The herpes virus is one of the most insidious "microagents" with which humanity constantly contacts. Once in the body, herpes remains in it forever, like a computer namesake, prescribing in the nerve ganglia. The slightest weakening of the immune system and the virus breaks out in the form of painful bubbles on the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. It is impossible to recover from it once and for all, but you can significantly reduce the frequency of manifestations. A healthy lifestyle and special preparations will help to cope with this task. The editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best remedies for herpes for 2024.
Insidious virus, why is it coming back
Herpes has many faces, there are more than eight varieties. Each has its own characteristics and manifestations. But all of them are united by the ability to "hide" in nerve cells, becoming a constant threat to the body. At the same time, according to WHO, 90% of the world's population becomes infected before the age of 10, since herpes is transmitted by contact, by airborne droplets, through household items. What makes the virus manifest itself? An exacerbation of the disease occurs when:
- any weakening of the immune system;
- during pregnancy;
- under stress;
- with exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- hypothermia or overheating;
- hormonal disruptions.
The most common types of herpes are 1 and 2. The first (labial) is the well-known “cold on the lips”. This type can affect any part of the face, mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes. It is dangerous because in advanced cases or with a strong weakening of the immune system, it leads to blindness.
HSV type 2 affects the genital area, with exacerbation causing a whole range of extremely unpleasant sensations. You can become infected with the type 2 virus through sexual contact or through household use.
Local remedies
Local remedies for herpes are ointments, gels, creams that are aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus, relieving inflammation, moisturizing the affected area, and eliminating unpleasant symptoms. It is necessary to handle the rash very carefully so as not to transfer the active virus to other parts of the face and body. Here are seven of the top rated products.
On the seventh line is an ophthalmic gel from the Finnish company Santen. The composition includes the antiviral agent ganciclovir at a concentration of 1.5 mg and the antiseptic benzalkonium chloride. The gel is produced in a 5 g aluminum tube. Approved for use from 12 years. Average cost: 3700 rubles.
- suppresses the activity of not only viruses, but also fungi, protozoa;
- quickly penetrates the cornea;
- does not enter the systemic circulation;
- well tolerated;
- a minimum of contraindications (mainly individual intolerance);
- you can put on the lenses within 15 minutes after applying the gel;
- special storage stand included.
- side effects in the form of burning, eye redness and temporary blurred vision;
- will not cope with cytomegalovirus lesions;
- be sure to store the tube in an upright position with the tip down;
- the shelf life of an open package is only 28 days;
- high price.
In sixth place is acyclovir ointment from the Indian company MICRO LABS Limited. It is prescribed for the treatment of labial, genital herpes, shingles, chickenpox, cytomegalovirus. To achieve maximum effect, apply the product to the affected area every 4 hours. Produced in a tube of 5 g. Average cost: 67 rubles.
- high degree of activity;
- almost does not enter the systemic circulation;
- minimum side effects;
- budget.
- when applied, severe itching and burning may occur;
- not recommended for use in children during pregnancy and lactation (no clinical studies).
Zovirax Duo-Active
The fifth line of the rating is occupied by a well-known drug based on acyclovir and hydrocortisone. Experts recommend applying the ointment every 4 hours. Effective against herpes simplex type 1. The drug contains hormones. Available in a small 2 gram tube. Average cost: 322 rubles.
- quickly relieves swelling and inflammation;
- after absorption of the drug, masking agents can be applied using a disposable applicator;
- convenient to carry;
- is economically spent.
- for leather processing only;
- can not be used in children under 12 years of age;
- very dry.
The fourth line is occupied by an ointment from the Schonen company. The active substance is docosanol. The drug is prescribed from the age of 12. It is produced in convenient aluminum tubes of 2 and 5 grams. Apply to affected areas every 3 hours. The drug is hormonal. Average cost: 350 rubles.
- easy to apply, does not spread;
- helps well in the early stages;
- allowed during pregnancy and lactation;
- can be applied to mucous membranes (except for the conjunctiva).
- can not be used in children under 12 years of age;
- may cause itching at the site of application and headache
Fenistil Pentsivir
In third place is an antiherpetic cream based on penciclovir from the Russian company Bittner Pharma. Produced in aluminum tubes of 2 and 5 grams. There are options for those who are often sick - packs of 20 tubes in a plastic case with a mirror and an applicator. Effective against labial herpes simplex. The average cost for a simple cream in a 2 g tube is 300 rubles, with a toning effect - 400 rubles.
- high efficiency;
- easy to apply;
- the cream is quickly absorbed;
- not absorbed into the systemic circulation;
- can be used during pregnancy as directed by a doctor;
- there is a large packaging with accessories and a variant with a tinted effect.
- burning or numbness may occur upon application;
- can not be used in children under 12 years of age;
- should be applied to the affected area every 2 hours;
- for skin treatment only.
The second place is occupied by an antiviral cream based on docosanol with almond oil. Effective against herpes simplex on the skin and lips. Available in tubes of 2.5, 10, 15 grams. It is recommended to treat the affected area every 3 hours. Works best in combination with other antiviral agents. Average cost: 500 rubles per 5 gram tube.
- relieves pain and swelling well;
- quickly absorbed, does not spread;
- after drying, the crusts separate faster without leaving a scar;
- the shelf life of an open tube is 6 months.
- can not be used in children under 12 years of age;
- may cause a burning sensation at the site of application and headache
On the fifth line is the original Russian herbal preparation. Possesses a wide range of antiviral activity. Copes with herpes viruses type 1,2, influenza, human papilloma, cytomegalovirus. Available in the form of a gel, spray or suppositories. Approved for use during pregnancy. Average cost for a three-gram tube of gel: 150 rubles, a spray bottle of 40 ml: 400 rubles.
- variety of release forms;
- reduces pain;
- can be applied to mucous membranes;
- reduces the risk of scarring;
- powerful anti-inflammatory effect;
- almost odorless;
- absorbs quickly, does not leave marks on fabric;
- is not washed off with water;
- well tolerated.
- cannot be used under 12 years of age and during lactation.
Name | Release form | Active substance | Price, rub.) |
Virgan | ophthalmic gel | ganciclovir, benzalkonium chloride | 3700 |
Herperax | ointment | acyclovir | 67 |
Zovirax Duo-Active | ointment | acyclovir, hydrocortisone | 300 |
Priora | ointment | docanosol | 350 |
Fenistil Pentsivir | cream | penciclovir | 400 |
Erazaban | cream | docanosol | 500 |
Panavir | gel, spray | potato shoot extract | 150 400 |
6 of the best tablet drugs
To combat herpes infection, the action of ointments, as a rule, is not enough. A systematic approach is required. Specialists prescribe immunostimulants and general antiviral agents. Introducing the 6 Best Tableted Antivirals.
In seventh place is the drug based on valacyclovir. It is produced in the form of tablets, film-coated, 10 or 42 pieces per pack. One tablet contains 500 mg of active substance. Copes well with the treatment of herpetic eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes, including genital herpes. It is also used to suppress cytomegalovirus infection. It can be used as a prophylactic agent. Allowed from 12 years old. The average cost is 1300 rubles. for a small package.
- convenient form;
- high efficiency;
- can be drunk regardless of meals;
- quickly and well absorbed in the intestines;
- detailed instructions.
- many side effects, most often severe headaches appear;
- should be used with great caution in people with kidney disease.
In sixth place is the well-known acyclovir. Available in the form of oval tablets of 10, 20, 25, 30 or 70 pieces. The content of the active substance is 200 and 400 mg. Helps with simple and genital herpes, chickenpox, herpes zoster and cytomegalovirus infection. Allowed for children over 3 years old. Most effective as part of complex therapy. Average cost: 200 rubles for 20 pieces.
- affordable price;
- allowed for children;
- good efficiency;
- can be used for prevention.
- can not be used during breastfeeding and children under 3 years of age;
- many side effects, often nausea and headache.
On the fifth line is a tablet preparation based on valacyclovir. The substance is well absorbed and converted into acyclovir in the body. Suitable for the treatment and prevention of infections of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1, 2, cytomegalovirus. Available in dosages of 500 and 1000 mg. Can be taken by adults and adolescents from the age of 12. Average cost for a blister of 10 tablets: 750 rubles.
- quickly relieves inflammation, itching and burning;
- well absorbed regardless of food intake;
- high efficiency against labial and genital herpes;
- minimum side effects, headache was most often recorded;
- convenient schedule of admission (2 times a day).
- large tablet size;
- not recommended during breastfeeding.
In fourth place is a product for sucking under the tongue from the Russian company Pharmtsentr VILAR. Hyporamine is a natural preparation based on an extract from the leaves of the buckthorn buckthorn. It has proven itself well for the prevention and treatment of herpes simplex of any localization, cytomegalovirus, influenza virus of groups A, B. Works best as part of complex therapy. Average cost: 135 rubles.
- natural composition;
- pleasant taste;
- allowed for children from 3 years old;
- works well as a preventative agent;
- minimum side effects.
- allergic reactions are possible;
- copes effectively only at an early stage, in the midst of an illness it can be used as an aid.
In second place is an immunostimulating drug with antiviral action from the well-known manufacturer GEDEON RICHTER. The active ingredient inosine pranobex blocks the multiplication of viral particles, increases the activity of cells of the immune system. It should be taken orally after meals, after 6 hours 3-4 times a day. Average cost for 30 tablets: 700 rubles.
- high bioavailability;
- effective against most types of herpes;
- can be used for prevention;
- approved for use by children over 3 years old;
- well tolerated.
- many contraindications.
The first place was given to the Swiss drug from the NOVARTIS PHARMA company. It is produced in the form of coated tablets with a dosage of 125, 250, 500 mg. The active substance is famciclovir. Average cost: 1,450 rubles for 10 tablets.
- quickly absorbed;
- active against most types of herpes, including resistant strains;
- convenient reception mode;
- well tolerated.
- the product cannot be chewed or crushed, sometimes it is quite difficult to swallow a tablet;
- high price;
- there are no clinical studies on the use of the drug during pregnancy and for the treatment of children.
Name | The form | Active substance | Possibility of use for the treatment of children | Price, rub.) |
Valtrex | film-coated tablets | valacyclovir | from 12 years old | 1300 |
Acyclovir | pills | acyclovir | from 3 years old | 200 |
Walvir | pills | valacyclovir | from 12 years old | 750 |
Hyporamine | lozenges | sea buckthorn leaf extract | from 3 years old | 130 |
Groprinosin | pills | inosine pranobex | from 3 years old | 700 |
Famvir | film-coated tablets | famciclovir | from 18 years old | 1450 |
Protective cosmetics
Not only drugs, but also cosmetics help to fight herpes. Of course, you should not expect miracles from lipstick or balm, but for prevention or in complex treatment, cosmetics occupy a worthy place. We present three popular options against the virus.
Traditional healer For lips from herpes
The third place is taken by a cream-lip balm based on plant ingredients and beeswax. It contains extracts of Japanese sophora, yarrow, calendula, galangal and essential oils of tea tree, lavender, lemon balm, chamomile. Available in round 10 gram jars. Average price: 70 rubles.
- natural remedy;
- perfectly helps with herpes and jam;
- can be used to treat a child from 3 years old (if there is no allergy to the components);
- moisturizes;
- creates a protective film against chapping.
- inconvenient form of release;
- at temperatures above 20 degrees, it becomes liquidish;
- after long-term storage, an unpleasant odor appears, a short shelf life.
Herpes NanoGen
The second place was given to lipstick from the Russian manufacturer Herpes NanoGen. The product contains essential oils of fir, eucalyptus, mint. Suitable for both prevention and treatment of the first manifestations. Average cost: 1000 rubles.
- natural composition;
- relieves itching and soreness;
- good healing effect;
- moisturizes;
- strengthens local immunity;
- easy to apply;
- absorbs quickly;
- leaves no residue.
- high price.
Evalar AntiHerpes
In the first place is lipstick based on castor oil and beeswax with acyclovir. The action of the antiviral substance is enhanced by extracts of calendula, St. John's wort. Available in a compact 3 gram tube. It is important during the period of rashes to apply a hygiene product using a disposable applicator. Average cost: 120 rubles.
- natural base;
- helps to quickly cope with rashes;
- moisturizes and softens the skin.
- very dense base, difficult to apply.
Folk remedies
If there is no way to run to the nearest pharmacy, you can use folk remedies.We present three of the most popular recipes based on natural antiseptics.
Essential oils
If you do not trust synthetic drugs, the treatment of blisters on the skin can also be carried out with natural essential oils. A cotton swab dipped in a solution is used to treat the affected areas. However, this method of treatment is effective only when the first signs appear. There are many recipes. Some recommend using concentrated essential substances, while others recommend a mixture of coconut or olive oils. The most effective remedies are tea tree oils, sea buckthorn, fir, geranium, calendula, eucalyptus.
- naturalness;
- effective at the first signs of herpes;
- dry and burn in pure form;
- in the form of a mixture with base oils nourish and moisturize well.
- can not be applied to open wounds;
- can cause allergic reactions and headaches.
Aloe has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties. When taken orally, it strengthens the immune system and helps to normalize metabolism. It is recommended to start the fight against herpes by treating the skin with plant juice and taking 1 tablespoon of a cocktail of aloe pulp and honey taken in a 1: 1 ratio three times a day 20 minutes before meals.
- naturalness;
- the plant is widespread, does not require special care;
- effective in the initial stages and as a prevention;
- relieves itching.
- will not help in severe cases and with massive rashes;
- honey is an allergenic product;
- contraindicated during pregnancy.
A simple remedy that works well for the first signs of herpes is garlic. It is necessary to grind the clove with a grater, wrap the resulting mass in a gauze bag and apply to the affected area for a minute.
- availability and simplicity;
- releases phytoncides;
- prevents the rapid multiplication of the virus.
- specific smell;
- if overexposed on sensitive skin, you can get irritation and even burns;
- effective only at the very first manifestations.
In the treatment of herpes infection, you should not rely only on traditional methods. You need to see a doctor and choose a course of systemic therapy. This will not get rid of the virus, but it will help to reduce the frequency of manifestations and ensure a speedy recovery.
If you have experience using the drugs listed in the rating or more effective options, tell us about it in the comments.