according to buyers. It is for adults only, but also suitable for a teenager. Average price: 450 rubles. 60 mg tablets are intended for use in children from 7 years of age. Cost: about 350 rubles.

The manufacturer does not indicate contraindications, for example, does not prohibit the use during pregnancy and lactation, however, indicates that the safety of the drug during these delicate periods has not been studied.



  • Immunity activator;
  • Safe remedy, no contraindications;
  • Convenient reception scheme: once a day.


  • A remedy with unproven effectiveness;
  • According to some buyers, it is highly publicized, its capabilities are exaggerated.

Direct-acting antiviral etiotropic drugs

Developed against specific influenza and SARS viruses. Hinder the penetration of viruses into cells and suppress their reproduction. According to doctors, it is more effective than others. The problem is that it is difficult to determine the type of virus in the early days, it takes time for a number of examinations.


Combined drug. Contains two different antiviral substances: etiotropic - remantadine and symptomatic - paracetamol.

Contraindications: pregnancy, children under 7 years of age.

Rimantadine appeared in circulation a long time ago, in the 60s of the last century, it is a pioneer among antiviral drugs for influenza. Opinions are divided among doctors: some believe that influenza viruses have long adapted to this medicine and it is no longer relevant. Others continue the practice of prescribing for its worthy pharmacological characteristics.

As usual, the pure substance, rimantadine, is cheaper. Its analogue remantidine contains auxiliary components, is more expensive, and with the addition of paracetamol it costs even more. Some of the additives are ballast, and some increase the effectiveness of the drug. Anvivir is the most balanced form, effective, easily absorbed by the body.



  • Double action mechanism;
  • Safe remedy;
  • Prolonged action;
  • High bioavailability.


  • An expensive medicine.


A remedy for the hepatitis virus, herpes, as well as for ARVI, in the form caused by the respiratory syncytial virus. The therapeutic effect is increased when combined with interferon.

How to take: as prescribed by a doctor, often in a hospital setting, taking into account individual indications, age, stage of the disease, form of release.

Contraindicated for children, heart disease, people with autoimmune disorders.



  • Affects a wide group of viruses;
  • An effective etiotropic antiviral drug.


  • There are many side effects, you cannot plan a pregnancy for six months after treatment;
  • Slowly excreted from the body.


Indications: treatment and prevention of influenza. It is not effective against ARVI.

Oseltamivir is an inexpensive antiviral agent. In Russia it is sold under the name Tamiflu or Nomides. The first one costs about 1000 rubles for 10 capsules, the second about 600 rubles. Oseltamivir is their budget counterpart.

Release form: capsules and powder.

There are side effects: headache, insomnia, cough, and many others.



  • Fast efficiency;
  • Can be used from the age of 1 year;
  • Acceptable price.


  • Prescribed only, prescription;
  • There are many side effects.

Symptomatic medicines for flu and colds

These drugs relieve the symptoms of colds, but they are not antivirals. These are anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, pain relievers. These include paracetamol, ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid. In addition, antihistamines and vasoconstrictor medicines. All of them are actively used, relieve the condition, but do not affect viruses in any way.

Budget analogues of antiviral drugs

What it is and when to use it. Cheap counterparts are understood to mean unbranded generic drugs that have the same active ingredients, dosages, methods and timing of administration as those sold under the famous brands. Another name for generics, the essence is not commercial drugs, without a logo, but with the same characteristics as drugs with names, registered and advertised. They are also called unbranded.

Buy them or abstain Some doctors tend to prescribe well-known drugs, they are inspired by the brand name, trust in the brand, the practice of use, if the drug has been tested by many patients.

However, it was widely believed that the only difference was the price.The benefit reaches 30%. Why does it arise

The reason is that drugs are only registered with the active ingredient (eg paracetamol) after the expiration of any patent for it. Patents are granted for tens of years. It's easier to come up with a new name than to wait. It is required to develop a formula and launch it on sale. The already known formula is cheaper. A few years after new generations of drugs appear on the market, the price drops significantly. And if the manufacturer finds a unique composition, a mixture of excipients that reduce side effects, then the costs cannot be low.

Thus, the difference in price, manufacturer, excipients. Obviously, the unbranded drug is beneficial for patients, especially the elderly or those with chronic conditions. It allows you to save on the purchase of medicines, does not jeopardize recovery, does not cause serious side effects.

However, if the doctor has prescribed a certain medicine and insists on its use, strictly follow the directions. The doctor evaluates not only the active substance, but also auxiliary ones. It is possible that generics are not compatible with other prescribed drugs or cause side effects specifically for your health condition, or there are other compelling reasons. Trust in medical experience.

Many generics are used to treat common viral seasonal illnesses. The article has already mentioned budget analogues of interferon and oseltamivir, an inexpensive ribavirin. Their list is much broader.

  • Arbidol - depending on the dosage, it reaches a cost of more than 1,000 rubles. per packing. Replaced by anaferon, aflubin, amizon. The average price of each is 200 rubles. Or afludol for 500 rubles will do.
  • Ingavirin - costs about 500 rubles. Possible substitutes: hyporamine - 150 rubles, oxolinic ointment - 50 rubles, anaferon - about 200 rubles.
  • Amiksin - costs more than 600 rubles. Cheap analogues: anaferon, remantadine. Each - about 200 rubles.

Interferon can replace all drugs based on it: influenza, viferon ...

  • Rebetol - costing more than 4 thousand rubles. for 140 capsules it is easily replaced with ribavirin, 120 capsules for 300 rubles.
  • Relenza - a remedy for influenza, injections from a French manufacturer for 900 rubles, are replaced with remantadine, 50 rubles. for 20 tablets.
  • Tamiflu and Teraflu are similar to Ribavirin worth 100 rubles. for 30 capsules.
  • Lazolvan and Ambrobene (for cough) at an average price of 250 rubles. for 100 ml compete with Ambroxol costing 63 rubles. for the same volume.
  • Sanorin and naftizin contain the same substance naphazoline. The difference for the same volume of 10 ml is exactly ten times. 149 r costs the first and 14 rubles. Russian drug.
  • Aspirin - made in Spain, costs 450 rubles. for 10 tablets, and Russian acetylsalicylic acid: 4-6 rubles. for the same amount ..
  • Zovirax costs about 200 rubles. for 5 g. The cost of Acyclovir is only 25 rubles. for 10 g. The effectiveness is the same.

Advantages of cheap analogs:

  • Low cost;
  • Equivalent healing effect;
  • No fakes.


  • Outdated technologies, recipes, equipment;
  • Sometimes a longer dose is required;
  • A less convenient form of release is possible.

The best immunostimulant - echinacea, the average price of a tincture is 100 rubles. for 50 ml. Replaces any immunostimulating medicine.

An immunostimulating antiviral drug, the cheapest of all immunostimulants, but this does not mean that it is less effective. On the contrary, the reviews are very good.

Properties: increases the body's defenses against uncomplicated infectious diseases, colds; stimulates immunity; provides prevention.

The main substance is echinacea extract. Manufacturers add vitamin complexes to it, rose hips, blueberries, raspberries, honey, propolis, and other components.

The amount, frequency and duration of administration depends on the dosage form. What are: syrup, tincture, mixture, tablets, capsules, brewing sachets.

There are contraindications: children's age, some manufacturers recommend taking from 4 years, others from 12.In addition, tuberculosis, autoimmune diseases, atherosclerosis, etc. are mentioned. There are people with special sensitivity to Compositae, to which Echinacea belongs.

During the period of taking Echinacea preparations, you should not use other immunostimulating drugs.

Echinacea syrup


  • Various forms of release;
  • There are enriched formulations;
  • Pronounced preventive result;
  • Budgetary prices.


  • Allergic reactions are not excluded.

Another cheap and versatile drug of its kind for the herpes virus is Acyclovir.

On the basis of the active substance acyclovir, other drugs are produced, at a cost they are higher, according to the results they are equivalent.

Acyclovir is quite aggressive, it has many contraindications, they should be carefully studied before taking it. Among them, pregnancy and lactation are mentioned.

Dosage forms: tablets, troches, capsules for oral administration and ointments for external use.

Quickly blocks the multiplication of the virus. The average duration of therapy is 5 days, the maximum is 10. The highest efficiency is shown if you start taking it with early symptoms.

Acyclovir tablets


  • Few side effects;
  • Fast-acting drug;
  • Non-addictive, high bioavailability;
  • In moderate doses, it is allowed from birth;
  • Inexpensive medication.


  • An extensive list of contraindications.


There is currently no ideal antiviral agent. The most common substance, interferon, has side effects that appear only after a few years. Therefore, doctors advise to be careful when treating children. The same opinion of specialists about immunomodulators. Etiotropic drugs are more effective than others, but they are not ideal either, because antiviral drugs are recommended to be taken from the very first days of the disease, but at the onset of the disease it is difficult to quickly determine the type of virus. In addition, viruses are easily modified, adapting to the drugs invented against them, and become resistant to them. Therefore, scientists are in constant search of cures for viral infections.

Everyone has experience using the antivirus tools described in the rating, share your opinion on their effectiveness in the comments.


  1. Viktorovich

    And in my opinion, the best and radical remedy for ARVI and influenza is MegaIBN. After its appearance, for 11 years I have not been sick with either one.

  2. Marina

    Interesting article. Usually we just take the medicines prescribed by the doctor, without even thinking about the composition and side reactions.
    At the beginning of autumn we fell ill with the whole family of ARVI. It was very scary for the youngest daughter, she is only 2 months old. The doctor prescribed Viferon suppositories 150,000, were treated with this remedy for 5 days, 2 times a day, morning and evening. It turned out to be an effective medicine. The runny nose, cough disappeared, the temperature did not rise anymore. The candles helped.
    And the eldest son and my husband and I were helped by Kagocel and a lot of warm drink.
    Although it's better not to get sick, of course!


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