💊Best Oral Dehydration Treatments for 2024


Dehydration products have become one of the greatest medical advances, saving more than 50 million lives worldwide and reducing deaths from diarrhea by 20%. In order to understand what dehydration is and in what situations it is necessary, the editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared an article for you with an overview of the best oral remedies.

What is dehydration

The term "dehydration" refers to the replenishment of fluid that has been lost by the body for one reason or another - as a result of an illness, as a result of intense physical exertion or under the influence of high temperatures.

For most people, dehydration is known as dehydration.

The following methods of replenishing lost fluid are possible:

  • Intravenous dehydration, which uses infusion solutions for treatment through an automatic dosing device. That is, through the so-called "dropper".
  • Oral dehydration, carried out by taking the medicine by mouth. For oral administration, tablets, granules or powders that are diluted with water are used. Oral drugs are as effective as intravenous drugs, but are most often used to treat mild to moderate dehydration. Oral dehydration is also popularly referred to as "drinking".

Dehydration replenishes the lost volume of carbohydrates and electrolytes needed to support vital processes in the body. Without electrolytes, which include sodium, chloride, calcium, bicarbonate, potassium, as well as phosphates, physiological processes such as metabolism, maintaining muscle function, transmitting impulses from the nervous system, maintaining stable homeostasis, removing toxins, activating enzymes are impossible And much more. Violation of the water-electrolyte balance is a great stress for the body and, first of all, the elderly and children are at risk.

Types of dehydration

There are three stages of dehydration, each of which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • Stage I - a mild degree, in which there is up to 5% of body weight loss in children and up to 3% in adults and adolescents. In most cases, the first stage of dehydration develops against the background of acute diarrhea with a frequency of stools 3-5 times a day, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the membranes of the eye in adults remain unchanged, and in children (newborns and toddlers up to one year old), slight dryness is noticeable, there may be no tears and a rapid pulse may be observed;
  • Stage II - a state of moderate severity and without a remedy that helps to replenish physiological fluid losses.Body weight decreases from 6 to 9%, frequent vomiting and stools occur up to 10 times a day, the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys decreases, the pulse rate is unstable, the mucous membranes are dry, the skin is not elastic;
  • Stage III - life-threatening condition. This type of dehydration is accompanied by increased dryness of all mucous membranes, the elasticity of the skin is noticeably reduced, on which the marble pattern is clearly manifested. The eyeballs sink, the eyelids in some cases do not close, the tear streams dry up. The pulse is consistently fast, the blood pressure is low. Urine does not flow or is excreted in small volumes. There is a violation of consciousness, there are no protective reactions to external stimuli.

Why is dehydration dangerous for the body? And the fact that the loss of up to 10% of water entails painful conditions and disorders, and dehydration by more than 20% is fatal and threatening death, since irreversible changes occur in the body.

When you need oral dehydration products

Indications for taking special drinking solutions:

  • Sunstroke and heatstroke;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Frostbite;
  • General hypothermia of the body;
  • Severe allergic reactions;
  • Extensive burns with exudation;
  • Bleeding injury;
  • Vomiting;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Spider, snake, insect bites;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Extreme physical activity.

Next, we will consider the main selection criteria that will help you figure out what drugs are for dehydration and how to choose the right one.

Dehydration drug - which is better to buy

Initially, drugs in this group were made on the basis of glucose, but the best modern drugs are sugar-salt solutions.

Means for dehydration are aimed primarily at replenishing the lack of electrolytes, in particular, sodium and chlorine salts. In pharmacies, oral preparations are presented, which additionally contain various anti-inflammatory additives and substances that stimulate immunity, in particular, extracts of medicinal plants. However, such drugs are more expensive, and their purchase is not always justified - it is important to take into account the causes of the disease and the patient's possible sensitivity to individual components. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing, it should be remembered that various extracts from plants can cause allergic reactions in the patient.

The list of drugs that have established themselves as high-quality and effective drugs includes many drugs from different companies, but among all the following are worth highlighting:

  • Hydrovit;
  • Tour;
  • Regidron;
  • Humana Electrolyte;
  • Gluxolan;
  • Marathonite;
  • Normohydrone;
  • Oral rehydration salt (ORS);
  • Orasan;
  • Orsol;
  • Citragluxolan.

When deciding which company is better to buy a drug from, you should pay attention to the goods of such proven German corporations as Stada, Humana, Hipp.

The best international manufacturers of quality pharmaceutical products are Pfizer (USA), Polpharma (Poland), Novartis (Switzerland), GlaxoSmithKline (UK), Roche (Switzerland).

Popular budget funds for watering are produced by Orion (Italy) and Etnovia Oi (Finland).

Homemade medicine

At home, you can also prepare a solution for drinking if you suddenly failed to purchase a ready-made product at the pharmacy.

This will require:

  1. Boiled water - 0.5 liters;
  2. Salt - ¼ tsp;
  3. Sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  4. Sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda) - ¼ tsp

All ingredients must be placed in a liter jar and mixed thoroughly.

There is another recipe recommended by WHO, which has shown high efficiency in the treatment of children's intestinal infections.

The composition includes:

  • Sodium chloride - 2.6 g;
  • Anhydrous trisodium citrate - 2.9 g;
  • Potassium chloride - 1.5 g;
  • Glucose - 13.5 g;
  • Water - 1 liter.

Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Rules for taking drugs

During treatment, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor and carefully follow the instructions given in the instructions.

If everything is done correctly, then there should be no side effects or they will appear minimally. However, if taking a medicine is accompanied by non-standard reactions of the body, then you should stop treatment and consult a doctor to adjust the prescription and possibly replace one medicine with another.

Also, before taking the drug, it is important to pay attention to the following points, which should be noted in the description of the medicine:

  • How much and what temperature should the water be in order to dilute the drug. It is important to remember that liquid, which is close to the patient's body temperature, is more actively absorbed from the stomach into the blood;
  • How much solution is required to be taken at a time;
  • What are the storage conditions, because certain medicinal products need a certain environment, for example, they can only be stored in a dry, dark place in compliance with the temperature regime, which is also important to consider;
  • The shelf life of the drug is equally important. It is worth remembering that drugs, after the expiration date, are strictly prohibited.

Tips for eliminating dehydration

The dosage of the drug for oral dehydration is usually calculated in milliliters per kilogram of body weight based on the patient's total body weight. This takes into account the degree of dehydration and the reasons for its occurrence.

In the first stage of fluid loss, the standard treatment is to consume rehydration solution for 3-4 hours at the rate of 50 ml per 1 kg of body weight. Plus compensation of 10 ml / kg for each loose stool and 5 ml / kg for each reflex gastric emptying.

With moderate dehydration, 100 ml per kilogram of weight is injected with additional doses for each diarrheal stool and vomiting similar to the previous stage.

To replenish the pathological fluid losses observed in the third stage of the disease, hospitalization and specialist intervention are required.

During illness, children, including infants, should return to their normal diet as soon as vomiting stops. If vomiting is so intense that it is not possible to take food or drink medicine, then small volumes of solution (5-15 ml) must be injected with a syringe every 2-3 minutes in order to ensure the flow of liquid in an amount of 150-300 ml / hour ... If the frequency of vomiting decreases, then the volume of the infused fluid increases. Fasting is not conducive to recovery, and therefore should return to normal nutrition at the earliest opportunity.

With oral dehydration prescribed as a result of acute diarrhea, it should be remembered that in the first time after the start of treatment, the frequency and volume of loose stools increases, which is the norm. The goal here is not to reduce the incidence of diarrhea, but to reduce the level of dehydration, which leads to improved health.

Pros and cons of oral dehydration


  • Oral dehydration is a simple, non-invasive treatment;
  • Does not require complex technology, special medical equipment and additional materials;
  • Restores water-electrolyte and acid-base balance;
  • Allows you to quickly and effectively replenish the lack of mineral salts in a specially selected concentration equal to pathological and life-threatening or health-threatening loss;
  • Means for oral administration are easy and convenient to take with you on a trip or on vacation;
  • Unlike solutions for infusion, powders and tablets for drinking are dispensed without a prescription;
  • Can be purchased at any pharmacy.


  • Quite high cost;
  • The need for a container for diluting the drug, which is not always possible. For example, this is difficult to do on the road.

Main characteristics

1Pharmacological groupRehydrating agent for oral administration.
2pharmachologic effectHydrating, restoring water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, correcting acidosis in diarrhea.
3Release formWater-soluble powder for creating a solution for internal use.
4Application areaFor digestive disorders and intestinal diseases.
5IndicationsDehydration (I-st and II-nd stage), electrolyte imbalance, complex treatment of diarrhea, in order to prevent intense sweating.
6Side actionsAllergic reactions are possible in case of individual hypersensitivity to individual components that complement the composition of the drug.
7How much isIn terms of price, most drugs for oral drinking vary within 200-300 rubles, but at the same time they are much more expensive than many solutions for infusion.
The average price for a powder to restore water balance is 500 rubles.
Inexpensive solutions (for example, Ringer-Locke) cost around 100 rubles per 200 ml.

Rating of quality drugs in 2024


Manufacturer: Etnovia Oi (Finland)

Price - 400 rubles.


A medicinal product, the name of which is well known and speaks for itself - according to buyers, the product is a leader in its segment. It is a powder for oral solution. The package contains 20 sachets, each of which is 18.9 grams.

It is prescribed for diarrhea and heat lesions, and is also used for prophylaxis with high physical exertion. There are several variants of this drug, for example, Regidron Bio, the popularity of which is due to its improved formula and pleasant taste, which makes it easier for children to drink.

Contraindications - allergy to the constituent components, existing disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, diabetes mellitus.


  • has a hydrating effect;
  • restores the concentration of electrolytes in the body;
  • regulates acid-base balance;
  • allowed for use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • has good reviews.


  • is characterized by a slightly alkaline reaction, and therefore is able to influence the effectiveness of drugs, the absorption of which depends on the intestinal pH level;
  • interaction with other drugs has not been studied.

Humana Banana Flavored Electrolyte

Manufacturer: Humana (Germany)

Price - 400 rubles.

Humana Banana Flavored Electrolyte

Milk formula for normalizing digestion, intended for children from 1 year old. The composition is ideally functional and stabilized for feeding babies with diarrhea - it includes calcium, lactose, prebiotics, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, nucleotides, vitamin D and milk. In one package 75 g.

Contraindications - individual intolerance to individual components.


  • compensates for the loss of fluid and minerals;
  • helps to stop diarrhea;
  • contains natural ingredients and vitamins;
  • gluten free;
  • without starch.


  • the constituent substances can cause allergic reactions.

Humana Fennel Flavored Electrolyte

Manufacturer: Humana (Germany)

Price - 470 rubles.

Humana Fennel Flavored Electrolyte

Milk formula, a special composition of which is designed for babies from the first days of life. The composition includes glucose, potassium citrate, sodium chloride, maltodextrin, fennel extract, caraway extract. The drug meets international requirements and recommendations, approved by the European Society of Pediatricians, Gastroenterologists and Nutritionists. Passed the WHO test in accordance with the conditions put forward for solutions for the correction of dehydration.


  • stops the development of diarrhea in infants;
  • compensates for fluid loss;
  • stops vomiting;
  • has natural ingredients;
  • does not contain starch and gluten.


  • high price.

Adiarin Regidro

Manufacturer: Jadran (Croatia)

Price - 350 rubles.

An inexpensive drug belonging to the category of dietary supplements.It is a powder that dissolves in water to create an oral solution. It is prescribed for digestive disorders and intestinal problems, including chronic diarrheal syndrome. Contains glucose, potassium chloride, sodium chloride, zinc amino acid chelate, sodium citrate and silicon dioxide. Inside one package 10 sachets of 4.3 g.

Contraindications - individual sensitivity to components.

Adiarin Regidro


  • dissolves quickly;
  • restores water balance and acid-base balance;
  • in doses recommended by the manufacturer can be used during pregnancy;
  • suitable for preventive measures;
  • recommended for both children and adults;
  • complies with the standards adopted by the European Society of Pediatricians, Gastroenterologists and Nutritionists;
  • approved by WHO.


  • depending on the severity of dehydration, one package may not be enough for the course of treatment.

Speciasol Physio Balance

Manufacturer: SPECIASOL (Italy)

Price - 2200 rubles.

A food supplement in the form of a water-soluble powder, which was originally developed to combat obesity. However, the composition of this drug is universal and can be used by adults as a rehydration agent, as well as an additional source of potassium, magnesium and zinc. The basis includes such useful substances as fructose, concentrate of dry orange, apple and lemon juice, citric acid and stevia.

Contraindications - individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, lactation, diabetes mellitus.

Speciasol Physio Balance


  • with the function of eliminating chronic acidosis;
  • helps to normalize weight;
  • stabilizes metabolism;
  • replenishes the lack of electrolytes;
  • regulates acid-base metabolism;
  • contains natural additives;
  • pleasant taste.


  • not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • overdose and interaction with other drugs are not described;
  • high price;
  • not intended for children.

Carrot broth Hipp ORS

Manufacturer: Hipp (Germany)

Price - 90 rubles.

Directly squeezed homogenized vegetable juice from a well-known manufacturer of children's products. Recommended for babies from 4 months. Suitable as a supplement for dehydration therapy. It has an almost ideal concentration for replenishing fluid loss in a child's body. Enriched with Vitamin C and B-Carotene. The volume of one jar is 200 ml.

Carrot broth Hipp ORS


  • completely natural ingredients;
  • not addictive;
  • does not contain sugar, artificial colors and odor enhancers;
  • has dietary fiber;
  • no preservatives;
  • tastes good.


  • short shelf life with the lid open (no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator);
  • in high concentrations may cause allergic reactions.

How to avoid dehydration

The causes of dehydration can be very different - from acute diarrhea and poor nutrition to a lack of daily fluid intake and emergencies. It is not always possible to control everything, but in general there are certain recommendations in order to save health, time and money. For this you need:

  1. Drink water regularly during physical activity, drinking up to 250 ml of water in small sips at regular intervals (20-25 minutes). If you have hard training or participation in a long sports event, then 15 minutes before the start you need to drink at least 300 ml and the same amount at the end;
  2. To minimize or completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages that have diuretics, put a strain on the kidneys and the body as a whole;
  3. Based on the calculation of 30 ml of liquid per kilogram of weight, you should calculate your daily rate of water consumption and observe it. Tea and coffee can also be added to your total daily intake, but only if you don't add sugar or other sweeteners. But broths, vegetable and fruit juices are considered as food intake, not water;
  4. Limit salt intake, which in excessive amounts can disrupt the water-salt balance. However, it is also not worth giving up on it at all - everything is good in moderation;
  5. At the first occurrence of symptoms such as chapped lips, dizziness, dry mouth, headache, nausea, rare urination and dark urine, you should immediately take action - go to a cool place, protected from the sun, rest and replenish the volume of fluid in the body.

If you have experience using the dehydration products described in the rating or more reliable and effective drugs, tell us about it in the comments.


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