The best washing machine cleaners for 2024


The scent of freshly washed linen is the scent of cleanliness and good mood. The washing machine will remove dirt from things and fill them with freshness. However, a hard-working machine also needs regular cleaning, otherwise the laundry will become covered with a gray coating and will acquire the smell of a stagnant swamp.

The editors of the site "" offer you an overview of quality products for maintaining the hygiene of washing machines for 2024.

Cleanliness is the key to a long, impeccable service

Every time, stale laundry gets into the washing machine, which needs to be freed from dirt and bacteria. The powder used for washing consists of rather aggressive components. Not all of them are washed off with water, some remain on the walls of the tank, internal parts, hose. Filters become clogged with small debris and fluff, limescale adheres to the electric heater, especially if hard water is used.

In the end, the washing machine cannot cope with the load, it washes the laundry worse and worse from time to time. The owners "drive" her "in a circle", trying to achieve the desired result, but little sense. But the details of the hardworking mechanism wear out, as a result - a breakdown, expensive repairs or, if the unit has already exhausted all its strength, the purchase of a new washing machine.

To avoid the breakdown of the machine, you need to regularly carry out preventive cleaning.

Step-by-step cleaning

Like any other household appliance, the washing machine will appreciate the care of the owners, having served longer than the service life promised by the manufacturer. But for this it is necessary to clean every detail of the "mechanical washer".

How to clean the washing machine, what parts can you put in order yourself?

  • "Facade".

Outside the hostess, of course, they wipe the "washing machine" when cleaning the apartment. It is enough to run a damp cloth on the sides, "roof" and the door to make the equipment shine like new. Light dirt can be easily removed with any detergent composition.

  • Dispenser.

It would seem, why wash this part at all, if it is already in constant contact with powder and anti-scale preparations that are added with each wash? However, the remaining moisture in the powder receptacle will lead to the appearance of mold, and this trouble is not so easy to get rid of.

  • Rubber compressor.

Under the cuff, liquid accumulates, particles of dirt, which, overheating, give rise to mold, literally growing into the rubber. And where there is dirt, there are bacteria. The sealant should be wiped clean after every wash. Otherwise, if the machine is "resting" with the door closed, the cuff will "suffocate" and cause mold to form under it. In case of stubborn dirt, a cleaning agent will help.

  • Drum.

It needs to be cleaned every quarter. An unpleasant plaque forms on the walls due to contact with dirty linen and powder, and the wet film is not destroyed, even if ventilated around the clock, which is very problematic.

  • Drain filter.

It's even scary to imagine how much dirt accumulates in it.This detail is one of the most important, if the filter is clogged, the mechanism will refuse to work. If you still manage to turn on the "washing machine" - a flood is inevitable.

General cleaning begins with cleaning the filter. To do this, you need to pull out the drain plug, after placing a basin or a deep bowl under it so that water does not flow onto the floor. Clean the hole by removing debris and wipe thoroughly. The filter should stay without a plug for some time, so ventilation will occur. This procedure should take place at least once every two weeks.

  • A heating element.

To clean it, you will need to "run" the washing machine without loading linen at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees, adding a cleaner. The next step is to run the machine in a dry wash without any detergent. Preventive cleaning of the heater is required every three months.

General prophylaxis should be carried out every quarter. But if pets live at home, then you need to arrange cleaning more often, because no matter how clean the pet is, microscopic hairs accumulate on the owners' clothes, which fall into the drain, settle in hard-to-reach places.

Thus, a short step-by-step instruction for cleaning a home assistant looks like this:

  1. free the drain filter from dirt;
  2. turn on the machine by adding a cleaning agent to it;
  3. "Scroll" again with clean water;
  4. wash the dispenser;
  5. wipe the door seal;
  6. dry "walk" with a rag on the drum;
  7. wipe the outside.
  8. leave the vending machine with the door open and the powder receptacle for ventilation.

What causes the smell of the swamp

The car seemed to have served properly, without breakdowns, but suddenly out of nowhere appeared the smell of stagnant rotten water, which soaked the washed things. Why did it arise?

There are three reasons for the stench:

  • The door is always closed. The moisture remaining on the drum gradually evaporates, and the resulting greenhouse effect leads to the formation of mold and mildew.
  • Moisture remains under the rubber seal after washing. It is possible that small fibers are stuck there. It is a great environment for mold and odor to grow.
  • Some owners, without taking care of the basket for dirty linen, put the worn-out things in the mouth of the "washerwoman", they say, you still need to wash. Dirty laundry placed in a warm, humid atmosphere is an excellent solution for growing mold with all its attendant, including the formation of a nauseous stench.

Bacteria can grow in a poorly rinsed dispenser, clogged filter, drain hose, so you need to monitor their cleanliness. It is easy to bring the car into proper form with your own hands, without calling the master. It is enough just to arm yourself with time, take the necessary cleaning agent and put on rubber gloves.

What are the cleaning compositions

How to whip up a car?

The hygiene of the mechanical assistant can be monitored with the help of folk - "grandmother's" - means, they can be found in every home:

  • baking soda;
  • vinegar;
  • lemon acid.

If you regularly clean using these inexpensive preparations, it is easy to keep your home helper in good condition, without fear of dirt or fungus. However, the first time with soda and citric acid, the contaminated "washing machine" cannot be washed. It will take effort and time.

It is much more convenient - above all economical - to use commercial cleaners. The best manufacturers of household appliances produce effective preventive drugs for their products.

Household chemicals can be divided into types:

  • from scale;
  • from dirt;
  • from mold;
  • from an unpleasant odor;
  • comprehensive care.

Products specially developed for the care of washing machines are designed with the characteristics of technology in mind. Taken into account: the material from which the devices are made; type of mechanism. Compositions for automatic and semiautomatic washing machines are produced. When cleaning parts from dirt, mold, plaque, cleaners used for their intended purpose will not cause harm.

Top brands

The popularity of models often depends on the brand name.However, not all new items, despite the abundance of advertising, can appeal to customers. It is much easier to give preference to the products of enterprises, proven by time and market competition.

Before deciding which product is better to buy, which trademark, it doesn't hurt to get acquainted with the most famous brands.

According to the site "", the leaders are:

  • BAGI

Israeli trade mark. Year of birth - 1988. The company has developed a whole line of products for the care of household appliances, maintaining cleanliness in the house. The brand is known in Europe, the USA, Russia. Many popular models belong to this trademark.

  • Electrolux

Swedish brand. The company was founded in 1910, the main production is household appliances. But, as you know, devices need hygiene. Therefore, Electrolux produces related products to easily clean mechanical assistants at home.

  • Nagara

Japanese company Nagara Kagaku Kougyou Co. Ltd. known since 1960, its products are toilet articles, detergents, including for cleaning a washing machine. The brand is popular all over the world because the quality of the products is impeccable. "Sincerity and trust" is the motto of the company.

  • Tiret

The international brand is owned by Reckitt Benckiser. The company was formed as a result of the merger of the German company Benckiser, which has existed since 1923 and produces chemicals, and the British company Reckitt, which has been famous for home care products since 1940. Customer reviews of brand products are positive.

  • Miele

German brand of premium home appliances that has existed since 1899. The founders are Karl Miele and Reinhard Zinkann. The company's products are known in 37 world countries, related products are also in demand. To the question: "Which company is better to buy cleaning products", many housewives answer: Miele.

  • Beckmann

Another German trademark. On the market since 1934. He was repeatedly awarded the "Best Brand" award. The company was awarded the Hessian Export Prize in 2013 in the category “Innovative Export Strategy”. In 2019, the products have a new stylish design.

  • Filtero

Russian trade mark. One of the leaders in the domestic market for the sale of vacuum cleaners, accessories and cleaning products for home and household appliances. According to the manufacturer, the products comply with European quality standards.

  • Top House

The brand was created by the domestic company ALTEROS. When advertising products, it is indicated that the production is located in Western Europe and complies with European standards. You can buy Top House products only in the countries of the former Soviet Union and Russia.

How to choose the right cleaner

Before making a trip to a store or an Internet walk on shopping sites where it is not difficult to buy goods in these times, you need to understand what kind of cleaning is required. In prevention, drugs with aggressive components should not be used. If the mechanism is completely new and has never even been used, then the best solution is a product for the first launch. Are you talking about a helper who hasn't taken a “bath” for many years? Here, serious processing of all the details will be needed, because, most likely, scale has formed on the electric heater, the drum is tired without cleaning, mold has grown in hard-to-reach gaps - a step remains from the breakdown of the exhausted mechanism.

To buy the "correct" product, be sure to study the instructions, where all characteristics are presented. It's one thing if the composition contains relatively harmless citric acid, it is another thing if vigorous chemicals are used. By the way, getting lost in the vast assortment, it is easy to confuse and buy, and then use the product for other purposes. These are the most common mistakes when choosing household chemicals.

It doesn't hurt to ask buyers who have experience in purchasing products if they are satisfied with the product. Then, having weighed all the pros and cons, you can make a purchase.Moreover, this rule applies both to shopping at a hardware store around the corner from home, and to the choice of goods in an online store. In the second case, you should choose proven platforms on the World Wide Web so as not to become a victim of unreliable sellers. It is advisable to choose distributors who have entered into an agreement with a manufacturing company, because household chemicals can also be fake. On the websites of official sales representatives, there must be a description of the product, its photograph, information about the country of the brand and the manufacturer, how much the product costs, its type, composition. Possessing all the data, ordering goods online couldn't be easier.

The selection criteria are based on five main "pillars":

  • functional;
  • price;
  • composition;
  • container size;
  • profitability.

Rating of quality cleaning products for washing machines for 2024

Among the hygiene products that do not hit the family wallet, ten can be distinguished. The most budget ones are sold at a price within 200 rubles. The average price of more expensive goods is about 1,500 rubles.

10 position: Helfer

Russian manufacturer. Suitable for primary treatment and prevention of contamination.

Helfer washing machine cleaner


  • Affordable cost;
  • Handles factory dirt easily.


  • Doesn't always remove odor.

9th place: Nagara

Pills. Packing: 5 pcs. The drug has an antibacterial effect.

Nagara for washing machines


  • Disinfects;
  • Eliminates plaque.


  • Smells strongly of bleach during processing.

8 position: XAAX

Release form - powder with antibacterial effect. Volume - 250 ml. Disinfects, removes odor.

XAAX for washing machines


  • Easy to use
  • Destroys the smell for a long time.


  • Cleanliness lasts a short time - little savings.

7th place: Top House

Express cleaner, weight - 200 ml. For descaling. Ingredients: carbamide, citric acid.

Top House for washing machines


  • Cleans well.


  • Expensive.

6th place: Tiret

Capacity 250 ml. The composition with citric acid is able to remove soap deposits, scale, dirt, and neutralize unpleasant odors. Cleaning takes place outside and inside.

Tiret for washing machines


  • Good hygiene prevention;
  • Easy application;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Removes dirt from rubber pad, tray, drum.


  • The price does not correspond to the volume.

5 position: Miele

Universal powder: suitable for washing machines and dishwashers. Weight - 200 ml.

Miele for washing machines


  • Eliminates plaque, dirt;
  • With odor elimination function.


  • According to buyers, it is expensive.

4th place: Dr. Beckmann

German quality product. Volume 250 ml. Contains non-ionic surfactants, citric acid, phosphonates. According to the manufacturer, it is ideal for hygiene: it removes dirt and odor, copes with scale on spirals, in hoses, and other hard-to-reach places.

Dr. Beckmann for washing machines


  • German quality is confirmed in practice: the car shines;
  • Antibacterial drug.


  • Strong specific smell.

"Bronze": Electrolux Super Clean

Italian trade mark. Degreasing compound. Cleans, removes mold, sediment, odor. Phosphorus free. The box contains 2 bags, each 50 g.

Electrolux Super Clean for washing machines


  • Perfect cleaning the first time.


  • Not economical: a whole bag is needed for one cleaning.

Silver: Filtero 902

Volume 250 ml. Country of origin - Germany. An easy-to-use multifunctional cleaner. It is enough to add to the drum, turn it on, setting the mode to 40 degrees.

Filtero 902 for washing machines


  • Cleans well the first time;
  • Gives an effect without the use of mechanical stress.


  • According to users, the price is high.

"Gold": Bagi Liquid Shumanite

A universal remedy. Volume 550 ml. Antibacterial effect. Removes scale, unpleasant odors.

Bagi Liquid Shumanit for washing machines


  • Copes with the most old dirt;
  • Removes limescale;
  • Economical.


  • You can only work with gloves.

The rating of products is based on customer reviews for February-March 2024.

Tips from experienced housewives

A perfectly working washing machine is the result of the competent actions of its owners. Even the best machines will fail if not taken care of in a timely manner.

What to look for during operation:

  1. Household appliances of this type require regular ventilation.
  2. It is not necessary to wait for "Clean Thursday" to wipe dust and dirt from a mechanical "washerwoman".
  3. It is strictly forbidden to leave damp items inside, regardless of whether they are clean or waiting to be washed.
  4. If wet laundry has been inside the washing machine for some time, it must be disinfected.
  5. After each wash, thoroughly wipe the rubber cuff, the tray for powder and detergent gels, the drum and the inside of the door.
  6. If washing with hard water, a softener will help.
  7. Powdered powder is knocked down to the inner box of the tray with a stream of water, preferably warm, and then dried.
  8. For washing woolen products with a nap, you need to purchase a mesh bag.
  9. Socks, linen, and other small items should be washed in special fabric containers.
  10. Once a quarter, arrange a general cleaning with flushing of all parts hidden from the eyes using a detergent as directed.

If you follow these recommendations, the washing machine will serve for a long time, and clean things will delight you with cleanliness and a scent of freshness.

If you have experience in purchasing cleaning products for washing machines - share your opinion with the readers of the site "": which product, in your opinion, is worth buying, and which one is a waste of money. Your comment will help other buyers make the right choice.


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