🚲Best folding bikes for 2024


Previously, no one could have imagined their childhood without a bicycle. As evil, only a few of the entire yard had them, and everyone wanted to ride. Now the market is full of various models of bicycles, and there are many more opportunities to purchase it. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared a list of the best folding bicycles. They are considered one of the most optimal for the urban regime.

Varieties of bicycles

It all started with a scooter model patented in 1818. Over the years, it has undergone changes and improvements. The bike became similar to the version we have now in 1867.

At the moment, there are several types of bicycles, depending on their scope. The most common are:

  1. Road bikes are lightweight, designed for long distances and ideal road conditions. They have a narrow tire diameter and a non-standard handlebar.
  2. Chopping bicycles - designed for time trial cycling. They differ in the geometry of the frame, aerodynamic steering wheel.
  3. Track - suitable only for cycling. They differ from the sports with a more rigid frame, the wheelbase is shorter, there are no brakes as such.
  4. Triathlon - racing bicycles. When creating a design, developers focus on the aerodynamics of models, this is evidenced by a special steering wheel and wheels.
  5. Cyclocross or cyclocross - refers to off-road road bikes. Their distinctive features are thick off-road tires, modified frame geometry, cantilever or disc brakes.
  6. Mountain bike - designed for off-road riding and in difficult-to-produce places. It features a more durable design.
  7. A full suspension bike is a type of mountain bike that has shock absorption on both wheels.
  8. Fatbike is a mountain bike with wide tires.
  9. XC - Suitable for off-road racing. Durable, has a high permeability. And most often they have a straight steering wheel, wheels of high rigidity with wide tires.
  10. Down Hill - designed for downhill slopes. They have a high cross-country ability. As a result of the fact that it is very durable, with shock absorption, hydraulic brakes, the weight of such a model can reach 20 kg.
  11. A city bike is a type that is designed for walking trips around the city. Not designed for high-speed driving and impassable areas.
  12. Hybrid bike - combines some of the design principles of mountain and road bikes.
  13. Touring bike - designed as a model for hiking trips.
  14. BMX is lightweight, shock-resistant with a low frame, often bareback. The diameter of the wheels is small. Designed for disciplines such as Street, Dirt, Vert, Flat.

For the convenience of the consumer, children and women bicycles are produced separately.

Children's bike - designed for the smallest. There are several categories in this segment according to the age of the child.

Women's bikes feature a low frame design and a range of optional accessories. They, in turn, can be urban type, mountain, sports

The following types can also be distinguished: cargo bicycles and trailer bicycles, electric bicycles, tandem, ligrad, unicycle, choppers and cruisers. They are in less demand.

Folding bicycles

Folding bicycles are great for the city. Although among them you can find both road and mountain options. They can also be female or childish.
Folding bicycles are very convenient and practical, they are especially valuable for those who live in small apartments. They are easy to carry, so the owner can easily visit a cafe or ride the subway with such a load. They also fit easily into the trunk of a car. These bicycles can be folded 2 to 4 times.

Model frames are often made of aluminum or steel.

Shock absorbers are rarely used. Wheel diameters are generally 20 - 24 inches.

At the moment, the following manufacturers hold leading positions on the market:

  • Stels;
  • Forward;
  • Shulz;
  • Strida;
  • Dahon;
  • Schwinn;
  • Giant;
  • Author;
  • Mobiky.

Selection rules

After the buyer has decided on the purpose of his iron horse, it is worth thinking about its details.

The frame is one of the most important parts of the bike. They can be of different lengths and diameters.

In order to select the optimal frame height, you need to stand above it. The distance between the pipe and the groin should be 12 - 15 cm. With regard to the material from which it is made, the following can be said. There are 4 main alloys. Aluminum, steel, titanium and carbon. The first two are the most common options.

  • Carbon frames are considered to be the lightest and most durable. The disadvantages include the high price, the impossibility of repair and susceptibility to corrosion.
  • Titanium is a durable and reliable material. Lightweight, non-corrosive. The disadvantages include the high price and complexity of the repair.
  • Steel frames are very heavy, so they are suitable for city bikes that do not care about speed and maneuverability. Have an affordable price. Damage can be easily repaired by welding. Confirmed by corrosion.
  • Aluminum is a great frame material. Despite being lightweight, it can support carved weights. Quite durable. Very lightweight, which makes a huge difference if the bike is a road bike. Affordable price. But in repair, aluminum is not very practical.

The saddle should be chosen soft, if possible, with silicone inserts.

Attention should be paid to the brakes. There are 2 types of them. Some are designed for quiet city driving (bypass), the second option is more advanced and reliable - hydraulic disc. Disc pads erase steel discs without touching the rim. Only the initial installation of the device causes problems. There is also a difference in price. Bypass brakes are much cheaper.

Bike cushioning is also important. If the buyer is going to drive at high speeds in flat terrain, then depreciation is not needed. It will hinder and slow down movement. In all other cases, you should not give it up.

There are two types of shock absorption, in the first case it is installed only in the front, in the second the bike has a front and rear shock absorber.

  • Front cushioning is optimal. It allows the bike to be more stable and agile.
  • Front and rear shocks are only available on advanced mountain bikes. They make the bike much heavier and more expensive.

By design, shock absorbers are divided into:

  • spring-elastomeric;
  • spring oil;
  • air.

If a woman chooses a model, then it makes sense to choose a bike from a segment specially designed for the fair sex. They are lighter than usual, have a wider saddle, narrow handlebars. The brake lever is located closer to the handle. Cushioning is soft.

When choosing bicycles for children, the age of the child should be taken into account. Now there are many models in this segment. The dimensions and diameter of the wheels are taken into account. For the smallest, you need to choose tricycles or make sure that there are 2 additional small wheels in the set that you can attach.

For older children, models are made similar to ordinary bicycles. They are equipped with shock absorption, brakes, multiple speeds. The only difference is the size.

For folding bicycles, weight is important. Since they are created for convenience in city mode, owners should take into account in advance that at least 10 kg. they will need to be carried by hand.

The folding speed of such a bicycle should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

Pros and cons of folding bikes

Such things, like any others, have both advantages and disadvantages.


  • Compact. They can be stored in the closet or on the balcony, transported in the trunk of a car or on the subway.
  • Quite durable. The body of these bikes is made mainly of steel and aluminum. The material is considered reliable, and in case of breakdown, it can be repaired.
  • Versatility. Apart from the design, it is convenient for people of different age groups.


  • Limitation. Unfortunately, road and mountain folding bikes will never compare to the original models. They are less stable and reliable, and also have fewer speeds.
  • High price. This is due to the introduction of additional complex parts, thanks to which the bicycle has a folding system.

Best folding bikes of 2024

Giant FD806 (2016)

Price: RUB 21 260

It was recognized as one of the best at the choice of buyers. The frame and rim are made of aluminum alloy. Has no depreciation. The fork design is rigid.
Equipped with front and rear walking brakes. The diameter of the wheels is 20 inches.
The steering wheel is curved, the rise is adjustable. Has 6 speeds.

Giant FD806 (2016)


  • compact;
  • easily transformed;
  • easy.


  • narrow tires;
  • price;
  • no depreciation.

Giant Expressway 2 (2016)

Price: RUB 19,700

Seven-speed compact bike for adults. It differs from the previous one only in a few characteristics. Has an aluminum frame and rim. Equipped with front and rear walking brake. It is also possible to additionally attach a disk to the frame. The steering wheel is curved and adjustable. For convenience it is equipped with a backing.

Giant Expressway 2 (2016)


  • budgetary;
  • compact



  • hard;
  • no fenders and trunk;
  • narrow wheels


Forward Timba

Price: 8670 rub.

Children's folding bike. Designed for ages from 6 to 9 years old. No depreciation. Rigid fork design. Steel frame. The diameter of the wheels is 20 inches. Rim material - aluminum. There is no front brake. There is only a rear leg.

Has 1 speed mode. The steering wheel is curved, adjustable rise. The set includes side wheels, bell, protective pad, footrest, trunk, fenders.

Forward Timba


  • affordable price.


  • not found


Giant Expressway 1 (2016)

Price: RUB 40640

The frame is made of aluminum. Rigid fork design. There is no depreciation. The diameter of the wheels is 20 inches. Aluminum rim. Rear and front brakes are walking. It is possible to mount an additional disk on the model frame. Has 8 speeds.

The steering wheel is curved, adjustable for rise. Additional accessories: footrest, trunk, fenders.

Giant Expressway 1 (2016)


  • compact;
  • comfortable saddle;
  • convenient.


  • high price.

Novatrack TG-30 (2017)

Price: 6870 rub.

Has a steel frame. There is no depreciation. The wheel rim is made of aluminum. Diameter 20 inches. There is no front brake. Equipped with rear foot only.
Number of speeds: 1.
The steering wheel is curved, adjustable for rise. The saddle is comfortable spring loaded, its frame is made of steel. Also equipped with bell, chain guard, pad, fenders and trunk.

Novatrack TG-30 (2017)


  • comfortable saddle;
  • affordable price.


  • few speeds.

Dahon Vitesse D8 (2016)

Price: RUB 29 890

Convenient model, weighing 11.2 kg. The frame and wheel rim are made of aluminum. There is no depreciation. Number of speeds: 8.
Standard twenty-inch wheels. Equipped with front and rear walking brakes. The steering wheel is straight. Includes trunk and fenders.

Dahon Vitesse D8 (2016)


  • Beautiful design;
  • fast;
  • agile;
  • reliable.


  • complex adjustment of gear shifting;
  • rigid saddle;
  • black paint is scratched.

STELS Pilot 970 MD 26 V021 (2018)

Price: 16 900 rub.

Mountain bike, cross country. The material of the wheel rim and frame is aluminum.
The wheel diameter is 26 inches. Braking is carried out using the rear and front mechanical disc brakes (walking). It is also possible to attach the disc brake to the frame, fork, hub.

Number of speeds: 21. There are front and rear derailleurs. The steering wheel is curved.

STELS Pilot 970 MD 26 V021 (2018)


  • easy;
  • convenient;
  • reliable fastening of the frame;
  • affordable price;
  • Beautiful design.


  • uncomfortable sitting;
  • brakes fail quickly;
  • poor recoil of shock absorbers;
  • unreliable speed switches;
  • rigid saddle.

Strida 5.2

Price: 39200 rub.

It differs from all other models in the temporary type of drive, and the design is quite unusual. Female fork design. The frame and wheel rim are made of aluminum. There is no depreciation. The diameter of the wheels is 16 inches.
Front and rear brakes are walking. Type - disc mechanical.
It is possible to mount the disc brake to the frame, bushings and fork.
Only 1 speed is provided.

The saddle is quite comfortable, has gel inserts, and is height adjustable.
The standard equipment includes a roof rack, fenders and a footrest. The steering wheel is straight.
Folding pedals. Weight - 11 kg.


  • easy;
  • compact;
  • good brakes;
  • stylish design.


  • brake pads are quickly erased;
  • unstable.

ALTAIR City 20 (2018)

Price: 4420 rub.

Budget folding bike. The frame is solid steel. There is no depreciation. The diameter of the wheels is 20 inches. The rims are made of aluminum. There is no front brake, it is equipped with a rear foot brake. Has only one speed.

The steering wheel is curved, adjustable for rise. Additional accessories include a bell, footrest, trunk and fenders.


  • budgetary;
  • comfortable saddle;
  • high quality rubber;
  • weak chain;
  • plastic protection for the chain.


  • not found.

comparison table

ModelAppointmentNumber of speedsprice, rub.
Giant FD806urban621260
Giant expressway 2urban719700
Forward Timbachild18670
Giant Expressway 1urban840640
Novatrack TG-30urban16870
Dahon Vitesse D8urban829890
STELS Pilot 970 MD 26 V021mountain2116900
Strida 5.2urban139200
ALTAIR City 20 (2018)urban14420

Folding bike care

As with anything else, your bike should be looked after properly.

In order to avoid premature corrosion, the bike should be washed frequently with special products. The pressure should be low.

The chain needs constant lubrication every 80 - 100 km.

Transmission and brake cables require attention and adjustment. The tire pressure should also be checked once a week.

To prevent breakdowns and not get into an unpleasant situation, you should always check the condition of the chain and brake pads. Especially when driving in extreme conditions.

Would you like to buy a folding bike or you are for a one-piece version, share your opinion in the comments.


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