💊Best Effervescent Vitamins for 2024


An effervescent tablet that quickly dissolves in a glass of water is no longer surprising for a modern person, although they appeared relatively recently - 10-15 years ago. For a long time, such drugs were intended only for adults, but now pharmaceutical companies also produce children's pop vitamins.

In addition to "adults" and "children" there are also vitamins for certain categories of people:

  • For pregnant;
  • For men;
  • For women;
  • For people aged 50+, etc.

There is nothing supernatural in the composition of vitamins in the form of a fizzy: this is the same complex of minerals and vitamins present in preparations of another form of release (capsules, syrups, suspensions, etc.). The list of ingredients varies depending on the target audience - prospective buyers of vitamins.

Effervescent vitamins. What are they needed for

Effervescent vitamins were originally created to speed up the absorption of the tablet's constituent components by the body. Today this fact remains the main feature of the product. In order to take a pill, it must first be dissolved in ½ glass of water. In this case, it is best to use water equal to the normal human body temperature. So the product will be absorbed even faster.

Pros and cons

There is an opinion that citric acid, which is contained in any effervescent tablets (not only vitamins), has a detrimental effect on the condition of the tooth enamel, therefore, such vitamins are much more harmful than ordinary tablets or syrups. But this opinion seems far-fetched, since the recommended periods for the use of most of the effervescent are from 7 to 14 days, and the prophylactic administration of the drug is carried out only 2 times a year. Citric acid, contained in vitamins in very small amounts, cannot harm healthy teeth.

Another very dubious opinion of Internet users says that it is the effervescent tablets that can be attributed to the category of express remedies with an overestimated content of vitamins, the thoughtless intake of which can lead to hypervitaminosis. Indeed, one tablet contains the daily norm of vitamins and minerals, and together with the food eaten per day, we also receive a nn-th amount of useful substances.

This myth is very easy to dispel. Not everyone knows their daily rate, which depends on many factors (weight, height, lifestyle, sex, age, etc.), so one “pop” tablet cannot be universal. Naturally, no one will feed a one-year-old child with an adult dose, and an adult will not take a child's dose of vitamins. With the right approach and detailed knowledge of the needs of his body, a person 100% excludes the possibility of hypervitaminosis.

The only significant drawback, perhaps, can be considered the high price tag for some categories of effervescent vitamins, in comparison with simple vitamins. But this is more than justified by the list of advantages:

  • Ease of use and pleasant taste. Most manufacturers try to make the intake of vitamins as comfortable as possible, therefore, the composition of the drug usually contains a component that is responsible for the taste component.Usually these are vitamins with lemon, strawberry, orange or raspberry flavor. This quality is very important for children who have difficulty swallowing sugary syrups.
  • The rate of absorption into the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Liquid enters the stomach much faster and is absorbed by the body. Especially if the solution was prepared using water equal to the human body temperature.
  • Dissolving tablets are also more convenient for people of advanced age, sedentary and having difficulty absorbing conventional tablets.
  • Effervescent tablets are the only harmless way of taking vitamins for people suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.
  • Variety of choice of manufacturers and many appointments for different categories of people.


All effervescent vitamins can be divided into two broad categories:

  1. Mono;
  2. Poly.

This means that in the pharmacy you can buy effervescent tablets with a high content of one missing vitamin (mono), for example: Vitamin C, and poly-complexes containing a wide range of different groups of substances.

Depending on the composition, multivitamin complexes of various directions are distinguished. Here are the most popular ones:

For men

Since men spend much more physical strength and energy during the day than women, they need to restore energy balance with nutrition or supplements. The following groups are responsible for these functions: B, F and E. That is why these substances are present by default in dietary supplements marked "male".

For pregnant

Pregnant women, like no one else, need adequate nutrition and supplements, since what the body needs to maintain the many processes that take place in it during this difficult period cannot be gleaned from food alone. Only a doctor who is familiar with the patient's biochemical analysis can prescribe vitamins for pregnant women. The most essential elements during pregnancy are iron and B vitamins.

For kids

Children, as growing organisms, are characterized by undulating development. Growth leaps require special attention and support from parents. In particular, this applies to nutrition. After all, the way it will develop depends on how qualitatively the organism is saturated. In addition to groups B and D, during the period of active growth, it is recommended to add A and C. The introduction of dietary supplements into the children's diet is possible only after consulting a pediatrician!

Top 10 Best Effervescent Vitamins in 2024

Among the huge variety of dietary supplements, it is quite difficult to choose the one that suits you, because you need to take into account many factors: customer reviews, manufacturer's rating and verification, cost, composition, contraindications and much more. Undoubtedly, the main indicators were and remain the composition and price. It is according to these criteria that the following selection was created.

Preparations for every day

Doppelherz asset from A to Zinc

The multifunctional complex is designed for men and women leading an active lifestyle. Gives the first results after only 2-3 days after the start. Activity is noticeably increased, fatigue decreases, a feeling of a surge of strength appears, and sleep is normalized.

Suitable for people with symptoms of overwork, working in excess of the norm, during severe stress, both mental and physical.

  • Audience: men and women;
  • Ingredients: trace elements (Ca, Zn, Cr, Mg, I, Mo, P, Se), vitamins (D3, A, B1, B12, B2, B5, B6, B7, E, C, B9, K1);
  • Quantity per package: 15 pcs;
  • Manufacturer: Germany;
  • Price: from 262 rubles.
effervescent tablets Doppelgerts active from A to Zinc


  • There are practically no contraindications;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Fast effect.


  • Not suitable for the treatment of colds and their prevention (not enough Vit. C).


Russian multivitamin complex, the purpose of which is to maintain the normal well-being of people in conditions of vitamin deficiency: after past illnesses, including infectious ones, with malnutrition, living in conditions of sun deficiency, working in hazardous industries, etc.

Since this drug can be used by both adults and children, it is not as rich in vitamins as Supradin or Doppelherz active. For those who need higher doses, what is available in one tablet may not be enough. One way or another, the drug still compares favorably in price with imported ones: one tablet will cost the buyer only 12.5 rubles.

  • Audience: children from 7 years old and adults;
  • Composition: trace elements (Ca, Zn, Fe, Mg, Mn, I, Mo, Se), vitamins (A, B1, B12, B2, B5, B6, PP, E, C);
  • Quantity per package: 20 pcs.;
  • Manufacturer: Russia;
  • Price: from 254 rubles.
effervescent tablets Trijex


  • Cheap;
  • Wide range of components;
  • Good prophylactic agent;
  • Can be used by the whole family.


  • Low dosage;
  • The presence of a sweetener from phenylalanine, which can cause a negative reaction in people suffering from phenylketonuria.

Univit Energy

Univit energy is secretly called women's vitamins, although they are perfect for men who are engaged in active physical or mental activities. The drug is actively used in pediatrics to fill the lack of vital components. It is scientifically proven that regular intake of Univit prevents tooth decay in children.

The composition contains guarana extract, which is a natural source of caffeine, so the tablets are not recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure.

  • Audience: children and adults;
  • Composition: trace elements (Ca, P), vitamins (A, D3, B1, B12, B2, B6, C);
  • Quantity per package: 10 pcs .;
  • Manufacturer: Switzerland;
  • Price: from 260 rubles.
effervescent tablets Univit Energy


  • Large range of group B;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Versatile (for the whole family).


  • There are contraindications;
  • Not recommended for the elderly.

Haas kids

The Haas Kid's Multivitamin is intended for children age 7 and older. It contains all the substances necessary for normal development and growth. Designed for children who for any reason (malnutrition, poor appetite, fatigue, stress) lack vitamins.

  • Audience: children from 7 years old;
  • Ingredients: B1, B2, B6, D, C, calcium and zinc;
  • Quantity per package: 20 pcs.;
  • Manufacturer: Hungary;
  • Price: from 280 rubles.
effervescent tablets Haas kids


  • Raspberry flavor;
  • Good composition without unnecessary impurities;
  • Large packaging.


  • Individual intolerance to some components;
  • Phenylketonuria.

With a cold


Perhaps the most famous remedy among all similar ones. It is a multifunctional multivitamin complex that not only fights against vitamin deficiency, but also serves as a good tool in the prevention of colds.

In comparison with the dietary supplement, Doppelherz contains slightly fewer components due to an increase in the dosage present in the composition.

  • Audience: men and women;
  • Composition: trace elements (Ca, Zn, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, P), vitamins (D3, A, B1, B12, B2, B5, B6, B7, E, B9);
  • Quantity per package: 10 pcs;
  • Manufacturer: Germany;
  • Price: from 383 rubles.
effervescent tablets Supradin


  • There are practically no contraindications;
  • Balanced composition;
  • It helps well in the recovery period after a long illness or aggressive treatment;
  • Taste;
  • Fast effect.


  • The composition contains a dye;
  • Highest Price.


One of the few domestic preparations intended for children and adults and distinguished by a low price with a good composition (10 minerals and 13 vitamins). The "trick" of these vitamins is in the bonus component - the daily dose of echinacea, which is responsible for many functions in the human body, especially it perfectly raises the immune system, which is important for the prevention of colds.

The only disadvantage of Multifort is the bitter orange flavor.

  • Audience: children and adults;
  • Ingredients: C, PP, E, B5, B6, B2, B1, A, B9, D3, B12, echinacea extract, minerals, biotin;
  • Quantity per package: 14 pcs .;
  • Manufacturer: Russia;
  • Price: from 178 rubles.
effervescent tablets Multifort


  • For the whole family;
  • The daily dose of echinacea, which has a general healing effect;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Bitter taste.

Doppelherz asset VitS + zinc

There are only two active components inside this drug. It is already clear from the name that these are vitamin C (600 mg) and zinc (5 mg). This is a good preventive measure during colds and with a severe lack of vitamin C.

It is positioned on the market as an immunostimulating agent to combat the manifestations of the virus and prevent infections.

  • Audience: children and adults;
  • Composition: trace elements (Zn), vitamins (C);
  • Quantity per package: 20 pcs.;
  • Manufacturer: Germany;
  • Price: from 300 rubles.
effervescent tablets Doppelgerts active VitS + zinc


  • Taste;
  • A laconic range of components minimizes contraindications.


  • A small dosage of ascorbic acid to combat a cold that has already begun.

Vitamin C

The strongest competitor of the two-component Dopelhertz is ascorbic acid of domestic production in effervescent tablets with a symbolic name. Here, unlike the aforementioned brother, there is nothing but "ascorbic acid". It is safe to say that with a cold that has already begun, it is better to purchase a one-component drug.

There are also imported analogs with a similar composition and effect. The difference between them is only in taste and price, and it should be noted that a domestic product is not always cheaper than an imported one ...

  • Audience: children and adults;
  • Ingredients: ascorbic acid;
  • Quantity per package: 20 pcs.;
  • Manufacturer: Russia, Serbia, Germany;
  • Price: from 250 to 400 rubles.
effervescent tablets Vitamin C


  • Large selection of manufacturers;
  • Taste;
  • A laconic range of components minimizes contraindications.


  • It is quickly excreted from the body;
  • Overpriced for a one-component drug.

Under stress

Berocca plus

Dietary supplements of French production perfectly cope with the lack of vitamins during periods of stress and intense mental work. Separately, the carefully thought-out packaging and content of each tablet should be mentioned, as "in accordance with GOST". Studies have shown that each fizzy contains a well-calibrated rate of components designed to maintain the normal functioning of the whole organism, hence the overpriced.

  • Audience: men and women;
  • Ingredients: trace elements (Ca, Zn, Mg), vitamins (B1, B12, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, C);
  • Quantity per package: 15 pcs .;
  • Manufacturer: France;
  • Price: from 740 rubles.
effervescent tablets Berocca plus


  • Huge range of group B;
  • Each tablet in a separate package + desiccant inside the tube;
  • Suitable for taking every day or in courses throughout the year.


  • There are contraindications;
  • Few trace elements;
  • Very expensive.

Arnebia carnitine + ascorbic acid

The lack of such a useful substance as L-carnitine in the human body leads to serious cardiovascular diseases, so it is very important to fill its deficiency in time. The need for L-carnitine increases significantly when we experience stress, subject the body to heavy loads (both physical and mental), experience nervous shocks, etc.

This dietary supplement can be shown to pregnant women (only on the recommendation of a doctor!), Since it is during this period that the body experiences enormous stress. In addition, carnitine is directly involved in the breakdown of fats.

  • Audience: adults;
  • Ingredients: L-carnitine tartrate, C;
  • Quantity per package: 20 pcs.;
  • Manufacturer: Germany;
  • Price: from 201 rub.
effervescent tablets Arnebia carnitine + ascorbic acid


  • Atypical composition with a multifunctional component;
  • Cheap.


  • Not for daily use;
  • There are contraindications, possible individual intolerance, diarrhea.

The choice of vitamins in the usual form or in the form of effervescent tablets should be made after consultation with a doctor. Since even the most useful components in case of an overdose will only bring harm.


  1. Olga

    I like the effervescent tablets Energy Diet Perfette, they give a boost of vivacity, promote the restoration of nerve tissues, charge for the whole day, reduce fatigue and drowsiness


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