Snoring is not only a problem for the snoring person, but also for the hearer. This annoying factor in living together needs to be addressed, and will help find the best snoring cures for 2024.
From what and why snoring appears
During sleep, the throat muscles relax, the tongue sinks back, the throat becomes narrow and flexible. When breathing, the walls of the throat begin to vibrate - these vibrations are snoring. The frequencies of the sound emitted depend on how narrow the walls of the throat become and how strong the vibrations become, as a result.
People with age are more likely to have such problems, it is also believed that excess weight provokes vibrations. Nasal congestion, curvature of the nasal septum, alcohol or sleeping pills, allergies, a small or displaced lower jaw are also causes of snoring.
This not only interferes with sleep, but also affects health. Sleep can become not refreshing, not deep, restless. This leads to fatigue during the day and inattention. More serious consequences are apnea (holding your breath) or heart disease.
Unpleasant sounds at night are a problem for about half of the population. It does not matter whether a man or a woman, it can affect everyone, either we ourselves make loud sounds, or we listen to them. In any case, the fact remains that this is a problem and must be dealt with. How to treat such ailment is best advised by a doctor.
What methods are used to treat snoring
For some it is enough to turn from back to side, lose a few extra pounds or get rid of allergies. But in most cases, help is needed and it can be varied.
What are the means of getting rid of the disease:
- medication (tablets, sprays, various drops);
- using a laser or cryoplasty (used to affect the palate, which provokes inflammation, leading to a decrease and hardening of tissues);
- by implantation (silicone clamps are installed on the soft palate, the muscles are held in the desired position);
- removable devices (have a temporary effect);
- electronic digital devices (work due to signals that are given when snoring sounds are caught);
- breathing exercises;
- folk remedies.
How to choose the right method for preventing snoring
How to stop snoring depends on what causes this manifestation. With a mild form, drugs from a pharmacy, folk remedies, and pulse gadgets will help. For complicated forms, special devices and some types of mechanical devices will help. If snoring is a serious problem that complicates life, it is better to consult a doctor to determine the selection criteria and know exactly which device or other medicine is better to buy.
What to look for You should carefully study the composition, contraindications, description of the method of application, in order to acquire effective drugs and not make mistakes when choosing.After all, if you consider how much each of them costs, having tried everything, you can pay a considerable amount.
Where to buy The drugs can be sold in pharmacies, online stores, and in some cases, regular stores. You must beware of counterfeits.
Male and female snoring
Is there a difference between snoring drugs for men or for women?
More likely no than yes. Snoring itself can be caused by various reasons, for example, female - due to pregnancy or menopause. And the male is overweight, smoking and having an unhealthy lifestyle. But a feminine remedy, even if it exists, will have the same effect as a masculine one. However, the treatment prescribed by your doctor may differ.
To compile a complete picture of the remedies for snoring, to understand which company is better to entrust your health, this rating has been compiled. It features popular models and top brands for 2024. A short overview is provided for each drug.
Traditional methods of getting rid of snoring at home
Home remedies made with your own hands from herbal ingredients can be effective against snoring when it comes to uncomplicated forms.
Sea Buckthorn - Sea buckthorn oil has anti-inflammatory, regenerative and soothing properties. Oil is instilled into the nose, 2 drops 3 hours before bedtime, for a month.
Aromatherapy with eucalyptus, lavender and peach oils - improves sleep, reduces swelling or spasms of the throat muscles, relieves perspiration.
Baked carrots - it is believed that if you eat one baked carrot 3 times a day before meals, it will tone your throat muscles.
And another huge list, and tips on how to make special decoctions and potions, and how to cure a disease, can be found on the Internet or ask grandmothers.
- not an expensive method.
- possible allergic reactions of the body to essential oils;
- does not help in all cases;
- no evidence of a result.
Rating of quality snoring remedies for 2024
Patch Doctor Snore 'ex-nasal
The patch is in the form of a strip, has an extension and an adhesive surface on both sides. Sold in various sizes. Made of safe and hypoallergenic material, which is impregnated with a special composition on a natural basis. It contains a variety of oils, antioxidants and vitamins.
The patch is glued to the nose before going to bed and helps to ease breathing, expand the nasal passages and relieve swelling of the upper respiratory tract. Able to eliminate nasal congestion. It has a relaxing effect, eliminates not severe headaches and relieves irritability.
- affordable (250-300 rubles);
- safety;
- positive effect on the body due to the natural composition.
- considered safe, but not recommended during pregnancy;
- it is also necessary to take into account the composition of people prone to allergies;
- may not have the desired effect, the course will be required;
- not suitable for severe snoring.
SnorStop tablets
The composition of the preparation is completely on a natural basis (yellow root, two-spike ephedra, Dubrovnik, belladonna, chilybukha). These ingredients help prevent allergic reactions and tone the muscles in the throat. According to buyers, the pills have a fairly quick effect, but taking the whole course can significantly increase the chances of getting rid of the disease. The medicine should be drunk before going to bed, once a day, to be put under the tongue for speed. Before use, it is necessary to consult a doctor for choosing a dosage and in the case of use with other drugs.
- buying will not be a problem, you can find it in every pharmacy;
- fast-acting drug;
- relatively low price - about 400 rubles.
- valid only for mild forms, without complications;
- the tablets are safe, but contraindicated for pregnant women, and people prone to allergies should study the composition;
- the effect lasts only during use.
Snorex snore spray
Natural remedy related to dietary supplements. It has a specially selected composition, the ingredients of which, when interacting, enhance the effect. The ingredients of the drug, in addition to fighting snoring, may be beneficial to health:
- Sage. Expands capillaries, activates blood circulation and has an anti-edema effect.
- Calendula. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
- Propolis. Promotes strengthening of immunity, rejuvenation, stimulates regenerative processes.
With prolonged use, it is noted: relief of breathing, an increase in the tone of the muscles of the pharynx, which prevents vibrations, a decrease in the amount of mucous secretions, restoration of the elasticity of the soft tissues of the palate, reduction of edema of the adenoids and tonsils.
The spray is applied nasally, 40 minutes before bedtime, one dose in each nasal passage. Use with other medicines for the common cold and allergies is possible only after consulting a doctor. It is forbidden to use the spray after drinking alcohol, you must rinse your throat with plenty of water.
- Simple to use;
- with long-term use, it contributes to overall health and a high probability of getting rid of snoring.
- rarely found in regular pharmacies, mainly in online stores and online pharmacies;
- for a spray with a volume of 50 ml, a rather high price - from 1000 (during frequent promotions on the official website) to 2000 rubles;
- the spray is not suitable for all types of snoring.
Headband Anti-Snoring
A bandage or bandage made of high quality and elastic material is designed to support the chin. The problem with many snorers is that they sleep with their mouths open, the bandage prevents this from happening, it holds the jaw, and the mouth does not open.
The elastic material does not press or roll during sleep, does not cause irritation and rashes on the skin. The bandage is applied with its wide part to the chin, applied to the back of the head and secured with Velcro. There are slots for the ears.
- inexpensive product, the price is about 400 rubles;
- safe material;
- easy to use.
- there are contraindications;
- suitable only for some forms of snoring.
Bracelet Welss WS 5070
Lightweight and soft watch-shaped device that is worn on the hand at night. The functionality consists in a sensor that sends electronic impulses in the event of snoring. The impulses are safe and tend to shift sleep position or tighten the throat muscles. Over time, this can develop the habit of sleeping in a position in which snoring does not manifest itself. In the absence of any illnesses, there is a possibility that the night problem will be solved.
- does not interfere with sleep;
- clear management;
- no side effects.
- impulses are safe, but still perceptible, which is not suitable for everyone;
- the average price is about 1000 rubles, but the kit does not include batteries, and their replacement will be required on an ongoing basis.
Bradex Magnetic Clip
Small nasal speculum that fits comfortably in the nose. Built-in magnets act on reflex points, the nasal passages expand, which gives more room for air to enter. Magnets have a small positive effect on the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, increasing it.
The clip is in the shape of a horseshoe, is installed in the nose and fixed by slightly pressing on the clip.
- small size, not causing discomfort;
- budget prices (on average 100 rubles), this is one of the reasons explaining the popularity of models of this type;
- positive effect of the magnet on the body.
- helps only in mild forms of snoring;
- there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the adaptation;
- the ability to damage, with strong pressure, the inner region of the nose.
Gadget Beurer SL70
A device that resembles a headset or hearing aid in appearance.Attaches to the auricle. Made of plastic with rubber inserts and removable silicone pads. On the panel there is an on / off button. Earphone specifications:
- Has a light indicator with the function of displaying the battery charge level;
- The device is powered by a battery and charged via micro-USB;
- Works, the earpiece, by transmitting a sound signal or vibrations when a person starts to snore.
You can adjust the signal in the settings for the Beurer Sleep Quiet app, which is installed on your smartphone. With it, you can track how often a person tried to snore. Depending on the volume of the snoring sound, the gadget emits different signals, stronger or weaker. At the reflex level, the body remembers that when snoring, something starts to interfere with sleep and tries not to make such sounds anymore.
- has the best reviews;
- convenient to use;
- the ability to track device activity.
- high price, about 7,000 rubles;
- the presence of additional components that need to be purchased over time;
- the need for battery charging.
Sonite device
A mouthguard made of high-quality plastic, which takes the shape of the bite and slightly pushes the lower jaw. Due to its plasticity, it fixes well and does not fall out. During the use of the mouth guard, the soft tissues of the respiratory tract take the correct position, freeing up space for air flow. During sleep, the mouth guard promotes the free passage of air during breathing, both through the nose and through the mouth.
With bruxism, the Sonite mouth guard also helps.
- convenient location in the mouth;
- small size;
- proven effect;
- lack of side effects.
- high price (on average 3000 rubles);
- having an object in your mouth that you need to get used to;
- daily flushing of the device is necessary.
Extra-Lor device
One of the leaders among all kinds of tools and devices is the Extra-Lor snoring device. Manufacturer - Russian company NPF INCOMK LLC.
A safe, baby-like pacifier that fits in your mouth. The anatomically shaped "pacifier" locks the tongue to prevent vibrations and relieve tension in the throat.
The thing is individual and requires careful care, and at first you will need to get used to it. Before going to bed, the device must be placed in the mouth, no further action is required. It is impossible to swallow it, as the outer disc is not large enough to enter the mouth. The effect can be seen from the first night.
This device not only relieves snoring, but also bruxism (teeth grinding).
- instantaneous device;
- no side effects;
- proven by clinical trials;
- low price, for a reusable device (on average 1000 rubles).
- requires constant care, like a personal hygiene product;
- getting used to sleeping with an object in your mouth (temporary deficiency).
Sisap therapy
The medical device is undoubtedly the leader among all snoring remedies, according to doctors. This is a serious treatment for severe forms of breathing difficulties and apnea.
This type of therapy can only be prescribed by a somnologist. Preliminary examinations are necessary in order to understand the causes and severity of the disease. The first session is carried out under supervision to select the appropriate operating mode of the apparatus.
The principle of operation is the dosed supply of positive air pressure to the upper respiratory tract. The device consists of a compressor, a mask, a connecting hose and a unit for air humidification and filtration. The mask is put on at night and the device remains on.
The device can also be used: for arterial hypertension, chronic cardiovascular diseases, some forms of impotence, obesity and endocrine disorders.
- effective treatment of snoring, apnea and other diseases;
- improvement of the somatic state;
- helps to cope with sudden nocturnal death from respiratory arrest.
- high price - from 20,000 rubles;
- the need to sleep in a mask, as a result of which, irritation appears on the face;
- there are contraindications, use is possible only after the recommendation of a doctor.
If you've gotten rid of snoring using one of these remedies or another method, share with us in the comments!
The author is right that everyone needs to find their own way to get rid of snoring. My husband tried spray, pills, plaster, clip. As a result, the Anti-Snore headband helped. He looks a little funny in her, because he is bald. But we quickly stopped paying attention to this, as we began to get enough sleep and the quality of life improved markedly.