🎧 Best sound level meters for 2024


Sound surrounds a person everywhere. Wherever he goes, there will be these vibrations. Absolute silence is achieved only in laboratory conditions or in space. The sound level meter is designed to measure loudness indoors or outdoors. This is a special device that is sold at a low price and can be used by anyone. It doesn't take long to set up, but it's important to choose a quality product.

For this reason, the editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you a rating of the best sound level meters for 2024.

Scope of application

The equipment is actively used to control sound insulation in an apartment, office or private house. The product is used by builders to carry out high-quality insulation. This allows you to choose a material that is many times more effective and will meet the characteristics declared by the manufacturer.

In an apartment building there are noise standards that are acceptable day and night. When a person violates this, then the neighbors have the right to fix the testimony and go to court. If the source of the noise is a musical instrument or speakers, then law enforcement agencies are able to pick up the equipment before clarifying the circumstances, and also impose a fine on the culprit. Therefore, the scope of application of the sound level meter is not limited only to the construction industry.

The device is able to show accurate information about the noise level. The police often use it if they doubt the testimony of neighbors.

The Labor Protection Commission uses a sound level meter to monitor the noise level at production sites, for various equipment. Compliance with safety regulations is monitored. So, if a person does not use earplugs or special headphones when working with machines that emit a loud sound, then the employer and employee are reprimanded. Because exceeding the established norm can cause an early hearing loss. Controlling the level of this indicator is important, and in this case you cannot do without this device.

How the sound level meter works

If we compare this equipment with complex electronic equipment, for example, smartphones, tablets, etc., then a person will see that there is nothing complicated in the design. The main element is a standard microphone. The membrane of this device will change its movement due to the sound waves. After measurement, the information obtained passes through several filters and appears on a digital or analog display (depending on the model type).

The level of sound generated is completely identical to the voltage level of the device. Therefore, there is no need to doubt the accuracy of this equipment. The measurement takes place in dB familiar to every person.

From all this it turns out that the equipment consists of only 6 main elements. If you do not take into account the body, electronic parts, etc., it turns out:

  • Omni-directional microphone;
  • Amplifier;
  • Several filters where the signal passes;
  • Detector;
  • Integrator;
  • Screen or other display method.

Filters are necessary in order to eliminate waves not perceived by the human ear, this has a positive effect on the accuracy of the device.So the result becomes objective and gives actual readings without overestimating or underestimating the value.

Valid values

It is necessary to know the standards, since knowledge of these values ​​will allow a person to navigate more easily in the information received and he will understand how dangerous the noise is. With frequent work in enterprises where the noise value exceeds 70-90 dB, while not using protective headphones, the employee's central nervous system diseases will begin to worsen. Him harder to fall asleep, reflexes get worse, and the general condition changes to eternal irritation. This noise is typical for any plant, therefore it is important to use special protective equipment so that there will be no further health problems.

100 dB is sufficient to cause the user to experience partial hearing loss. This deviation is of a short-term nature, but in some cases, a person can permanently damage the membranes. 200 dB is a dangerous value that can render a healthy worker disabled, and in some cases can kill. Because there will be a cerebral hemorrhage. It is very dangerous and forbidden to joke with such values.

Acceptable values ​​of vibration of a sound wave: from 40 to 50 dB. This is a harmless noise that is completely harmless to the body, it can be compared to a normal conversation between people. At night, in residential premises, the sound should not exceed 40 dB, if this happens, then the neighbors have the right to complain to the appropriate authorities. It is also important to understand that in other countries the value can change both upward and downward.

Getting accurate information

To determine the value without errors, it is important to handle the device correctly. There are no secrets here, it is enough to turn on the product and bring it to the source of the noise. After that, the microphone will begin to analyze the information and display the result on the display. The measurement speed depends on the device model and specifications. One option is able to show the value in a second, the other will take over 5-10 seconds. It is important to understand that the display shows the value of the strongest sound wave that was obtained during measurements.

Before carrying out work, you must make sure that the equipment is fully functional and the microphone is not covered. To do this, it is better to come to a quiet place or room and take a preliminary measurement. In life, this can be many times more difficult, since almost every electrical device makes a sound. If the room is quiet, then the value is at the minimum border.

Mobile applications

Today you don't have to go to the store and buy a special device. After all, smartphones also have a microphone, and all you need to do is download a special application on one of the popular platforms: PlayMarket or AppStore. But it is important to understand that a mobile phone cannot replace a real sound level meter, since the accuracy of the results obtained will be in doubt. Most of the results depend on the condition of the phone and its quality. For example, Apple gadgets are able to compete with household products because they have high accuracy. Cheap representatives, including Honor and Xiaomi, will show an unreliable result. You can easily verify this by conducting your own tests.

Such programs are best used to obtain indirect results within 60 dB - this is the level of ordinary human speech. It will not cause any harm to health. Most phones and tablets are not designed to measure loud sound, as their microphone is not designed for over 50 dB.

Classes of measuring equipment

Sound level meters are divided by accuracy, this is their main difference from each other:

  • Class 0 - precision instruments that are intended for laboratory tests only. This is the most expensive equipment with minimal error. For work, professional radioelements and high-quality filters are used, which ensure high accuracy.
  • Class 1 - such devices are used by the labor protection commission.Thanks to them, reliable results are obtained that cannot be disputed. The effectiveness of such devices has been proven for decades.
  • Class 2 - This device is used during a technical inspection of a car to make sure that the engine is running quietly. The accuracy assessment is at a high level, but it is not a standard.
  • Class 3 - household equipment used for household use. They are often found on the market and provide approximate noise values ​​that differ by 1 or 5 dB.

It is important to know that the device class affects the measurement range. Equipment of class 0 and 1, easily capture the values ​​obtained in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. For the second class, the characteristic value is from 20 Hz to 8000 Hz. Household products are designed for a frequency of 30-8000 Hz. In addition, the devices differ in the maximum dB value that they are able to record.

Rating of sound level meters of the 1st accuracy class (professional)


A high-quality special-purpose device that will help to identify violations without errors. The readings are close to laboratory equipment. The measurement takes place in the range from 10 to 20,000 Hz. Designed for all types of measurements and analysis. Assembly and installation does not raise any questions.

The average cost is 134,728 rubles.

sound level meter ASSISTANT S-light


  • High accuracy;
  • Suitable for all types of testing;
  • There are certificates confirming the quality;
  • Works in all valid ranges.


  • Not found.


A high-quality meter designed for precision work in industrial plants. The microphone is made with high quality, the sound level meter makes it possible to measure three parameters simultaneously. Also, a big plus of the device is its convenient operation. The device fits nicely in the hand, the memory card up to 4 GB is supported.

The average price is 147,300 rubles.

sound level meter ZETLAB BSWA 308


  • Professional equipment;
  • High accuracy;
  • Ergonomics;
  • High quality microphone.


  • Not found.

Rion NL-62

Reliable equipment in a protective case. The device works in all frequency ranges and shows good accuracy. The maximum dB value is 138. The internal memory can hold 1000 sets. Protection class - IP54. Powered by 4 rechargeable batteries.

It is sold at a price of 370,000 rubles.

sound level meter Rion NL-62


  • Qualitative indications;
  • Laboratory accuracy;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Reliability.


  • High price.


A device from a well-known manufacturer that has proven itself in the professional field. The memory is designed to store up to 100 blocks of measurements, which allows you to get past results with one click. Connection to a personal computer is available, there are 6 options for presets.

The average price is 199,000 rubles.

sound level meter CASELLA-620С


  • Reliable case;
  • Proprietary software;
  • Accuracy;
  • Built-in memory;
  • Convenient interface.


  • Not found.

Rating of the Sumerians of the 2nd accuracy class

MEGEON 92018

High quality meter with small ranges. Made in a modern style with a convenient navigation interface. There are two scanning modes to get the most accurate results. There is a clock function.

The average price is 49,000 rubles.

sound level meter MEGEON 92018


  • Reliability;
  • The assembly is done professionally;
  • Measures up to 130 dB;
  • 6 dynamic ranges.


  • Not found.

Cem DT-8851

A semi-professional device that has little value and good accuracy. Made in a plastic case. Measurements are carried out in two modes, which is very convenient when you need to get a quick result. The equipment meets modern quality standards.

The average cost is 8 350 rubles.

sound level meter Cem DT-8851


  • Low price;
  • Good build;
  • Accuracy;
  • Intuitive interface.


  • Not found.

Center 32

Another budget product of the second class of accuracy, which will provide the user with accurate readings for the entire life. Measurements can be carried out in manual and automatic mode. There are dozens of different settings that will help you adapt the device to your own needs.

The average cost is 9,000 rubles.

sound level meter Center 32


  • Accuracy;
  • Small size;
  • Price;
  • Quality filters;
  • Convenient screen;
  • Intuitive interface.


  • Not found.

Testo 816-2

Quality option with windscreen. The device is designed with the latest advances in this field in mind. Batteries and operating instructions are included. The equipment copes well with tasks that require prompt results. All information can be downloaded and stored on a computer or laptop.

The average price is 42,000 rubles.

Testo 816-2


  • Two-year warranty;
  • High quality wind protection;
  • Accurate results;
  • Wide range of applications.


  • Not found.

Rating of household sound level meters (accuracy class 3)

Benetech GM1356

An excellent option for taking measurements in residential premises. The device is inexpensive, while showing good test results, which cheaper Chinese representatives cannot distinguish. Also, with the help of such a device, a person can easily measure the level of noise emitted by a washing machine, refrigerator, car, etc.

The average price is 2 800 rubles.

Benetech GM1356


  • Easy control;
  • Reliability;
  • High-quality assembly;
  • Wide display.


  • Not found.


A high-quality product that is used for acoustic measurements in various household conditions. It has a long service life and good battery life. The readings are accurate, although there is an error of 1-4 dB. For convenience, there is a retention of the information received. Indicators are displayed on a backlit screen.

Sold at a price of 2,000 rubles.



  • Reliability;
  • There is a guarantee;
  • Nice to the touch;
  • Doesn't underestimate readings.


  • Accuracy depends on external conditions.


The equipment is suitable for noise analysis in offices, educational institutions, etc. The filters are installed of average quality, but this does not prevent them from obtaining reliable results. There is a built-in function of automatic shutdown if the user has not used the device for a long time. This allows you to extend the working life.

The average price is 5,200 rubles.

sound level meter AR814


  • Reliability;
  • High-quality audio signal conversion;
  • Measurement time - 2 seconds.


  • High price.

MEGEON 92130

A high-quality sound level meter from a well-known manufacturer, which is distinguished by long battery life, a high-quality screen and normal accuracy. It can be used both at home and in small industrial enterprises to obtain a preliminary result.

The cost is 2,300 rubles.

sound level meter MEGEON 92130


  • Good build;
  • Wide screen;
  • Simple controls;
  • Sits comfortably in the hand.


  • Not found.


Sound waves can both save lives and cause harm. It is necessary to constantly monitor the noise level so as not to become deaf in the future. If you have experience using the models presented in the rating, or more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.


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