The best septic tanks for a summer residence and a country house in 2024


When arranging a summer house or a country house, the owner has two options for ensuring drainage. The first is to connect the system to the central sewerage system of a settlement or city. The second option is to create your own autonomous sewage system. Most of them prefer to make the structure on their own, since not all settlements have the ability to connect, and the cost of installation is too high. Therefore, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best septic tanks for a country house and summer cottages for 2024.

A septic tank is always better than a cesspool

A septic tank is an installation that is used to collect waste liquid. It can be compared to a cesspool, but it is a more perfect product. Today, conventional models are sold that require constant removal of substances and representatives with a full-featured system that independently performs cleaning.

The main advantages of septic tanks in front of the pit:

  • Ease of installation;
  • Environmental Safety;
  • Installation requires a minimum of money and labor;
  • Manufacturers guarantee an excellent level of cleaning;
  • The ability to install the system in any area, it will last a long time and without additional investment;
  • The store has a wide range of models that are suitable for installation in a small house or a spacious cottage. Therefore, the owner will not have problems finding the right model.
  • If desired, the user is able to independently make the entire system, the main thing is to choose the right materials.
  • The level of soil contamination is reduced, which is also a significant plus when organizing a septic tank.

How is cleaning done

Despite the wide variety of models, the principle of operation of each design is the same. The tank consists of several compartments, where work is carried out to purify waste substances, after which they are discharged into the drainage channel or soil. Some septic tanks make it possible to reuse liquid for household purposes.

Each part of the treatment plant is responsible for a certain degree of purification:

  • Removing bulky debris, this process is called physical;
  • Defending;
  • Decay of organic matter;
  • Compartment for processing waste elements with special bacteria;
  • Removal of gases;
  • The final stage is fluid filtration.

Every step is important, together they allow you to treat waste water by 90%, which makes it safe and allows you to use it for the household. For deeper cleaning, additional filtration using an aeration field is required.

Varieties and rating of the best representatives

Each model can be divided according to design, principle of operation and material from which the container is made.

According to the way of work, there are accumulative and anaerobic.

The advantages of the first model are energy independence and low cost of installation and the product itself. Due to the simplicity of execution, the structure can be created independently. The principle of operation - waste liquid enters the system, which settles until the moment of pumping out.

The advantages of such models:

  • Easy to install and low cost;
  • Does not require a permanent connection to the electrical network;
  • A minimum amount of money is required for maintenance;
  • Suitable for use in areas with high groundwater levels.


  • The need for constant pumping;
  • Not suitable for large families;
  • There will be an unpleasant smell in the place of its installation, if not covered with a sewer hatch;
  • Designed for use on sandy ground;
  • Additional costs for the services of a vacuum cleaner.

The second option makes it possible to save on the constant pumping of wastewater, but its cost will cost many times more. The whole system consists of several compartments. They carry out the process of purifying waste water until it is completely processed. The resulting liquid will be 75% cleaner, which makes it possible not to think about problems with the primer coating. For deeper cleaning, it is necessary to use anaerobic fields, thanks to their action, the result will be many times better.

Each model of anaerobic septic tanks is designed in such a way that it provides complete filtration using waste-free technology, a person does not have to constantly pump out wastewater. Of course, such a solution is costly, but in terms of efficiency it is in the first place. Because the anaerobic bacteria located in one of the compartments eliminate 98% of dangerous microbes. The process is fully automated and does not require the constant presence of an operator. Anaerobic facilities are capable of processing huge amounts of liquid, which is also a big plus.

To make the right choice, it is important to know what materials were used in the production of the tank.


Simple and reliable septic tanks, which are distinguished by a good service life and a low price. With proper operation and timely maintenance, this option will last 50 years. There are accumulative and processed products on the market.

Despite the fact that mass is a virtue of this tank, it is also a minus. If there is a high level of groundwater on the site, then the structure will simply float to the surface. However, some manufacturers produce models that are not afraid of such a defect, but their cost is correspondingly higher.

If a person does not want to overpay, then additional work can be done to fix it. Then the tank will be securely fixed and will serve the set period without problems.

SeptoBak BIO 2.0 PR

A great device with a 10-year warranty that will last 60 years. The body is made of durable and safe fiberglass, which does not undergo decomposition, unlike PVC. The designer has designed the structure in such a way that it can withstand even harsh climatic conditions and swampy ground.

Thanks to the transverse stiffening ribs, the device is protected from deformations that occur when the soil is squeezed. Sealed connections ensure reliability for the entire period of operation. Reset type is forced.

The work uses a three-stage cascade cleaning system. Suitable for use on an area where 2-4 people live. It is capable of working with 700 liters of liquid per day, while the salvo discharge is 200 liters. The dimensions of the device are 1912x1200 mm. The total volume of water is 2 cubic meters.

It is sold at a price of 35,000 rubles.

SeptoBak BIO 2.0 PR


  • High quality filtration;
  • Long service life;
  • The material is not biodegradable;
  • Volume 2000 liters;
  • Weight - 67 kg.


  • Not found.

Rostok Dachny

An excellent septic tank that has a long service life and guarantees the user 90% cleaning. Due to the presence of good stiffeners, the structure can be installed on any sandy area. For anchoring it is important to use 4 curbstones, then the tank will be more tightly fixed.

The septic tank does not have any welding seams, which makes it possible to operate it for 50-60 years, without fear of the release of harmful substances into the soil or ground.Due to soil shifts, the body deforms, but as soon as the stress is removed, the device takes on its original appearance.

Installation is carried out in stages. The work is carried out by specialists or by the owner, if he understands what needs to be done. Suitable for use in a country house or summer cottage, where 2-3 people live. The storage volume is 1500 liters. Dimensions - 1840x1120x1700 mm.

The average cost is 35,000 rubles.

Rostok Dachny


  • Reliability;
  • Long service life;
  • Safety;
  • High quality filtration;
  • Simple installation.


  • Turnkey only.

Biofor 0.9 Pro

A non-volatile device that is suitable for installation in small areas. Works with a filtration system that provides the user with good water suitable for sowing. The total volume is 900 liters, a septic tank can process 350 liters per day.

Thanks to the high-quality plastic that was used in the creation, the tank is not afraid of ground movement and easily springs under high loads. This does not affect the service life. A small volume is suitable for placing a structure in a country house or a country house, where there is a small adjacent territory.

Sold at a price of 21,500 rubles.

Biofor 0.9 Pro


  • Low cost;
  • A good option for small areas;
  • Uniform load distribution;
  • Good filtration.


  • Not found.


A premium post-filtration option suitable for use on highly permeable soil. The septic tank is designed for installation in large areas. The structure is made of quality material that shows high performance.

The septic tank is designed for use by a large family of 8 people. The device is insensitive to chemicals, does not leave hair, food, toilet paper. Works without interruption and does not require unscheduled maintenance.

It is sold at a price of 88,000 rubles.



  • High quality and reliable components;
  • Two degrees of purification that guarantee 90% purity;
  • Resistance to chemicals;
  • For 8 users.


  • High price.


This material is used to create reliable and durable structures that are not afraid of corrosion and show high resistance to natural conditions. This is a great option if there is a high volume of soil on the site.

The only drawback is that special equipment is required for the construction. Because the weight of septic tanks reaches large values, which prevents self-assembly. Moreover, the installation process is divided into several stages.

A full-fledged septic tank, which includes several chambers, consists of several compartments where cleaning is carried out:

  • A place for primary accumulation. This area receives liquid from the house. If the structure of the structure is as simple as possible and consists of only one chamber, then at this stage the process stops.
  • Further, the liquid enters the oxygen-free compartment. Due to the fact that the usual oxygen is absent here, the multiplication of anaerobic organisms begins. Thanks to them, complex components are divided into simpler and more easily assimilated by nature.
  • The opposite process takes place in the oxygen department. Microorganisms begin to process the remaining elements, after which they precipitate.
  • After that, the water either enters the soil, since it is 70% pure, or goes for further filtration.

Concrete septic tanks are built from special rings. Most often, this work is carried out by experienced workers who know the entire installation technology. It is better for ordinary users not to start independent work, because this will lead to negative consequences.

In total, there are 3 types of septic tanks, which differ in the number of chambers. The first option is an ordinary cesspool, where wastewater is only collected and pumped out by a pump.More sophisticated options are equipped with special filters that automate work and prevent the release of low-quality components into the soil. In addition, the well is not contaminated with solid particles, so there is no need to call special cleaning services.


  • Reliability and strength of the structure;
  • Service life - 100 years;
  • Wastewater will never penetrate into the soil, as the reservoir is not sealed;
  • Suitable for installation in almost any location;
  • High resistance to soil deformation.


  • Turnkey only.

Constructions from "Septic Service"

A successful company with hundreds of positive reviews and thousands of completed projects. The staff employs classified engineers who will fix problems during the working day and select the appropriate option in a couple of hours.

Installation will take 3 days, regardless of the quality of the soil. The sewerage system will last 100 years. Plus, the company gives new owners a free service guarantee in case of problems.

New equipment from brand manufacturers is used to install concrete rings. Delivery is organized by the company itself, which will allow you not to think about hiring additional equipment. The order is carried out taking into account the terrain and the wishes of the client.

Average cost: 60,000 rubles.

Septic Service


  • Fast installation and connection;
  • Experienced professionals;
  • Low price;
  • Many positive reviews.


  • Not found.

Septic tanks Eco Monolith

The company has been manufacturing quality reinforced concrete blocks for 15 years. The production and development of monolithic septic tanks are carried out by experienced engineers. Thanks to this, the design has the best characteristics and does not require additional maintenance.

Concrete septic tanks are watertight, which prevents wastewater from entering the ground. The structure does not need constant maintenance and works efficiently even in difficult conditions.

Since the company does not cooperate with intermediaries, prices for turnkey products are 20-30% lower. Delivery, earthworks, custom design and installation are handled by the organization, so the buyer can do more important things.

The average cost of "Octagon-BIO" is 60,000 rubles.

Septic tank Octagon-BIO Eco Monolith


  • The company employs professionals;
  • Responsive technical support;
  • Individual design;
  • Low cost.


  • Not found.


The company has been operating in the Russian Federation for 18 years. During this period, thousands of individual projects have been completed in the Moscow region. Products are manufactured at the company factory. The structure is made of solid reinforced concrete and serves for cleaning the spent liquid.

The structure functions at any level of groundwater. Reliability and ease of use is the main criterion of the cleaning structure, because ordinary citizens will work with it. The septic tanks are resistant to temperatures, do not show corrosion, and the average service life is over 100 years.

Average cost: from 62,000 rubles.

septic tank FST-Service


  • Treatment facilities are made of high quality reinforced concrete;
  • Technical support will answer every question;
  • The work uses reliable tools;
  • Long service life;
  • Warranty for the work done.


  • Not found.

Metal constructions

Universal containers with low cost, which are suitable for use in any region. Their cost and maintenance are several times lower than that of previous models, but there is a significant drawback - a short service life, since the structure is exposed to constant effects of corrosion and anaerobic bacteria.


The company has been manufacturing turnkey septic tanks for ten years. All installation work is carried out within 2-4 days, at any time of the year. The frame is treated with anti-corrosion substances, which allows to increase the average service life by several years.

The construction is hermetically sealed, which is confirmed by the conducted tests.In addition, the buyer can be present at every stage of the development of his framework, which is a big plus for those who want to get a quality product. The product warranty is 5 years.

The average cost is 5,000 rubles per cubic meter.

septic tank Armada


  • Durability;
  • Reliability;
  • Safety;
  • Low price;
  • Fast service.


  • Not found.

Septic TankMetal

A reliable organization that will deliver, design and install a treatment plant. The installation process will take 2 days, while the work is done by professional people who will not make mistakes.

The products have positive reviews in the market, therefore they have earned the trust of thousands of citizens and customers. At a preliminary consultation, engineers will create a project for the individual requirements of each customer.

The average cost is 40,000 rubles.

Septic TankMetal


  • Low price;
  • Responsive support;
  • Durability due to anti-corrosion treatment;
  • Reliability and tightness.


  • Not found.


Thanks to septic tanks, a person does not need to constantly pump out liquid from a cesspool and use his time for more useful things. If you have experience of using companies described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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