At least once in our life, each of us has encountered poisoning, allergies or infection. When harmful substances, entering the body from the external environment, cause a whole complex of unpleasant reactions: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, high fever, weakness. It is possible to eliminate the cause of the disease, as well as remove the results of the action of toxic substances using sorbents.
The editors of the site "" prepared a review of modern sorbing drugs, made detailed instructions on how to choose a quality drug, and also selected the TOP of the best.
What are sorbents
Sorbents are drugs that absorb any substances: gases, decay products, allergens, toxins.
According to the method of sorption (absorption), preparations are divided into 4 types:
- adsorbents absorb toxins only by the surface layer;
- absorbents absorb harmful substances with their entire mass;
- ion exchangers - remove slags by starting ion exchange processes in the digestive tract;
- chemical absorbers neutralize unnecessary substances by reacting with them.
Sorbents are widely used in medical practice in the treatment of various diseases, accompanied by intoxication of the body. We list the most common cases when a patient can be prescribed them.
- Food or drug allergies. The sorbent is prescribed in combination with an antihistamine. The first removes allergens from the body, the second suppresses their action.
- Drug overdose.
- Overeating.
- Alcohol poisoning.
- Disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive system, liver, kidneys.
- "Breaking" in the abolition of drugs.
- Intoxication by waste products of helminths.
- Burns and damage to a large area of the skin.
The prophylactic intake of sorbents is also recommended for workers in hazardous industries and residents of ecologically unfavorable areas.
Sorbents have many positive features, but they still have a number of disadvantages. So, the following contraindications for use can be distinguished:
- intestinal obstruction;
- intestinal atony;
- violations of the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract tissues - ulcers, inflammation, erosion, gastritis, etc.
- allergy to drug components;
- bleeding in the stomach or intestines;
- diseases of the bile ducts.
Certain sorbents may not be recommended for children, pregnant women, and patients with liver or kidney disease.
Criterias of choice
The pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of drugs to cleanse the body. In any online store, you can order online, even without a prescription, dozens of sorbents with different compositions and in different release formats.
The main thing to look for when choosing a sorbent is the composition. For the manufacture of these drugs, rather simple natural or synthetic materials are used, to which food allergies rarely occur. But at the same time, the materials themselves interact with the body in different ways.
So, some drugs act gently on mucous tissues without harming them. Others act aggressively, up to microtraumas. All medicinal formulations differ in the degree and rate of sorption of toxins.
By composition, sorbents are divided into:
- Silicon of natural origin. The main component is medical clay or smectite. The most famous representative is Smecta.
- Silicon synthetic. The best for poisoning. Not recommended for gastrointestinal ulcers or erosions. Popular models - "White Coal", "Polysorb", "Enterosgel".
- Carbon. Not as effective as flint. They act very hard on the mucous tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. The most famous representative is “Activated Carbon”.
- Vegetable based on lignin. The product is composed of wood cells. The most famous is Filtrum.
- Natural pectin based. The most popular is Pektovit.
Strictly speaking, drugs with pectin are the least effective in their sorbing properties than others. They will not relieve severe intoxication. But they can be taken much longer than conventional sorbents. They do not disturb the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, but, on the contrary, restore it. The use of such drugs helps to restore normal tone to the intestinal muscles.
Pectin-containing dietary supplements are used for weight loss. The effect is, of course, insignificant. But you can remove a couple of kg in the form of a liquid and get rid of unpleasant puffiness.
Preparations with pectin or cellulose are also often prescribed for constipation. But if you don't want to spend money on medicines, you can get the same pectin from fruits or vegetables in the form of fiber. A lot of pectin is found in ordinary apples, citrus fruits, plums, apricots, beets, cabbage.
Once in the body, fiber swells, increasing the volume of feces, and coarse fibers improve intestinal peristalsis. These two factors relieve the digestive tract of putrefaction products, which usually linger inside for a long time.
Selection errors
Release form. Medicines are available in the form of tablets, gels, capsules, and powder. Which form is more effective and better It all depends on where the toxin is located, and how quickly you need to get the result.
The pills are the slowest of all. If the harmful substance is still in the stomach, then it is better to drink the medicine in powder form. If the toxins are already in the intestines, then one cannot do without sorbents in capsules.
Diseases and age of the patient. The second important factor, often overlooked in the treatment of poisoning. The effect of an aggressive sorbent ("Activated carbon") on an inflamed intestine is comparable to sandpaper. Therefore, when choosing a medicine, it is worth giving preference to softer, sparing options.
Top Colon Cleansing Medicines Manufacturers
When planning to buy a sorbent, many people think about which company is better to give preference to. A lot depends on the brand: the quality of raw materials, the qualifications of personnel, production conditions, and, ultimately, the quality of products. Which manufacturers should you pay attention to? According to doctors and numerous patients, the best brands are:
- Astellas / Pharmatis (Japan);
- Lainco (Spain);
- Vneshnetorg Pharma (Russia);
- PJSC "AVVA RUS" (Russia);
- Polisorb (Russia);
- TNK SILMA (Russia);
- Pharmatis (France);
- PharmVILAR (Russia);
- Pharmstandard-Leksredstva (Russia).
Rating of high-quality sorbents for cleaning the body for 2024
We offer you an overview of the most popular sorbent models for adults and children. The rating contains detailed descriptions of the properties of drugs, as well as the pros and cons of each of them.
Activated carbon
The oldest and most popular remedy for food poisoning, diarrhea, various kinds of intoxication. Available in every pharmacy, affordable. Quickly removes harmful substances and toxins from the body. Cannot be used for gastrointestinal ulcers or bleeding.
Average price: 25 rubles.
- budgetary;
- guaranteed result;
- not addictive;
- can be taken up to two weeks;
- safe for children.
- It is inconvenient to drink - you need to take several pills at once. Alternatively, taking the drug in a dissolved form requires crushing the medicine, mixing it with water and drinking it before the suspension settles.
- There are many side effects - constipation, nausea. With prolonged use, hypovitaminosis appears.
An effective clay-based preparation that fights bloating, heartburn and diarrhea. Cannot be used for intestinal obstruction, allergies to the ingredients of the drug.
Average price: 120 rubles.
- budgetary;
- convenient form of release;
- shown to children;
- suitable for pregnant women, breastfeeding;
- there are several flavors on sale - raspberry, vanilla-cocoa, strawberry, caramel-cocoa;
- gently affects the mucous tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.
- flavors can cause allergies;
- acts slowly due to low sorption;
- high therapeutic effect.
Polysorb-MP 12g can
The model of synthetic silicon enterosorbent eliminates the effects of acute or chronic poisoning of various origins, facilitates the treatment of food or drug allergies.
Average price: 109 rubles.
- acts quickly;
- high suction capacity;
- can be drunk by pregnant women, breastfeeding;
- safe for children.
- high cost per gram;
- inconvenient to take - the medicine must be diluted in water and drunk quickly before the suspension settles;
- long-term use can cause calcium deficiency, hypovitaminosis;
- can cause constipation, allergies.
Ultra-adsorb capsules. 200mg No. 30
Sorbent based on activated carbon, but in a more rapidly assimilated form. The medicine comes in the form of gelatin capsules with black charcoal powder inside. It dissolves quickly, absorbs harmful substances well. It is used in the complex treatment of infectious diseases.
Effective for allergic reactions, poisoning.
Cannot be used for ulcers or internal bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.
Average price: 442 rubles.
- can be given to children from three years old;
- convenient form of release;
- not addictive;
- reduces gas formation.
- high cost of one package;
- can cause constipation, nausea, calcium deficiency.
Phosphalugel gel int. 20% 16g No. 6
The medicine reduces the level of acidity in the stomach, gently envelops the tissues of the digestive tract, forming a protective layer on them. The gel can be used for ulcers, inflammation, gastritis and other diseases that cause violations of the integrity of the gastrointestinal tract tissues. The tool gently cleanses the body of toxins and toxins that have appeared due to poisoning, drug or alcohol overdose, allergies.
Average price: 156 rubles.
- budgetary;
- does not disturb the pH balance in the stomach;
- reduces gas formation.
- you can not drink with liver diseases, heart failure;
- contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.
Enterosgel paste int. 225g # 1
The gel is used to bind and remove toxins from the digestive tract. An effective detox agent for any type of intoxication. Able to weaken the symptoms of poisoning with potent substances, poisons, drugs, heavy metal salts.
Effective for infections, including purulent-septic infections, as well as allergies of various origins.
For prophylactic purposes of chronic intoxication, the drug is taken by workers in hazardous industries.
Average price: 383 rubles.
- can be given to children;
- according to the opinions of buyers, it is characterized by fast action and high efficiency;
- can be used for preventive purposes;
- does not remove beneficial intestinal microflora;
- improves intestinal peristalsis;
- boosts immunity.
- high price;
- can cause constipation.
Filtrum-STI tab. 400 mg No. 50
The lignin-based natural remedy works well.
It is not recommended to take the medicine for intestinal atony, as well as ulcers or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.Contraindicated in case of allergy to the components of the drug.
It is used in the complex treatment of allergic reactions, poisoning of various nature. It is prescribed for diseases of the liver, gallbladder.
To enhance the effect, the manufacturer recommends crushing the tablet before use.
Average price: 302 rubles.
- natural ingredients of plant origin;
- various forms of release - lozenges for children, tablets for adults;
- high efficiency;
- does not violate the intestinal microflora;
- can be given to children.
- not found.
Lactofiltrum tab. No. 60
A plant enterosorbent that does two things at once: removes toxins from the intestines and at the same time restores microflora. Lignin well absorbs and removes pathogens, toxins and toxins of any origin from the body, and lactulose serves as a breeding ground for beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria.
Effective in liver diseases, irritable bowel syndrome.
Cannot be used for internal bleeding, ulcers, allergies to the ingredients of the medicine.
Average price: 388 rubles.
- can be drunk during pregnancy, breastfeeding;
- can be given to children;
- normalizes the intestinal microflora;
- stimulates immunity.
- in rare cases, causes allergies, diarrhea, gas;
- with prolonged use, constipation, colitis are possible.
Coal white asset tab. 700mg No. 10
A product based on cellulose and silicon dioxide easily copes with the effects of overeating, alcoholic libations, intestinal infections.
The mixture for half an hour removes the waste products of helminths from the intestines, softens the symptoms of allergies.
Average price: 142 rubles.
- acts quickly;
- not addictive;
- does not lead to constipation.
- can be taken only from the age of 14;
- contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as during lactation;
- can not be used for ulcers or erosions, gastrointestinal bleeding.
A domestic medicine based on silicon quickly removes toxins, poisons, toxins, heavy metal salts from the digestive tract. The tablets relieve the symptoms of allergies, alleviate the course of alcohol poisoning.
Indicated for patients with kidney disease, because can remove excess metabolic products by these diseased organs.
Average price: 134 rubles.
- inexpensive;
- acts quickly;
- makes up for the lack of silicon.
- cannot be used during pregnancy, as well as during lactation;
- it is not recommended to drink for children under 14;
- it is impossible for ulcers, inflammation, internal bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.
Errors when taking sorbents
- Sorbents cannot be taken for more than two weeks without a doctor's prescription. Most drugs do not understand who is "good" and who is "bad" and remove both harmful and useful substances from the body, including the necessary micro and macro elements, vitamins, nutrients.
- 2-3 hours should pass between taking any medication and taking the sorbent. If you break this rule, the sorbent will absorb the drug you need, and it will have no effect on the body. Repeated intake of the drug is also fraught with negative consequences - it is never possible to say for sure which part of the drug has entered the bloodstream and which is collected by the sorbent.
We hope that our tips and tricks will help you find a good remedy in the pharmacy to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.
If you have experience using any of the sorbents described in this article, or you know a more effective drug, share your opinion about it in the comments.