Thrush is a common and very unpleasant disease, which, fortunately, can be easily treated if you do not start the problem and wait until it goes away on its own. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a very unpleasant sore in a chronic form. To prevent this from happening, it is important to start quality treatment on time. In order to facilitate the search and help you choose the most effective drug, the editorial staff of the site "" has prepared for you an overview of the best remedies for thrush for 2024.
Thrush - what is it
The common name for thrush is candidiasis, which is a type of fungal infection caused by a yeast-like fungus called Candida. The Candida fungus is classified as a conditionally pathogenic category, that is, it is capable of causing pathologies, and therefore thrush must be treated and in no case let the disease take its course.
In fact, in a small amount, microorganisms of the genus Candida are constantly present in the human body - they are part of the microflora of the vagina and colon, and are also found in the mouth.
Thrush occurs in both men and women. As a rule, it affects the mucous membranes of the external and internal genital organs.
Causes of candidiasis
The causes of the appearance of the disease are not in the presence of microorganisms as such, but in an increase in their number and / or the development of pathogenic strains of the genus Candida. Most often, doctors attribute a decrease in the general and local immune system of a person to the causes of thrush.
In women, thrush, including, can develop after taking antibiotics, as a result of the use of panty liners and underwear made of low-quality materials, due to non-observance of hygiene rules and metabolic disorders, as well as against the background of chronic diseases. Sometimes candidiasis is the result of taking hormonal drugs (in particular, contraceptives).
Men have a similar situation, except for some factors. So, the cause of the appearance of thrush in the stronger sex can be not only a violation of the rules of personal hygiene and the use of antimicrobial drugs, but also climate change, the use of aggressive detergents (shower gel, gel for intimate hygiene), unprotected intercourse with a partner who is sick with candidiasis.
Signs of thrush
Symptoms of candidiasis in women are most often characterized by the appearance of severe (constant or periodic) itching, burning sensation and discomfort in the outer part of the genitals. Since the fungus affects the mucous membrane, there is an abundant discharge of white or yellowish curdled clots. In principle, it was they who gave rise to the name "thrush", since the discharge has a characteristic sour smell. You should also pay attention to painful sensations during intercourse or a burning sensation when urinating - this can also be a symptom of thrush, and therefore, if such signs appear, it is worth visiting a doctor as soon as possible.
Men suffer from thrush, unlike women less often. If, according to statistics, every third woman has been ill with thrush at least once in her life, then among males thrush occurs in one out of two dozen. Although such a correlation can be questioned, since men are simply less likely to go to doctors with intimate problems.In addition, the structure of the male genital organs is such that there are no conditions favorable for the reproduction of the fungus, in contrast to the structure of the female organs.
In men, with the disease, there is also itching and pain in the area of the glans penis, which increases after intercourse. Sometimes discomfort manifests itself only during sexual intercourse and does not bother the rest of the period. Also, with candidiasis, a film-like plaque may appear on the head and on the foreskin, which is easily removed. Possible redness of the penis and burning sensation when using the toilet.
How to cure thrush
Any of the described symptoms are a good reason to visit a doctor, since the mucous membrane damaged by fungi is not capable of resisting pathogens, which entails the risk of contracting other, more serious diseases.
In addition, women who trigger candidiasis develop a recurrent type of candidiasis in the future, which is much more difficult to get rid of.
Elimination of the Candida fungus must be carried out systematically and consistently. The most common mistake is to start treatment and stop it as soon as symptoms disappear. This strategy is fundamentally wrong, as it will eventually lead to the fungus becoming resistant to antifungal drugs.
In order to understand how to treat and which medicine is better to buy, you should study the criteria for choosing the optimal remedy.
How to choose a medicine for thrush
Modern medicines for thrush for women are available in the form of tablets, suppositories, capsules and cream.
- Tablets are good because they have a long-lasting effect and affect the entire body, and not just individual zones. At the initial stage of the disease, it is enough to ingest one tablet inside, which quickly eliminates the fungus. However, at a more advanced stage, when candidiasis has already thoroughly developed, complex therapy prescribed by a doctor is required;
- Suppositories - used to suppress candidiasis locally and quickly eliminate symptoms. Suppositories are inserted into the vagina (most often at night), where they slowly dissolve, stop the inflammatory process and have a calming effect. Suppositories are effective only in the initial stages; in severe cases, suppositories alone will not be enough;
- Cream - creams or ointments have an external effect and are used only in situations where the main task is to eliminate itching and burning. After application, the active substances will begin to be absorbed into the mucous membrane, but they will not penetrate into the bloodstream, which is an undoubted advantage due to the absence of side effects. Like candles, ointments will give an effect from the use only in the first days of the disease. If the pathogenic microflora has already grown, then the cream will have to be supplemented with tablets.
Men are prescribed either pills or antifungal creams / ointments to treat thrush.
Folk remedies
There is an opinion that in the early stages, candidiasis can actually be stopped at home using natural ingredients. These include soda, decoctions of various medicinal plants with antiseptic properties, vinegar solution and magnesia. Many of the tips that can be found on the Web boil down to vaginal douching, that is, flushing the genitals. However, experts are of the opinion that such measures can not only not cure the disease, but also start it. And also disrupt the natural female microflora. Traditional medicine should be used carefully and for the shortest possible time, and only in cases where it is not possible to receive qualified medical care due to various circumstances and only home treatment is available.
Selection errors
If the choice fell on candles, then first of all, you should carefully study the duration of the drug use - the period can vary from one day to two weeks.And also a method - if the infectious foci are located far from the entrance to the vagina, then the suppositories must be inserted deeply. Suppositories are the most optimal option in cases where the fallopian tubes, the upper part of the vagina, and the cervix are affected. The functional features of suppositories are such that at room temperature they have a solid consistency, and when they get into a warm and humid environment, they begin to melt. Therefore, when using candles, you should consider the possibility that a certain amount of the product (especially with a shallow introduction) can leak out and stain the laundry.
The tablets are intended for oral administration. There are different types of pills and the doctor should prescribe them, taking into account the patient's medical history. Oral preparation in tablet or encapsulated form is combined with local therapy. Due to this, candidiasis is attacked simultaneously from both sides, the result of which is the elimination of symptoms and the cure of the disease in a short time. Also, tablets are the best solution for chronic candidiasis. But it is important to remember that when taking pills, you must strictly follow the doctor's prescription, before starting treatment, read the information contained in the instructions, and if complications or allergic reactions appear, stop taking it and contact a specialist.
What are the pills
Antifungal medications are divided into the following groups:
- Polyene antibiotics - have a targeted effect against pathogenic and yeast fungi. Similar drugs are prescribed to prevent and prevent the development of candidiasis with prolonged use of antibiotics of other groups;
- Triazoles - characterized by suppressing the reproduction and growth of Candida. They are excreted from the body within 30 hours, and therefore drugs from the category of triazoles are prescribed for the treatment of chronic cases;
- Imidazoles - have a pronounced disinfectant property, due to which there is a rapid destruction of pathogenic microflora;
- Macrolides are the best oral drugs, as they have low toxicity and affect a fairly wide range of yeast-like fungi;
- Combined - they contain two or more antibiotics that have a multidirectional effect.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of candles:
- Because of their local treatment, suppositories have virtually no side effects;
- Can be used during pregnancy;
- The candle has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect already in the first minutes after administration;
- Medicines in the form of suppositories do not enter the circulatory system and do not pass through the kidneys, and therefore they can be used by patients with impaired renal functions;
- Also suitable for patients suffering from gastrointestinal problems.
- Application feature;
- Effective only in the early stages;
- In some cases, they can cause burning and allergic reactions;
- They are relatively expensive.
Advantages of ointments:
- They act locally, and therefore the active substances do not enter the bloodstream;
- Most of them can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- Have few side effects
- There are budget, but effective options;
- Minimal contraindications.
- Inconvenience of use, since individual compounds are not completely absorbed into the skin and can leave marks on the laundry;
- The frequency with which it is necessary to apply some creams can reach 4 times a day, which is not always convenient.
Advantages of tablets:
- Actively suppresses the Candida fungus;
- Eliminates symptoms;
- Stops the development of pathogenic microflora;
- Works even in advanced cases;
- Ease of use.
- Side effects;
- Contraindications;
- Not suitable for self-medication.
Which company is better
The best manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry are companies with many years of experience and a good reputation. The list of trusted global leaders includes:
- Nizhpharm is a Russian manufacturer represented on the market by the drugs Geksikon and Livarol;
- Stada - a German concern that supplies Zalain candles to pharmacies;
- Janssen-Pharmaceutica N.V. - Belgian pharmaceutical company, in the range of which you can find Nizoral cream;
- Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd is an Indian firm that manufactures inexpensive but effective medicines. In particular, Candide cream;
- Temmler Italia S.r.L. - an Italian corporation that is familiar to customers for Pimafucin cream.
Popular products are also produced by such concerns as Pharma Wernigerode GmbH (Germany), Yamanouchi Europe (Netherlands), Egis (Hungary), Vertex, Dalkhimpharm and Veropharm (Russia).
Main characteristics
room | Specifications | Recommendations |
1 | Release form | Preparations for thrush are divided into suppositories, vaginal tablets, creams and ointments, oral tablets. |
2 | Active ingredients | The basis of drugs is most often antibiotics - polyenes, triazoles, macrolides, imidazoles. There are also combined formulations with two or more antibiotics. |
3 | Mode of application | Candidiasis cream is applied to the external genitals, suppositories and tablets are injected vaginally, the tablets are taken orally according to the treatment regimen. |
4 | Application frequency | The frequency of use and the dose of the drug depend on the complexity of the disease, the nature of the symptoms, contraindications and the individual characteristics of the patient. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor based on the medical history and data collected during the initial examination. Typically, the cream is used 1-2 times a day, candles are injected 1 time a day, tablets are taken 1 time a day. |
5 | Duration of treatment | Determined by a doctor. However, after the symptoms disappear, treatment should be continued for several more days / weeks (depending on the chosen treatment method) to prevent re-infection. |
6 | How much is | For the price of drugs, they differ depending on the form of release of the drug. The cream costs on average 300 rubles, suppositories - 500 rubles, tablets - 340 rubles. |
Rating of quality drugs for 2024
The best ointments and creams
Manufacturer: Belgium
Average price - 500 rubles.
Medicinal product in the form of a cream. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole, which has a pronounced fungicidal and mycostatic effect. Effective against thrush, quickly relieves itching and other symptoms. It is prescribed for dermatomycosis, epidermophytosis inguinal (as well as hands and feet), skin candidiasis, seborrheic dermatitis and other diseases.
The volume of the cream is 15 grams. The course of treatment usually lasts 5 days. The product should be used carefully, as excessive amounts of it can lead to swelling and burning.
- symptomatic improvement after the first application;
- there are practically no contraindications;
- side effects rarely occur;
- microflora normalization;
- ease of use;
- safety of use.
- local allergic reactions are possible;
- interaction with other drugs has not been studied.
Manufacturer: Poland
Average price - 250 rubles.
A popular anti-candidiasis cream that is allowed to be used by both adults and children from birth. The main component is clotrimazole, which inhibits the growth and division of pathogenic microorganisms. Depending on the concentration, it has both an effect that stops the growth of fungal cells and leads to their death. It is prescribed for candidal vulvitis and balanitis, mycoses of the feet and skin folds, erythrasma and other fungal infections.
Volume - 20 grams. The duration of treatment depends on the degree of complexity of the disease and its localization. But no longer than 3 weeks.
- suitable for both men and women;
- promotes quick results;
- well absorbed;
- does not leave marks on clothes;
- easy to use;
- minimal risk of side effects;
- good smell.
- interaction with other drugs has not been studied;
- the cream contains cetostearyl alcohol, which can cause local reactions.
Manufacturer: India
Average price - 300 rubles.
A broad-spectrum medicinal ointment based on clotrimazole for external use. Volume - 20 grams. The cream should be spread 2-3 times a day. Cannot be used in case of damage to the integrity of the skin. The duration of the course of treatment is usually two weeks. As a rule, this is enough to get rid of the problem, but after the symptoms disappear, the cream must be applied for another two weeks to prevent relapse.
- rare side effects;
- low price;
- easy to use;
- easy to apply;
- can be used for preventive purposes.
- not compatible with certain drugs, for example, with nystatin;
- one tube may not be enough for a course;
- benzyl alcohol in the composition.
Manufacturer: India
Average price - 220 rubles.
Candidiasis cream, the main active ingredient of which is econazole nitrate. Econazole is an antifungal agent with active fungicidal and bactericidal action against dermatophytes, yeasts and molds. Local application of Ekodax cream for 3 days helps to quickly reduce symptoms - eliminate itching and burning. The volume of the tube is 10 grams. Cannot be applied to damaged skin.
- low cost;
- availability;
- quick results;
- good texture;
- economical consumption.
- there are no data on interactions with other drugs;
- contraindicated in children;
- allergic reactions are possible - urticaria, irritation, hypopigmentation of the skin.
Manufacturer: Italy
Average price - 350 rubles.
A well-known universal remedy for beauty and health, which is used not only for fungal infection of the genitals, but also for nail and skin damage. The popularity of the drug is due to the fact that its composition is based on natamycin, which is known for its broad spectrum of action. Almost all fungi are sensitive to natamycin, the only thing is that it does not treat dermatophytes very well. Volume - 30 grams. The duration of the course is calculated individually, but after the symptoms disappear, the cream should be applied for another three days.
- absorbs quickly;
- does not cause discomfort;
- combined with other medicines;
- large volume of the tube;
- spreads easily over the skin;
- leaves no greasy residue;
- there is no pungent smell;
- suitable for pregnant women and children.
- slight irritation possible.
Best pills
Manufacturer: Belarus
Average price - 160 rubles.
Inexpensive but effective antifungal agent containing an antibiotic from the polyene group. Available not only in tablets, but also in capsules and suppositories. The main active ingredient is nystatin, which is most active against Candida albicans. Nystatin is prescribed for prophylaxis with prolonged antimicrobial treatment or after surgical operations on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the drug is indicated for admission for candidiasis of the skin, mucous membranes, oral cavity, vagina and internal organs. The course of treatment lasts an average of two weeks. When combined with clotrimazole, the effectiveness of the latter may be reduced.
- suitable for men and women;
- a large number of tablets in a package;
- easily consumed regardless of food intake;
- no need to chew;
- can be given to children from 3 years old;
- low cost.
- there are contraindications;
- possible allergic reactions and side effects;
- not suitable for pregnant and lactating women (prescribed only in extreme cases);
- with prolonged use, the fungus can develop resistance to the drug.
Manufacturer: Hungary
Average price - 190 rubles.
A modern budget medicine for thrush, which is characterized by high activity in relation to fungal enzymes that contribute to the reproduction and maintenance of pathogenic microflora. The main active ingredient of the drug is fluconazole. It is prescribed for milder forms of candidiasis. Allowed for use from 18 years old. The dosage and duration of admission are calculated and prescribed by a specialist, since overdose may cause hallucinations and paranoid behavior.
- has a powerful effect;
- has positive reviews;
- able to get rid of the problem in a single dose;
- suppresses symptoms quickly;
- restores microflora in mucous membranes;
- reduces the likelihood of re-infection;
- affordable cost.
- possible allergic reactions to individual components;
- interacts with other drugs;
- there are contraindications and side effects;
- not suitable for pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Manufacturer: Netherlands
Average price - 560 rubles.
One of the safest medicines for candidiasis, which at the same time is characterized by high efficiency. The main active ingredient is natamycin, which has an antifungal and fungicidal pharmacological effect. Penetrates into the cell membrane of a pathogenic microorganism and violates its integrity, which leads to the death of the fungus. According to buyers, Pimafucin is as harmless as possible and gives a tangible positive effect.
The duration of admission is set individually, but after the symptoms of thrush disappear, treatment should be continued for several more days to prevent relapse. Pimafucin is often supplemented with topical medications in chronic cases.
- suitable for pregnant women;
- can be given to children from birth;
- there are practically no contraindications (with the exception of cases of individual reactions to the drug);
- does not contribute to the development of resistance;
- acts quickly and efficiently.
- relatively high cost;
- possible side effects from the digestive system, which most often occur only in the first days and go away on their own while taking the drug.
Manufacturer: USA
Average price - 450 rubles.
A quick-acting medicine for thrush, which is equally effective in both chronic and acute forms. To eliminate the symptoms and prevent the further development of pathogenic microflora, one tablet is enough, since the drug has a powerful effect on suppressing the focus of infection. The main active ingredient is fluconazole, which is a triazole antibiotic. The auxiliary substances are lactose, corn starch, magnesium stearate and sodium lauryl sulfate. The daily dose should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the disease.
- convenient to use;
- can be given even to small children;
- relieves acute symptoms;
- inhibits the development and spread of fungal infection;
- quickly absorbed;
- has a prolonged effect.
- interacts with many drugs, and therefore must be prescribed very carefully;
- contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- side effects are possible - allergic reactions, skin rashes, disorders of the cardiovascular system.
Best suppositories
Manufacturer: Russia
Average price - 300 rubles.
Medicinal preparation for thrush in the form of suppositories for local therapy of intravaginal use. The main active ingredient is chlorhexidine bigluconate, which actively affects bacteria. Hexicon not only quickly and effectively eliminates thrush, but is also able to cope with diseases of the genitourinary system and eliminate infections that are transmitted through sexual intercourse.It can also be used as a disinfectant for pelvic surgery, before an abortion or childbirth.
Allowed for use from 18 years old. For the treatment of thrush in children, there is a drug Geksikon-D, developed taking into account the characteristics of the child's body.
- does not affect the natural microflora of the vagina;
- high bactericidal characteristics;
- suitable for pregnant women;
- the effectiveness of the drug is not affected by the intimate hygiene procedure;
- there are practically no contraindications (with the exception of individual hypersensitivity to the components);
- suitable for prophylactic purposes against sexually transmitted infections;
- affordable cost;
- the result appears after the first application.
- allergic reactions are possible.
Manufacturer: Hungary
Average price - 600 rubles.
An affordable medicine for candidiasis in the form of a suppository, which has long been known and successfully used in gynecology. The active ingredient is povidone iodine, which has an antiseptic effect and successfully inhibits the growth and development of most microorganisms. Heals bacterial and fungal skin infections, dermatitis (a common consequence of photoepilation), trophic ulcers, bedsores, burns, abrasions, wounds.
The minimum age for application is from 18 years. The standard course of treatment lasts 7 days, but it can be longer depending on the stage of the disease.
- acceptable cost;
- minimal likelihood of side effects;
- gives a stable result;
- safe composition;
- a wide range of antimicrobial effects.
- incompatible with certain drugs;
- contraindicated in thyroid disorders, hypersensitivity to iodine and chronic liver failure;
- possible allergic reactions in the form of itching, burning, swelling;
- not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Manufacturer: Germany
Average price - 600 rubles.
Single-use medicinal suppositories for candidiasis, the main component of which is sertaconazole. The mechanism of its action is reduced to inhibition of the synthesis of ergosterol, which leads to an increase in the permeability of the cell membrane in the cells of microorganisms and their subsequent death. The medicine is applied once by deep injection. This is usually enough to get rid of the problem. However, if symptoms persist, the procedure can be repeated after 7 days.
When using Zalain, it should be remembered that it reduces the spermicidal effect of local contraceptives.
- with antibacterial function;
- there is no risk of overdose;
- positive dynamics from the first application;
- can be used during menstruation;
- does not change the natural level of acidity in the vagina;
- the minimum number of side effects.
- contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and their derivatives;
- allergic reactions are possible.
Manufacturer: Russia
Average price - 550 rubles.
Suppositories for thrush, which can be used by both adults and children from 12 years old. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole, known for its powerful antifungal action against dermatophytes and yeast. Livarol is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic vaginal candidiasis. Also good for preventive purposes, including against the background of taking antibacterial antibiotics.
The duration of the course depends on the complexity of the disease, most often a 10-day treatment is prescribed.
- does not interact with other medicinal formulations;
- normalizes the microflora of the vagina;
- minimal similar actions;
- convenient form of candles for introduction;
- availability.
- contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and with increased sensitivity to the components;
- local reactions are possible in the form of itching, irritation and hyperemia.
Manufacturer: France
Average price - 530 rubles.
Vaginal tablets for thrush of combined action. Terzhinan, due to the combination of active substances such as ternidazole, neomycin, nystatin and prednisolone, has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal and antiprotozoal effects. It is prescribed not only for candidiasis, but also for other diseases characterized by the active development of pathogenic microorganisms.
The standard course of treatment is 10 days, but if necessary and appropriate indications can be extended for another 10 days. The preventive course takes 6 days.
- allowed to use during menstruation;
- does not interact with other medications;
- restores the pH balance in the vagina;
- relieves the disease at various stages;
- helps to restore mucous membranes;
- can be used for preventive purposes.
- not very convenient method of application (before administration, the tablet must be moistened in water for 20-30 seconds);
- the description for the drug contains an indication of the possibility of allergic reactions (especially at the beginning of therapy).
In general, summing up, we can say that the suppository "Zalain" is suitable for the fight against thrush in the early stages. For acute symptoms and chronic conditions, Livarol, Terzhinan or Hexicon work well. If the external genital area is affected, you can use a cream - "Pimafucin" or "Candide". For men, Clotrimazole will be a good solution. Children can also pick up a cream or tablets - "Pimafucin" or "Diflucan". For a comprehensive solution to the problem, "Fluconazole" and "Nystatin" are intended.
If you have experience using the drugs described in the rating, or a more interesting option, tell us about it in the comments.
I have thrush when the climate changes when I go on vacation. Of all the drugs listed above, I was prescribed almost all. Most of all I liked "Terzhinan", from inexpensive tablets - "Fluconazole".