Best sprats for 2024


Although sprats are far from being a national product, not a single holiday can do without them. Pleasant smokiness, balanced salt and a unique aroma - all this is received by a person after the first bite. But this may not be the case, and instead of a high-quality product, a salty or porridge from fish entrails is bought. So that the festive table is always decorated only with beautiful fish, the editorial staff of the site "" has prepared for you a rating of the best sprats for 2024.

How to choose the right one?

Before proceeding with the rating, it is important to understand what to look for when choosing. After all, some representatives may not be in the store, and then a person will have to spend time looking for when he can independently choose an acceptable product.

Sprats are fish from the herring family that have been processed and subsequently preserved in vegetable oil. To make such canned food, companies use sprat or herring as the main ingredient.

In addition, the slave must not only match the name, but also be of high quality. Since, using a cheap ingredient, at the final stage, a product will be obtained that completely lacks any structure. And this will not leave a positive impression on the buyer.

The main technology for processing fish is the use of hot or cold smoking, because only in this way a high-quality product is obtained that will decorate the dining table. However, some manufacturers, in order to save money or to increase the flow, are beginning to actively use the "Liquid Smoke" flavor, which gives a subtle note of natural smoking. If, when studying the composition, the use of this ingredient is found, then it is better not to take such a jar. Because a person cannot know exactly which brand was used for smoking, and in some cases, the flavor can cause an allergic reaction and adversely affect the stomach lining.

What's interesting about the line-up?

Reading the labels, which must be present, a person must understand that the date of preparation is located in the first row of the label (day, month, year). Next, it is important to make sure that the letter P is present, which confirms that the product was made in the fish industry. If the product is unfamiliar and the buyer comes across it for the first time, then it is important to look at the second row of labeling, which indicates the contents of the canned food. Most often, there are three numbers that indicate the assortment code. For example, the number 308 hides natural saury, while the cod liver has the code 010. Pink salmon is characterized by numbers and one letter: 85D. But good sprats should contain the number 137, which characterizes the Baltic sprat. It is necessary to remain vigilant and not take cost as the main criterion, since the saved 50-70 rubles are not worth the stress for the body. If, when inspecting a can, the buyer found a strange C20 marking, then this means that in front of him are sprats of the lowest quality, that is, there is substandard fish inside.

Upon further examination of the label, the person must find the manufacturer. If this is not the case, then the product hardly deserves attention, even if it is of high quality.When choosing a product by date of manufacture, it is important to understand that it is better to buy sprats that have been made recently, and not buy at a discount, but with an expiring date, even though canned food can be stored for two years. Because the manufacturer will not pay for the treatment later. It is better to take exactly the option that is much closer to the date of purchase.

It will be helpful if a person pays attention to the place of production. Sprats are ideal if they are cooked in the same place where they were caught. Because they have retained their freshness and original appearance than those that are delivered to the factory frozen. A good product is considered if the fish was caught in the autumn period, since at this time it becomes full and contains more food.

In addition, a detailed study of the composition, which is located on the label, should not include anything superfluous: no substitutes, preservatives and flavorings. The ideal option is fish, at least 10% oil and salt. There shouldn't be anything else, since these ingredients are responsible for the bright and rich taste.

During visual inspection, the bank must be intact, not have any mechanical damage. You cannot buy goods with sagging places that arise during inaccurate transportation and a swollen lid.

Of course, you can only visually inspect the fish during opening, so after purchasing it is important to make sure that the fish is structural, beautiful in appearance, does not fall apart, is tightly located, does not emit an unfavorable smell. It is important to know that the skin and abdomen of the fish should be completely intact and not have any signs of damage. Then the fish will be of high quality and tasty.

Good sprats have a nice uniform color. Most often it comes in two colors: golden yellow, as in the photo above, or dark golden. If the fish has a different color, then you should think about it.

After the first sample, the product should leave traces of tenderness in the mouth. The presence of a subtle note of bitterness with fragrant smoking is welcome. However, such criteria should be in harmony with the general taste, but in no case interrupt it.

After the can has been opened, and the canned food has not been finished, then the fish should be transferred to another container. Since storage in a tin form is not permissible. The opened cans must be eaten within three days, otherwise they will go bad.

Where did sprats come from?

When they say sprats, they most often mean any smoked canned fish. But it is important to know that only healthy sprat or herring are selected for a quality product. Although in ancient times there was a kind of small fish, which was called "sprat".

Latvia is considered the official homeland of canned sprat. There, back in the 19th century, they began to carry out the first smoking of small fish, and manufacturers also tried to bring something new and experimented with spices and additives. In some museums located in Riga, travelers can see old banks that were produced at the beginning of the 20th century.

Even despite the fact that modern sprats are made in over 40 countries, those made in the Baltic region are considered one of the most delicious. And this opinion is not only of experts, thousands of buyers declare it. Therefore, many people associate a simple combination “Riga gold” not with a precious metal, but with a jar of high-quality sprat.

How is the production carried out

The most surprising thing is that the technology for the production of canned food has remained practically unchanged: to achieve a good result, fresh winter fish is used (therefore, sandwiches with sprats are often prepared for the New Year), because if you catch fish in the summer, it will give off a bitterness that is nothing eliminate, why conservation would be unreasonable. It is important to handle the caught product well so as not to damage the structure, so sorting is done manually, after that it is put in a "pigtail" in metal cans, always belly up.Because only in this way is the integrity and safety of the product shown and speaks of the best quality. This is necessary because when the smoking process is carried out, the fish is put on thin skewers, and this process is not automated. Therefore, human error can spoil the appearance.

The most ancient and secret ingredient is hidden in smoking. So, they use not simple smoke, but only the one that is obtained from alder wood. Because only in this way you can achieve a pleasant appearance and an indescribable aroma.

After the fish is ready for conservation, packaging takes place, which is also handled by a person. On the surface, this may seem an easy task, but the operator not only puts, but also monitors the condition of the fish, and the daily rate often exceeds 3,000 units. So this is far from an easy job.

Towards excellence

Although there is a lot of manual labor in canning factories, automation is also present. So, the machines perform the final step: sealing and removing any excess bacteria that can harm the fish.

But the collaboration of machine and human is only part of the innovation that needs to be implemented. Some businesses offer a completely different approach to packaging and introduce transparent lids so that the buyer takes the product not in terms of composition, but in appearance. This allows the industry leaders to overtake all competitors by producing quality and inexpensive sprats.

Benefit and harm

Some properties of smoked fish can have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and become indispensable for humans. For example:

  • Almost every small fish (caught in the autumn-winter period) contains all the amino acids irreplaceable for the body. For a person, this means that in one period of time, he will be able to completely replace his diet with these cans of canned food.
  • A big plus is that the vitamin and mineral composition of sprat consists entirely of vitamins A, D, there are some varieties of categories B, there are tocopherols useful for the body. And the main feature is that all these useful elements are preserved even after heat treatment.
  • The third plus may seem like a disadvantage to someone, but for an average healthy body, sprats are a good source of energy. Because it contains dense fish with vegetable oil, due to which the calorie content in one hundred grams reaches 363 kcal. Almost the same amount is contained in low-fat potato chips, only the benefits of them are several times less.

Main disadvantages:

  • Since sprats are a product with many purine bases, they should not be consumed by people who have gout.
  • Some types of canned food contain benzopyrene. This element negatively affects a person and, if used frequently, can cause cancer. However, it is most often found in the production of sprat abroad. There is no such substance in Russian products, which has been repeatedly confirmed by Roskontrol.

It is also worth noting that sprats go well with fried potatoes or with a rich vegetable stew and baguette or regular bread. Due to the fact that this combination cannot be called dietary, for most consumers, if consumed excessively, they are more likely to cause negative consequences. Therefore, it is important not only to choose them correctly, but also to eat accordingly, then a person will receive benefits and pleasure.

Rating of quality sprats

Fish menu

This is a quality product in a classic jar (washer type), there are also models in oblong packaging. The fish looks fresh, with a beautiful golden hue that almost matches the image above. The fish tastes good, has hints of smoked meats. Sprats are made from herring, so the fish reaches large sizes, giving saturation. When reading the composition, a person will see only three important ingredients: oil, salt and fish. No preservatives or flavors were found.According to buyers, this is a good representative who will become an excellent asset on the festive table.

The average cost is 120 rubles for 175 grams.

sprat Fish menu


  • Rich taste;
  • Cost;
  • Smoked notes;
  • Manual laying;
  • Colour.


  • Not found.

Sea Recipes

Nice product with original name and standard packaging. Sprats do not taste bitter, if only remotely. A pleasant smell and taste of smoking is present. The caught fish passes through a conveyor belt, where sick or poor quality fish are thrown away. Therefore, the buyer can be sure of the quality of canned food. Also, after smoking, the products are placed in a metal can and sent to the last stage. For convenience, there is a convenient key on top that will allow you to open canned food in any situation. It may be a little dry in taste, but this is an insignificant disadvantage, since some users like it.

The average cost is 79 rubles per can.

sprat seafood recipes


  • Nice smoked flavor;
  • Nice design;
  • Cost;
  • Saturation.


  • Slightly dry;
  • A little bit of salt.


A good copy that 90% of buyers like. The fish is even and neat, each is carefully selected and matched in size. Smoking is carried out according to old recipes, so the taste is pleasant and rich. Also a big plus is the production address: the Kaliningrad region, not the Moscow region, as is the case with some manufacturers. The structure of the fish is dense, the bones are practically not felt. There are no major problems with salt. They are also sold in almost any supermarket, so it won't be difficult to find them.

The average cost is 130 rubles.

sprat bars


  • Delicious;
  • Saturation;
  • Dense and neat fish;
  • Often sold for stock;
  • Aroma.


  • Not found.

Fish standard

A good product that you can safely give second place to. The taste is bright, there is no bitterness, the aroma of smoking is present, and only natural ingredients are included. Like the previous options, it is highly regarded by casual buyers. The structure of the fish is of high quality, in the package they are almost all the same, there is a lot of meat. The color is golden. For convenience, there is also a quick release key.

The average cost is 90 rubles.

sprat Fish standard


  • Quality;
  • Saturation;
  • No bitterness;
  • Nice smoking.


  • Not found.

Old Riga

This copy takes the first place, both in this top and in the opinion of most buyers. The product is very high quality. There is nothing superfluous in the composition. Also, for convenience, the user can assess the internal state of the product, since the manufacturer uses a glass jar, which may violate tradition, but this does not affect the quality. In addition, each fish almost exactly repeats the previous one, which gives the impression that they were simply cloned. The bones are not felt, the salt balance is maintained by 5 points.

The average cost is from 70 to 130 rubles, depending on the packaging.

sprat Old Riga


  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Bones are not felt;
  • The fish is soft but firm;
  • Perfect salt balance.


  • Not found.


It would seem that it is difficult to choose sprat, and this is not a product that requires attention. However, only people who have never encountered bad goods can say this. For example, many people value Glavprodukt, but in 2024 the quality of production fell, and the rating was still high. Also, products from the Quality Mark brand are subjected to great criticism, which is a funny irony. If you have something to add to this rating or just interesting thoughts, then tell us about it in the comments.


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