If visible teeth defects spoil your mood and interfere with smiling broadly, then you need to contact an experienced specialist who will recommend to put on vestibular braces. Thanks to this system, the bite will improve and the teeth will "fall into place". Today, the technique is available to almost everyone. It is enough just to decide which braces will be to your liking. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you an overview of the best transparent vestibular braces for 2024.
- 1 Description of braces
- 2 What kind of braces are there?
- 3 Materials from which braces are made
- 4 Installation method
- 5 Duration of treatment with vestibular braces
- 6 Vestibular Braces Care
- 7 Contraindications
- 8 How much does the treatment cost?
- 9 Top manufacturers
- 10 Rating of quality transparent braces for 2024
- 11 Output
Description of braces
Braces are a system designed to get rid of the curvature of the teeth. The structure of the system consists of so-called locks, a metal arc and ligatures.
The principle of operation is as follows: if you constantly press on a crooked tooth in the right direction, then after a while it will move to the right place. The wire connecting the braces is passed through the lock and set in position. With the help of this arc, a squeezing movement is created on the organs. And gradually, after a while, the entire dentition is corrected.
He is engaged in restoration of bite and pulling out teeth using various methods, the doctor is an orthodontist.
What kind of braces are there?
There are many types of braces. Systems differ in the following parameters:
- installation method;
- the shape of the brackets;
- materials from which the braces are made.
According to the method of installing braces - systems can be of the following types:
- Vestibular is a technique in which braces are placed on the front wall of the teeth. A popular classic technique that is being improved thanks to the latest technologies and materials;
- Lingual - a method in which the locks are installed on the inner surface of the tooth, facing the tongue. Such brackets are not noticeable to the people around. Only the attending physician and the patient himself will know about them.
However, the vestibular method also has a significant advantage: the cost of treatment is half the cost of a lingual installation. In addition, the second type of braces greatly affects the correct pronunciation of speech.
By the type of fastening, mechanisms are:
- Ligature or classic - these are special ring-shaped connections installed in the bracket. The main arc passes through them, which controls the movement of the tooth in the desired direction. The ligature can be rubber or metal. The first option is presented in transparent or multi-colored form. Due to the rapid wear and tear, rubber ligatures have to be changed almost every month.
- Self-adjusting braces, in which there is a lock that secures the metal arch. The system is characterized by a quick healing effect and minimal pain from the wearing procedure.
To understand how to choose the best braces from this range, you need to get tested and get advice from your dentist.
Materials from which braces are made
Modern braces are made from a variety of materials, including:
- Metals: steel, titanium, nickel.
Metal braces are durable. The treatment procedure is notable for its affordability, since metal is the most inexpensive raw material. However, such braces do not have any special aesthetics, and they will be visible to people around.
Nowadays, transparent models of braces are gaining more and more popularity, which have a certain advantage over metal systems. They are practically invisible and look aesthetically pleasing.
Transparent brace models are made of materials such as:
- Plastic is the most invisible budget option. They are commonly used to correct dental imperfections in children. They are not particularly durable and tend to darken during operation;
- Ceramics, which is the optimal solution for not highlighting teeth "decorated" with braces. The color can be chosen as natural as possible according to the shade of the teeth. Handle such accessories delicately, as they can be accidentally damaged;
- Sapphire is an artificially grown metal that is durable and expensive. The characteristics of sapphire devices are durability and aesthetics.
In terms of beauty and invisibility, clear vestibular braces certainly benefit. They are produced from different materials, have a minimum of contraindications, quickly correct the bite, but are more expensive.
Installation method
Dental treatment with braces takes place in several stages:
- Diagnostics.
At this stage, the severity of the disease is determined. X-rays are taken and casts are taken. And also carry out the following actions:
- Eliminate caries;
- Replace old fillings with new ones;
- In the presence of periodontal disease, treatment is carried out;
- Eliminate inflammatory gum disease;
- They carry out professional cleaning of teeth from the stone with fluoride preparations or ultrasonic method.
- Installation.
- Before starting the treatment, a dilator is installed - a retainer, with which the dentist can freely access the teeth. The organs are prepared for the installation of braces: they are polished, covered with a special solution and dried;
- With the help of glue, the staples are attached to the front wall of the teeth (first to the upper jaw, then to the lower);
- Then the arch is fixed with ligatures or self-adjusting braces;
- During the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to control the arc tension force, check the integrity of the braces and replace the worn out elements.
The installation time for dental braces can take approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.
Duration of treatment with vestibular braces
The exact time of treatment with vestibular systems can be prescribed by an orthodontist. Usually this period lasts from 1.5 to 2 years. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the state of the oral cavity. If necessary, the staples and the arc are corrected.
The timing of treatment depends on the following factors:
- The age of the patient. The older the person, the longer the therapy can last. The reason for this phenomenon: slow growth of bone tissue and the cessation of bite formation;
- The severity of the defects;
- Type of bracket systems;
- The experience and literacy of the dentist.
In the first months of treatment, the patient gets used to changes in the oral cavity. The inner walls of the cheeks, gums and tongue can be chafed or damaged. Noticeable improvements come after 6 months. However, the treatment does not stop. 8 months after the start of the procedure, the moment of bite correction comes. For a reliable correction, after the braces are removed, the therapy is extended thanks to the retainer. This special device is designed to consolidate the result. The retainer is worn by adults for about 4 years. For a child, this stage passes much faster - in general, 2 years.
Vestibular Braces Care
Oral hygiene problems can arise while wearing dental appliances. There is a set of measures for the care and cleaning of teeth with braces:
- Cleansing.
Braces acting as a foreign body tend to retain food particles.This means that they become a source of bacteria development and unpleasant odors. Therefore, the cleansing procedure should take place at least 3 times a day.
The following accessories are suitable for cleaning:
- single-beam brushes of medium hardness;
- V - shaped brushes;
- brushes for cleaning the space between teeth;
- dental floss.
- Rinsing.
Regular rinsing will help keep you fresh throughout the day, remove food debris, strengthen your gums and relieve pain. The procedure can be performed using distilled water, any brand name fresheners, or medicinal tinctures.
- Proper nutrition.
In order to avoid displacement of the apparatus, tearing off, damage and possible deformation, it is necessary to limit the use of chips, crackers, nuts and seeds. It is best to exclude such food altogether.
In addition, sweets, marmalade, chewing gum, baked goods adhere to the mechanisms, which also leads to the peeling of the brackets from the teeth. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully select the menu.
Strongly colored food contributes to a change in the facial layer of the braces, until they are completely cloudy. In this connection, such braces will not look aesthetically pleasing.
- Checking the integrity of the structure.
A visit to the dentist is required once a month so that he can make a diagnosis of the integrity of the structure. At the slightest deformation, a specialist will make a correction and carry out additional cleaning of the bracket system and teeth.
Medical braces have incomparable benefits: bite correction, straightening individual teeth, aligning facial aesthetics, etc.
However, there are a number of contraindications in which these mechanisms will be harmful.
These include:
- Hypoplasia of tooth enamel;
- Caries;
- Multiple violations of teeth, fillings, crowns;
- Gum disease;
- Indigestion;
- Severe forms of disease;
- Allergy to materials used when installing mechanisms;
- Severe mental illness and nervous disorders.
And this is not the whole list of diseases in which the installation of devices is impossible. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to undergo a quality examination and get recommendations from the dentist. He will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of braces - systems and prescribe treatment. Only under such conditions, in the future, it is possible to exclude errors in the choice and the treatment will be successful.
In order to psychologically prepare for the installation of braces, you can read the reviews of previous patients regarding the methods and process of treatment.
How much does the treatment cost?
The cost of the best dental appliances depends on interconnected characteristics. These include:
- Dentist services;
- Preparatory stage of work;
- Accessories and spare parts of various functionality required for the installation of braces;
- Follow-up visit to the orthodontist to monitor and correct the system.
An overview of the cost of the treatment package is as follows:
- Installation of plastic devices will cost patients relatively inexpensively, about 75,000 rubles;
- To install sapphire movements on one jaw, you will have to pay about 100,000 - 150,000 rubles;
- The average price for the installation of ceramic mechanisms is 200,000 rubles.
According to dentists, the selection criteria largely depend on the prescription of the attending physician. In order to correctly understand which braces are better to buy, you should first visit the dentist, and then make an informed decision.
Top manufacturers
The best manufacturers of transparent vestibular braces:
- Smart;
- Ormco;
- Ortho Technology;
- 3M Unitek;
- ODP;
- American Orthodontics;
- Forestadent;
- HT Corporation;
- Pilot.
These companies produce the most reliable braces that are valued for their quality and aesthetics. The devices of these bracket systems have proven their effectiveness in treatment in a relatively short time. Which company is better to buy dental appliances is determined by the consumer himself, based on the recommendations of the dentist and feedback from previous patients.
Rating of quality transparent braces for 2024
Dental appliances made of ceramics look aesthetically pleasing and dignified.In terms of color, braces can be selected as close as possible to the shade of the teeth, which makes them almost invisible to others. Thanks to the smooth surface of the devices, the risk of damage in the oral cavity is reduced to zero.
- They have high aesthetic properties, thanks to which the braces on the teeth are practically invisible;
- Do not cause allergic reactions;
- Getting used to the system occurs almost immediately, without causing discomfort;
- Thanks to the smooth surface, injury to the gums and soft tissues of the oral cavity is excluded.
- Ceramics lend themselves to poor flexibility and are therefore not durable. You will need additional investment of time and money for orthodontist services;
- Due to the minimum strength of the systems, the duration of treatment is increased, on average by 3-6 months;
- Over time, the edges of the brackets begin to darken. This is due to the clogging of food particles in the spaces between the braces and the surface of the teeth. Therefore, the devices require timely cleaning by a specialist;
- The cost of straightening teeth with ceramic systems is much more expensive than treatment with metal braces. By about 30-50%.
Sapphire is the most expensive and at the same time a very good representative of transparent braces. Its cost is due to the manufacturing method. Raw materials are produced in a special laboratory by chemical means. All complementary accessories for sapphire brackets are also very expensive. Therefore, not many consumers can afford this type of braces. To reduce the cost of treatment, mixed types of systems are usually used: the front teeth are "decorated" with sapphire, and the back teeth are metal.
- Compared to ceramic systems, sapphire braces are durable and adhere well to dental tissues;
- The material does not cause allergic reactions;
- The patient quickly gets used to the sapphire mechanisms. At the same time, speech is practically not disturbed;
- The color of the devices is as close as possible to the color of the teeth.
- The technology of manufacturing devices and their component materials involves the use of expensive raw materials. Therefore, they are not available to every consumer;
- Not suitable for pregnant women in the 1st and 3rd trimesters;
- It is not recommended to install sapphire systems during acute respiratory diseases.
The most budgetary option for braces in comparison with sapphire and ceramic systems. This type is made of high quality plastic. The staples can be used for the treatment of children's bite, as well as for the adult contingent. Some plastic mechanisms are produced with a specific function: to decorate the teeth during treatment. The average price of plastic vestibular braces is significantly cheaper than competing models. Therefore, this option is available to almost every consumer.
- In orthopedics, this is an inexpensive option for transparent vestibular dental aids;
- There are colorful options that kids and teens will love;
- The color of the brackets can be chosen as close as possible to the shade of the teeth;
- Quick addictive.
- Quite often, accessories fail, so timely replacement of spare parts is required;
- According to buyers, braces change color over time and become less attractive. For the same reason, strongly colored foods should not be consumed;
- The terms of treatment can last for quite an indefinite time, due to abrasion of the plastic, incorrect movement, or peeling.
Correction of dental defects is a procedure that requires a lot of emotional costs, time, effort and money. But there should be no obstacles on the way to health. According to dentists, it is better for adults to use more reliable medical materials: ceramic or sapphire. The service life of such systems is longer, respectively, replacement of spare parts will not be such a waybill. For children, the best solution would be to install vestibular braces made of plastic material. The child can quickly get used to such mechanisms.And the cost of treatment will be much cheaper.
If you have experience in using transparent vestibular braces described in the rating, or a more interesting model, tell us about it in the comments.