A sore throat is an unpleasant manifestation that indicates a cold or infection. There are a large number of causes of painful symptoms. Knowing the etiology of pain, it is easy to find an effective medicine. The editorial staff of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offers you an overview of the best remedies for sore throat for 2024.
If your throat hurts
There are a number of reasons why the inflammatory process of the larynx begins:
- Firstly, if a person speaks a lot and for a long time, especially when he has to raise his voice, strain his vocal cords. This is often the case with lecturers, singers, as well as drama theater actors. Teachers, wanting to be heard by students, also run the risk of tearing the ligaments.
- Secondly, if harmful substances irritating the mucous membrane get on the larynx: dust, chemical elements. Smokers, painters, workers of chemical plants more often than others suffer from sore throat, which appears as a result of an allergic response of the body to irritation with foreign microelements or a burn of the throat tissue.
- Thirdly, the reasons are not associated with an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane. For example, pain occurs when wisdom teeth grow or a denture is inserted.
- Fourth, pathological reasons associated with the ingestion of viruses, bacteria, microorganisms. This also includes disturbances in the work of other human organs that cause painful sensations in the larynx.
Consequences of pain when swallowing:
- headache;
- a state of weakness;
- high temperature;
- loss of appetite;
- nausea;
- labored breathing.
How to treat
Individual treatment is selected depending on the origin of the tonsil inflammation.
Distinguish drugs according to the following main characteristics of exposure:
- antiseptic, aimed at destroying microbes of various pathogenic origin;
- anti-inflammatory, aimed at relieving inflammation, as well as edema, reducing hyperemia;
- antibacterial, with a deep effect on the microflora, cleansing the mucous membrane of bacteria;
- pain reliever, relieves pain, and discomfort, making it easier to swallow;
- emollient, aimed at protecting the mucous membrane from drying out, healing cracks, providing a preventive effect.
The most popular are drugs with combined properties that accelerate the relief of the condition, as well as the process of treating the disease.
The best medicines for sore throat
number | Name | average price |
Best antiseptic effect | ||
1 | Miramistin | 326 rubles |
2 | Hexoral | 296 rubles |
3 | Maxicold Lore | 212 rubles |
4 | Lizobact | 223 rubles |
5 | Neo-angin | 153 rubles |
Best anti-inflammatory effect | ||
1 | Ingalipt | 75 rubles |
2 | Grammidin | 246 rubles |
3 | Teraflu lar | 267 rubles |
4 | Tantum Verde | 258 rubles |
5 | Aqualor | 333 rubles |
Best softening effect | ||
1 | Aroma Evalar | 280 rubles |
2 | Septolet | 242 rubles |
3 | Strepsils | 165 rubles |
4 | Gorpils | 99 rubles |
5 | Be healthy! | 46 rubles |
Best antiseptic effect
Produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company INFAMED LLC. The drug gained popularity due to a component called benzyldimethyl, which is highly effective against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The list of indications of this tool is quite large. The bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal effect of Miramistin helps in the treatment of stomatitis, periodontal disease, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, herpes. Release form - spray. Irrigation of the throat 3-4 times a day is permissible, and more often in case of acute inflammation. Available in pharmacies without a prescription. The average cost is 326 rubles.
- a wide range of effects;
- in addition to irrigation, rinsing is possible;
- the drug is not absorbed into the tissue;
- no smell, taste;
- does not cause irritation;
- does not cause allergies;
- allowed for pregnant, lactating women;
- possible for children from 3 years old;
- there are no contraindications.
- individual portability.
Medicinal product made in France, by Famar Orleans. The active substance is hexetidine. The drug has a mint smell. Shows antiseptic activity against bacteria, viruses, fungi of pathogenic origin. Effectively helps to treat angina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Active against the influenza virus. Buyers purchase Hexoral spray or tablets. Irrigation of the larynx is done 2-3 times a day. Average cost: 296 rubles.
- high efficiency;
- long-term action;
- additional analgesic effect;
- elimination of unpleasant odor from the mouth;
- safe exposure;
- use by pregnant, lactating women is permissible;
- children can be treated.
- the medicine should not be swallowed;
- individual intolerance is possible.
Maxicold Lore
The drug of domestic production, containing the active ingredient - hexetidine. Active against bacteria, fungi. Has a pleasant refreshing effect. Available as a spray, aerosol, drops. Treats inflammatory diseases of the mouth, throat. Average cost: 212 rubles.
- effective antiseptic effect;
- enveloping pain relieving effects;
- deodorizing effect;
- use by pregnant women, nursing mothers is permissible;
- it is possible for children from 3 years old;
- safe use;
- affordable price.
- the medicine should not be swallowed;
- if swallowed, nausea may occur;
- individual intolerance is likely.
The manufacturer of the drug is Bosnia and Herzegovina. The drug is popular, because in addition to the antiseptic effect, it protects the mucous membrane, increases immunity, and accelerates healing. Suitable for treating most tonsil infections. Buyers are offered in the form of tablets, which must be slowly absorbed 3-4 times a day. Has no pronounced irritating taste. Average cost: 223 rubles.
- effective combined composition;
- allowed for pregnant women, nursing mothers;
- it is possible for children from 3 years old;
- contains vitamin B6;
- enhances the effect of antibiotics;
- affordable price.
- an allergic reaction is possible.
Produced by the German company Klosterfrau. Combined medicine. As an antiseptic, it is used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and tonsils. Effective for pharyngitis, as well as sore throat. Pleasant refreshing taste. The main form of release is lozenges, which should be slowly absorbed every 2-3 hours. Average cost: 153 rubles.
- deodorizes;
- relieves pain;
- can be combined with other products;
- allowed for children from 6 years old;
- can be used by pregnant, lactating women;
- affordable price.
- contains dyes;
- individual intolerance.
Best anti-inflammatory effect
A medicinal product that is produced in Russia, as well as in Ukraine.Popular due to its high anti-inflammatory effect, helps to fight viruses, bacteria, fungi. Has a complex effect, contains an antibiotic. It is most effective from the first days of a cold. It contains plant components, essential oils. It tastes good. Sprayed 3-4 times a day. Average cost: from 75 rubles.
- a complex of plant and synthetic components;
- refreshing effect;
- pleasant taste;
- light analgesic effect;
- allowed for children;
- low price.
- individual intolerance to plant components.
The product is manufactured in the Netherlands. The effectiveness of the drug is explained by the content of the antibiotic gramicidin C in it. Grammidin helps in the treatment of angina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic combined effects. By enhancing the secretion of saliva, it clears the mucous membrane of bacteria. Reduces painful cleansing, relieves inflammation. Method of production: tablets, spray. Average cost: 246 rubles.
- pronounced analgesic effect;
- destruction of a wide range of bacteria;
- allowed for children from 4 years old;
- long-term therapeutic effect;
- reduction of inflammation.
- prohibited for early pregnant women;
- not for nursing mothers.
Teraflu lar
The medicine is made in Canada. The combined effect provides rapid pain relief, antifungal and antibacterial activity, and a decrease in the inflammatory process. Helps in the treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis. Release form: spray, tablets. Average cost: 267 rubles.
- powerful analgesic effect;
- fast impact;
- convenient use;
- effective antiseptic;
- allowed for children from 4 years old.
- contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating;
- an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is possible.
Tantum Verde
The medicine is produced in Italy. Tantum Verde is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. The active substance is benzydamine. It has a high antibacterial property, easily penetrates into microorganisms, damaging their structure. Helps to treat pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. It relieves pain, reduces redness, relieves inflammation, relieves the patient's condition. A common form of release is spray. The average cost is 258 rubles.
- quickly relieves pain;
- copes with a wide range of bacteria;
- allowed for children from 3 years old;
- convenient form of application;
- high anti-inflammatory effect.
- contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation;
- an allergic reaction to the components is likely.
Aqualor is produced in France. It has a safe composition, therefore it is allowed for small children, pregnant women, nursing mothers. The drug provides complex treatment. The medicine is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, an effective anesthetic that quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease. The combination of aqualor with other drugs speeds up the healing process. It helps to treat angina, tonsillitis, fight the flu virus or acute respiratory infections. Convenient spray form allows irrigation of the entire larynx cavity. The average cost is 333 rubles.
- natural ingredients;
- application from 6 months;
- rapid reduction in throat swelling;
- restoration of mucosal tissues;
- stimulating immunity;
- moisturizing effect;
- there are no restrictions on the duration of treatment.
- most effective when combined with antibacterial agents.
Best softening effect
Aroma Evalar
The drug made in Russia is unique in that the main part of the drug consists of healing oils. They not only have a high antibacterial effect, help fight viruses, treat the larynx with antiseptics, but also soothe the mucous membrane, activate immunity.The peppermint oil contained in the medicine helps to effectively treat colds, bronchitis, and helps with flu. Release form - tablets. The average cost is 280 rubles.
- complex impact;
- softening effect;
- immunostimulating agent;
- many natural ingredients.
- allowed for adults only;
- possibly allergic reactions.
The medicine is produced by Slovenia. Peppermint and eucalyptus oils, as well as menthol, have an analgesic effect, deodorize, facilitate breathing, and have an antiseptic effect. Helps in the treatment of inflammatory diseases: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. The use of the drug is allowed for pregnant women, nursing mothers. A popular form of release is lozenges, which must be sucked every 2-3 hours. Average cost: 242 rubles.
- relieves pain;
- freshens breath;
- reduces inflammation;
- possible for children from 4 years old;
- suitable for preventive purposes;
- has antifungal properties.
- due to sugar content, it is not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus;
- individual intolerance to the components.
Country of origin Great Britain. The drug has antifungal, antiviral properties, therefore it is a good antiseptic. Peppermint oil, lemon oil, honey give a softening effect. The medicine is an active assistant in the complex treatment of the patient, as it relieves irritating discomfort, relieves pain. Strepsils helps to treat inflammatory diseases: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis. It is in demand among workers in the chemical industry, education. The drug relieves hoarseness, reduces irritation, softens mucous membranes, and has a preventive effect. The release form of the tablet is lozenges. Average cost: 165 rubles.
- does not contain sugar;
- pleasant taste;
- eliminates dryness;
- it is possible for children from 5 years old;
- affordable price.
- an allergic reaction to the components is possible.
An Indian drug that quickly relieves pain. Has antifungal, antibacterial properties, effectively reduces inflammation, makes breathing easier, soothes mucous membranes. Lozenges contain peppermint and eucalyptus oils. It is recommended for the treatment of "professional" laryngitis of educators, as well as those working in hazardous conditions of the chemical or coal industry. Average cost: 99 rubles.
- relieves perspiration;
- softens the mucous membrane;
- can be given to children from 5 years old;
- minimum of contraindications;
- low price.
- directed action - relieving symptoms;
- effective in complex treatment.
Be healthy!
Offer, made in Russia, at a budget price. The lollipops are reminiscent of sweets with a refreshing taste. The drug is prescribed at the first stage of the disease, as an assistant to complex treatment. The property of the drug to remove the sensation of dryness, burning sensation relieves and relieves inflammation. Forming a protective film, the agent prolongs the duration of the main medicine, eliminates dry coughing attacks. The softening effect is given by oils, as well as honey. Helps to treat pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. Average cost: 46 rubles.
- pleasant refreshing taste;
- antimicrobial property;
- relieves swelling;
- reduces irritation;
- allowed for children from 5 years old;
- cheap.
- plays the role of an aid;
- contraindicated for diabetics.
Important to remember!
When treating a sore throat, for a quick recovery, the following rules must be followed:
- Do not get involved in self-medication. If after 2-3 days there is no relief, you should consult a doctor.
- Observe the drinking regime. This can promptly remove harmful substances from the body, as well as avoid intoxication.
- Use a complex treatment: gargle, herbal teas, sprays, tablets with anti-inflammatory properties.
- Eat properly. During illness, it is not recommended to take spicy, fatty, salty foods.It is better to give preference to light broths, milk porridge and fortified dishes.
Treatment will be effective, and recovery will be quick, if the prescription of medicines is entrusted to specialists. If you have experience using the medicines described in the rating, or a more effective medicine, tell us about it in the comments.
I usually fight with pain, stitching sensations, sore throat with the help of Dorithricin. I like these pills, they are pleasant to dissolve, and they relieve pain well.
Plus for Ingalipt, an excellent proven remedy, I have been using it since Soviet times. Earlier in my childhood, with my chronic tonsillitis, it was difficult to find something from the list, such drugs were not on sale, but Ingalipt was there and it really helps. Moreover, both from sore throat and stomatitis.
Both my daughter and myself often have a sore throat, and therefore practically all the remedies listed in the article have been tested by us to one degree or another. Miramistin, however, is not in the form of a spray, but as a gargle really well and quickly helps with infections, but Hexoral and Tantum Verde quickly help with a sore throat. Lozenges relieve the condition when the throat seems to constrict from the inside. All means help some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent.