The best homemade ice cream recipes for 2024


It is safe to say that ice cream is a favorite delicacy of children and adults. The questions asked, "Which is better to buy?" and "How much does a quality ice cream cost?" always remain the top priority when buying. The simple answer suggests itself, the best ice cream is homemade, which will cost you an affordable price!

The editors of the site "" have prepared for you an overview of the best homemade ice cream recipes for 2024.

Interesting moments

According to historians, ice cream appeared on the ancestral menu about 5 thousand years ago, in China. Chilled dessert was treated to Alexander the Great and the Roman Emperor Nero in Ancient Persia. To prepare it, one had to climb the mountain peaks for ice. Crushed ice was mixed with fruits and berries and eaten.

Everything was easier in Russia. Ice and snow are always in abundance, it was harvested for the summer in specially built glaciers. The prototype of the ice cream was frozen milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. They were ground and mixed with honey, jam and nuts. Basically, the idea of ​​production remains the same until now, but with the help of advanced technologies, the quality, benefits and product range have changed significantly.

Nowadays, ice cream is divided into types and types of production. For self-education, short information.

Popular types of ice cream

  • butter (milk, butter, sour cream);
  • fruit and berry (juice, puree);
  • soft (does not freeze);
  • homemade (individual preparation). The latest version of making a cold dessert at home is very interesting and affordable.

Where to begin?

To prepare a healthy treat for your family, you need to have a minimum of equipment. Ideally, of course, this is a blender, molds, a refrigerator. It is recommended to purchase a special apparatus for the production of dessert - a freezer or ice cream maker. This device consists of a container for product ingredients and a structure for mixing and whipping them. The small construction fits into any kitchen. The freezer's functionality is varied, it can be used as a tool for making ice, yogurt, cocktails. It is convenient to take with you to the village, to the dacha in the summer.

What are freezers. Tips and characteristics.

Devices are of two types: electrical, mechanical. For an ice cream maker, the main action is to constantly stir the food at a low temperature. Electrical appliances are subdivided into automatic machines and semiautomatic devices.

Disadvantages of semi-automatic machines:

  • low productivity (1 portion in 30 minutes);
  • freezing mode is not provided. Place the bowl in the freezer for a few hours before cooking.

But the upside is low budget costs and automatic mixing.

Compressor machines with a built-in cooling system, they completely fulfill all modes of preparation of a treat. The average price of such products is from 3,000 rubles.

The popularity of mechanical models is very low. You need to manually perform all the functions of obtaining a treat. First, you will have to cool the bowl in the freezer and maintain the desired temperature with ice and salt.

Which company is better to buy

The criteria for choosing an ice cream maker depend on several points:

  1. Product cost;
  2. Performance.

Popular automatic models of household appliances - Nemox Talent Gelato & Sorbet, De'Longhi ICK 5000, BRAND 3812 always lead the rating of quality products. But many are bothered by the high price.

Powerful compressor devices with high performance are recommended to be purchased for organizers of regular celebrations, public events, large families.

According to buyers, the best manufacturers producing inexpensive freezers are those whose functionality is not much different from elite brands. In other cases, it will be appropriate to purchase budget semi-automatic devices with a mixing function. It will be a little labor for the hostess to pre-cool the bowl by sending it to the freezer overnight. With the help of different models of machines, you can easily prepare ice cream and desserts from it.

The best budget ice cream makers for 2024

BrandSmile ICM 1155.Princess 282605.STEBA IC 20.PROFICOOK PC-ICM 1140
Price, rub1 160 -2 5003 000 -5 0003 500 - 4 0004 900-5 300
Bowl volume, ml1000150015001800
Size, cm 19x19x2223.5x20x20 24x20x2023.5x21x21
Weight, kg22.73.62.4
disadvantagesfixed bowlshort cord, 70 cmsmall hole for productsnoise 40 dB
Advantageseasy to operate, secure lid fixationElectronic timertimertimer with auto shut-off, touch display
Housingplasticmetalspecial plastic, timerdurable metal

Ice cream recipes

vanilla ice cream

It is necessary: 100 gr sugar, 300 gr milk, 300 gr 20% cream, 4 yolks, 10 gr (2 tsp) vanilla sugar.

What to look for: A set of products and a technique for making such a cream is the basis for most recipes.

How to do: Put the milk on the fire (do not boil), in the meantime, beat the yolks with sugar in an enameled metal bowl, stirring slowly, slowly pour hot milk and cream into the egg mixture. Beat thoroughly with a mixer. Remove from heat and cool. Add vanilla sugar and beat again until smooth and fluffy and load into an ice cream maker.


Composition: 150 grams of milk, cream, sugar, 300 grams of bananas, 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar.

Operating procedure: Grind chopped bananas with granulated sugar, lemon juice, vanilla sugar. Whisking continuously add milk and cream. Place the air mass in the device and set the operating mode.

Sherbet with orange

Ingredients: 300 grams of water, 300 grams of sugar, 300 grams of orange juice and 1 lemon, zest, 2 egg whites.

Preparation: Make a syrup from water and sugar, grate the citrus zest, combine with the syrup. Refrigerate. Pour in orange and lemon juice and whipped egg whites. Place the mixture in an ice cream maker.

And if there is no ice cream maker

Do not be upset if there is no opportunity or funds to purchase special equipment to prepare homemade ice cream and desserts. Time-tested whisks, forks, mixers, refrigerators and imagination will come to the rescue!

The constituent components of the dessert can always be found at hand. Eggs, dairy products, sugar, butter, fruits (can be frozen) are in every kitchen. And recommendations and recipes, please!

Condensed milk sundae with chocolate

The French name for a cold dessert high in milk fat, eggs and various fillings.

Components: 2 cups (250ml) 10% cream, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, vanillin to taste, chocolate.


  • put a glass of cream together with the container in the refrigerator;
  • separate the whites from the yolks; Beat the yolks with a mixer or whisk, gradually adding sugar and vanilla;
  • Heat another portion of cream, stirring occasionally over low heat until bubbles appear;
  • place the dishes with cream on a "water bath" (a container with boiling water over a fire, on top - a bowl with a mixture that does not reach boiling water), slowly introduce the egg mass, stirring constantly until the cream is thick (when, after holding your finger along the back of the spoon, the edges do not connect);
  • put to cool in cold water with ice for 10 minutes;
  • take chilled cream, add 2 proteins, beat until thick;
  • combine both mixtures, stirring with a whisk or spatula until smooth;
  • put in the freezer for 8 hours, stirring the contents every hour;
  • Arrange in molds, bowls and pour melted chocolate on top.


Creamy ice cream on a stick in chocolate glaze is associated with representatives of the peoples of the north. The Eskimos are known to keep food frozen.

The founder of this name is the American Nelson. Observing the boy, who for a long time could not decide what to buy, chocolate or ice cream came up with a version of "Eskimo pie" (Eskimo pie).

By order of the USSR People's Commissar for Food Anastas Mikoyan, the first Soviet ice cream was produced in the fall of 1937. Nowadays, the popsicle recipe is constantly changing. There are banana, strawberry, chocolate fruit, vanilla. You can make many different types of this treat at home.

How to make a homemade popsicle:

You need to take 0.5 liters of 33% cream, 250 grams of condensed milk, a bar of dark chocolate, disposable paper cups, special wooden sticks or small plastic spoons.

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in a water bath.
  2. Pour 2 - 3 tbsp into a paper cup. tablespoons of chocolate and distribute evenly over the entire inner surface. Place upside down on foil to drain off excess. After 5 minutes, put into the refrigerator.
  3. Pre-chilled cream, beat until creamy, gradually adding condensed milk, mix until smooth.
  4. Fill prepared glasses with the mixture, insert the shelves and put in the refrigerator overnight.
  5. Gently detach, tearing off small fragments, the contents from the paper wrapper. It turns out 5 servings of cold dessert.

Coffee ice cream

List of products: 4 yolks, 1 glass of granulated sugar, half a glass of cream, 3 glasses of ready-made coffee.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • mix the yolks with sugar thoroughly, add cream and coffee;
  • stirring over the fire, bring to a boil;
  • cool with constant stirring;
  • Pour the contents into a mold and freeze, remembering to beat every hour.

Milk ice cream with lemon

Composition: 500 ml of milk, 5 yolks, 125 g of sugar, 3 tablespoons of cream, 185 g of lemon juice, 2 tbsp., A spoonful of lemon zest.

Cooking method:

  • Beat ½ part sugar with yolks until cream thick;
  • pour milk, grated lemon zest, all the sugar into a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  • slowly introduce the egg mixture, stirring thoroughly, heat until it thickens;
  • add cream, lemon juice, mix, pour into a suitable container with a lid, put to freeze, stirring every half hour.

How to make sherbet

A type of frozen sweetness made from fruits and berries with the addition of dairy products is called sherbet. The main, classic way is the following:

  • take the available berries (500 - 600 gr), beat in a blender until puree;
  • decompose into forms, bowl; put in the freezer for 4 hours;
  • you can add honey, sugar, citric acid to taste.

Pay attention: It is imperative to stir any ice cream every hour during freezing to obtain an air mass!

If you diversify this list with yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir, then the dessert will acquire a more delicate delicate taste. The calorie content of such a dish is much lower than creamy.

Raspberry sherbet

  1. Cook syrup from 1 tbsp., Water and 0.5 tbsp., Sugar. Cool down.
  2. Grind 300 grams of raspberries with a fork or blender. Rub through a sieve, removing coarse fibers and seeds.
  3. Pour the syrup into the cooled puree. Mix.
  4. Add 1 tbsp., A spoonful of lemon juice, 300 ml of cream (thick yogurt, fermented baked milk, fatty kefir or yogurt), 4 tablespoons, a spoonful of sugar; beat with a mixer, 3 min.
  5. Mix berry puree with milk mixture, cover with cling film. Remove to freeze for 8 hours.
  6. Every 30-40 minutes, the mass must be whipped so that the water does not crystallize. Serve with mint leaves.

Ice cream cocktail

Healing, cool drink for children and adults in the heat. It is very easy to make it. We take 1 serving of homemade ice cream, 1 glass of fresh chilled milk, syrup, jam, fruits, berries (you can frozen), chocolate, whatever you can find at hand, add to taste. Beat until smooth and fluffy.

Fruit ice

In 2024, the most popular ice cream among children. Most likely, the variety of color, taste and shape of the treat attracts. It is very easy to make it yourself, without eggs, without cream, from ordinary juice, syrup, jam and even lemonade.

How to prepare a healing dessert step by step?

Choose the desired taste of the delicacy, or what is currently available: fresh or frozen berries, fruit compote, watermelon, melon.

  1. Grind 250 grams of the product in mashed potatoes, if desired, rub through a strainer.
  2. Make a syrup from 100 grams, sugar and 200 water + 0.5 grams of citric acid, you can juice.
  3. Dissolve 1 tsp. starch, or 3 grams of gelatin in water and pour into boiling syrup for thickness. Cool down.
  4. Beat everything to a homogeneous consistency, pour into disposable cups, insert sticks (plastic spoons), put into the freezer for 6 - 8 hours.
  5. After a few minutes, hold a glass with ice in hot water, put on a plate. A very interesting option is obtained if you fill out the form with fillers of different colors.

Soft ice cream

It's not easy to make real soft ice cream at home. For its production, special automated machines for mass consumption are provided. But with patience, you can definitely achieve the desired result. Let's get started!

Prepare: 0.5 kg of 30% cream, half a glass of powdered sugar, waffle cones, chocolate.

Sequence of work:

  • cream + icing sugar, beat for 2 minutes, put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes,
  • mold several cones from softened chocolate, for sealing the bottom in cups,
  • take out the mixture, beat for 1 minute so that there are no crystals, put it back in the freezer for half an hour. Repeat the procedure 2 times. After the third time, the mass will already increase in volume, it will become thick, elastic, strongly cooled,
  • transfer the foam to a culinary bag (you can do it yourself), fill the prepared horns.

The ice cream turns out to be soft, tender, airy, but it is advisable to eat immediately so that it does not melt. Can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 hours. Then it turns into regular ice cream.

Lean ice cream

You can diversify the menu during Lent by adopting several unusual recipes.

Rice with orange

You will need: 100 grams of round white rice; half a liter of water, sugar to taste, 1 orange.

Boil a thick porridge so that the rice is soft. Pour in sugar, orange juice. Stir until smooth. Put in a container and put in the freezer. After 1 -2 hours, beat everything and arrange into shapes. Lean dessert is ready! Instead of filler, different fruits, berries, syrups are suitable.

Banana - cucumber

The unusual refreshing taste of this dessert will remain in your memory for a long time. To prepare it, you need to take: 1 banana and 1 fresh cucumber. Cut them into circles and freeze. Grind in a blender, add a little sugar, put in a bowl and serve immediately. Enjoy your meal!

In the age of technological progress, when it became possible to purchase multifunctional appliances for the kitchen, there is nothing easier to eat proper, natural, healthy food. With the help of modern ice cream makers, it is easy to pamper yourself with a variety of delicacies. But the old, "old-fashioned" methods will always come in handy in life.

If you have experience using homemade ice cream recipes, share your opinion in the comments.


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