The best locksmith and machine vices for 2024


No professional and home workshop is complete without a vice. Thanks to them, up to 80% of the work is carried out. Often the future of the product depends on the quality of the clamp. No one is reluctant to start creating a project anew due to one mistake, therefore, the choice of this device is treated with maximum responsibility. And to make it easier, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best locksmith and machine vices for 2024.

Top-10 representatives up to 3,000 rubles.

EUREKA 50mm ER-18250

An irreplaceable locksmith device that will simplify everyday use by 2-3 times. This model will complete the tasks with 100% user friendliness. Fastening to the workplace occurs by means of a clamp. The equipment is standard: the manufacturer did not add anything to the device, but did not remove the main elements either. The weight of one model is 610 grams.

The sponges are made of steel, which will not deteriorate after the first time, like some Chinese representatives. The only drawback of the device is that the paint peels off after 2 months of use. Otherwise, it is a unique product that will find its place in every garage.

Average price - 300 rubles.

NEURIKA 50mm ER-18250


  • Compactness;
  • Assembly;
  • For home use;
  • Holds the item tightly.


  • Not found.

STAYER 60 mm 3252

An excellent auxiliary device that will give the owner trouble-free operation and reliability. There is no locksmith work that this unit cannot handle: from drilling to cutting, STAYER will fulfill every project and bring your daring ideas to life.

To make a tight fit, the device is equipped with cast-iron embossed jaws, which under no circumstances will weaken the grip. In addition, to give the owner comfort, the manufacturer has placed a special locking lever that will not allow the vise to loosen its efforts in case of accidental contact. The design is made in a masculine style and is able to decorate a boring workplace. Weight - 2.37 kg.

Average cost - 890 rubles.

STAYER 60 mm 3252


  • Functionality;
  • Mounting quality;
  • Reliability;
  • Cast iron body;
  • Low price;
  • Swivel.


  • There are no critical flaws.

TOPEX 07A307

A branded model that will fit into the workspace of a novice modeler. With the help of such a vice, a person reconstructs not a single life or battle.

TOPEX 07A307 can be placed at any angle, which is a great advantage. It will take less than 30 seconds to commit. The device is equipped with a lock and unlock jaw button that will never fail.

The device is made of aluminum, but despite this, it is of a quality, if not subjected to impossible loads. According to buyers, this is a decent product at a low cost that will pay off in a day or two.

Sold at a price of 1,200 rubles.

TOPEX 07A307


  • Ergonomic design
  • Price and quality;
  • Reliability;
  • The head grips well;
  • No backlash.


  • Bad color.

Bison MASTER 32485

The vise is designed for complex work that requires precision and concentration. The advantage is the presence of an anvil, which opens up new possibilities of use for the owner (up to the manufacture of jewelry pieces).

The main element from which the vice is made is cast iron СЧ25. To place the model on the desktop, you need to use a clamp. The design is made in accordance with ergonomics, which makes the device not only beautiful, but also practical. MASTER 32485 will be an excellent assistant when performing any type of work.

Sold at a price of 1,400 rubles.

Bison MASTER 32485


  • Low price;
  • Workmanship;
  • Good grip;
  • There is a small anvil;
  • Well-known manufacturer.


  • Not found.

Sorokin 1.913

A good mid-range model that is installed in many amateur workshops. The vise consists of a high-quality body made of cast iron and two steel jaws, which will provide the highest quality grip of the product.

With such a device, processing and assembly will take a few minutes, and the chance of an accidental error is minimal. Also SOROKIN 1.913 has a high operational life, has dozens of positive reviews and will serve the owner without failures. The painting is done at a decent level for its price category, which will appeal to every master.

The average cost is 2,000 rubles.

Sorokin 1.913


  • There is an anvil;
  • Reliability;
  • Low cost;
  • There is no backlash;
  • Cast iron body;
  • Ideal for small and medium sized plumbing work.


  • Not found.

Gigant DV 75

An excellent machine vise that allows you to carry out daily operations with maximum convenience and comfort. They have a body that will withstand any mechanical stress and will remain intact even after 2 years of active use.

Most people like the device for its appearance, functionality and high-quality performance. The center distance is 135 mm, which serves as a more balanced solution, the compressive force is 6.9 kN. For the manufacture of the case, special cast iron was used, which is highly reliable.

The average cost is 1,300 rubles.

Gigant DV 75


  • Excellent coverage;
  • Compressive force;
  • Assembled from excellent material;
  • Compactness;
  • Ergonomics.


  • Small backlash.

Caliber 70x60 mm

A budget option that is perfect for people who are not going to use the tool on an ongoing basis and they just need it now.

The body is made of good metal, which is not of high quality, but it will be an excellent solution for small jobs. Thanks to such a vice, plastic, wood and some types of metal will be tightly fixed, without forming a free wheel.

For greater convenience, the manufacturer has equipped the device with large grooves, which will provide an easy and instant grip in the selected place. The vise does not differ in its special design and is sold both in ordinary and online stores.

Average price - 470 rubles.

Caliber 70x60 mm


  • High speed clamp;
  • There is a mechanism for instant release of the product;
  • Compactness;
  • They do well with small jobs.


  • Cannot be used for complex projects.

WILTON Q100 100x100 mm

A good mid-range device designed for average tasks. It can be used both in garage workshops and by professionals.

It differs from the previous model in high build quality and good materials that were used for manufacturing. An articulated handle is used to move the jaws.

The durability of the tool is at a high level and will not deteriorate, even after 18 months of constant work. The homeland of the brand is the USA, the assembly is carried out in China, but it is carried out in accordance with all requirements, thus increasing reliability and safety.

The average price is 1,600 rubles.

WILTON Q100 100x100 mm


  • Trouble-free work;
  • Weight - 3.17 kg;
  • Low cost;
  • Brand;
  • Provide quality clamping;
  • Smooth running.


  • Not found.

COBALT 246-043

Not a bad Russian tool, which is necessary for fixing a product intended for processing on a milling machine.

The body is completely made of cast iron, which ensures high reliability and stability of operation. To achieve a smooth movement of the moving element, an articulated arm is used.

Landing nodes will ensure the vise is seated.Also, the device differs from some cheap options with good used paint, which will not peel off after 2 months of operation and will serve the entire specified period. In addition, the device is in great demand among novice specialists due to its affordable price and quality.

Sold at a price of 1,800 rubles.

COBALT 246-043


  • They do a good job with the task;
  • Reliable domestic manufacturer;
  • Low cost;
  • Availability;
  • Cast iron was used to make the sponges.


  • Small backlash.

GRIFF Q19A b241503

A good tool that is ideal for use in drilling machines. The design is simplified as much as possible, therefore it is in great demand among buyers.

The body and jaws are made of high quality cast iron in accordance with the technical requirements and GOST 16518-96. This product is intended for use in factories or home workshops.

External design is standard for such devices; has excellent coverage. The great advantage of such equipment is its high ergonomics when carrying out medium and small works. Backlash is present, but it does not affect the quality of compression.

Sold at a price of 1,670 rubles.

GRIFF Q19A b241503


  • Well suited for small projects;
  • Value for money;
  • Provide the owner with high reliability;
  • Massive.


  • Not found.

Top 6 models for professional use

Stalex TQA6 376308

Excellent machine vise that can be used with both milling and drilling machines. They will give the wearer an unrivaled quality of hold, so any piece won't slip or twist.

In addition, the manufacturer has equipped the tool with a high-quality rotary design, which makes it possible to carry out radial drilling without removing the product, and thanks to the 45 degree rise, it is possible to perform drilling with greater comfort.

Also a distinctive feature of such a vice is the lack of maintenance. It is important to understand that the device is designed for professional projects and it makes no sense to buy it for home.

Sold at a price of 20 400 rubles.

Stalex TQA6 376308


  • Good workmanship;
  • Reliability;
  • Trouble-free work;
  • Maintenance free;
  • For professional work.


  • Not found.

Jet 385021

Rotary machine vice, which is used in conjunction with milling machines. A distinctive feature of this tool is its high-quality assembly. It is also a great advantage that the device can rotate around its axis.

In addition, there are special holes on the jaws that provide a reliable fixation for cylindrical objects. Special levers are used to control the device. The body is made of expensive cast iron. The instrument is able to serve for over a dozen years, and the external state will change minimally. It is used in many locksmiths to perform tasks of any complexity.

Sold at a price of 28,000 rubles.

Jet 385021


  • There is a scale on the moving part;
  • Ease of work carried out;
  • Reliability;
  • Functionality;
  • High quality materials were used for manufacturing.


  • Not found.

PROMA SWT-125 25300102

Reliable 3-axis device that will last over 9 years of active use. Also, the tool will provide a high degree of fixation of any product intended for processing. The chance that the product will move a few degrees after starting work is minimal, so the user can be sure of reliability and quality.

Unlike most expensive models, this vise does not require any tricks or skills to work with. Even a novice specialist can handle PROMA SWT-125 and will carry out all operations with maximum responsibility and ease.

It is important to know that the model needs maintenance after work.Then the person will keep the instrument clean, which will become the guarantor of long-term service.

Sold at a price of 35,600 rubles.

PROMA SWT-125 25300102


  • High quality;
  • Durability;
  • Easy job;
  • Doesn't require any special tech. service;
  • 3-axis.


  • Not found.


Reliable American vise that is only used in large enterprises or by people who have their own workshop. High durability, high-quality performance, trouble-free operation, long service life, etc., this is what this tool gives to its owner. To achieve such indicators, fine-grained cast iron was used in the manufacture, which was quenched.

For ease of use, the manufacturer has equipped the device with a biaxial design, which makes it possible to increase the scope of application and install the workpiece in any position. The jaws are made of hardened tool steel.

The average price is 50,000 rubles.



  • Reliability;
  • Structural strength;
  • Appearance;
  • Brand;
  • The body is made of fine-grained cast iron;
  • Reliability;
  • Durability.


  • Not found.

Irwin 112

If a person is looking for a model that can handle mechanical work, then Irwin 112 is an excellent option. In addition to the high-quality cast iron body, the device is equipped with a comfortable anvil.

To ensure greater safety, the manufacturer has supplemented the vice with a protective stopper that will not allow the carriages to fly out. The device is suitable for work in small private workshops and in production.

The average cost is 29,200 rubles.

Irwin 112


  • There is a swing mechanism;
  • High-strength cast iron was used in the manufacture;
  • Value for money;
  • Anvil;
  • Robust case.


  • Not found.

Rothenberger 70714

This is a special device that is designed to ensure reliable fixation of pipe blanks. This device is actively used in the corresponding fitting and assembly work. The design has a convenient shape and high reliability.

The body is made of high-quality metal and can withstand almost all loads, which opens up the possibility of working with complex elements. In addition, the vice is highly practical, which is achieved due to the V-shaped support with teeth, which eliminates the possibility of defects when working with pipes.

The average cost is 32,300 rubles.

Rothenberger 70714


  • Durability;
  • Low weight;
  • Practicality of use;
  • The body is made of hardened steel;
  • Does not deform products.


  • For pipe work only.


If you have experience in using the bench and machine vices described in the rating, or more interesting models, tell us about it in the comments.


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