The best cesspool remedies for 2024: live bacteria or chemistry - which is better


Owners of their own homes and plots often have to deal with the issue of wastewater disposal. You can minimize the use of a sewer truck by using the right cesspool product. The editors of the site "" invites you to get acquainted with the rating of the best means for cesspools for 2024.

Varieties of means for cesspools

All means for cesspools are designed to fulfill one single task - to dissolve solid fecal matter. The result is achieved due to their specific composition, the ingredients of which are capable of converting solid / dense drains into liquid ones. Depending on what type the funds belong to, they have a certain specifics of functioning. Their main difference lies in the components used in the production, which are biological and chemical.

Chemicals for cesspools are considered universal, they can be used in absolutely any conditions, regardless of the type of wastewater and temperature. Chemical components are able to dissolve everything, you can use them at any time of the year, which makes them especially in demand. All chemicals for septic tanks have the following advantages:

  • versatility;
  • the ability to use in any solution and hard water;
  • effectiveness.

Despite the fact that such drugs have many advantages, they also have disadvantages, which, first of all, include a low environmental friendliness indicator.

Biological agents are distinguished by a lower cost, while their effectiveness is very acceptable. Such products can help get rid of fecal masses and unpleasant odors. The result is achieved thanks to the included bacteria and organic additives. All biological agents, in turn, are divided into aerobic, that is, those that begin to act only when oxygen is available and anaerobic, capable of coping with their task even without air access.

Biological preparations for septic tanks in comparison with chemical ones act relatively slower, but in terms of effectiveness they are in no way inferior to their competitors.

The main advantages of biological agents are the following:

  • the ability to eliminate unpleasant odors and decompose waste, even if they are in the cesspool for a long time;
  • after cleaning and filtering, the drains can be used for any technical purposes and irrigation;
  • drugs can be used in containers of any type, since they do not adversely affect their integrity;
  • low cost makes such funds affordable.

As for the disadvantages of such drugs, they primarily include the inability to use in the cold season. Also, the fact that when using an aerobic composition, it is necessary to ensure the supply of oxygen, otherwise the effect cannot be achieved.

Depending on the form, the funds are divided into liquid, tabletted and powdery.

How to choose the right one

To achieve the maximum result from the product, before purchasing it, you need to pay attention to the composition, processing period and the number of bacteria. All these features should be taken into account, depending on which cesspool it is purchased for.

Adherence to the following recommendations is also required:

  1. It is necessary to choose a tool depending on the place that needs cleaning. Unfortunately, not all drugs are able to cope with feces containing harmful chemicals, so it is imperative to read on the packaging for which cases the drug is intended.
  2. Depending on the level of microorganism content, the rate of feces processing is determined and how often the drug will have to be used in the future.
  3. When buying, it is imperative to correctly calculate the volume of the drug, which depends on the volume of the latrine.
  4. You still need to pay attention to the dry residue, the lower it is, the more effective the tool is considered.
  5. You should carefully read the expiration date, since it is strictly forbidden to use an expired drug, it can be not only useless, but also unsafe.

For the first time, experts recommend using a starter preparation, since it is he who is able to properly prepare waste for processing.

Rating of the best means for cesspools

Owners of houses that are not connected to the central sewage system have certain difficulties. They consist in the need to annually take care of the cleaning of cesspools and holes. It has now become popular to clean cesspools with bacteria. They help break down and decompose waste into water, minerals and carbon dioxide. Despite the fact that today there are many companies involved in the production of such drugs, not all of them are equally effective.


An effective remedy for odor and fecal matter in cesspools quickly destroys unpleasant odors and decomposes organic waste, significantly reducing its volume. After use, the fecal matter in the cesspools is well liquefied. Recommended for use in the formation of fecal odors, as well as cadaveric stench and rotting odors, not only in ordinary cesspools, but also in car interiors, dry closets and cottage sewage systems.

Average cost: 245 rubles.



  • effectively deals with unpleasant odors and blockages;
  • prevents blockages when used regularly.


  • short period of validity.

Dr. Robick 109

The drug is one of those that can speed up the processing of organic matter into a liquid. The preparation is made on the basis of specially grown bacteria, which ensure the destruction of large fractions into small particles, suppression of unpleasant odors, increase in the performance of the purification device and increase the life of the plant and equipment.

The product is specially designed for simple wastewater treatment plants that accumulate organic waste, and for septic tanks. The drug is environmentally friendly and is available in powder form.

Average cost: 116 rubles.

Dr. Robick 109


  • can be used for both cesspools and septic tanks;
  • there are no chemical components in the composition;
  • low cost.


  • can only be used for operating cesspools and septic tanks.

Waste Treat

Biological agent, which includes anaerobic microorganisms. The drug is intended for cleaning not only cesspools, but also street toilets, septic tanks and drainage systems. In addition to cleansing, the product excellently fights against unpleasant odors.

The preparation contains anaerobic bacteria that effectively cope with the tasks.

Average cost: 640 rubles.

Waste Treat


  • effective elimination of odors;
  • splitting effluents and reducing the volume of excretion.


  • high price.


One of the most effective means for cesspools is Gorynych. This drug belongs to the biological type of purifiers. Since the composition of the preparation contains bacterial spores, there is an effective breakdown of waste due to the secreted enzymes. After using the product, no hazardous waste remains, so the recycling can be used to fertilize the plants. The packaging is quite large, so one piece is enough for the whole summer. The drug is very economically consumed.

Average cost: 160 rubles.

Gorynych bioactivator


  • does not have a negative impact;
  • eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • does not form chemical components;
  • sold at an acceptable cost.


  • not found.

Sanfor Bioactivator

An environmentally friendly cesspool product specifically designed to eliminate faeces and unpleasant odors. Also excellent at fighting fats, paper and detergents and phenols.

The drug is completely safe for people, animals and plants. It is produced according to Russian technologies and effectively copes with its intended purpose.

Average cost: 105 rubles.

Sanfor Bioactivator for septic tank


  • acceptable price;
  • efficiency;
  • the ability to decompose even soap solutions;
  • can be used to care for country toilets.


  • ineffectiveness in dehydration;
  • copes poorly with odors in the winter.


The bioactivator is implemented in the form of compressed tablets, which include enzymes, dry bacteria, soda ash, dyes and fragrances. The product effectively deals with pathogenic bacteria, eliminates unpleasant odors and significantly reduces sediment of both organic and inorganic origin.

Average cost: 174 rubles.

Expel tablets


  • environmentally friendly;
  • during use does not cause problems;
  • when used regularly, it significantly reduces the need to use a sewer truck.


  • efficiency is achieved only in a liquid medium;
  • has a disinfectant effect;
  • the composition contains chemical components.

Dr. Robik Bioactivator 409

For cesspools, this drug is considered one of the most effective. Manufacturers have specially created it so that it quickly and efficiently handles urea, cellulose, proteins and fats, as well as human waste products. Ideal for different types of cesspools. Thanks to its unique composition, the product completely eliminates unpleasant odors that cause a lot of trouble to a person. The drug is completely safe for both humans and the environment and animals, because it does not contain caustic and hazardous chemicals. It is consumed sparingly.

Average cost: 599 rubles.

Dr. Robik Bioactivator 409


  • efficiency;
  • profitability;
  • safety;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors.


  • in some cases, it is necessary to pump out the contents of the sump before use.


The highly concentrated mixture is specially designed for the care of aerobic, anaerobic and mixed septic tanks. It contains naturally occurring bacteria, enzymes, minerals, nutrients and amino acids. As a result of using the drug, there is an effective splitting of sewage, their disposal and neutralization. Also, the tool effectively fights against unpleasant odors and significantly reduces the amount of solid precipitation. The powder dissolves quickly in water and is economically consumed.

Average cost: 3569 rubles.



  • eliminates unpleasant odors;
  • reduces the amount of precipitation;
  • completely safe for people and the environment;
  • after processing waste, water can be used for household needs;
  • with systematic use, the amount of waste is significantly reduced.


  • not found.

Live bacteria Biosept

The product helps to eliminate unpleasant rotting odors from the cesspool and toilet in a short period of time. The composition of the product includes special biobacteria that do not have a negative impact on humans and the environment. Significantly reduces the volume of human waste products, eliminates blockages in sewer systems and pipes. To clean the cesspool or septic tank, as well as to eliminate the unpleasant odor, pour the contents of the package into water, and then pour the resulting composition into the destination.

Average cost: 593 rubles.

Live bacteria Biosept


  • quickly removes unpleasant odors and waste;
  • works in any conditions;
  • can later be used as fertilizer.


  • efficiency may decrease in chlorinated water.


Liquasim is an innovative development of Italian scientists. The drug is considered one of the safest, most effective and at the same time available means for combating human waste. The product effectively destroys contaminants and prevents them from accumulating at the bottom of the treatment plant. It has a wide functionality and is able to cope with all sorts of problems, such as removing blockages, cleaning various deposits and removing unpleasant odors. Also, the drug can be used for the first start of a septic tank. Liquazim is completely safe for both humans and the environment.

It has a cumulative effect, so the more often it is used, the faster it will be possible to cope with the sediment.

Average cost: 1800 rubles.



  • efficiency;
  • safety;
  • complete biodegradability;
  • sold ready-made;
  • eliminates unpleasant odors.


  • at temperatures below +5, the effectiveness of the product decreases rapidly.

All the drugs presented in the rating help to cope with such a problem in private households as clogging the cesspool. They also help fight blockages, deposits and eliminate unpleasant odors that cause a lot of discomfort. When choosing a product, it is imperative to pay attention to its composition, effectiveness depending on the nature of the waste and the optimal duration of action.

As for which agent is better to acquire with live bacteria or chemistry, it is necessary to decide in each individual case individually, depending on the type of septic tank and the current problem. The choice should also depend on the intended disposal of the treated water. If you plan to use them for watering and fertilizing, then biologics should be preferred. When using chemicals, you must be extremely careful when working with them. Among other things, it should be borne in mind that if chemicals have already been used, then in the future the use of biological products will not bring the desired result. Another factor that must be taken into account is the material from which the waste facility is made.

If you have experience with the cesspool products presented in this review or you prefer to use other drugs, share your opinion with us in the comments.


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