Headache is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention. According to medical statistics, this problem worries 50% of the population. Headaches significantly affect the quality of life and work ability of a person, and their cause is often not identified. Every year, new drugs are released to get rid of this pathology. Among them, there are both really effective and high-quality products, as well as medical pacifiers.
The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" offer you a rating of the best headache pills for 2024.
Headache causes
Most remedies act only symptomatically, i.e. do not eliminate the cause of discomfort, but simply alleviate the condition. Therefore, before proceeding with the analysis of drugs, we recommend that you find out the factor leading to an attack of pain.
First of all, localization of discomfort will help to identify the disease:
- pain in the temples indicates fluctuations in blood pressure, as well as an infectious and inflammatory process;
- pain in the back of the head suggests the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, cervical spondylosis, or a jump in blood pressure;
- pain in the frontal part indicates inflammation of the frontal sinus (frontal sinus), nervous tension, infectious processes (meningitis, malaria, pneumonia);
- orbital pain occurs in migraines and in cases of glaucoma.
In addition, the nature and duration of the discomfort play a significant role in the diagnosis.
So, for example, intense pain is observed with sinusitis, arterial hypertension, brain infections, traumatic brain injuries. If the pain is localized strictly on one side, this suggests the presence of a migraine.
Discomfort, which is of a long-lasting and debilitating nature, indicates tumor processes in the brain. Also in this case, you can suspect infection with parasites.
Pulsating shooting unbearable pain is observed with trigeminal neuralgia, inflammation of the sinuses, cerebral aneurysm, hemorrhage in the brain.
According to the international classification, there are the following types of headaches:
- Migraine - most common in young women in their 20s. The pain in this case is of a pulsating sharp character, the discomfort is aggravated by exposure to bright light, loud sounds, and sharp odors. Over time, nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness join. The attack lasts from several hours to several days. Also, a migraine attack can be accompanied by a precursor of pain - an aura (before the attack, there is a flickering of flies before the eyes, a breakdown, the patient feels strange odors)
- Stress pain is the most common type. Localization of discomfort - forehead or occiput, character - exhausting pressing pain. Such a pathology is observed in people subject to frequent stress, lack of sleep, improper diet, an uncomfortable forced posture during work or sleep. The attack disappears after a long rest.
- The pain associated with the nerves is the most severe.A severe attack in the eye or temple area lasts from a few seconds to several hours. A disease called trigeminal neuralgia can provoke this condition. The most dangerous complication of this pathology is suicide, since patients often lose control of themselves during an attack of pain.
- Pain of an infectious nature - often accompanied by fever, chills, aching joints and other prodromal symptoms (nasal congestion, watery eyes, cough). As you recover, the attack subsides. If a rash on the body, vomiting, and the temperature rises to 40 degrees join the signs described above, you must immediately call an ambulance. Severe headache, spider veins, and high fever indicate meningitis.
- Sinus pain occurs when the sinuses are inflamed. The attack is accompanied by a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membranes. Discomfort is felt in the forehead or nose depending on the affected sinus
- Cluster pain is also considered a very severe form of neurological disorder. Mostly men are susceptible to this pathology. The pain is sharp, throbbing, unbearable, always localized on one side. The attack lasts from several minutes to several hours.
- Pain associated with intracranial pressure. The discomfort is a pressing, squeezing sensation. They often go in tandem with nausea and photophobia. People who have suffered craniocerebral trauma are susceptible to this pathology.
In addition, meteosensitivity, hangover syndrome, smoking, hypothermia and even pregnancy can cause headaches. In any case, if the attacks are prolonged and often repeated, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Only a specialist, having collected anamnesis and diagnosed, will be able to prescribe the correct treatment.
How to choose
The main criterion for choosing pills for headache is the appointment of the attending physician. Only he will be able to find the right drugs.
What factors are taken into account when looking for a medicine
- The cause of the disorder is the most important factor in the choice of remedies. Agree, there is no point in taking only analgin at high pressure.
- Age. Some drugs or their dosage are not compatible with childhood. For children, there are special products labeled "From 3 years old", "From 12 years old", etc.
- Pregnancy and lactation is another important factor. Certain products can harm the fetus or baby. In this case, a specialist consultation is required.
- Composition of the preparation. This point is no less important than all of the above, since the main active ingredient of the tablets can cause individual intolerance.
- Side effects and contraindications. Be sure to read the instructions before use, even if the medicine is prescribed by a doctor. No one is immune from medical errors, so it is better to play it safe.
- The cost of the drug. When it comes to health, saving is not recommended. However, before buying tablets, do not be too lazy to study their composition. Often, the high cost of the product is not justified, since you can easily find cheap analogs with an identical composition.
Now you can go to the ranking of the best headache pills. The list is compiled taking into account real customer reviews at the time of 2024.
Rating of the best headache pills
Important! It is not recommended to take several analgesics at the same time, since these drugs can be toxic to the stomach, causing exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers and lead to gastric bleeding. If the drug contains codeine or phenobarbital, it is strictly contraindicated to drive any vehicle.
One of the most famous budget medicines. The main active ingredient is paracetamol. The drug can be sold under different names depending on the manufacturer. This remedy is used for headaches of moderate to moderate severity.The drug is contraindicated in liver pathologies.
- budgetary cost;
- effectively and quickly acts;
- is the safest remedy.
- there are side effects, in particular, nausea;
- with prolonged use is addictive;
- incompatible with alcohol.
How much: 16 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.
Ibuprofen (ibufen, nurofen)
The active ingredient of the drug is ibuprofen. There is this drug in several forms: tablets, suspension, ointment, suppositories. The substance has analgesic and antipyretic effects. The tablets are suitable for adults in case of headache caused by migraine, or in case of pain of unclear etiology.
- the drug relieves not only headache, but also muscle, toothache, aches in bones and joints;
- the substance has a less toxic effect on the stomach;
- excellent balance of high efficiency and safety.
- there are side effects and contraindications.
How much: 50 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.
Another inexpensive option for pain relief. This remedy has an antipyretic effect, and also affects blood clotting, thinning it. The active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid. Taking the drug has its own characteristics: it is by no means recommended to take a pill on an empty stomach. The medicine should be taken with a large amount of liquid, preferably with jelly or milk.
- availability and budgetary cost;
- acts quickly;
- the medicine is effective for hangover.
- the drug is very toxic to the digestive tract;
- overdose may cause bleeding;
- the medicine is contraindicated in people with bleeding disorders.
How much: 20 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.
The drug consists of several active substances, namely paracetamol, codeine, caffeine, drotaverine, propyphenazone. Thanks to this composition, the tablets have an analgesic, antispasmodic and antipyretic effect. The substances actively affect the hormonal system of the body and block the hormone that causes an attack of pain. The caffeine contained in the composition increases blood pressure, tones up and causes a surge of vitality.
- high efficiency - one tablet is enough to relieve an attack;
- dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription;
- the drug relieves not only headache, but also toothache, discomfort caused by spasm of blood vessels and muscles.
- does not apply under the age of 18;
- contraindicated in pregnancy;
- has side effects. The most pronounced of them: drowsiness, lethargy;
- with prolonged use, it requires monitoring blood counts.
How much: 100 Russian rubles for 12 tablets.
The drug is based on sodium metamizole, more familiar to us under the name analgin. The second active ingredient is triacetonamine-4-toluosulfonate. The medicine has an analgesic and sedative effect.
- admissible for use in children over 15 years old;
- eliminates toothache, myalgia, pain with neuritis.
incompatible with alcohol.
How much: 110 Russian rubles for 20 tablets.
Sedalgin Plus
Combined medication consisting of sodium metamizole, caffeine, thiamine (vitamin B1). The drug has a stimulating effect, and thiamine improves neuromuscular conductivity, which provides a pronounced effect from taking the pills. In addition, the indication for use are menstrual irregularities in women, in particular - dysmenorrhea.
- effective for migraines, pain caused by nervous overstrain, disorders of the nervous system;
- the drug can be prescribed in the postoperative period;
- the product helps with low blood pressure and colds.
- the drug has a number of contraindications;
- not recommended when driving any vehicle.
How much it costs: 150 Russian rubles for 10 tablets.
Also, separately mention should be made of medicines approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.
The main active ingredient is paracetamol. The drug has analgesic, antipyretic effects.
- well tolerated and has almost no side effects;
- can be used in children from the age of 9;
- good ratio of low cost and pronounced effect from the application.
- anti-inflammatory effect is not very pronounced;
- long-term use can cause renal colic or liver dysfunctions;
- with frequent use of the medication, monitoring of blood counts will be required.
How much: 30 Russian rubles for 12 tablets.
This tool is also a derivative of paracetamol. The drug is used for headaches and osteochondrosis, for injuries, burns, painful menstruation, colds and inflammatory diseases.
- the drug acts quickly and effectively;
- can be used in children from 12 years of age.
- has a number of side effects.
How much: 138 Russian rubles for 16 tablets.
No-shpa (drotaverine)
This medication is a well-known and common antispasmodic. It is most often used to eliminate pain caused by hypertension or psycho-emotional overstrain. The tool allows you to relieve spasm of smooth muscles and blood vessels, as well as to induce relaxation.
- the drug is budgetary and safe;
- the effect of admission occurs within a few minutes;
- taking no-shpa is allowed in any trimester of pregnancy.
- frequent use is addictive;
- contraindicated in patients with lactose intolerance and lactase deficiency.
How much it costs: 200 Russian rubles for 100 tablets.
There are circumstances when a patient cannot, for a number of reasons, get rid of pain with the help of pills. In this case, folk remedies will come to the rescue, which can be easily used at home.
Aromatherapy. This method has long been proven to be effective. For this method, it is necessary to drip a couple of drops of lavender, ylang-ylang, fir or mint essential oil into the aroma lamp. Let the oil evaporate. Taking a hot bath with a few drops of essential oil in it is also an effective method. Hot water will help you relax, relieve tension and muscle spasm.
Vinegar compresses are another well-known folk remedy. To do this, a gauze napkin is moistened with vinegar and water in a 1: 1 ratio and applied to the problem area.
Chamomile honey tea before bed also has an analgesic effect.
Cinnamon is another proven pain relief method. Pour half a teaspoon of cinnamon with a tablespoon of warm boiled water. Stir well and let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink the resulting infusion in one go. Sweeten with honey if desired.
Oregano decoction. Pour two tablespoons of the crushed dry mixture with one glass of boiling water and let it brew. Take one tablespoon before meals.
It is also very important to pay attention to your lifestyle and diet. It is imperative to observe the mode of sleep and rest, if possible, exclude overwork and stress, sleep at least 8 hours a day and walk in the fresh air. It is recommended to exclude chocolate, fast food, hot spices and alcohol from the diet. Following these simple tips will help get rid of the headache.
If you have used the tools described in the rating, share your experience in the comments. Your opinion is important to us!