💊Best worm remedies for 2024


Not a single person is immune from the appearance of parasites in the body. Most often, children suffer from helminths. Infection occurs mainly due to carelessness when handling dirty or insufficiently heat-treated food products, through contact with animals, toys, etc. The consequences of the vital activity of worms harmful to the body are extremely destructive and contribute to the disruption of the work of all organ systems. You can effectively and relatively safely get rid of unwanted malicious guests with the help of high-quality anthelmintic drugs. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offer you a rating of the best remedies for worms for 2024. When compiling the review, the characteristics, efficacy of the drugs were analyzed, and the opinion of experts and reviews of people who faced this problem were taken into account.

The best manufacturers of tablets for worms

On the pharmaceutical market there are many companies engaged in the production and sale of anthelmintic drugs. Unfortunately, not all products are of high quality, efficiency and safety. For your attention, we offer a selection of only the best manufacturers of tablets for worms, which during their existence have proven themselves exclusively on the positive side and have won the maximum number of positive reviews:

  1. Ipca Laboratories is a global Indian pharmaceutical company and the largest manufacturer of anthelmintic drugs. The main advantage of drugs is the high concentration of active ingredients. The likelihood of side effects is minimized. The drugs are used for both the treatment and prevention of helminthiasis.
  2. Polpharma is a Polish manufacturer of quality medicines, including products that help get rid of parasites. The company is the largest developer and manufacturer of medical and pharmaceutical products.
  3. Gedeon Richter - RUS is a Hungarian multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company. Founded in 1901. Today the company takes a leading role in the development of medicine. Medicines produced under this brand are of high quality, efficiency and safety.
  4. Cadila Healthcare is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in India. The company specializes in the production of medicines to combat parasites, as well as various forms of viral hepatitis C.
  5. Pharm-Pro is a leading manufacturer of dietary supplements under its own brands. The preparations are based on herbal ingredients. The products are distinguished by safety and high quality.
  6. Evalar is a manufacturer of natural medicines, homeopathic and cosmetic products, as well as dietary supplements. Products manufactured under this brand are designed to preserve health and maintain a high quality of life.
  7. AVVA RUS is a Russian pharmaceutical company that forms a holding together with a Swiss manufacturer.Under this brand, highly effective preparations are produced to combat various types of helminths.
  8. Pharmstandard is another Russian manufacturer developing anthelmintic drugs. In production, only highly active and safe substances are used.

All of the above manufacturers are engaged in the development, production and supply of medicines aimed at combating parasites. It is impossible to name an unambiguous leader, since all drugs have certain advantages, disadvantages, contraindications and side effects.

This material is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to purchase or use. Before purchase and use, a specialist consultation is required.

Classification of drugs

In medical practice, anthelmintic drugs are usually divided into groups depending on the effect on a certain type of worms.

Often, drugs are used to treat one subtype of the parasite. they may not cause harm to representatives of other types.

Often, experts prefer to prescribe a wide spectrum of medications to patients. The use of such drugs makes sense to combat helminthic invasion, characterized by the presence of various types of intestinal and not only worms, as well as to prevent infection.

Currently, there are four groups of funds for worms:

  • a wide spectrum of action;
  • anti-trematode drugs that kill flatworm flukes;
  • anti-cestoid drugs that help fight helminthiasis caused by parasitic tapeworms of the flat type;
  • anti-nematodic compounds that act on roundworms.

Among other things, all medicines can be divided into children and adults. Their difference lies in the dosage of the active antiglust substance.

Anthelmintic drugs differ from each other and the form of release. So they are divided into:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • syrups;
  • powders for suspension preparation;
  • tinctures;
  • lozenges;
  • potions.

The choice of a drug, its required dosage and form should be carried out exclusively by a doctor.

The best pills for broad-spectrum parasites

In the absence of the possibility to carry out a complete diagnosis of the patient and establish a type of helminths, it is recommended to use a wide spectrum of drugs. They are also prescribed for detecting mixed parasitic invasions.


Broad-spectrum anthelmintic agent. At the same time, the greatest efficiency is observed with enterobiasis. The drug is available in tablet form and is easy to use. The active ingredient causes irreversible damage to the tissues of parasites and inhibits the synthesis of substances necessary for their vital activity. Thanks to this, the colonies of parasites die rapidly. Vormin is intended for oral administration. A medication can only be prescribed by a doctor, since the tablets have a number of serious contraindications.

Average cost: 155 rubles.



  • high efficiency;
  • a wide range of actions;
  • low price;
  • short course of application.


  • many contraindications.


Anthelminthic medication helps to eliminate various parasites. The medicine is sold in tablet dosage form and suspension. The tool has a wide spectrum of action. It is most active in the treatment of enterobiasis. The drug inhibits the utilization of glucose by helminth cells and slows down the production of adenosine triphosphate in their body. The drug has few side effects. During its existence, the drug has earned a huge number of positive reviews.

Average cost: 86 rubles.



  • low price;
  • availability;
  • efficiency;
  • excellent assimilation;
  • a wide range of actions.


  • after application, the sclera of the eye may turn yellow.


Broad-spectrum anthelmintic medication is in great demand. In this case, the greatest effectiveness of the drug is observed in the treatment of trichocephalosis and enterobiasis. The medicine is prescribed for use with mixed invasions. The duration of use is determined individually in each case. It is produced in the form of oral tablets. After application, the desired result is observed quickly. Ideal for complex treatments.

Average cost: 101 rubles.



  • low price;
  • efficiency;
  • versatility;
  • fast onset of results.


  • has a number of serious contraindications.

Black walnut hulls

An effective broad-spectrum drug has antifungal, antioxidant, antiviral and anthelmintic effect. In addition, the dietary supplement slows down the aging process of the body, strengthens the immune system and is recommended for use for various problems with the skin and allergic reactions. Available in capsule form, containing the inner bark of the Black Walnut.

Average cost: 956 rubles.

Black walnut hulls


  • efficiency;
  • versatility;
  • good digestibility;
  • quick effect.


  • high price.

The best herbal pills

Herbal remedies are distinguished by their natural composition and exceptional safety for the human body. In addition to the pronounced anthelmintic effect, such drugs have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect on the body. Another advantage of these drugs is that there is no need to obtain a prescription from a doctor.

Troichetka Evalar

Herbal medicine designed to combat helminthic diseases. Produced as a dietary supplement by an Altai pharmaceutical company. Available in capsule form. The composition includes such useful plants as cloves, tansy and wormwood, and calcium stearate as an auxiliary component. Despite the herbal composition, the medication is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, as well as individual intolerance and diseases of the digestive system. The drug additionally has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Average cost: 322 rubles.

Troichetka Evalar


  • efficiency;
  • vegetable composition;
  • anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action;
  • increased muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stimulation of gastric secretion;
  • prevention of calculus formation;
  • increased bile separation;
  • efficiency.


  • there are contraindications.


Antiparasitic dietary supplement that helps to free the body from parasites and their metabolic products. The product helps to destroy worms and prevents them from infesting. Consists exclusively of natural ingredients that have a targeted effect and contribute to improving well-being. The dietary supplement is recommended for use in intestinal helminthiasis, which are caused by flat and round worms, parasitic pathologies of the gallbladder and liver, intoxication caused by the vital activity of parasites, as well as in programs for cleansing the body.

Average cost: 351 rubles.



  • efficiency;
  • natural composition;
  • fast action;
  • versatility.


  • there are contraindications.

The best antiparasitic medicines for children

Most remedies for worms are contraindicated for use during pregnancy, lactation and childhood. Since children most often suffer from helminths, we could not fail to include drugs in our rating that help them cope with this problem. The review presents the best drugs in terms of safety and effectiveness, approved for use in childhood.


An effective anthelmintic drug designed specifically for children.The medicine is produced by several pharmaceutical companies from Russia, India and Poland. The drug has a wide spectrum of action on different types of helminths. The active ingredient is the drug of the same name. After taking the medicine, the parasites cause a neuromuscular blockade. As a result, paralyzed worms leave the child's body with feces. The medication in the form of a suspension is approved for use in children from 6 months of age. Also, the medicine is available in dosage form.

The medication does not affect the functioning of the intestines, so it does not provoke spasms and intestinal obstruction.

Average cost: 60 rubles.



  • efficiency;
  • low cost;
  • pleasant taste
  • good tolerance;
  • appropriate for preventive purposes.


  • the dosage should be calculated strictly by the attending physician.


Another anthelmintic drug that is approved for the treatment of worms in children. In this case, the child must be over 3 years old. The drug is highly effective, especially in the fight against roundworms. Many people prefer it due to the ability to overcome the invasion in just one application. The remedy quickly paralyzes the worms, which are excreted from the body after a day. Refers to highly effective drugs.

Average cost: 91 rubles.



  • low price;
  • quick results;
  • minimal side effects;
  • pleasant smell and taste;
  • single use;
  • efficiency;
  • It is used to treat both adults and children.


  • dispensed by prescription;
  • contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating women and children under 3 years old;
  • prohibited for use with low leukocyte counts in the blood.


A highly effective single-use anthelmintic medication is quite common. Refers to fast-acting drugs that affect both adults and larvae. Despite the fact that the drug is not the cheapest, its cost is justified by its effectiveness. Refers to universal remedies that quickly act on a large number of helminthic parasites. The main advantage of the medication is that there is no need to follow a special diet before using it. This nuance is explained by the fact that the active substance of the drug copes with parasites without any additional manipulations. The medication is approved for use in children from 3 years old.

Average cost: 199 rubles.



  • a wide range of actions;
  • high efficiency;
  • limiting concentration of active substance;
  • consumption without reference to food intake;
  • rapid onset of the result.


  • contraindicated in people with liver disease.


The anthelminthic and antiprotozoal agent is available in the form of chewable tablets. Helps effectively fight parasites in children over 3 years old. The medication is active against many pathogenic microorganisms. When used, adverse reactions are extremely rare. It is mainly used for the destruction of giardiasis in children. In addition, due to the wide spectrum of action, the medication is often prescribed for the treatment of intestinal and tissue invasions, as well as for prophylactic purposes.

Average cost: 309 rubles.



  • efficiency;
  • a wide range of actions;
  • dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


  • has certain contraindications.

What are the best remedies for worms

It is impossible to name unambiguously the leader of our today's rating, since all the drugs presented have certain advantages and disadvantages, contraindications and side effects. When choosing a remedy, you must definitely consult with specialists and undergo an examination.

When choosing a medicine, the following nuances should be considered:

  • if you prefer everything natural or for health reasons it is not possible to use synthetic preparations, then give preference to products that contain exclusively herbal ingredients;
  • for children, it is best to purchase lozenges or suspensions.

As medical practice shows, a drug called Nemozole copes best with tapeworms. To eliminate pinworms, it is best to give preference to Sanoksal. To eliminate ascaris from the body, Helmindazole is most often prescribed and proves its effectiveness. For children, it is best to purchase Pirantel or Dekaris. If you need not only to cope with worms, but also to protect the intestines, then it is recommended to purchase Decaris.

It is best to entrust the choice of a medicine to the attending physician, who, based on the examinations carried out and the diagnosis made, will select the most effective medication. But, despite all the recommendations, the choice is always yours. If you have already taken one of the drugs listed in the rating, or prefer to use other drugs to fight parasites, share your experience and opinion in the comments.


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