Best rosé wines for 2024


Rosé wines differ from reds and whites not only in color. Their aroma is filled with strawberries, raspberries, currants, almonds, lindens, etc. They are rarely tart, they do not have a headache. They are high in antioxidants. Choosing the right product is difficult, especially if the buyer is not familiar with its merits. The editorial staff of the site "" brings to your attention the review "The best rosé wines for 2024", compiled according to the opinion of buyers and experts.

A bit of history

The first documents that mention rose wine (rose fr.) Date back to the XIV century. This was the time when the papal residence moved to French Avignon. This region was famous for its Tavel rose. Thus, all the governors of God on earth used Tavel Rose.

Interesting! This tradition was preserved by the pope after his return to Rome.

In the 15th century, thanks to the efforts of the Duke Rene of Anjou, rose production increased significantly. Pierre de Ronsard and Honore de Balzac admired his taste. Two hundred years later, the Angevin rose was not inferior in popularity to burgundy and champagne.

Varieties and technologies

To understand what kind of rose there are, you need to understand the technologies of its production. There are several of them.

  • Blending

Easy mixing of red and white materials. In our country, this method is used only in the production of certain types of champagne. In western Europe, it is generally prohibited. The product obtained in this way is called a wine drink.

  • Bloodletting

The second name of the process is the Seigner method. The berries are loaded into fermentation vats, where they burst under the pressure of the upper layers and let the juice of a faint red or pink color. This is how the highest quality and most expensive wines are obtained.

  • Direct fast pressing

The berries are loaded in whole bunches under the press. The end products are gray in color. These are gris wines - gray.

  • Maceration

Grape must is infused on the pulp for a short time (no more than 24 hours).

On a note! Pulp is the mass of the remnants of the extraction of berries, containing seeds, skin, residual pulp.

The result is a drink of different shades. The color is regulated depending on the grapes and the aging time of the must with the pulp.

Types of rose

By sugar and alcohol content

This rose is no different from red or white. It can be dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet, sweet.

On a note! Dry wines are called wines in which the sugar is completely fermented, "until dry."

  1. Dry. After fermentation, a minimum amount of sugar remains in it, usually it does not exceed 4 g / l.
  2. Semi-dry. It contains more sugar than dry, ranging from 4 to 18 g / l.
  3. Semi-sweet. The amount of sugar increases in the range from 18 to 45 g / l.
  4. Sweet. Sugar is never less than 45 g / l.

As for alcohol, in all variants except fortified ones its content is practically the same and ranges from 8 to 15%.

What grapes are used to make wine

A wine made from 100% of one grape is called mono-varietal, and it must be indicated on the front label. More often there are drinks made from several varieties. Their names can be read on the back label. Such wines are called separate wines. Finally, you can mix several drinks made from different materials. They are called blended.

Most often, the following grapes are used in the process:

  1. Grenache. Bred in Spain. Distributed in France, Spain, California.
  2. Carignan. Bred in the Spanish region of Aragon, bordering France. Cultivated in Spain, Israel, Chile, France.
  3. Cabernet - fran. Bred in France. Cultivated in all wine regions of the world.
  4. Merlot. Bred in France. One of the most common wine materials.
  5. Pinot noir. His homeland is France. One of the main varieties allowed for making champagne. Cultivated on German, Austrian, Swiss and Italian plantations, as well as in the United States and the land of the rising sun.
  6. Mourvèdre. The red Spanish variety is cultivated in the southeast of France and on the Mediterranean coast, in Spain, in the southern regions of Australia.
  7. Syrah. The second name is Shiraz. It was once believed that he was taken out in Iran. Later genetic studies have determined its French origin. It is now distributed all over the world.
  8. Sangiovese. Italian red. The name is translated from Latin as "blood of Jupiter". Distributed in the central regions of Italy, in Sicily. The main material for making Chianti.

All named varieties are red. Some are called black. Each region grows its own variety, and more than one. They are used to produce original wines.

Benefit and harm

Rose is devoid of tyramines, so it doesn't have a headache after using it. The main thing is that it differs from red and white - the increased content of antioxidants and vitamins, which slow down the aging process of the body. In addition, its use has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. However, any useful product is harmful to health when it is abused.

Top manufacturers


It is impossible not to remember wine when talking about France. There are probably no regions in this country where winemaking would not be.

Marsanet la Cot

Agricultural commune in Burgundy. Produces the best rose in the region. Connoisseurs know Marsannay rose as one of the most refined and finest drinks.

Baron Philippe de Rothscild

The products of this company, the best-selling in the world, are produced in the most famous wine-growing region of France - Bordeaux.

Chateau de tigne

Rose d'Anjou or Rose Ange from Château de Tigne may seem overly sour. But it is in perfect harmony with fish snacks. This variety will be named after the castle in the Loire Valley. The popularity of this brand is due to the fact that its founder and owner is Gerard Depardieu. Wine from the famous actor can also be found on the domestic market at a price of about 700 rubles. Not much for a bottle of world famous rose.


Spanish Rosados ​​are the second largest in the world in terms of sales after French roses.

Bodegas chivite

The oldest Spanish brand. Eleven generations of the Civita dynasty have accumulated a wealth of experience in creating magnificent rosado. The popularity of the Gran Feudo Rosdo variety is growing day by day, not only in Navarra, but also in the world market.


Sogrape vinhose

The company was founded in 1942.Today its products are sold in over a hundred countries around the world. Rose Mateus has become more popular than Portuguese port.



The plant was built in Crimea back in 1961. It produces 38 brands. Many have received awards from international competitions.

Winery "Jubilee"

One of the largest in Russia. Founded in the Krasnodar Territory (Taman Peninsula) in 1966. Owns extensive vineyards. Manufactures products using modern Italian equipment. Popular brands - Cabernet Franc Elegance - gorgeous rose at an affordable price.

Alma velly

The youngest company is a Crimean company. Swiss architects worked on her project. The technological equipment is the most modern. Its products are made from materials grown on their own plantations, planted in the Bakhchisarai region in 2008. The first harvest was taken in 2013.

Golden beam

One of the oldest Crimean companies. Founded in 2889 in the Balaklava Valley. She specialized in the production of sparkling and champagne wines. After a thorough modernization in 2006, it produces still wines.


Agro-industrial company. One of the oldest on the Taman Peninsula. Founded in 1963. In 2006 - 2012 it underwent a major modernization. Today it is a modern enterprise producing cognacs and natural Crimean wines, from dry vintage to sweet and champagne, with a full cycle, including the production of oak containers.

The list goes on and on. The best reviews are received by Italian roses, pink brands from Moldova and Georgia, the USA, Rosado from Chile and Argentina. The buyer decides which company the product is better to buy. In order not to make mistakes when choosing, you should listen to the advice and recommendations of experts, inquire about the characteristics of a particular variety from the sales assistants of specialized stores, find out how much the sample you are interested in costs, find out its merits.

Where can I buy

It is best to purchase good wine from specialized stores. Here you can carefully consider all the inscriptions on the label, and using the knowledge gleaned in our review, make your choice. If this is not possible, it remains to order the product online in the online store.

How to choose the best wine

Studying labels

All completeness of information about the drink is located on the front label and back label. In order not to run into a wine drink or a cheap fake, you need to carefully study the contents of the labels.

European labels

Consider, for example, a label on a bottle of French wine. Having dealt with the information on it, it will become easier to decipher similar labels for almost all Western European wine products.

  1. Manufacturer.
  2. The year the harvest was harvested.
  3. Where it was produced (region).
  4. The name of the manufacturer's main estate.
  5. The name of the Appellation (a special area where the crops were grown).
  6. Quality designation. For example, category IV (highest). The inscription Appellation controlee or A.S., A.O.S. This means that the products undergo strict control on site.
  7. Alcohol content.
  8. The volume of the dishes.
  9. The company that bottled and sold the product is indicated.
  10. Product of - the same as Made in. In this example, “Made in France” means that the drink is made for export.
  11. Specifying the address of the company.

The highest quality drinks are marked with the Grand Cru logo.

Russian labels

The information does not need to be decrypted. You just need to read it carefully.

Important! The PGI inscription indicates quality natural wines made from material collected in a specific area. Moreover, its content in the drink is not less than 85%.

Remember that quality wines are made from material grown in close proximity to production facilities. French craftsmen do not carry material further than several kilometers. Therefore, you should not buy goods prepared or poured, for example, at Belarusian factories from Moldovan or Crimean materials. They are not of high quality and pleasant taste.

Container and packaging

High-quality should be bottled in glass containers.In paper bags, they sell cheap, water-diluted concentrates, which at best can be called a wine drink.

What else to pay attention to

  1. The color should be saturated.
  2. The alcohol content should be between 12-13%.
  3. Mono or from several varieties.
  4. The best drinks are sold at a price of 700 rubles.
  5. Harvest year. Remember that rosé wine does not last long.

These are the main selection criteria.

Quality Rose rating

Our review presents foreign and domestic wines of various price ranges. For convenience, let's divide it into three parts, depending on the cost of the drink.

The best inexpensive wines under 500 rubles

3rd place. "Busso" Pink semi-sweet

Light wine made from red and white grapes harvested on Crimean plantations. Prepared at the Inkerman plant. Included in the company's collection of young wines. The taste is pleasant, fruity sweetness with floral aromas. Served with fruits, cheese, poultry and a light snack. Not stored for a long time. Average price 321 rubles.


  • lung;
  • pleasant taste;
  • inexpensive.


  • made from red and white berries.

2nd place. Golden beam "ZB Wine" Rose Dry

The Crimean winery "Zolotaya Balka" produces one of the best domestic wines, according to Roskachestvo - "ZB Wine" Rose Dry. Produced from Cabernet Sauvignon and Aligote grown on the company's own plantations in the Balaklava region. Poured into glasses, the drink gleams with a light pink color. The rich fruity bouquet has a pleasant sourness. In the aftertaste there is a strawberry with cream. The scent is reminiscent of the sea breeze, currants, strawberries, raspberries and lemon balm. Served with white meat and fish, goes well with stewed veal, tuna, meat snacks. The average cost is 495 rubles.


  • pleasant taste;
  • memorable aroma;
  • affordable price.


  • made from red and white grapes.

1 place. Muscat "Massandra" Pink

Dessert wine of the Massandra combine. Single-varietal, from the "Pink Muscat" grapes, ripening in the warm climate of the Crimean Peninsula. Aged for at least two years in an oak container. Drinks softly. The rich bouquet contains aromas of sweets, fruits, berries. Served with sweet pies, fruit, chocolate and other delicacies. Average cost: 452 rubles. Decent value for money.


  • pleasant taste;
  • the richest bouquet;
  • memorable aroma;
  • mono-varietal composition;
  • affordable price.


  • difficult to find on sale.

Medium price segment drinks costing from 500 to 1000 rubles.

4th place. "High Coast" Zweigelt

The Kuban masters of the Vysokiy Bereg company produced a protected geographical indication, recognized as one of the best in Russia. Produced from rare Zweigelt grapes, Austrian selection, harvested on the plantations of JSC "Kuban wine". Region - Krasnodar Territory, Taman Peninsula. Close inspection reveals crimson reflections. Moderately soft, aromatic, tart. Served with meat dishes. An excellent choice for a friendly "tasting" for any occasion. Average cost: 570 rubles.


  • PGI wine;
  • very delicious;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

3rd place. Alma Velley pink semi-dry

It is made from Pinot Noir and Shiraz grapes cultivated along the banks of the Alma River in Crimea. Manufacturer - Alma Velley company. The bouquet is dominated by berry aromas. The wine is remembered for the taste of wild berries. The content of residual sugar in the drink does not exceed 10 g / l, alcohol - not more than 13%. Briefly infused with pulp in modern stainless steel vats. In this case, the process temperature is constantly monitored. Average cost: 816 rubles.


  • made from the best grape varieties;
  • optimal concentration of sugar and alcohol;
  • beautiful colour;
  • long pleasant aftertaste.


  • rarely on sale.

2nd place. "Crimean night" Pink semi-dry

Differs in rich color, pleasant taste, berry aroma, in which red currants, strawberries and raspberries are guessed. Made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes harvested on the plantations of the "Inkerman" plant. Served with low-fat snacks and fruits. Recommended as an aperitif. Served chilled to 10 ° С. The perfect drink for a hot summer day. Average cost: 740 rubles.


  • monosortic;
  • pleasant taste;
  • berry aroma;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

1 place. Author's Cabernet-Franc pink "Fanagoria"

According to the Wine Year of Russia, it is the best domestic rose wine. Manufacturer - JSC Agroindustrial Firm "Fanagoria". Monosortic. In our case, the grapes of one of the classic European varieties "Cabernet Franc" served as the material for creating the masterpiece, 85 percent of which is grown by Fanagorian winegrowers on the plantations of the Kuban (Taman Peninsula). Classified as PGI - Protected Geographical Indication Wine.

The drink is obtained by fermentation in a steel container with a constantly controlled temperature. The aroma contains cherry, red currant, strawberry and cream in harmonious proportions. Served with fish, cheese, fruits. Average price: 567 rubles.


  • monosortic;
  • PGI wine;
  • affordable price.


  • not identified.

Elite wines

3rd place. Marsannay Rose Fleur de Pinot France

"Fleur de Pinot" Rose is an elite wine made from Pinot Noir grapes harvested in the vineyards of Burgundy. The color is saturated. The taste is refined, fresh, complex. The finish is long with bright raspberry, strawberry and vanilla notes. The aroma contains a red berry, light floral nuances and sweet spices. The products of the Domaine Sylvain Pataille winery are famous for their environmental friendliness. No chemistry, all processes are natural and even the land is plowed by horses. Thanks to the careful attitude to grapes and excellent knowledge of winemaking, the company's products are in high demand among gourmets. The average cost of a 0.75 liter bottle is 12,522 rubles.


  • 100% natural product;
  • 100% mono-varietal wine;
  • excellent taste and delicate aroma.


  • high price.

2nd place. Valentini, Cerasuolo Montepulciano d'Abruzzo DOC, 2018

Italian dry pink Valetini Cherasuolo d'Abruzzo. The material for the production of this wonderful mono-varietal wine was the Montepulciano d'Abruzzo grape, harvested on the plantations of the province of Pescara. The very first sip of this elegant wine will open with a set of shades, among which you can clearly hear ripe fruits and herbs of the Mediterranean. The vineyards are owned by the Valentini family. Chemistry is not used here, so the wine is absolutely environmentally friendly, although without appropriate certification. The wine matures in oak containers, without temperature control, and is bottled unfiltered. You can consume it right away, but after a few years its taste will become thinner and richer. The average price of a bottle of 0.75 liters is 19,731 rubles.


  • environmentally friendly product;
  • amazing taste;
  • wonderful aroma;
  • transparent light ruby ​​color.


  • high price.

1 place. "Collection wine" Pink Muscat South Coast 1962

Sweet, from the Pink Muscat grape growing in the south of Crimea. Harvesting begins no earlier than the sugar content in the berries rises to 25%. At the end of the fermentation process, the drink is aged for two years in an oak container in the famous Massandra cellars. The unique taste and aroma make the wine exceptional. Over time, these characteristics only increase. It is not without reason that the drink has repeatedly received gold and silver awards at various international competitions.

The drink has a ruby ​​pink color. Dried fruits, caramel, candied fruits are clearly felt in the taste. To them are added tones of a wilting rose, sweet spices. The aroma contains grapes, tea rose, tree resin, vanilla and caramel. Served on the table with fruits, cheeses, ice cream. Average cost: 87,816 rubles. A great gift for an anniversary.


  • wonderful taste and aroma;
  • 100% mono-varietal wine;
  • 50 years old.


  • very high price.

The lightness and slight sourness of rosé wine make it an excellent drink to drink in hot summer. It is pleasant to sip it on the shady terrace, combined with fruit or thinly sliced ​​cheese. It is doubly pleasant to spend time with a glass of this wonderful drink with a loved one.

There are only a few good and very good rosé wines in our TOP. This list has affected hardly a hundredth of worthy varieties from around the world. The editors of the site hope that our review has answered the questions: what are the types of rosé wines, how much does it cost and how to choose a good drink, where the best wines are produced. We believe that the information received will help you make the right choice.


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