💊Best Heartburn Remedies for 2024


After a festive feast, sometimes there is a burning sensation behind the sternum, as if a fiery stream wants to break out. Even if heartburn occurs only occasionally, it is difficult to come to terms with it. And if this symptom follows every meal, favorite foods turn from pleasure to torture. Special preparations will help to get rid of discomfort. The editors of the site "best.desigusxpro.com/en/" have prepared for you an overview of the best remedies for heartburn for 2024.

Causes of heartburn

Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux is quite common. Today, at least once a week, an unpleasant stinging wave rising from the epigastric region to the throat is felt by about 45% of the European population. In most popular scientific publications, the reflux of hydrochloric acid and enzymes from the stomach into the esophagus is indicated as the reason. In healthy people, the esophagus is protected by a tightly closed muscle ring, which opens only when food passes. Its work is disrupted by various diseases from the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, constant stress. A burning sensation appears most often half an hour or an hour after eating. Heartburn also occurs during physical exertion, when the body is tilted forward and downward, when doing twisting exercises, in a horizontal position.

Any gastroenterologist will list more than 50 factors provoking an attack of heartburn, among them the most common are:

  • overeating, especially before bedtime;
  • smoking, alcohol, coffee, soda - increase the production of hydrochloric acid and at the same time relax the esophageal sphincter;
  • hot spices, citrus fruits, tomatoes, fried foods;
  • taking certain medications, such as aspirin;
  • wearing clothing that tightly tightens the abdomen.

A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet will help to significantly reduce the frequency of manifestations. In any case, heartburn is only a symptom; to identify the causes, you need to consult a doctor and be examined.

Heartburn often occurs during pregnancy. The growing fetus requires more and more space, respectively, the organs are displaced and somewhat squeezed, intra-abdominal pressure rises. The hormonal background changes. The actively produced progesterone helps to relax the muscles, including the esophageal sphincter. The digestion processes themselves are significantly slowed down. All this leads to the appearance of heartburn, and in some cases, unpleasant sensations haunt future mothers constantly, regardless of food intake. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor and select the correct drug that does not enter the systemic circulation.

Types of funds

All the tools used can be divided into three large groups:

  • antacids - formulations based on calcium, magnesium or aluminum. Quickly neutralize gastric acid hydrochloric acid. Safe, not absorbed into the bloodstream and will not cause acidity after withdrawal. But the action time is only two hours from the moment of reception.
  • antisecretory drugs that suppress the production of hydrochloric acid. They are used only as directed by a doctor, in the case when antacids do not give the desired effect.They differ in a significant duration of action (up to 8 hours), gradually normalizing the secretory function of the stomach. Contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and children under 12 years of age.
  • folk - remedies that have not passed clinical trials, but have proven themselves in the removal of heartburn among ordinary citizens. Most often these are collections of medicinal herbs, soda solutions. But there are also more exotic options, for example, using crushed eggshells or chalk.

12 best remedies for heartburn

The high demand for drugs for heartburn has led to an extremely wide selection of not only brands, but also forms of production. Depending on your preferences, you can choose a preparation in the form of a suspension, chewable lozenges, lozenges or syrups. Here's an overview of the best remedies for heartburn.

NameGroupActive substanceRelease formPossibility of use during pregnancyThe possibility of treating children
Gaviscon Forte "During pregnancy" antacidsodium alginate, potassium bicarbonatesuspension+over 12 years old
Phosphalugel antacidaluminum phosphategel+older than 1 month
Antareitcombined antacidmagaldrat, simethiconechewable tablets+over 12 years old
Almagel neocombined antacidalgeldrate, magnesium hydroxide, simethiconesuspension-over 10 years old
Losek Mapsantisecretory drugomeprazolefilm-coated tablets++
Parietantisecretory drugrabeprazolefilm-coated tablets-over 12 years old
Ranitidineantisecretory drugranitidinefilm-coated tablets-over 12 years old
Novobismolantiulcer drugbismuth tripotassium dicitratefilm-coated tablets.-over 4 years old
Rennieantacidcalcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxycarbonatechewable tablets+over 12 years old
Rutacidantacidhydrotalcidechewable tablets-over 6 years old
Vikaircombined antacidbismuth nitrate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, calamus rhizomes, buckthorn barkpills--
Maaloxantacidaluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide chewable tablets-over 15 years old


It is one of the most popular antacids. In the composition of aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide and auxiliary substances. It is produced in the form of a milky white suspension with a pleasant mint aroma in a 250 ml glass bottle, a 15 ml sachet or in the form of 10 round chewable tablets in a blister. The antacid quickly binds free hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. Maalox also reduces the production of pepsin, gently envelops the gastric mucosa, protecting it from damage. The average cost is 400 rubles for a pack of 30 sachets.



  • a wide range of release forms;
  • does not cause a reflex secondary wave of increased secretion and repeated burning and pain;
  • reduces the activity of not only hydrochloric acid, but also enzymes;
  • quickly relieves discomfort;
  • has an adsorbing effect;
  • can be used while breastfeeding.


  • undesirable to use during pregnancy;
  • an overdose is possible, manifested by diarrhea, vomiting, epigastric pain;
  • there is a side effect from the gastrointestinal tract (constipation);
  • a large list of contraindications, including children under 15 years of age.


Combined preparation based on mineral and plant components. In the composition of bismuth nitrate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, calamus rhizomes, buckthorn bark. Antacid quickly copes not only with burning, but also pain. Possesses bactericidal properties, accelerates the healing of damaged mucous membranes. Herbal ingredients have antispasmodic and mild laxative effects. It can stain stool black, which sometimes frightens users.Available in the form of tablets, the package can be from 10 to 100 pieces. The average price is 70 rubles for a pack of 20 pieces.



  • quickly extinguishes discomfort;
  • relieves inflammation and accelerates the healing of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach;
  • reduces acidity by binding hydrochloric acid and decreasing the production of enzymes;
  • minimum side effects (loose stools and allergic reactions);
  • not picky about storage conditions;
  • affordable price.


  • can not be used in children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy, lactation.


A little-known agent with high antacid activity. The main active ingredient is hydrotalcide (contains magnesium and aluminum ions). Due to the layered structure, the release of active molecules occurs gradually, which ensures the duration of the effect. Reduces the activity of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. Available in mint flavored chewable tablets, 20 and 60 pieces each. The average price is 170 rubles for a small package.



  • quickly eliminates discomfort;
  • long-term action;
  • can be taken by children from 6 years old;
  • approved for the treatment of heartburn in patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • does not pass into breast milk;
  • pleasant taste;
  • light mint aroma.


  • reduces the absorption of antibiotics;
  • enters the systemic circulation, not recommended during pregnancy;
  • when consumed at a high dosage, belching and diarrhea occurs.


An antacid drug from the Bayer company. Available in the form of chewable tablets with cooling, menthol, orange flavor. A sugar-free mint-flavored option is available for diabetics. The main active ingredient is calcium carbonate supplemented with magnesium hydroxycarbonate. Acts only on free hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, without affecting enzymatic activity. The average price is 170 rubles for a small package.



  • convenient form of release, no need to drink water;
  • pleasant taste, several options are provided;
  • begins to act after 3-5 minutes;
  • a wide range of packaging from 12 to 96 tablets per pack;
  • allowed during pregnancy and lactation;
  • rarely causes side effects.


  • should not be given to children under 12 years old;
  • a wide list of contraindications;
  • not effective with increased enzymatic activity.


Film-coated tablets. Bismuth contains tripotassium dicitrate. An antiulcer drug, forms a protective film on thinned or damaged mucous membranes. Reduces the activity of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, pepsinogen. Possesses bactericidal action against Helicobacter pylori. The average cost is 363 rubles.



  • quickly relieves heartburn, prevents its subsequent appearance;
  • promotes healing of damaged mucous membranes;
  • fights bacteria;
  • practically not absorbed;
  • can be taken by children over 4 years old;
  • minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions.


  • you can not use the drug during pregnancy and lactation;
  • it is required to drink water;
  • it is necessary to maintain a half-hour fasting interval before and after taking the drug;
  • not recommended for a one-time symptom relief, effective with a course of treatment for at least 4 weeks.


Refers to a group of antisecretory drugs. In the pharmacy, you can find ranitidine from an Indian and domestic manufacturer. It is produced in the form of coated cylindrical tablets. Suppresses the secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. The content of the active substance in one tablet is 150 or 300 mg. It is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract. The duration of action with a single dose is about 12 hours. The average cost is 60 rubles for 30 tablets.



  • a budget option;
  • good antisecretory activity, quickly removes heartburn;
  • relieves stomach pain with gastritis;
  • the effect lasts for a long time.


  • a large list of side effects;
  • it is required to drink water;
  • should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.


Belongs to the class of antisecretory drugs. It is produced in the form of tablets, coated with a light yellow color. Manufactured in Japan. The active substance is rabeprazole 10 or 20 mg. Blocks the production of hydrochloric acid. The effect develops within an hour and lasts about 48 hours. Average price: 940 rubles for a small package (7 tablets).



  • high efficiency, quickly eliminates burning, pain, sour belching;
  • need to be taken once a day;
  • small tablets, easy to swallow;
  • side effects are rare.


  • high price;
  • should not be taken during pregnancy and children under 12 years of age


Astrazeneca AB Losek Mapes

Astrazeneca is a renowned Swedish pharmaceutical company with strict quality control. Losek Maps belongs to antisecretory drugs. It is produced in the form of pink thin film-coated tablets in bottles of 14 and 28 pieces. The main active ingredient is omeprazole. The average cost is 300 rubles for a small package.

Astrazeneca AB Losek Mapes


  • high efficiency, quickly relieves discomfort;
  • you can dissolve the drug in water;
  • needs to be taken only once a day;
  • has an antibacterial effect against Helicobacter pylori;
  • minimum of contraindications;
  • can be used during pregnancy, children and patients with kidney disease.


  • many side effects,
  • do not chew or grind the drug.

Almagel neo

One of the most famous antacids. It is produced in the form of a suspension of white color with an orange scent in bottles with a measuring spoon or sachet for a single dose of 10 ml. In the composition algeldrat, magnesium hydroxide, simethicone. Blocks free molecules of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, binds bile acids. It has an absorbent, enveloping, carminative effect. Average cost: 210 rubles for 10 sachets.

Almagel neo


  • quickly relieves heartburn, belching and bloating;
  • promotes healing of minor mucosal lesions;
  • convenient to take;
  • without smell;
  • the bottle comes with a measuring spoon;
  • no need to drink water.


  • specific taste;
  • sometimes after admission there is a short-term numbness of the tongue;
  • a wide range of side effects and contraindications;
  • should not be taken during pregnancy and children under 10 years of age.


A combined preparation based on magaldrate and simethicone. Magaldrat binds free hydrochloric acid and reduces the activity of enzymes in gastric juice. Gently envelops the mucous membrane, adsorbing aggressive substances. Simethicone collapses gas bubbles, relieving bloating. Available in the form of pale pink or white chewable tablets with an impression in the shape of an apple, 12 and 24 pieces in a box. The average cost is 320 rubles for a large package.



  • quickly eliminates unpleasant burning sensations;
  • does not cause a reflex wave of acidity increase;
  • promotes accelerated healing of damaged mucous membranes;
  • well helps with dyspepsia caused by the abuse of coffee drinks, overeating and smoking;
  • can be taken during pregnancy and lactation;
  • neutral caramel taste;
  • does not require drinking.


  • a wide range of side effects and contraindications, including children under 12 years of age.


Milky white antacid gel with a light orange scent. The active ingredient is aluminum phosphate. Neutralizes free hydrochloric acid and reduces the enzymatic activity of pepsin. Forms a protective layer on the mucous membrane, promoting healing. Available in sachets for a single dose. In most pharmacies, the drug can be purchased individually or immediately in a package. The average cost is 444 rubles for 20 sachets.



  • quickly relieves heartburn and pain;
  • has little effect on phosphorus metabolism;
  • practically not absorbed;
  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • allowed for the treatment of children over 1 month old;
  • convenient form of release;
  • can be dissolved in a little warm water;
  • without a pungent smell.


  • there are side effects;
  • reduces the absorption of certain drugs.

Gaviscon Forte "During pregnancy"

It is produced in the form of a suspension with aniseed or mint flavor in 10 ml bottles or sachets for a single dose. Contains sodium alginate, potassium bicarbonate, excipients. The active ingredients quickly interact with the acidic contents of the stomach, extinguish discomfort and reduce the risk of repeated reflux of acid into the esophagus. Average cost: 306 rubles for 12 sachets.

Gaviscon Forte "During pregnancy"


  • quickly eliminates heartburn;
  • convenient form of release;
  • practically odorless;
  • minimum of contraindications and side effects.


  • short period of action;
  • specific taste;
  • can not be used in children under 12 years of age.

Folk remedies

When heartburn is caught by surprise and there are no pharmacy remedies at hand, you can turn to traditional medicine. Here are six of the most popular homemade recipes for eliminating discomfort.


One of the most famous remedies. It can always be found in the kitchen cabinet. Sodium bicarbonate is perfect for a single use as an ambulance. According to the recipe, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in 100 ml of warm water and slowly drink the resulting solution in small sips. Lie with a high pillow under your back and wait about 10 minutes. The alkaline solution neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid and relieves burning.


  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • quickly relieve heartburn caused by acidity.


  • you can not resort to this method during pregnancy, lactation, with gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • the maximum daily dose is 200 ml of solution;
  • with prolonged use it promotes mucosal ulceration.
  • It is important not to overuse home recipes and see a doctor on time.


Only natural, mature honey without impurities is suitable for the treatment of heartburn. The most useful are lime (normalizes the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract) and lemon balm (has soothing and healing properties). In case of heartburn due to increased acidity, it is recommended to dissolve one full teaspoon of honey in 200 milliliters of warm boiled water or milk and drink it slowly in small sips. With a burning sensation caused by the throwing of gastric juice with reduced acidity into the esophagus, you need to eat one spoonful of honey before the main meal and drink a quarter glass of cold water or mix in equal parts honey and aloe juice, drink it thirty minutes before meals. The main contraindication of this method of treatment is an allergy to bee products. Honey should also be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.


  • naturalness;
  • ease of use;
  • long-term use is possible;
  • does not give side effects.


  • it is difficult to find quality mature honey;
  • the temperature of water or milk should be no higher than 40 degrees.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils have the ability to envelop the mucous membrane, creating a thin protective film. To get rid of the burning sensation, you can use ordinary unrefined sunflower oil, the antioxidants it contains, fatty acids, vitamin E help relieve the symptom and heal the mucous membrane. The most effective are linseed and sea buckthorn oils. Sea buckthorn reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, accelerates the recovery of microdamages. Flaxseed oil gently envelops the esophagus and stomach, relieves irritation and has an anti-inflammatory effect. To relieve heartburn, just drink one tablespoon of the product.


  • naturalness;
  • ease of use;
  • fast effect;
  • availability.


  • most oils have a laxative effect;
  • you cannot use the product after long-term storage;
  • when using a product of poor quality, the discomfort can only increase due to the residual solvent or mineral components contained.

Chaga mushroom

The fungus parasitizing on the trunks of birches helps to normalize the pH of gastric juice, creates a protective film on the surface of mucous membranes, has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antibacterial effects. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to grate a small piece of mushroom on a medium grater. Pour boiling water over the resulting shavings in a ratio of 1 to 5. Insist for 48 hours, then strain. Drink the resulting infusion 30 minutes before meals, 0.5-1 glass.


  • natural product;
  • has a complex effect, quickly eliminating discomfort in the esophagus and stomach;
  • improves overall metabolism.


  • there may be problems with the collection of raw materials, only young tinder fungi taken from healthy trees can be used for medicinal purposes;
  • contraindicated in chronic colitis, during pregnancy and lactation.

Rice broth

Rice broth is an emergency remedy for sudden onset of heartburn. You need to cook unboiled round grain rice in a large amount of water (part ratio 1 to 6) without salt. Cook over low heat until cooked. The broth should be drained, filtered, allowed to cool to room temperature. Drink in small sips until the symptom is completely removed. The mucous structure of the resulting liquid envelops the mucous membrane, reduces irritation.


  • quickly relieves burning sensation and reduces pain in the stomach;
  • natural product;
  • safe.


  • takes a long time to prepare;
  • storage period no more than a day;
  • not recommended for constipation.

Infusions of medicinal plants

Many medicinal plants have antacid or antisecretory properties. Most often, with heartburn, it is recommended to take a decoction of viburnum. According to the recipe, 1 tablespoon of bark (shavings) is added to 1 liter of cold water, brought to a boil. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for another 15 minutes. The container is wrapped and left to cool to room temperature. The finished broth is stored in the refrigerator and drunk in half a glass before meals. For an ambulance, it is recommended to insist 20 grams of yarrow in 300 ml of hot boiled water, drink a tablespoon during an attack.


  • naturalness;
  • availability;
  • a wide selection of herbal ingredients.


  • the presence of side effects and contraindications;
  • long preparatory stage.

When choosing a remedy for heartburn, it is important to remember that this is only a temporary measure. To completely get rid of unpleasant sensations, you need to undergo a full examination, identify the cause and strictly adhere to the recommended diet. If you have experience in acquiring and using the tools presented in the review or more interesting options, tell us about it in the comments.


  1. Svetlana

    I suffer from heartburn periodically for many years. I always use Ranitidine, cheap and effective.


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