The best psoriasis remedies for 2024


Psoriasis is a skin disease that occurs for various reasons, often when the immune system is dysfunctional. The outer part of the skin flakes off, itching and burning. To get rid of the disease, doctors prescribe special ointments or creams. Also, a person goes on a diet that involves the use of specific products. But not all medicines can be equally effective. Therefore, the editors of the site "" have prepared for you a rating of the best psoriasis remedies for 2024.

Varieties of medicines

Psoriasis is a chronic condition that occurs due to a weakened immune system. With an exacerbation, overdried places are formed in some areas of the skin. They begin to itch a lot and cause an unpleasant burning sensation, all this is accompanied by constant peeling of the skin.

The disease affects not only the outer shell, in some cases the internal organs are at risk, which makes the joints start to hurt, and the person becomes vulnerable to infectious diseases.

For the treatment of psoriasis, you should consult a doctor who will determine at what stage the disease is and make up a comprehensive treatment. Depending on the situation, the following drugs are selected:

  • For topical use;
  • Oral medications;
  • Auxiliary pharmaceuticals.

To maximize their effectiveness, most doctors try to prescribe multiple drugs that are taken at the same time. If there is no progress, then their combination and dosage changes.

Every year, pharmaceutical companies release products that contain new compounds, and natural and synthetic elements act as excipients. Thanks to this, you can choose an effective drug for everyone.

Medicines for external use

The first signs of psoriasis are plaques. They appear slowly, but if they are not noticed, then over time they will cover up to 50% of the entire body. Often, irritation of the epidermis occurs on the elbows or knees, but also forms on the head, back, and palms. In some cases, even the person is at risk. Constant itching and burning in the area of ​​plaques do not allow a person to sleep peacefully, and he is prohibited from going to public places.

Doctors often prescribe two types of drugs:

  • Hormonal.
  • Non-hormonal.

The former contain synthetic hormones, which are aimed at reducing the spread of the disease and reducing inflammatory processes. The drug has a good effect and is able to quickly eliminate the disease, but it is prescribed only in critical cases, since most of them have a large list of contraindications.

Non-hormonal medicines contain a mixture of synthetic and natural elements. It also contains many vitamins, minerals and beneficial acids. Doctors prescribe them during the initial stage, and sometimes to relieve symptoms after hormone therapy.

Preparations for application to the skin are available in the form of an ointment or cream.They contain natural ingredients, such as vegetable oils. Thanks to their action, the skin is softened and moisturized. However, choosing them yourself is not recommended, since the doctor must determine the state of the disease and identify the presence of weeping plaques, if any. Also, you can not use funds for external use with open wounds in the area of ​​itching.

Psoriasis medications that do not contain hormones are safer because they do not cause side effects. Moreover, they can be used for a long time. There are several varieties in total:

  • Products containing zinc. Such ointments have a large number of auxiliary microelements, which, after application, begin to dry the plaques. In most people, psoriasis occurs only due to a lack of zinc in the body. Because its main role is to improve the condition of the epidermis, in addition, it helps to strengthen the immune system in the inflamed area.
  • Products with natural substances. Such preparations often contain auxiliary extracts and oils. They differ in that after application they are easily absorbed and moisturize the area, the itching and burning sensation stops. This option has a number of contraindications, but it is minimal. It is prescribed after an exacerbation of the disease.
  • Medicines with tar. Another good option that eliminates severe flaking of the skin. Also, the product has good antiseptic properties and prevents the risk of secondary development of the disease. Despite this, it has a couple of drawbacks - an unpleasant aroma, a person is forbidden to spend a lot of time in the sun, since the active ingredient is highly sensitive to direct UV radiation.
  • Hydrating products. This option is an auxiliary remedy, a feature of such drugs is the normalization of the skin condition, the prevention of dryness and burning.
  • Hydroxyanthrone is one of the most effective remedies. They contain elements that prevent rapid cell division in the infected area, most often prescribed for exacerbation of psoriasis. An important contraindication - it cannot be applied to healthy areas, as there is a possibility of provoking the appearance of injuries.
  • Another quality natural-based product is herbal remedies. They always contain moisturizing oils and plant juices. It is prescribed at the initial stage or as a prophylactic agent.
  • Keratolytics. A good ingredient found in ointments and creams designed to treat initial symptoms. Once applied to the inflamed area, the plaques soften, which helps restore healthy skin.

All of these substances cope only with the external part, however, in case of a progressive disease, it is necessary to use physiotherapy procedures or systemic medications, while the ointments will still be used as one of the main means. This solution prevents further propagation.

Drugs required for systemic therapy

Psoriasis does not appear without a reason, it occurs due to severe stress, contact with allergic substances, due to prolonged insomnia or a lack of nutrients. When visiting a doctor, the first thing he tries to find out is the reason for the education. Because this will help to prescribe effective treatment that will prevent the development of the disease in time. If you do not see a specialist, there is a possibility of loss of visual acuity or arthritis.

For systemic treatment, special medications are prescribed:

  • Antihistamines are intended to treat an allergic reaction. Due to the high-quality composition, they reduce inflammation, and itching and burning stop.
  • Cytostatics. These drugs are aimed at preventing the active division of painful cells. Thanks to their action, the epidermis regenerates many times faster.
  • Immunosuppressants. The medicine is prescribed when the psoriasis has been caused by intense experience. When this substance is taken, stress and irritability cease. At the same time, an atypical reaction of the immune system begins to be suppressed.
  • Glucocorticosteroids. A potent drug that is sold in pill form and is only taken under the supervision of a physician. They have a wide spectrum of action, but in addition to this they protect a person from possible complications.
  • Biologicals. They are required to block certain immune responses. It also prevents the production of cytokines, which causes the skin to become inflamed.

Such medicines help to get rid of psoriasis and prevent clinical manifestations. They are prescribed together with substances for external use only after consultation with a dermatologist. It is forbidden to select products on your own, since most tablets contain potent components that will provoke the appearance of side effects.

Ancillary drugs

During the progression of the disease, the work of internal systems is disrupted. For example, digestion gets worse and irritability and nervousness increase. In some cases, a person is exposed to severe pain. Therefore, doctors select drugs that alleviate the patient's condition and contribute to a favorable course of treatment.

Often these means are:

  • Pain relievers. They eliminate even the most severe pain;
  • Soothing substances;
  • Preparations with a high content of vitamins and minerals;
  • Medicines that improve liver function;
  • Special antibiotics are prescribed for various infections.

If during an illness a person's immunity has greatly decreased, then doctors recommend using substances that stimulate the production of antibodies. The elements contribute to the effective restoration of the skin, and also improve the general condition.

Ratings of the best psoriasis creams


An effective remedy that contains natural herbs that promote rapid healing. Does not contain synthetic compounds, only natural ingredients. Therefore, there is no risk of adverse reactions.

After application, the cream is quickly absorbed and begins to suppress pathogenic compounds. Thanks to this, the patient's condition improves. Recommended for use in case of skin disease.

Sold at a price: 195 rubles.



  • Efficiency;
  • Simple application;
  • It contains only natural ingredients;
  • Suitable for eczema;
  • Price.


  • Not found.


This substance contains sea buckthorn and fir oils, which help to cool the inflamed areas. In addition, the composition of the cream is saturated with various herbs that are collected in Altai. Each substance effectively treats psoriasis and also has antibacterial properties. No synthetic additives are contained, which allows the composition to be classified as safe.

Sold at a price of 310 rubles per 100 grams.



  • Natural composition;
  • Efficiency;
  • Does not contain synthetic additives;
  • Can be rubbed into healthy skin.


  • Treatment course: 3-4 months.


This cream is a modern development and belongs to a new generation of effective non-drug products. It contains only natural ingredients, without unnecessary synthetic elements. In the manufacture, the method of cold pressing of vegetable juices is used. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to obtain a large amount of nutrients at minimal cost.

Sold at a price: 810 rubles.



  • Good efficiency;
  • Simple to use;
  • Low consumption;
  • Moisturizes.


  • High price.

Sashera Honey of Goodness

An organic cream that is recommended for various forms of psoriasis. The composition of this preparation contains bioactive cells of milk juice, as well as useful substances of animal origin.The entire molecular nature of the cells is preserved. The main feature of the product is quick absorption into the top layer and hydration.

Sold at a price of 260 rubles.

Sashera Honey of Goodness


  • Reduces the infected area;
  • Prevents exacerbations;
  • Qualitative composition;
  • Low consumption;
  • Optimal price.


  • Not found.

Rating of the best ointments against psoriasis

Monastery ointment "From psoriasis"

A good ointment that contains refined beeswax, natural honey, tar and various oils. There are no synthetic compounds in the composition, but even without them there is efficiency. The tool is suitable for treating not only psoriasis, but also dermatitis or eczema. It is recommended to apply 3-4 times a day on the affected skin. This contributes to the rapid healing of damaged tissues.

The average price is 140 rubles.

monastic ointment "From psoriasis"


  • Efficiency;
  • Simple application;
  • Price;
  • Natural composition.


  • Not found.

Imupsora ointment for the treatment of psoriasis

An excellent remedy for treating various types of psoriasis. Differs in high speed. After application, itching and burning almost instantly stops, and the peeling of the epidermis also decreases. In addition, the components that make up the drug slow down cell development and reduce hypersensitivity.

It is recommended to apply the ointment to painful areas two or three times a day. The composition contains only medicinal herbs. During treatment, peanuts, fish and eggs should be excluded from the diet. Also, a person should be less stressed, as this condition provokes the development of psoriasis. Do not scratch or scratch the affected area. The ointment is stored at room temperature. Manufactured in India. The mass of the product is 50 grams, but its consumption is small.

The average cost is 360 rubles.

Imupsora ointment for the treatment of psoriasis


  • Fast-acting drug;
  • Ease of use;
  • Efficiency;
  • Rapid remission;
  • Reduces skin damage;
  • Natural composition.


  • Not found.

Ointment for psoriasis "Psorolin Siddha"

An effective ointment that helps prevent the development of psoriasis and relieves burning and itching. The product acts against the main enzyme elastase, thereby improving the human condition. The drug moisturizes well and relieves pain. Psorolin Siddha has undergone clinical trials, where it has been proven to be effective and safe. The ointment is applied to the affected areas three times a day.

Sold at a price of 350 rubles.

Ointment for psoriasis "Psorolin Siddha"


  • No side effects;
  • Benefit;
  • Acts quickly;
  • It goes well with strong medicines;
  • Can be used for prophylaxis.


  • Price.


A good ointment that has been known since Soviet times. When treating psoriasis using this product, a person must follow a strict diet and work / rest regimen. Only thanks to these actions will the lesion focus gradually decrease.

The composition contains fatty medical malt, bee honey, baby cream and flower powder. It is applied twice a day to the inflamed area, in a thin layer. Rub it in carefully so that no traces remain. After the first 10 days, the number of applications increases to three. It is recommended to do this half an hour before meals.

The average price is 600 rubles for 300 g.



  • Natural composition;
  • Treatment is carried out at home;
  • Simple to use;
  • Efficiency;
  • Duration of remission.


  • Price.


Psoriasis is a dangerous disease that, with poor treatment, develops quickly and can affect internal organs. Therefore, before buying a cream or ointment, it is recommended to contact a specialist who can select a substance suitable for a specific situation. If you have experience using the drugs described in the rating, or more interesting representatives, tell us about it in the comments.


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