💊Best Over-the-counter Sleeping Aids & Side Effects for 2024


Sleep quality affects performance, memory, human health. Chronic sleep deprivation leads to a significant decrease in productivity. The work of the heart muscle worsens especially. The most effective method for coping with violations is medication. However, medications for insomnia are often prescription medications. You can buy herbal preparations without a doctor's prescription. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared a rating of the best medicines that can be simply purchased at the pharmacy.

Requirements for sleeping pills

Before purchasing a drug at a pharmacy, you should understand the features of its action. To adjust your sleep and rest routine, it is sometimes enough to eliminate the annoying basis. Sleeping pills are required only for prolonged chronic sleep deprivation. Therefore, when choosing medicines, it is important to consider:

  • Symptoms;
  • concomitant diseases;
  • drug interaction;
  • side effect;
  • age;
  • physiology.

Any drug with a hypnotic effect must be safe. The instructions should not reflect the negative effect on the body, there should be a minimum of contraindications, and there are also few undesirable effects.

Often, an incorrectly selected sleeping pill causes drowsiness during the day, and becomes a factor of additional fatigue. Due to sleeping pills, irritability and bad mood appear. Many sleeping pills affect sleep phases, memory, and attention.

Most sleeping pills are addictive, which increases the symptoms of insomnia. Strong remedies are sold by prescription only. Short-term sleep problems can be addressed with over-the-counter medications.

Types of sleeping pills

Medications designed to combat insomnia are divided into several large groups:

  • Barbiturates.

The funds are aimed at combating serious sleep problems. The drugs of the group are addictive, both mental and physical, therefore they are not sold without a prescription. Medications affect the REM sleep cycle.

  • Tranquilizers.

The drugs are also addictive. Such medicines are prescribed for anxiety states of the psyche, unfounded experiences and fears.

  • Z-preparations.

Medicines have no unwanted effects. Addictive syndrome develops only with very long-term use.

  • Melatonin medications.

The funds have no effect on sleep cycles. However, they reduce the number of nighttime awakenings, accelerate falling asleep. Does not cause drowsiness in the daytime.

  • Receptor blockers.

They are considered one of the safest groups. The funds have no contraindications, do not affect the psyche, do not affect sleep phases.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Any medication is recommended in severe cases of insomnia. With minor deviations, it is enough to change the diet, go in for sports, do not forget about walks, and hygiene.


This medicine contains melatonin.The substance has a positive effect on insomnia, speeds up falling asleep, and has a sedative effect. With prolonged use, it restores biological rhythms.



  • It is rapidly absorbed after ingestion;
  • Sound sleep remains after the removal of the main component;
  • Lack of daytime sleepiness;
  • Does not cause addiction.


  • The drug has a contraceptive effect. Those wishing to get pregnant need to be careful with taking this remedy.

According to the instructions, the pill is taken 40 minutes before bedtime. You can use both whole and half.

In pharmacies it is sold at a price of 650 rubles. The price is current for 2024. Analogs: "Melarithm", "Sonnovan", "Melarena", "Melaxen Balance".

A person who has taken the drug is contraindicated in a lighted room.


An over-the-counter drug, one of the safest tranquilizers on the market. The tool affects the process of falling asleep, eliminates angina pectoris, lowers blood pressure.

Fabomotizol is the main active ingredient, which is prescribed for irritability, neurosis, anxiety. The tablets should be taken at night 30 minutes before bedtime. There is an option of taking an increased dosage, at which three pills are allowed.



  • Has a positive effect on somatic disorders;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • eliminates digestive problems;
  • positively affects arrhythmia, autonomic disorders;
  • acts as a sedative, but does not induce inhibition.


  • The effect of the drug does not appear immediately;
  • cancellation is possible only from the second week of admission;
  • the essential duration of treatment is 1 month.

Women who are breastfeeding and children under 18 years of age should not take this drug. Afobazol is sold at a price of 435 rubles. Prices are current for 2024.


A good over-the-counter remedy with no side effects. The preparation is based only on herbal ingredients. The action of the drug is fast, the tolerance is good. As part of the medicine:

  • Elder;
  • St. John's wort;
  • hop;
  • hawthorn;
  • old flower;
  • valerian.


  • The sedative effect is manifested after taking one tablet;
  • side effects are minimal;
  • anxiety, irritability, anxiety are eliminated;
  • no addiction.


  • the drug is a syrup, therefore it is contraindicated for diabetics.

The medicine costs 600 rubles.


It is safe, improves sleep, and is available over the counter without a prescription. The constituent substances of the drug are:

  • Mint;
  • Melissa;
  • valerian.

According to the instructions, the agent must be taken with nervous excitability, it also improves the quality of sleep, promotes falling asleep, and has a positive effect on digestion. The medicine should be applied 20 minutes before bedtime. Usually one tablet is prescribed per day. With the correct dosage, there are no side effects.

Persen's price is 350 rubles.



  • Safety;
  • Sedation after a single dose.


  • Not.


A cheap, but quite effective product that does not contain chemicals. The sleeping pill has a relaxing, calming effect. Motherwort blocks excitability, improves falling asleep.



  • Decreased pressure;
  • elimination of autonomic disorders;
  • restoration of the function of the heart muscle;
  • elimination of tachycardia.


  • The alcohol content of the liquid;
  • restriction in admission for pregnant women and children.

The price of a medicine varies from 25 to 60 rubles for the current year.


Safe herbal sleeping pill that is recommended for the course. In pharmacies, the drug can be bought in the form of tablets or drops. For significant sleep disorders, you can take three tablets a day. In case of emotional disorders, the duration of the course can be 1.5 - 2 months.



  • Complete security;
  • does not cause daytime sleepiness, irritability.


  • A significant difference in the cost in pharmacies: from 40 to 100 rubles.

Sleep Formula

A dietary supplement that includes only herbal ingredients. According to the manufacturer, the composition makes it easier to fall asleep. Sleep is deeper, better quality. On sale you can find options with melatonin, as well as magnesium, vitamins B.

Sleep Formula


  • Natural plant composition;
  • release in various forms;
  • suitable for children;
  • improves sleep;
  • does not cause addiction.


  • Some people are allergic to the composition.

The price of the product in pharmacies per package is about 400 rubles.

Tryptophan Tranquility Formula

The product contains an amino acid. It affects the sleep cycle. The drug contains vitamin B, substances that are needed to support the body in a stressful situation.

Tryptophan Tranquility Formula


  • Does not affect mood during the day;
  • helps to fall asleep when you first take the pill.


  • Quite a significant cost - 1200 rubles for the full course.


Phenobarbital, available in drops or tablets, is an over-the-counter drug. In comparison with competitors, it is quite cheap, therefore it is widely popular. According to the instructions, it is recommended to take from 10 to 40 drops, but the therapeutic dosage is individual.

The remedy is often recommended for heart pain, but the effect of the drug is rather distracting. It is indicated for tachycardia and psychomotor agitation.



  • Mild antispasmodic action;
  • different types of release.


  • Characteristic pungent odor;
  • not recommended for nursing mothers.


Herbal tea sold in filter bags. There are several options for sale with minor recipes. The compositions are based on motherwort, thyme and oregano. Packages need to be poured with boiling water, soaked a little, taken at night.



  • Soft natural action;
  • intestinal spasms are eliminated;
  • used in combination with medications.


  • The infusion is prepared before use, which requires a certain time;
  • contraindicated in pregnant women.

Contraindications for taking sleeping pills

Almost all sedative drugs have contraindications. Medicines are not recommended for use:

  • Children (usually the instructions indicate at what age the drug can be used);
  • pregnant women;
  • lactating women;
  • in the presence of kidney and liver diseases;
  • when drinking alcohol;
  • with intolerance to the components.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills are offered in pharmacies in a fairly wide variety. In each particular case, you can choose the right drug, despite the presence of contraindications.

It is important for patients who purchase drugs on their own that insomnia is a consequence of many diseases. Taking light sleeping pills is often useless.

Sleep Disorder Causes

Understanding the causes of insomnia is not easy. Anxiety, problems, worries often lead to a violation of falling asleep. If sleep difficulties are isolated cases, this should not be a reason for taking medication. The alarm should be beaten with regular insomnia. It is worth clarifying here that the treatment of adults and children will differ.


With this pathology, an adult can lie in bed for several hours and unsuccessfully try to sleep. Sleep, if it does, is usually restless, intermittent. The manifestation of the disease is associated with stress and nervous tension.


This type of pathology is characterized by increased drowsiness. Symptoms appear both at night and during the day. The disease affects the quality of life and leads to accidents. Endocrine and heart disorders are common causes of the disease.


A severe and dangerous case of the disease, which manifests itself as a state of panic, choking, convulsions and excessive sweating. In this state, the work of all internal systems of the human body is disrupted. Sudden respiratory arrest at night is possible.

To accurately determine the disease, the doctor will prescribe a comprehensive examination of the body. The following diagnostic methods are recommended:

  • Collecting information about the general well-being of a person;
  • creating a sleep and wakefulness schedule during the period of the patient's stay in the hospital;
  • laboratory blood tests;
  • Ultrasound;
  • study of the brain.

The causes of sleep disorders in children are more diverse, among the main ones are the following:

  • Diseases of the internal systems of the body;
  • heredity;
  • emotional overload;
  • hunger accompanied by physical discomfort (growing teeth, colic, etc.).

Pediatricians recommend seeking treatment only if the baby's insomnia is causing severe mood changes. The disorder is accompanied by enuresis and interruptions in breathing. Treatment is required if the duration of the disorder continues for several weeks.

Preventive measures

Before taking medications and going to the doctor, both adults and children with sleep disorders are advised to:

  1. To keep a diary. You need to record the state within a week. The duration of insomnia and the period of re-sleep should be noted.
  2. Establish a daily routine. Eating and sleeping should be organized at the same time. Adults and children benefit from walks, morning exercises, and water procedures.
  3. Limit the stress on the nervous system. For example, it is helpful to restrict TV viewing. Limit physical activity in the afternoon. Limit your intake of sweets.
  4. Establish regular ventilation of the room. The correct physical parameters of the external environment are important for a comfortable sleep. The optimum room temperature is +22 degrees. Bed linen should be clean, preferably natural.
  5. The psychological climate in the family is especially important. Sleeping comfortably is impossible without a trusting relationship between family members.

For both adults and children, to correct night sleep, it is advisable to exclude an hour of daytime sleep. A night's sleep will be favorable if the room is twilight, you can do reading at night, planning. Someone is pleased to fall asleep to the calm musical accompaniment, the talk of the TV.

If preventive measures and over-the-counter drugs in the fight against insomnia do not lead to a positive result, you should seek professional help. The primary admission of patients in ordinary polyclinics is conducted by a therapist. Initially, the doctor recommends relaxing procedures, and if necessary, he will refer you to a narrow specialist.

Most hospitals with sleep disorders have a neurologist. This doctor has the authority to prescribe a prescription sleeping pill or sedative. The specialist will apply other types of treatment, if necessary, prescribe an examination.

In paid institutions with sleep disorders, a somnologist works. The doctor will be able to recognize the subtleties of the disease, prescribe specialized treatment.

If the problem with night rest has arisen due to psychological disorders, it is worth contacting a psychologist. A specialist can help you manage depression and stress without medication. Another specialist who deals with mental disorders is a psychotherapist.

Patients who are constantly suffering from severe insomnia begin to see hallucinations. People have panic attacks, the ability to sleep is completely lost. A person who does not sleep for a long time falls into a state similar to a coma. In this state, even death is possible. This is just how important it is to prevent the problem already in the early stages of its occurrence.


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